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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 11/17/2008
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
November 17, 2008

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   



        1.  7:00 PM             Bill O’Brian            State Representative

Bill O’Brian was present to introduce himself as the re-elected state representative.  He plans to be closer to the towns he represents this term and intends to attend meetings regularly and invited any citizens or Selectmen to come to him with any concerns with the state he may be able to help with.  He said November 26 is the deadline for any legislative service requests so if the town has any suggestions they should get them in to him a few days before the deadline.  There is an average of 2000 service requests per legislative session.  He is also a delegate to the county convention and is available for county issues as well.  He will attend the December 29 Selectmen’s meeting.  

        2.  7:10 PM             Chris Krajenka  Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on issues with the Police Department.

·       The IMC software yearly contract will increase $300 in price next year.
·       Walmart gave the Police Department 2 digital cameras valued at approximately $218 each three weeks ago.  They now have a camera for each police car.  David moved the town accept the digital camera gift from Walmart.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
·       The Police Department recently received a positive letter and card from Cynthia Wilson regarding Officer Kochanek and Corporal Widener’s involvement in a recent incident.
·       Chris has completed testing for new hires and David Williams was the top candidate.  He was recently discharged as a Sergeant from the Army.  He did tours in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2006/2007, and then was injured when he went back to Kuwait with a contract company.  He has recently been working as a truck driver.  He currently lives in Milford with his wife and they have a baby due in February.  His father-in-law is a Lieutenant in Wilton.  He will need to attend the Police Academy in January.  Chris is hoping David can start with the Police Department tomorrow and he will get outfitted, do preliminary work and get him road, physically and weapons ready during the time until he starts the Police Academy.  He will be used to help conduct the community survey with intern Nick St. John.  Chris gave a letter of request for acceptance of David Williams to the Selectmen.  He will be sworn in after he graduates from the Police Academy.  Town Clerk Irene Baudreau will informally swear him in for Academy acceptance purposes.  David moved the Board accept David Williams as a full time police officer in New Boston.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
·       Taser training is complete.  Videos are available.  Chris feels it is a tool, which is very effective when properly used.  The camera on the taser films automatically with video and audio when the safety is removed.  The officers were reminded to use verbal warnings when using the taser and of tips learned in training on how to use the camera during use.  The taser needs a new cartridge every time it is used and each cartridge is assigned.  Some tasers are sold to civilians and Chris will contact Representative Bill O’Brian to get a legislation request regarding use of tasers on an officer.
·       Chris’ contract ended November 1.  In light of the economy he is just asking that it be renewed for one year without any changes.  The Selectmen will discuss it and they will contact him about it next week.
·       Chris is scheduled to go to Tulsa, OK December 2-5 for a CALEA conference since he is now the accreditation manager for the Department.
·       A language clarification in a letter to former Officer Storro was discussed.  It should read “conscientious.”
·       The Selectmen asked Chris to remind the officers to slow down in the downtown area when responding to calls.

       3.  7:30 PM             Mike Sindoni            Recreation Department

Recreation Director Mike Sindoni, Commissioner Lee Brown and Marcel were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues in the Recreation Department.

·       An application from Kim Borges for a Recreation Commission opening was reviewed.  She has attended 3-4 commissioner meetings and is still interested and working with them.  She couldn’t make it to the Selectmen’s meeting because she has another commitment on Monday nights.  David moved she be made a member of the Recreation Commission for a term of 3 years.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
·       The Recreation Department and Commissioners have been exploring the option of operating a fitness center.  They consider this a trial small scale run for a future Recreation Center.  They have been researching how to operate a fitness center by talking with and visiting other local independent fitness centers.  They have determined that the membership fee would be more than the former New Boston Fitness Center fee but less than surrounding fitness centers.  They expect approximately 200 members and feel this would help the Recreation Department serve a different population base than they currently serve of people ages 24-65.  They plan to offer daycare services for a couple hours each day in the mornings and afternoons for children of people who are working out.  They have calculated the costs of the facility:  $150,000 of lease to own fitness equipment amortized over 5 years, first year labor costs of 1 full time manager, 2 half time employees and fitness class teachers under contract, the second year add a part time assistant manager to try to expand hours, operations costs (utilities, plowing, laundry) and building expenses (building, taxes and insurance).   Their income would come from membership fees and activity/exercise class fees.  They said the fitness center fits the mandate of the Recreation Department and meets the needs of the town.  The Department is working on a town survey to go out to residents soon to gauge their interest.  They hope to open the fitness center soon after the new year.  An architect has looked at the building and found that it meets fire code.  They plan to do some renovations such as taking some walls out to expand the area.  They are concerned about staffing and feel a professional and enthusiastic athletic staff is needed for this to succeed.  The Local Government Center has not yet been contacted about insurance coverage but insurance is included in the budget.  Dover has a municipally operated fitness center.  Lee will call them to find out how they handle liability insurance.  The commission will discuss property tax valuation with the Selectmen and Assessor George Hildum soon.  They feel that this, combined with the after school and summer programs could carry $200,000 of a town recreation center.  They will meet with the Finance Committee again this year and work with them on the plans for a recreation center. The Selectmen encouraged them to continue their efforts on the fitness center.
·       Mike said they met with the Finance Committee on October 30 and discussed possible full time status of Mary Barone’s position.  They now feel it should be seriously considered.  Mike worked on a report with Dave Hulick showing the progression of the Recreation Department in the past 7 years and plan to go back to the Finance Committee for consideration of the request.  The report will be sent to the Selectmen tomorrow.  This position would have an impact of $23,000 to the Recreation Department budget.  The Finance Committee suggested using the revolving account to cover some additional hours but not on a long term basis.  Gordon felt the 10 hours per week for fitness center bookkeeping should come out of the revolving account.  

