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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/20/2009
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
April 20, 2009

PRESENT:               Rodney Towne                    Selectman
                             David Woodbury                Selectman
                             Christine Quirk                  Selectman
                             Burton Reynolds                 Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.  


Eric Seidel chairman of the library trustees and trustee Jed Callen were present to update the Selectmen on the library building project.  They asked to be scheduled for appointments with the Selectmen at every meeting until June.  A letter was submitted to Town Attorney Bill Drescher on April 10, 2009.  The town is waiting for his formal opinion in reply and it is expected this week.  The trustees have contacted their major donors with outstanding balances discussing the need to bring forward their 2010 commitments and have been able to take in $15,000 in the last two weeks but have firm commitments to have $717,500 by Memorial Day.  Two private individuals have committed to finance the balance loans up to a total of $850,000 to give the trustees money in hand.  The time and place of the public hearing needs to be decided and needs to be noticed in the New Boston Bulletin at least seven days before the hearing.  The trustees are keeping open the possibility of breaking ground the first of July.  They prefer the public hearing be scheduled in the early part of June.  It was tentatively scheduled for June 9 at the school gym.   Brandy Mitroff from the New Boston Bulletin was present and said she will publish an article regarding the library in the May issue and asked if Bill Drescher’s reply could be made available to the public.  The Selectmen will review the report before deciding it can be released to the public.

Greg Mattison was present representing pack 123 of New Boston to request permission to hold a Boy Scout recruiting event on the town common May 17 from 1-4pm with a campfire.  They are expecting approximately 40 children supervised by about 15 adults.  He was given the request form to fill out and told to contact the Fire Wards or Fire Chief regarding the fire.  He gave the Selectmen a letter of request. 


          1.  7:00 PM                      John Riendeau            Road Agent 

Road Agent John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects the Highway Department is working on this spring.

·         The tank truck fire was minor and it is running again.

·         He spent the day today with FEMA officials and they will return next Monday.  They gave John a payment schedule of how they will compensate the town for road cleanup after the December ice storm.  They drove around with him GPS’ing all of the damage they see and they will give a quote of how much they will give the town to use toward cleanup.  If the amount is over $64,200 the project will be considered large and will fall under a different procedure.  New Boston’s cleanup is not expected to fall into the large project category.  If New Boston feels the amount FEMA offers isn’t enough the town will have to prove the cleanup will cost more.  Once the money is received John plans to take the hangers down first with the bucket truck then take the large masses down.  He doesn’t know of any restrictions FEMA has on how the town can dispose of the brush i.e. sell v. give away.  John has found many cleanup crews charge by the hour.  He is considering using John Brown and Sons.  The brush could be chipped for free but in that case would have to be brought to a central location. 

  • Road resurfacing will begin next week.  John has a quote of $64/ton from Continental Paving, which is down from $78/ton last year.  The price is expected to go up again later this year.  John will try to get as much paving down as possible early in the year while the price is low.
  • Howe Bridge seems to be down to the membrane.  That will be added to the list of projects to be paved when Hemlock Drive is paved.  John also described a new type of membrane to the Selectmen.
  • The Fire Station/Town Hall project was discussed.  John said he expects to be involved in digging the trench and would work on the catch basin the pipes are tying into at the same time but the catch basin on the church side would be a separate project at a different time.  The catch basin that would be repaired would not cost very much to repair and would not be a large time investment for the Highway Department.  John estimates it would be about one day worth of work.  He said putting the lines across the road is a major project and would take some time compared to the catch basin repair.  The Selectmen will continue to consider how this project should be done.
  • The Road Agent show is May 28.  The Selectmen were invited to attend.
  • The Selectmen stressed the need for completion of the Highway Department evaluations, as they are six months behind.
  • John met with Mr. Montgomery on Tucker Mill Road regarding replacing the guardrail with a wooden guardrail.  Mr. Montgomery asked John to get a quote for a wooden one, as he is willing to spend some money on it.  John will also research if a wooden guardrail is appropriate for that location.  John asked Mr. Montgomery to speak to the Selectmen regarding how to pay for it.  The Foistner guardrail will also be reviewed when the guardrail company comes to give a quote on the Tucker Mill Road guardrail.

          2.  7:20 PM                      Chris Krajenka            Police Dept.

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to discuss projects the Police Department is working on.

·         He gave the results of the survey the Department has been conducting to the Selectmen.  An article will also be published in the New Boston Bulletin regarding the recent burglaries and crime prevention tips.  They found most residents are satisfied with the services the Police Department provides and they want more police visibility in town.

  • The speed monitor will begin to be used on the roads again tomorrow.
  • The Selectmen are reviewing the letter regarding the new hire and it is pending their approval.  This is the last step of the hiring process for the seventh officer.  He is scheduled to begin the Police Academy April 27.  The eighth officer was unable to be scheduled in this session of the Police Academy.  Christine moved to accept Justin Pierce as a full time New Boston Police Officer after completion of the Police Academy.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
  • The COPS grant for officer nine was submitted on time.  Chris has learned that approximately 27 officers are available for the State of New Hampshire.  He thanked Burton and the town business office for getting the financial information together for the grant.
  • Eric Scoville could not attend tonight’s meeting but he sent a letter requesting noise enforcement near his house.  Chris said the Department doesn’t have the time or the tools to do what Eric is asking.
  • Chris testified before the Finance Committee in Manchester today about the upcoming budget and the state’s plan to cut the Attorney General’s budget saying this would hurt all of law enforcement.

·         The auditors have been in and noted there is still some money in the DARE account but the bank is penalizing the account because the balance is not high enough for their requirements.  Chris expects the money will be depleted at the end of this school year.  The program will be funded through the operating budget in the future.
Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:08 PM.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Move to exit Non-Public Session:   David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 8:22 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

            3.  7:40 PM                      Ken Lombard            Possible Land Purchase (non-public)

Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(d) at 8:25 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:05 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


          1.  Minutes of April 6, 2009 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 


1.   Planning: 

·         The driveway regulations were discussed and changes will be reviewed again at the next meeting.

·         A public hearing was held regarding a wetland crossing that crosses a backlot at 129 Byam Road.  There were some complaints and it was discovered the residents didn’t get a permit for clearcutting or disturbing the wetland.  A sitewalk took place Saturday.  The Conservation Commission will take this matter to the state.

·         The Planning Board had an informational session regarding Twin Bridge Land Management Phase II subdivision 27 lots.  The Conservation Commission recommended preserving more land by the river than what was in the original plan so the subdivision has been redesigned.  An engineer present on behalf of the abutters recommended only putting six houses on the land.  Tris Gordon said he will donate the gravel at the land to the town.

·         15-lot subdivision on Beard Road-The Planning Board held a public hearing and permanently revoked this project.

·         Victor Lemay was present to discuss a potential 9-lot subdivision on 29 acres on Wilson Hill Road with a 1000-foot cul-de-sac. 

·         Elizabeth Aksten was present to discuss a major subdivision to divide a lot into two lots to make a lot for her son on Thorton Road.  The water issue is not expected to be an issue for this subdivision.

·         Three sitewalks took place Saturday.  Two balloon sites for cell towers on Wilson Hill Road and Old Coach Road were viewed and they were barely visible.  The cell towers probably won’t be an issue if they obey the rules and regulations.  They are going before the ZBA tomorrow night. They still have to schedule to meet with the Selectmen to go forward.

2.    Survey-    

·         Michelle Brown of the Personnel Manual Committee made the changes discussed at the last meeting to the personnel manual.  It is almost ready to be sent to Dan Schwartz for review.

·         Nic Strong of the Mission Statement Committee wrote to the Selectmen asking that the Mission Statement receive more prominent use around town.  The Selectmen will think about ways it can be posted.  They suggested posting it in the town hall, each town department, and publishing it in the employee newsletter, town report, employee manual and welcoming kit.

3.    Current Use Land Penalty-This is regarding Doug Hill’s issue.  Town Attorney Bill Drescher’s letter was reviewed.  The Selectmen will ask Bill to work it out with Doug directly.

4.   Gravel Permits-the Selectmen signed all but two gravel permits.  The two will issues are as follows:

·         The Thibeault site specific had some issues.  It has been revised and will be sent to DES.  Last year’s report that is due is expected to come in to the town hall tomorrow.   There is also an issue as Thibeault is using the previous owner’s permit for 200,000 yards per year but has consistently been taking out 250,000 yards per year.  He has been paying taxes on the increased amount and addressing complaints about operation of his business.  The Selectmen decided he does not need to apply for an amendment to his permit for the increased yards.

·         The Selectmen wrote to Twin Bridge Land Management asking them to meet with the Selectmen.  Bob Huettner wrote back and asked the Selectmen to meet them at the site to view it.  Building Inspector Ed Hunter will contact Mary Pinkham-Langer at DES and Kim Burkhamer and they will all go with the Selectmen to discuss the project with Twin Bridge Land Management.

5.   Appointments-The Selectmen reviewed the following committee appointments:

Conservation Commission.  Betsy Dodge and Kim Burkhamer both reapplied for the Conservation Commission.  Ed Gilligan reapplied as an alternate.  Barbara Thompson didn’t send in her application but is expected to when she returns to town in May.  Joel Bedard, a new person also applied.  Kim will be moving to NC later this year and will be replaced at that time.  Christine moved to accept all the applicants for the Conservation Commission.  Betsy and Kim as regular members and Barb, Ed and Joel as alternates.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Forestry Committee.  Carl Heafield, Roger Noonan and Kim DiPietro reapplied for the Forestry Committee.  Christine moved to accept Carl Heafield, Roger Noonan and Kim DiPietro for the Forestry Committee. Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Finance Committee.  Karen Johnson and Ken Lombard reapplied as regular members of the Finance Committee, Kim DiPietro reapplied as an alternate.  Christine moved to accept all the applicants for the Finance Committee.  Karen and Ken as regular members and Kim as an alternate.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Open Space Committee.  Peter Maloney and Mary Koon reapplied for positions on the Open Space Committee.  Christine moved to accept Peter Maloney and Mary Koon as regular members of the Open Space Committee.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Planning Board.  Peter Hogan, Don Duhaime and Doug Hill reapplied as regular members of the Planning Board.  Dean Mehlhorn has applied to be an alternate and the Planning Board moved to recommend him as an alternate for a three-year term.  Christine moved to accept Peter Hogan, Don Duhaime and Doug Hill as regular members and Dean Mehlhorn as an alternate member of the Planning Board.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Recreation Commission.  Ken Hamel reapplied for a position on the Recreation Commission.  Christine moved to accept Ken Hamel as a regular member of the Recreation Commission.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Road Committee.  Matt Costa, Willard Dodge and Lester Byam applied for new positions on the Road Committee.  Roch Larochelle and Brian Dorwart also reapplied for their positions on the Road Committee.  Lester is present at the meeting tonight and said he wants to be on the committee to address road repair issues.  He is a close relative (father) of two employees on the Highway Department but doesn’t expect that to effect his position on the Road Committee. The Selectmen said the Road Committee usually deals with technical aspects of roads not direct the actions of the Highway Department.  Lester said he expects to be an advisor to the Selectmen.  The Selectmen plan to speak to the Road Committee about their charge.  The Selectmen will invite Brian and Matt to meet with them and the committee about their interest in the Road Committee.  Christine moved to accept Roch Larochelle as a regular member of the Road Committee and Lester Byam and Willard Dodge as alternates.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Solid Waste Committee.  Joe Constance reapplied for a position on the Solid Waste Committee and Gordon Carlstrom applied for a new position on the Solid Waste Committee.  Christine moved to accept Joe Constance as a regular member and Gordon Carlstrom as an alternate on the Solid Waste Committee.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

ZBA.  Phil Consolini and Bob Todd, Sr. reapplied for their positions on the ZBA.  Christine moved to accept Phil Consolini as a regular member and Bob Todd, Sr. as an alternate on the ZBA.  Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.    Fuel Oil Bids-The SAU asked if the town wants to be part of the bid group this year.  The Selectmen do not want to be part of the group but Burton will ask them to send him information on the bid price they get.

2.    Goals-The Selectmen reviewed a list of goals for 2009 and will discuss them at their next meeting.

3.    Audit-The auditors will be back on Wednesday to complete the audit and said things seem to be in good order so far.

4.   Landmarks-NH Magazine asked for a landmark in New Boston to put in the magazine.  The Selectmen suggested River Road or the Ronald Davis Scenic Drive.

5.  Personnel-Recreation Commission Chairman Lee Brown and Recreation Director Mike Sindoni were present to meet with the Selectmen to let them know the Recreation Commission voted to move forward with increasing an employee’s hours to full time starting May1.  They made it clear to the employee that these hours are subject to change for budget reasons.  If hours do need to be taken away she asked for enough time to make the transition for medical coverage and the commissioners decided that 30 days would be enough time.  They are working on creating a policy and procedure with new duties and she will have a trial period to learn the new duties and see how it is working out.  The Selectmen asked if the Recreation Department should wait until the state knows more about the revenue situation before increasing the hours but the Recreation Commissioners said if they wait it will be difficult for them to get the core tasks done in the meantime.  The increased hours were the most expensive option considered.  A part time employee was considered and every committee involved told them to increase the current employee’s hours instead of hiring another part time employee for these duties. The revenue shortfall was not known of in December.  Most of the Recreation Department’s budget is salaries.  Kim will judge the employee’s performance at her new tasks.  The Recreation Commission will update the Selectmen on the situation in 60 days.  Christine moved to put the position to 40-hour workweek with a financial and performance evaluation in 60 days.  Rodney seconded the motion.  Christine and Rodney were in favor, David opposed.  The motion passed.


1.  Christine asked that the appointment times for Selectmen meetings should be scheduled more realistically in the future.

2.  Burton met with Joe Harlan and Merrick Kennedy for mowing prices and received quotes from each.  Joe’s prices were lower so the town will use him for mowing this year.

3.  The Recreation Department wrote as they will be the recipient of the proceeds from the town wide yard sale this year scheduled for June 13.  Louise Robie is coordinating it.  Some sellers might want to set up tables on the common.  Louise will complete the application for use of the town common.  This will not conflict with the Farmers Market as it starts June 20.

4.  Holden Engineering sent a letter regarding the footbridge project.  There was a meeting with the Archeological Society in Concord and it was determined there may be Indian artifacts at the planned location of the footbridge.  This will add an additional cost of $5,000 if the town moves forward with the project.  The Tavern has now closed and the town is not sure if the Eggers are in a position to sign an easement at this time.

5.  Burton distributed a list of proposed budget reductions for each department to the Selectmen.  This will be updated periodically.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time. 

I.  ADJOURNMENT:    Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:47 PM.   Rodney seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

 Prepared by Maralyn Segien