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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/01/2009
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
June 1, 2009

PRESENT:           odney Towne                    Selectman
                             David Woodbury                Selectman
                             Christine Quirk                  Selectman
                             Burton Reynolds                 Town Administrator          Absent

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  


Albert LaChance was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a change in his tax status for eight lots in the area of Lull Road and Route 77 above Middle Branch Road.  He read aloud a letter he submitted to the Selectmen.  He recently installed a culvert to allow access to the property and then received a tax bill reflecting that his tax status has changed removing him from current use status.  He said he has no current plans to sell the lots.  He is recovering from heart surgery and has closed his business and has no income at this time.  He requested the lots be reverted back to current use tax status.  He spoke with a senator, five representatives and several attorneys who advised him to meet with the Selectmen about this matter and request that the town hold off on appraising these properties.  He said the fair market value is currently ½ of the bank appraisal value at this time.  The Selectmen recommended he meet with Town Assessor George Hildum and if he still wants to file a tax abatement he will need to follow the appropriate procedure and make sure he gets the paperwork in on time.


          1.  7:15 PM                      Mason Drive Road Association

Rescheduled for the next Selectmen’s meeting.

          2.  7:30 PM                      Ken Lombard            (non-public)
Move to enter Non-Public Session: Rodney made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(d) at 8:00 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Move to exit Non-Public Session:    Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at  8:23 PM.    Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.    Minutes of May 18, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 

2.      Non-Public Minutes of May 18, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted as presented.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.   Planning: 

·         AT&T met with the Planning Board regarding the two cell towers they are requesting.  They updated the Planning Board with the information they wanted.  They will return to the next Planning Board meeting and are expected to be approved at that meeting.

·         Trussell subdivision-The applicant has a new engineer and the Planning Board has put consideration of this project is on hold until new engineering plans are ready.

·         Firewood business on Joe English Road-The Board members are planning to view how much wood he has piled up in the back of his property.


1.    Road Committee-Rodney began by summarizing the Road Committee meeting that took place May 26, which he and Dave attended.  Christine was unable to attend as she was at the Planning Board meeting that night.  He said the meeting was never called to order as the chairman felt it was not properly posted.  Rodney and Dave did feel it was posted properly but it was never brought to order.  The NH DOT signage program was discussed and is now considered resolved.  The purpose and direction of the Road Committee was discussed.  At this Selectmen’s meeting Rodney said the chairman and others felt the committee should remain strictly technical and it is inappropriate for the committee to try to give the Road Agent direction.  At the Road Committee meeting of May 26 Dick Moody and Bo Strong asked Rodney and Dave to prepare a document directing the Road Committee duties.  Rodney and Dave have prepared memos that will be reviewed and agreed upon at the next Road Committee meeting June 9.  Christine will be unable to attend as she is committed to the Planning Board meeting that night.  The Selectmen agree that the memo Dave prepared should be the one put forward to the Road Committee with a change of three words “would be glad” to “want and need.”  Rodney thinks the town needs the Road Committee to help direct the Road Agent and help him prioritize tasks and provide support to him.  Dave’s feelings on that are not as strong but agrees it might be helpful.  Christine mentioned that other departments have committees guiding them such as the Solid Waste Committee and she is hoping the Highway Department can have the same opportunity. 

Brian Dorwart was scheduled to meet with the Selectmen on June 15 regarding his application for reappointment but will be unable to attend that night, so he is here tonight to discuss it.  Dave and Christine know him from their prior years working together with the Road Committee and Rodney has reviewed his resume and application and spoken with him regarding his position for the direction of the Road Committee.  Rodney moved that the Selectmen thank Brian for his work on the Road Committee but not reappoint him to the Road Committee.  Rodney feels Brian is not interested in the direction the Road Committee is moving and has no desire to be anything other than a member of a technical committee.  The other committee members are Roch Larochelle, Bo Strong, Dick Moody and Tom Miller.  At the Selectmen’s meeting John said Roch didn’t say much at the  Road Committee meeting last week but Rodney has spoken to him in the past and he said he was willing to be on the Committee as an advisor to the Road Agent and Highway Department.  Rodney said these new duties are not intended to turn the Road Committee into another boss for the Highway Department.  That is the Selectmen’s duty.

Brian spoke and said he is not interested in being on the Road Committee if it means they will be taking over direction of the Highway Department.  He said the Road Committee has not met for a year and a half due to his travel schedule and no meeting frequency requirement but they have been actively working on subdivision reviews as requested by sending letters to the Planning Board and taking on other tasks as necessary.  It is his understanding the Road Committee is now being asked to change their direction and become a political body.  He feels the Road Committee should handle technical tasks only as there shouldn’t be more than one person running a department.  He suggested that if the Selectmen don’t like the way a department is run they should make changes but not change the Road Committee duties.  He said the Road Committee cannot help the Road Agent prioritize, as the committee has no control over manpower, budget or weather.  The schedule for culvert cleanout and paving are both budget items, not technical items.  The Road Committee has already made recommendations for the cleanout and paving schedules based on technical data such as deterioration rate and is willing to re-evaluate the data every few years as necessary for CIP purposes.  He doesn’t feel other committees in town are doing what the Road Committee is being asked to do; they only give advice not direction.

Rodney asked if it is accurate to say the subdivision letters were only sent by a couple of the Committee members not all Committee members as Dick and Bo seemed unaware of the letters at the meeting the other night.  Brian said meetings were not called to discuss every letter but e-mails and copies of each letter were sent to every Committee member and the Road Agent.  This procedure was decided on at a meeting a long time ago.

Dave stated a new procedure for the Selectmen that when a motion is made and not seconded it will be voted on even if it is not seconded.  There is a motion to determine if Brian should be on the Road Committee.  Dave stated that even though Brian has a different opinion than other Committee members he should discuss his point of view with other Road Committee members.  The Selectmen should not decide that a point of view should be raised up and another disposed of by not allowing certain people on the committee.  The Committee would be hindered, not enhanced without Brian’s advice.  He suggested the Road Committee elect officers at their next meeting and establish the procedure the Selectmen will set up through their memo.  Dave urged that Brian be appointed as the fifth member of the Road Committee.  He feels the members of the committee have different opinions but they can work as a team with the Road Agent as was done when the committee was established in the 1950’s. Brian has a lot to offer although he doesn’t have the same opinion as other committee members.  Matt Costa has also applied for the Road Committee.

Road Agent John Riendeau was present and said another Road Committee member has expressed to him that if the Committee goes in this direction he would like to resign from the committee.  John also does not want the Road Committee to become his boss but does feel some additional advice would be helpful.  He said Brian has been a great asset to the committee although he has had some issues as chair.  He suggested the Selectmen reappoint Brian and the Committee could appoint another person who is available to attend most meetings as chair.  He said everyone involved has good intentions.  Rodney said the Selectmen and Highway Department have no control over the chairman selection.  Brian said he only agreed to be the chairman on the condition that all Road Committee members understood the committee would then have to work around his travel schedule.

Road Committee alternate members Lester Strong and Willard Dodge were present.  Willard said he has been in constant contact with Tom Miller who has said he was ready to quit the committee as it was a committee that never met and did actions he was not part of.  He also stated after the meeting last week that he wanted to quit.  Willard convinced him to remain on the committee for now.  Willard feels he is an asset to the town in this position and doesn’t want to lose him.  John agrees and wants to try to keep him on the Committee.  Christine pointed out that every member is valuable.  Dave is against the idea of purging a committee and said it is against what the town has done in the past.  He said Tom’s complaints could be remedied by establishing a procedure as the Selectmen are trying to do through their memo that will be put forward to the committee for approval at their meeting on June 9.

The procedure set forth in the memo is the Road Committee would advise the Selectmen on the direction they would like the Road Agent to go then the Selectmen would work with the Road Agent to get the projects done that the Selectmen and the Road Agent agree need to be done.  Brian is concerned about this because the Road Committee normally meets at the Highway shed with the Road Agent in attendance and don’t often report to the Selectmen unless asked to.  Dave said officially the Road Committee reports to the Selectmen and the Selectmen direct the Road Agent.  Christine suggested a subcommittee of the Road Committee could be formed to handle technical issues since some of the members don’t want to be part of the other duties.  David thought the Road Committee probably needs a new chairman and needs to hold meetings regularly. 

Rodney’s motion to thank Brian Dorwart for his work on the Road Committee but not reappoint him was then voted on.  Rodney was in favor.  Dave and Christine were opposed.  The motion failed.  Christine moved to reappoint Brian Dorwart to the Road Committee.  Dave and Christine were in favor.  Rodney was opposed.  The motion passed.


1.  GPI did some gratis engineering work at the intersection of Chestnut Hill Road and Bedford Road and made some suggestions for changes.  They are looking for business.  That intersection is controlled by the state so the town can’t make the changes they suggest there.

2.  A roundtable meeting for the American Recovery and Investment Act is scheduled for June 24.  The Selectmen are not sure if Burton plans to attend.  The town did not receive stimulus money for the Lyndeborough Road Bridge and the Selectmen are not sure if New Boston has any other projects that would qualify for stimulus money.  Burton is considering this. 

3.  The Fire Wards are considering beginning to charge for the town’s ambulance services.  A Warrant Article will be drafted to get approval from voters and to limit what the money can be used for.  If a resident needs the ambulance but doesn’t have health insurance and it is shown they can’t afford the ambulance, they will not be expected to pay for the service.  This is estimated to bring $120,000-180,000 per year.  This could become an issue if volunteers begin to expect to be compensated for their work at the Fire Department.  A CIP would no longer be needed for a new ambulance because it would be funded through this program.  A billing company would handle the billing.  Most surrounding towns and almost all towns in the state now charge for their ambulance services. 

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time. 

I.  ADJOURNMENT:    Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

 Prepared by Maralyn Segien