        4.  8:00 PM             John Riendeau           Road Agent

Road Agent John Riendeau was present to update the Selectmen on projects the Highway Department has been working on.

·       John brought Matthew Scott owner of NH Ice Melt and Bruce Tatro retired manager of the Keene Department of Public Works, current Swanzey Selectman and fellow board of director of the NH Road Agent Association to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a trial of Ice Be Gone to be mixed with the town’s current supply of salt to apply to roads before and during winter storms.  They would treat the salt pile with the liquid.   They said this product has been around 14 years and has won awards from the Environmental Protection Agency because it is safe for the environment.  They said this product is safer for the environment than the sand/salt mixture the town currently uses.  Keene has cut sand/salt usage by approximately 75% and stopped using sand only because the product can be used in lower temperatures than untreated salt. The Highway Department can wait longer between road applications with this product.  It acts like a non-stick for paved roads, prevents black ice and snow freezing to the pavement.  They recommend it be applied to the road right before a storm.  If the Highway Department doesn’t get out in time, plow the fallen snow off the road then apply the treatment.  For freezing rain, the roads should not be treated with the product until the freezing rain starts coming down, not before as with a snow event.  Keene, Salem, Amherst, Hancock and Swanzey all use this product.  It costs $2.75 per gallon and 8 gallons are used per ton of salt.  They can treat 100-150 tons of salt in 1 hour.  The substance is made of 50% magnesium chloride and 50% vodka distiller waste (complex carbohydrates and sweeteners).  They estimate the town will use approximately $137,000 of salt and sand this year without the product, which is 6000 tons of material.  John expects to save at least $10,000-12,000 if the town uses this product this year.  The town will still need a sand supply for the dirt roads.  This could also save the town money on labor and equipment because they won’t need as much overtime as won’t have to go out for as many applications as they have in the past.  There is currently 80-90 tons of salt left in the town salt bin.  John recommended the town have that treated and use it for the first couple storms this year as a trial run.  This will cost $1,800-1,900 and he does have enough money in this year’s budget to cover it.  Matt and Bruce will come back to train the Highway Department on how to use the product and will be available for help during the first couple of storms.  The town usually uses $3350 of salt/sand per storm.  Matt estimates his product will save the town $450 per storm.  John has looked into other sand/salt alternative such as liquid calcium but the Highway Department trucks would need special tanks installed and it is not good for the environment and road erosion.  The Ice Be Gone alternative requires no retrofitting of the trucks.  The town might use 1/3 less sand and this could also save the town money on road cleanup.  The Selectmen approved treating the current pile of salt with the solution and recommended the Highway Department begin using the product properly on a trial basis for the first couple of winter storms.  Matt noted he is a broker for Innovative Municipal Products and the bill for the product will come from them.  He will need the town’s tax ID number.  He also offers the product in small quantities at his store in Manchester for homeowner and business use.
·       John noted that one of the Highway Department employees has been ill for a year and is not getting better.  He had to leave during his shift last week and stated that he is considering surgery for the condition.  John is not sure how long he will be out of work.  He suggested the town use Bob LaPointe and Ed Colburn to cover plowing duties while he is out.  
·       Tucker Mill Road and South Hill Road are now paved.  A complaint came in from a resident on Tucker Mill Road saying the guardrail colors don’t match, erosion control measures are incomplete and there is still a sinkhole in the area.  The Highway Department will put woodchips over the bare loam and fix the sinkhole.  They will do nothing about the color.  It was suggested that the guardrail could be replaced with one more suitable to the resident’s taste at his expense.  The resident would like to see wooden guardrails.  The Road Agent was concerned that wooden guardrails would take up too much of the available travel lanes.
·       The Highway Department will try to add gravel to the shoulders on Bedford Road weather permitting.
·       The Highway Department will supplement heating costs with a woodstove.  A waste oil burner will be researched for next year.
·       Alan Brown called this afternoon and said the pavement on Foxberry Road Phase III was fixed.  John went and saw it and confirmed it is done.  Burton will send a letter approving the road.


        1.  Minutes of November 3, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of November 3, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  David moved that they be accepted as presented.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.   Planning:  
·       McCurdy Road Development LLC-The applicant stated if they don’t get the approval for the extension they requested they would sue.  The town does not plan to approve the extension.
·       Shaky Pond Development-In progress.
·       Christine and Thomas Quirk Clark Hill Road Subdivision-The abutters complained about the steep slopes.  The application was accepted as complete and approved.
·       James Dodge Tucker Mill Road 2 lot subdivision-Accepted as complete and approved.
·       Paul and Donna Sheatler 3 lot subdivision-Accepted with a sprinkler system requirement.
·       Inkberry Drive Driveway-Found to be incomplete with drainage and erosion concerns.
·       Complaints were received from Planning Board member Peter Hogan of inaccurate Planning Board minutes and misconduct of Planning Board staff.  Planning Board Chairman Stu Lewin will review the procedure for the minutes with the Planning Department staff.
2.    Survey-     
·       The personnel manual committee met last week and made good progress on the personnel manual.  They have a couple more chapters to work on and expect this project to be completed before the end of the year.
·       Burton is working with Tom Mohan at Primex on the job descriptions.  Tom asked the town to include language about stress, strain and lifting in their job descriptions.  Burton will work on completing that over the winter with the Department Heads.
·       The Retirement Committee has yet to respond to the Selectmen’s letter inviting them to discuss the NH Retirement System.
·       Mike Fortier from Wachovia Securities is meeting with the employees next week.  Burton will hold a conference call with Mike and CPI this week.
3.    Lumenos Health Plan-Deductible Participation-The town employees will meet soon with a representative from the Local Government Center to discuss the plan.  It has a $2,500 deductible for a one-person plan and $5,000 for a two-person or family plan.  Money placed in an account to cover this deductible rolls over from year to year.  With that in mind, the town will assist with covering the deductible by providing seventy-five percent of it the first year, fifty percent the second year and twenty-five percent the third year.
4.  Approval of Request To The Court-The Board, having considered the request of an employee in the Police Department for a hearing and claiming that this Board be disqualified from hearing the appeal, finds that although none of its members are biased, the appearance of fairness being important, the Board will engage counsel to file a Petition to the Hillsborough County Superior Court, pursuant to NH RSA 43:6 and 43:8 asking the Court to appoint three former Selectmen of New Boston to hear the appeal.

1.    Bedford Road Study-The Selectmen will coordinate a meeting between the Selectmen, Tim White from the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission, the Road Committee and the Planning Board to decide if the Bedford Road Study should be revised if the incorrect model was used as it is unknown if traffic from westerly towns was considered and to make sure emergency access was addressed adequately.  
2.  2009 Holiday Schedule-The Selectmen approved the 2009 Holiday Schedule.
3.  2009 Selectmen Meeting Schedule-The Selectmen revised the 2009 Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule.
4.  LGC Conference-Burton will put the materials he received at the Local Government Center Conference last week in the Selectmen’s read folder for review.  Seminars he attended included Pension Reform, How To Build a Performance Culture, Process of Terminating Employees, Privacy Laws and Welfare Obligations In A Tough Economy.  He also attended a seminar on Accepting Debit and Credit Cards.  The information for this seminar will need to be downloaded from the Local Government Center website.  Nashua presented this seminar and noted they use credit and debit cards for many transactions but not for property taxes as New Boston was considering using them for.  


1.  The Selectmen have recommended that the Friendly Beaver Campground not underwrite the costs of the employee Christmas party.
2.   David saw Heidi Palmer recently and she mentioned she might sell her property at the corner of Clark Hill Road and Route 13 and asked if the town was interested in purchasing it.  
3.  The town has a Civilian Emergency Response Team (CERT) trailer now and is eligible for grants to fill it with equipment.  Fire Inspector Russ Boland recently attended a seminar at the Local Government Center regarding CERT.  The information was e-mailed to Fire Chief Dan MacDonald.
4.  A meeting with the NH DOT Context Sensitive Solutions committee is scheduled for November 19 at 7:00 at the Community Church to discuss the options proposed for improvement of traffic flow in the downtown area.
5.  Photos of the old and new grandstands were proposed for the cover of the 2008 Town Report.  The Selectmen thought this was a good idea.
6.  Francestown’s Administrative Assistant called Burton about how the town recently purchased the Mack Truck, as they want to do the same thing.  NH DRA has been telling them they can’t do it but Burton showed that the DRA’s Municipal Matters manual clearly states it can be done.
7.  Michele Brown asked what the Selectmen would like to publish in their column in the next issue of the town employee newsletter.  The Selectmen will thank the employees for their efforts in serving on the survey committees in that column and will consider other topics.
8.  An issue has come up with the policy of paying employees during their lunch hours as the Town Clerk takes a dedicated time for lunch and puts a sign up saying she will return at a certain time.  The other town office employees are available to help residents who come in while they are taking their lunch break.  The Selectmen will send a memo to the Town Clerk saying if she wishes to take a dedicated lunch hour she should take lunch without pay and post the time she will be gone under the Town Clerk hours and on the town website.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 11:00 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 11:15 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien