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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/21/2008
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
April 21, 2008

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             State of NH Flood Grant Hearing (RSA 31:95-b)

A public hearing was called to accept state money under RSA 31:95-b regarding the 2007 flood.  Approximately $27,000 was received for the state portion of the money FEMA gave last year.  This hearing is done so the Road Agent can use the funds for flood related damage such as work at Tucker Mill Road, Howe Bridge or the embankment at the Depot instead of the money going directly to revenue.  Gordon moved to close the public hearing at 7:08 PM.  David seconded the motion. All were in favor.  David moved to accept the 12 ½ percent contribution.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:05 PM             John Riendeau           Highway Department

Road Agent John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of projects the Highway Department is working on.

·       John asked if he is meeting with the Selectmen enough.  The Selectmen said yes but he needs to continue meeting with them frequently due to the size of the Highway Department budget.  Alternatively he can prepare a monthly report to the Selectmen such as the Police Chief does.
·       John estimates $30,000 for the Tucker Mill Road repair budget to install the pipes and work on the bottom.  He has been calling the National Heritage Bureau and NH DES for the past 3 weeks and thinks it is all set; he will call DES again in a couple days.  The project will probably be done in July.
·       John estimates approximately $10,000 for the Howe Bridge repair.
·       John distributed a sheet to the Selectmen listing the Highway Department costs in November and December for the past 5 years to try to estimate what the costs in November and December 2008 will be.  John will not make crushed bankrun this year and will try to find a couple other items to cut down expenses.  Burton and John are itemizing the budget now to try to find $45,000-50,000 of cuts to make it through the rest of the year due to the unexpectedly high winter costs.
·       John is ordering the chassis for the new one-ton truck.  He is still deciding on the truck body he wants to order.  He is planning to order from a company in Barre, VT.  Parts are available in Weare if necessary.
·       John is still getting prices for the drainage at the Highway Garage and will discuss it further with the Selectmen when he has more information.  He is researching an oil tank v. an oil separator.
·       Michie Corp. did a study on the culverts on Bedford Road to determine the size needed for a 100-year flood.
·       The Highway Department has been sweeping roads.
·       The Highway Department will paint the crosswalks soon.
·       Ruth Trussell is planning a subdivision on Clark Hill Road including a long driveway that goes onto Dennison Road.  John says it is wet there and there is a culvert where the driveway comes down.  The developer offered to replace the culvert to accommodate any water that goes across.  John prepared a letter for the Selectmen to sign giving permission to replace the culvert.  The Selectmen will revise the letter and John will take measurements of the area.
·       Burton spoke to Nancy Mayville at NH DOT who said they will not withhold the footbridge funds at this time as they normally would because New Boston is not going to close the Bog Brook bridge as was recommended by NH DOT.

3.  7:30 PM             Transfer Station Advisory Committee

Transfer Station Advisory Committee Chairman James Cavan and members of the committee were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss 6 recommendations and a proposal from the committee regarding Transfer Station fees.

The committee has decided an item should go into the fee category if it needs additional handling by Transfer Station employees or if it incurs costs outside of the Transfer Station to dispose of it.  Jim reviewed a handout listing the recommendations.  Committee member Joe Constance advocated a process whereby fees would cover a certain percentage of yearly Transfer Station expense.  To make fees clearer for taxpayers, a threshold should be established and the fees would be reviewed on a regular basis.  The Selectmen suggested using the percentage as a guideline but felt the setting of fees should be more focused on the actual cost to the town to dispose of the item rather than attempting to have fees cover a certain percent of the Transfer Station budget.  The Selectmen are willing to try the 6 recommendations and want a fee review process established to make sure the Transfer Station is not overcharging for items.
4.  8:00 PM             Kevin McLarnon          Cable Issue

Kevin McLarnon was not present to discuss this matter.

5.  8:15 PM             Bill O’Brien                    NH Legal Rights Foundation

Attorney Bill O’Brien, NH Representative Rowe and Attorney Ed Mosque were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss potential litigation to force the NH House of Representatives to redistrict itself.  They are asking towns who have consistently not had enough representatives elected from them to join them in the lawsuit.  They are not asking for money, they are just looking for support from residents from some of the towns affected (about 15 towns such as New Boston, Milford, Wilton, Weare, Litchfield, Pelham and Loudon).  NH Secretary of State Bill Gardner will be named as the defendant.  The lawsuit has been funded to $12,000 and the attorneys in the Foundation are volunteering their time and expertise to keep costs low.  The Selectmen will send the matter to Town Counsel Leslie Nixon for her opinion.


1.      Minutes of March 28, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.      Minutes of March 31, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
3.      Minutes of April 7, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
4.      Minutes of April 14, 2008 – Deferred to the next meeting pending further review.


1.         Tris Construction – Gravel Operation Twin Bridge Road-The Selectmen received a letter from Wadleigh, Starr & Peters, LLC since the last meeting saying the exact 10 acres permitted is outstanding.  Kim Burkhamer went to NH DES and got a copy of the last document Clifton Wilson filed with them in 1991-1992 showing a smaller area than permitted on the current permit.  At the last meeting the Selectmen decided they would not allow them to dig in the new area, they have to stay in the old area.  Assessor George Hildum and Kim were at the pit Wednesday and noticed they have already started actively cutting into the new area and recommend a cease and desist order for this and noticed the original 10-acre area is not being dug; it is being used to stockpile material.  They took pictures of the new area.  The area they are working in now is shown as “dense woods” on the plan from Clifton Wilson.  His working area was where the subdivision is now.   The silt fencing is still there and the reclamation is still there and growing in the area they were asked to cease and desist last year.  The Selectmen did sign a permit for 19,000 cubic yards of material incidental to construction.  Though they questioned whether the definition of “incidental to construction” applies in this situation where they are using the pit as incidental to construction where they are also the customer.  The 19,000 cubic yards are considered an exception per Mary Pinkham-Langer at DRA and restrictions can be added (the same restrictions they had on their existing permit which is now expired).  If they want to sell gravel from this new area they have to go through the hearing approval process.  They have been told they cannot expand the current digging area without a hearing.  They were not given a permit at the April 14 hearing but were told they could file a supplemental permit for 10,000 yards.  The Selectmen plan to send him two letters, the first is a cease and desist on the new area from town counsel outlining the complaints per the RSA.  The second letter will say they didn’t get prior written authorization from the regulatory body.  The Selectmen will not grant them a permit at this time.  Their continued permit may be in jeopardy.  They will be sent a letter giving them notice that the Selectmen will hold the Twin Bridge permit issuance in abeyance and they need to stop what they are doing as a cease and desist order will be sought per the appropriate legislation.  They have no reclamation bond at this time, which will also be mentioned in the letter.  Town attorney Leslie Nixon is out of town but Kim will prepare a packet to send to Attorney Dwight Sowerby after Selectmen review.  Kim will call Mary Pinkham-Langer about an injunction and the cease and desist.  The Selectmen reviewed a letter sent to Wadleigh, Starr and Peters, LLC in 2005.  Kim will listen to the tapes of the last meeting.  Donna Monbouquette of 42 West Lull Place said Tris’ violations have continued (burning without a permit, gravel violations), he has no respect for the town, the law, the Selectmen or the permitting process and this activity is egregious and the Selectmen should make it clear he will not get a permit and he needs to follow the law.  She also expressed her appreciation to the Board for their work.
2.        Planning:  
·       Stu Lewin is the new chairman.  Doug Hill is the vice-chairman.
·       The lot line adjustment for Doug Hill’s subdivision was approved.
·       Minor work items were done.
·       The width of roads, shoulders and road standards were discussed.  Gordon suggested they work directly on this with the Road Committee at a meeting.  
·       The pavement is showing signs of wear from Hopkins Road to the Mont Vernon town line on the Second NH Turnpike.
3.          Survey-  
·         Sick time for part time employees was discussed.  The Selectmen will support a prorated benefit.
·         The evaluation committee will potentially have two additional meetings in May. The Core competency listing was discussed and seemed similar to what New Boston has now.  They will talk about the ratings and the form.  The Selectmen want evaluation and raise delinked.
·         The Selectmen have decided to include the mission statement in the employee manual and will send a letter to Cathy Widener letting her know of this decision.
·         Burton is still working on the employee manual to send back to the committee.  The Selectmen need to meet again on this to go over chapters they didn’t work on at the first meeting.
·         The Selectmen are wondering when the first employee newsletter will be published.
·         The Selectmen wondered whether occasional status reports to employees either via department heads or the newsletter would be of value.
·         Jennifer Carleton will be at the next retirement meeting on April 29.
4.          Appointments-Kevin St. John sent in his application for the Solid Waste Committee.  Greg Mattison sent in his application for the Zoning Board. Forestry still has a couple openings.  Ann Charbonneau appointment as tax collector expired in March. Gordon moved to reappoint Ann Charbonneau as the tax collector and approve the above appointments.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
5.        Letter to David Nixon-The Selectmen reviewed a draft letter to David Nixon regarding the ball field in back of the Town Hall now owned by the Playground Association.  David will work on it further then give it to Linda Sizemore to prepare for the Selectmen’s signature.

1.          Audit Results-Burton sent a letter to the Department Heads regarding credit card use documentation.  Sheryl from Plodzick and Sanderson has been working on the audit again this year.  They have changed it to a more forensic audit looking for potential problems and credit card documentation and lack of a credit card policy was one of New Boston’s problem areas.  Sheryl went to the Transfer Station and was impressed with the computer program.  Burton has attended some seminars on policies and procedures and will work on some to review with Sheryl.  Sheryl will reformat the audit to meet the GASB 34 requirement.  The cost of the audit increased this year, the number of hours spent in town doubled and the audit was much more detailed than in previous years.


1.        The Selectmen will send a thank you note to the Highway Department employees and contractors for their work over the winter.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(c) at 10:26 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:    David Woodbury made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 10:35 PM.   Gordon Carlstrom seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:    Christine Quirk made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:36 PM.    David Woodbury seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien