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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/22/2008
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
May 22, 2008

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Chris Krajenka  Police Department (Part Non-Public)

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss projects at the Police Department.

·       Chris related a recent incident with a speeder on Meetinghouse Hill Road where he observed a Hampshire Fire Prevention vehicle speeding up Meetinghouse Hill Road.  Instead of stopping the vehicle he called the company and asked them to ask the driver to slow down.  Minutes later the drive called Chris very upset about the phone call but Chris explained he took the minimum enforcement in this case.  Chris then called the owner of the company about the driver’s phone call.  The driver visited the Town Hall the next day saying he lives in town and asking about Chris’ hire.  Chris later received a letter from NH Fire Prevention saying the driver was suspended from work for 3 days due to this incident.
·       Chris distributed speed ratings obtained from the speed trailer.  On Weare Road and River Road it showed that half the vehicles are speeding and 1/3 are “flying.”
·       There are some budget concerns under the contracted services line in the Police Department budget.  They are now over the budgeted amount for TurboTech because of computer maintenance needs.  Chris recommended researching another IT solution for next year and suggested a contracted service might be better for the Police Department rather than calling a service as needed.
·       Chris spoke with Bruce MacDougall about a Selectmen sitting in at or participating in oral boards for new hires.  The Selectmen decided to sit in at oral boards in the future.
·       The hiring letter sent to Rick Widener was discussed.  This was a form letter but it should be refined for future use.  Rick is now suiting up.  On Saturday he will qualify for firearms with Sergeant Peterson at the Weare Police Department.  He will be sworn in at the Police Department May 27 at 7:00 PM with Josh Santos and his family.  The Selectmen will attend.  David moved the Selectmen approve the hire of Rick Widener.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
·       The hiring of the eighth officer was discussed.  Chris said the next available session at the academy begins in September.   If another new uncertified officer were hired then 2 New Boston officers would be going through the academy and FTO process at the same time.  Instead Chris would like to have one officer go through the process at a time and doesn’t expect to hire again until September unless the potential officer is already certified.  He currently has 2 potential candidates for the seventh officer position both with military police background in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The eighth officer probably won’t be in effect until after the new year.  Car availability and rotation schedule are also an issue.
·       Chris will send information to Burton for insurance renewal.
·       Chris suggested the town consider a smaller more fuel-efficient vehicle with a good suspension for the police for the next police vehicle.

Move to enter Non-Public Session: David made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(c) at 7:32 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Move to exit Non-Public Session:    David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:48 PM.     Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:30 PM             Twin Bridge Management-Gravel Pit

The pit operator did not attend so the Selectmen discussed the current situation and what action to take without them present.  The town is trying to determine what constitutes incidental use under “exceptions” of RSA 155-E2a.  A portion of a letter from Mary Pinkham-Langer from NH DES was read aloud.  An exception could be given to Twin Bridge to do some incidental excavation related to their subdivision.  A complication is that material is being used from an adjacent lot that is not permitted.  Therefore, a notice of violation and order to cease to shut down the area outside the formerly permitted area will be served to Twin Bridge.  They are willing to consider giving the same permit Clifton Wilson had for years but this does not seem to be of interest or benefit to them.  They are not working it as this section of the property has had most of the gravel removed.  The Selectmen reviewed a letter their Attorney drafted to them issuing the notice of violation and order to cease.  Kim will review it further and will have it ready to serve Tuesday morning.  Building Inspector Ed Hunter should serve it next week.  Kim Burkhamer has a bond from Twin Bridge.  She spoke to Mary who said Twin Bridge needs a permit or an exception to take gravel from where they are and move it to their subdivision.  The Selectmen want to get the notice of violation and the cease and desist out now and take the exception, permit and variance issues one step at a time.  The issued “intent to excavate” form is not a permit per Mary but it is a part of the gravel taxation process.  They don’t have a permit from last year because the property ownership has changed.  They were not given a permit for their new plan at the last hearing with them.  Kim will send the notice letter to Attorney Bill Drescher tomorrow for final review then have it ready for Selectmen signature over the weekend.


1.  Minutes of May 5, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of May 5, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  David moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.         Planning:  
·       The 8-lot subdivision on Clark Hill Road was discussed.  The abutters were there with the same complaints.  The Conservation Commission and related town departments will be informed.  Preliminary approval was granted.  This will be heard again in a few months.
·       The public hearing for proposed subdivision regulations was adjourned.  
·       There was no issue with the compliance hearing for the physical therapy center.
·       There was no issue with the compliance hearing for the portable sawmill on River Road.
·       The Planning Board is considering holding only 1 meeting per month in the summer.
·       Christine will ask Michelle in the Planning Department if a sitewalk is planned at Twin Bridge Land Management to view the extent of the cutting into the buffer and determine their punishment.
·       Doug Hill expressed interest in becoming the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission appointment from the Planning Board.  Brent Armstrong is also still willing to continue to serve in this position.  The Selectmen will have to appoint someone.
2.          Survey-The Selectmen signed a letter to the employees regarding the expansion of the sick time benefit to part time employees.   
3.          Temp. Trailers, Junk Yards, etal Ordinance-Planning Coordinator Nic Strong reviewed the piece that would interface with Planning and she felt there probably isn’t a need to have public hearings to issue temporary trailer permits.  The Building Inspector has shown he has the authority to handle issuing temporary trailer permits.  The Selectmen want to stay involved in the process if a trailer is to stay on the property more than 1-2 years.  The advertising signs and junkyard pieces of the ordinance are obsolete.  The voters will be asked to revise or dispense with the ordinance in March.
4.        Footbridge-A meeting is scheduled for May 27 with Ram Maddali from NH DOT.  Burton will probably not need to attend the June 16 session.  Sandi Van Scoyoc will attend.  Dave recently met with the Eggers and Attorney Dwight Sowerby about the easement and the Eggers’ concerns that if the footbridge is gone they don’t want an easement on their property and it was worked out.  There are rumors now that the Tavern might be for sale and therefore the easement needs to be finalized soon.  However, bridge engineering is not yet complete.  Therefore a broadly worded easement for the bridge abutment area is needed because the exact site where the bridge will be placed is not known.  A temporary easement for the construction process is also needed.  Engineering funds are available now.  Burton will begin the bid advertising process with Ram.  Construction funds are expected to be available in October 2009.
5.        Playground-Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of discussions between the Recreation Commission and the Playground Association.  The grandstand was taken down Tuesday.  The process was photographed and videotaped and will be posted to the Recreation Department page on the town website.  The Playground Association requests the ballfield remain a softball field with capabilities to become a baseball field if needed.  Lee met with the Playground Association tonight for their third meeting. Lee distributed a proposed new plan to the Selectmen.  The proposed grandstand will be 2/3 the size of the old and will be a couple feet taller to meet current code standards.  A plaque will be added and a storage area will be inside.  Building Inspector Ed Hunter is reviewing the plans now.  The Recreation Commission plans to put the concrete foundation in after the softball season is over in June.  The shed will stay, Recreation hopes to use it for a concession stand and erect a sign above it saying “New Boston Playground.”  The Playground Association agrees it can be used as a concession stand and nothing else.  Funding was an issue discussed tonight.  The Playground Association doesn’t have as much available for the grandstand as was originally thought.  The project is expected to cost approximately $105,000.  The Recreation Commission plans to commit $40,000 toward it and the rest will have to be covered through fundraising and volunteer labor.  There is a clogged catch basin in the outfield and the field needs general repair.  The Recreation Commission will meet with them again as one more meeting is needed to vote to give the ballfield to the Recreation Commission.  A deed description with covenants will be recorded with a drawing of the ballfield.  The Playground Association will agree to volleyball/horseshoe pits at the location as long as they are not permanent.  The Recreation Department will create an informational town history including photos of the ballfield and depot to get the public involved.  The Recreation Commission will discuss irrigating the memorial, the practice field, and the grandstand at their next meeting.  

1.          Tax Exemptions-Kim Burkhamer met with the Selectmen to discuss some issues with some tax exemptions she has been working on.  
·       A couple of the people who have qualified for and probably still qualify for elderly exemptions have not filed the proper documentation yet.  Kim asked the Selectmen to allow her to run the tax warrant, keep them on for the exemption and send them the third and final letter asking them to send the documentation or they will be removed from exemption status within one month.   The Selectmen agreed and also asked her to call the people involved.  She has already sent two letters and called each once.
·       There was one former tax exemption who did not apply this year and it was found they no longer qualify.
·       One person with an elderly exemption is now in a nursing home in another town but plans to return back to their residence in New Boston.  The Selectmen decided this person is still eligible for exemption this year or until the situation changes.
·       One exemption did not meet the income levels.
·       The Chestnut Hill School no longer meets qualification.
·       One exemption was applying for the veteran’s exemption but did not apply in time.  He qualifies for the exemption but was also applying for low/moderate income exemption and was going by the state filing deadline.  The Selectmen have the power to grant him an exemption and they agreed to do so.
2.          1st Half Tax Bills-The warrant will run tomorrow and Tax Collector Ann Charbonneau will send the tax bills out next week.
3.  On-Line Tax Info-The information is now available on-line showing who has paid their taxes.
4.Tracking Station Invitation-The Tracking Station sent an invitation to educate the town about their bomb disposal procedures.  The Selectmen will call the Tracking Station if they wish to attend.
5.      Selectmen’s Meetings:  Right To Know Clarification-The Selectmen have the yearly meeting schedule posted in at least two places plus on the town web site which satisfies the requirement to post meetings.  An agenda does not have to be part of the meeting notice.


1.        The Selectmen signed the Pothier/Pare agreement for a business on a class 6 road.
2.        Dave attended the Mountain of Demonstrations event with Road Agent John Riendeau.  They discussed the new 1-ton with the dealer from Barre, VT and spoke with Mitchie about box culverts.  John is now interested in an upgrade to the 1-ton to regulate sand and salt dispensing that could cost up to $5,000 but would probably pay for itself quickly in all the sand and salt it would save.
3.        A Context Sensitive Solutions meeting was held last night where possible downtown traffic alternatives were discussed.  Burton will get these ready for the Selectmen to review.  The next meeting will be in July when the locations will be viewed prior to the meeting.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  ADJOURNMENT:    David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:32 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien