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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/24/2008
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
March 24, 2008

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Fire Wards

The Fire Wards were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss Fire Department issues.

·       Weare recently voted down the full time ambulance positions that were on their warrant.  For the past 6-8 months Weare has been impacting the use of mutual aid in New Boston and surrounding towns.  The Fire Wards asked the Selectmen to write a letter to the Weare Selectmen in a positive manner to ask them to fix this problem as it is affecting daytime rescue availability in New Boston.  New Boston wants to help and is concerned about Weare’s mutual aid requirements surpassing normal mutual aid requirements and New Boston is now supplementing their department.  The Selectmen will send copies of the letter to the Selectmen of the other affected surrounding towns.  Other towns have already sent letters to Weare.  Dan has been addressing the problem with fire chiefs from the surrounding towns.  Goffstown Fire Chief Rick O’Brien and Dan MacDonald are willing to help Weare work out a new system such as looking for more volunteers in Weare and could offer to have personnel who have implemented programs in New Boston meet with Weare’s Fire Chief to start similar programs in Weare.  Fire Chief Dan MacDonald and Selectwoman Christine Quirk went to a Weare Selectmen’s meeting to discuss the problem and possible solutions, however the Weare Selectmen didn’t seem to understand what duties the additional EMT’s would do during their 40-hour workweeks and couldn’t justify hiring them.  Dan suggested these additional EMTs would work on fire prevention education among other duties, but they would also be similar to insurance where they are there in case of emergency.  The Selectmen will write a letter to the Weare Selectmen about their concerns with the New Boston volunteers going to calls in Weare so often (50% of Weare’s daytime rescue calls are filled by mutual aid), which is depleting New Boston’s resources and morale of the department.  Going to calls for Weare forces New Boston’s volunteers to travel to Concord Hospital, which also adds to their time away from New Boston coverage.  The Fire Wards will get information on how many hours the department spends on Weare calls for the Selectmen.  New Boston calls for mutual aid from Weare less than 10 times per year.  This situation is also compromising the safety of Weare’s residents by lengthening response time and could be a legal liability for Weare.  The issue has been publicized through the Goffstown News and a televised public hearing where Dan spoke to the Weare Selectmen about this issue.  Citizens who have waited for help from an ambulance are aware of the matter.  The Goffstown Fire Department is decreasing their emergency staff in June, which will probably make the situation worse as Weare often uses Goffstown for mutual aid as well.
·       The Fire Wards asked the Selectmen if they wish the current Fire Department building to be maintained as normal when the Fire Department could be moving to a new building in approximately 10-15 years but the current building could have structural issues by then if the maintenance is not done.  The building currently needs new siding and windows.  George St. John obtained a quote of $20,000 for the project including covering wood window trim with vinyl.  The Selectmen recommended that repairs that are not fire specific should be done as usual using funds from the budget or a separate Warrant Article.
·       Road Agent John Riendeau and Willard Dodge plan to open every manhole in town this spring to determine which direction the pipes go. They are not sure why the manholes are sinking but hope to have an answer this summer.  Drainage at the Fire Station was discussed and it was suggested that when the sinking man hole in front of the town hall is fixed the road in front of the Fire Station should be dug up while the equipment is there and a new PVC line buried to run wires for the generator to the town hall and install a new water line to the Fire Station.  The line under the smoky the bear sign could be fixed.  The land behind the Fire Station should be regraded to deter mud coming from Mill Street in the spring to the back of the station instead of in the station.  
·       The building will need a new septic system such as a chamber system under the parking lot if the occupancy of the building is changed in the future.  
·       Members will travel to inspect the new ambulance in April and it is expected to arrive in New Boston in May.
·       The department is applying for a FEMA grant where FEMA pays 95% and the town pays 5% to replace all the fire gear at one time, as much of it is currently inadequate under the new regulations.  The department has been replacing a couple fire suits each year.  They are applying for a similar FEMA grant to replace the tanker but the current tanker will also need refurb because it could break down anytime and there is no guarantee New Boston will receive these grants.

2.  7:30 PM             Chris Krajenka          Police Department

Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 7:41 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:49 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

·       Chris recently became concerned about the panic buttons at the town hall and tested them and discovered 3 out of 6 had dead batteries (the batteries were replaced) and if they are tripped they go to the security company as a general alarm without any details of location or severity of the situation.  This was a huge concern to Chris if there is a potential hostage situation.  The Police Station has almost the same system.  He suggested several changes to the system including making each office a zone with two separate buttons for severity of the incident.  A camera at the Police Station could monitor a camera with sound in the town hall hallway going to dispatch, cameras in the tax collector’s office and the meeting room recorded on a separate computer server which would run up to 30 days then automatically record over the images stored. John Bunting’s system to detect a heating system malfunction or high water in the basement needs to be incorporated into our new monitoring equipment.  The alarm systems vendor, John Briggs, can switch over John Bunting’s system and update the panic button system for $2,300.  The Selectmen approved this.  The cameras would be another $4,000. It was agreed that would be an item for discussion for the 2009 budget.  Chris said the police department is ok for now but he is more concerned about the town hall.  The town hall maintenance budget this year will be used up with the town hall upgrade.  Chris will work on a routine to check the current security system once a month.
·       A mock on-site for accreditation with other Police Chiefs from NH is scheduled for September.  Bruce MacDougall suggested June but Chris doesn’t feel the department will be ready in June being busy with the new hires.  The Selectmen agree.  The on-site will probably be done a couple months after the mock on-site.
·       The department is working on the evidence room requirements for accreditation as well.
·       Chris reviewed the minutes from the last meeting as the Selectmen asked him to and he became concerned that his monthly report to the Selectmen was inadequate.  He thought the Selectmen liked the format he used but consultant Bruce MacDougall has suggested he make the report more detailed.  Burton suggested some small changes but otherwise the Selectmen feel Chris’ monthly report doesn’t need much improvement.  Chris asked if having Bruce here is a training effort for him and what is the objective/goal of having Bruce here.  A meeting at the town hall will be scheduled soon between Bruce, the Selectmen, Burton and Chris to draft a mission statement.  Chris feels the department is doing well, improving and working toward accreditation.  He considers Bruce’s presence here as learning experience but is not sure what he should be getting out of it.  Gordon said part of the reason for hiring Bruce is to improve the culture at the Police Department and try to hire officers who will stay in employment in New Boston.  Bruce has told Chris he is doing well.  Dave said Chris didn’t receive as much guidance as he should have when he was originally hired with no experience as a Police Chief and that is why Bruce is here now to offer additional guidance in the position of chief as he is an experienced Police Chief who the Selectmen trust.  The Selectmen said Bruce’s suggestions are based on his experience as a chief; they are not suggestions the Selectmen are asking him to make to Chris.  Chris expressed his concern that the Selectmen are trying to use Bruce to get rid of him. The Selectmen say that is not the case.  
·       Chris asked for clarification on when to buy the tazers.  The Finance Committee felt tazers or a car could be purchased in the fall but has since received a memo from Burton recommending he purchase the tazers.  He does not want the Finance Committee to be upset with him in future years if he does not do what he told them he would.  Burton and the Selectmen said the Finance Committee is advisory and the Selectmen make the final decision on when and what to purchase and will work it out with the Finance Committee if necessary.  Burton said there are RSAs defining the responsibility of finance and budget committees.  It became apparent early this year that tazers were more of a priority than a car and a memo was sent telling Chris to definitely get the tazers, not immediately, but when needed.  Now there are budget concerns regarding the roof but it might be covered under extra money set aside for Glenn Dodge’s bill for roof repair.  The Selectmen invited Chris to consult them when he has problems such as these.
·       The speed monitor will be online soon.  It is being lettered at Brown Graphix.  A tongue for towing with the Expedition will be installed and it will be registered.  Chris has been learning how to use it.  A press release will be published jointly with the Foot Traffic and Safety Committee.


        1.  Minutes of March 10, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of March 10, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the 3 sets of non-public minutes.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.         Planning:  There has been no meeting since the last Selectmen’s meeting but two sitewalks took place.
·       The driveway on Byam Road was observed and the Planning Board will meet with the developer further to discuss the issues, as they will have to break through a part of the guardrail.
·       The site of the additional house at the old Barss Store lot was reviewed and no issues were found.
·       The Housing and Conservation Planning Program grant application is ready to submit once the Selectmen sign it.  The paperwork will be placed in the Selectmen’s read folder for the Selectmen to review the scope of work.  If the grant is received New Boston will have to pay $3,000, which is available.  Gordon moved to authorize the application for the Housing and Conservation Planning Program grant funds.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
2.          Survey-    
·       A meeting on the evaluation process took place where they reviewed the list from Primex reiterating the prior meeting and followed an agenda prepared by Planning Coordinator Nic Strong.  The committee might plan to separate pay from the evaluation process.  Two forms for fall and spring were proposed.  Every position in town is considered unique and it is hard to do peer ranking.  The salary ranges put together a couple years ago should help.  Lyndeborough does a COLA and the Selectmen distribute additional merit money among the employees from a separate account in the “Finance” section of the Operating Budget.
·       The job descriptions are being worked on.  Burton will send them to Primex for review.
·       The Selectmen are still reviewing the employee manual and plan to meet March 28 at 2:00 to go over it with Burton.
·       A retirement committee meeting is scheduled for April 3.  David will attend.
·       Information on 401ks was received from Jennifer Carleton who said the market for 401ks is not huge and she recommended staying with Nationwide in a different option at a low fee from Nationwide where the employees can decide what they want to take and she could work one-on-one with the employees for better customer service. Jennifer is willing to meet with the employees to discuss it.  At their next meeting the Benefits Committee will review several options including the NH Retirement Plan.
·       The communications meeting with Primex is scheduled for April 4 from 9:00am-12:00pm and will be facilitated by Nic and Carl Weber.  Burton will e-mail Nic a memo of topics to be discussed and the departments can also contribute topics.  
3.        Context Sensitive Solutions Meeting-A vision statement was worked on at the recent meeting and they discussed different locations in town with traffic problems and possible solutions.  Some solutions were not very expensive and seemed promising. The next meeting will be in May.  A handout from the meeting is in the Selectmen’s read folder.  Police Chief Chris Krajenka, Planning Coordinator Nic Strong and Road Agent John Riendeau were notified of the next meeting and given the handout.
4.        Tax Info On-Line Agreement-The contract is in the Selectmen’s sign folder for signature.  The program will begin in May or June.  Avitar will provide training.

1.          Select Board Chairman-Christine moved the Board vote in Gordon as the chairman.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
2.          2008 Goals-Burton is working on a list of goals.  The Selectmen suggested adding the following:
·       Complete the elements of the survey based on the schedule.
·       Work on deeding the Riley lot.
·       Look at downtown drainage issues.
·       Climate and Energy Committee survey.
·       Gravel ordinance.
3.      Gravel Hearings Process and Dates-Most of the pits that came in last year are in compliance.  Building Inspector Ed Hunter will get any necessary training and visit the pits to make sure they are operating in compliance with their paperwork.  The Selectmen plan to have the pits who are in compliance meet with them at their next Selectmen’s meeting from 7:00-7:30.  The meeting will be noticed in the Goffstown News.  The pits not in compliance will meet with the Selectmen another time.  Town Attorney Bill Drescher is still working on the gravel ordinance but Dwight Sowerby from his office will help him with it.


1.        Turbotech came in Friday with new computers for the Tax Collector and Accountant.  The old computers will be combined and given to the Deputy Town Clerk.
2.        NRRA is advertising a Litter Free NH campaign.  Selectmen’s secretary Linda Sizemore was considering offering it to some residents to see if they are interested in getting a group together to work on the project.  Recreation will be contacted as well.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: David made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 9:38 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session: David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:45 PM.     Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:    Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:46 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien