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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/11/2008
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
February 11, 2008

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman               Absent
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:05PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Doug Hill                       Temporary Trailer Hearing

The Selectmen reviewed the paperwork and advertisement for the public hearing for a temporary construction trailer at Map 005-16 Francestown Road for a construction office for Doug Hill.  Doug Hill was not present at the hearing.  Letters were sent to the abutters.  It is believed the trailer is already on the property and it is placed neatly near the old barns.  David moved the Selectmen approve a skirted trailer for one year with one additional extension of time available.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:05 PM             Chris Krajenka          Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues at the Police Department.

D.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 7:09 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

E.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:    David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:20 PM.     Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

An issue came up about the cost of advertising for a new officer.  The advertising budget is not part of the police budget; it is part of the Town Administrator’s budget.  Chris got the ok to advertise in various places he had not used before to advertise for officers and hoped for good results.  David suggested in the future Department Heads should be mindful which budget line advertising comes from and make sure the proper costs are factored into the budget development for that line.  Chris felt the Town Administrator was aware as bills were going to him.  Chris offered to get costs of advertising beforehand and notify the Selectmen before running ads.  The Selectmen suggested Department Heads should bring ads to either Linda or Kim for placement.  The Selectmen are pleased with the results of the advertising and are willing to put more money in that budget next year if necessary.  Chris said the successful candidates came from the Nashua Telegraph.  He also mentioned NHTI in Concord has a new testing program police agencies can get involved with.

3.  7:25 PM             Dan MacDonald           Fire Department

Fire Inspector Russ Boland and Fire Chief Dan MacDonald were present to discuss the Fire Inspector’s progress and goals and an arrangement they have worked out to put smoke alarms in Dodge’s Store.

·       They distributed a proposed contract with the owner of Dodge’s Store, Mike Danzinger, containing commitments between him and the town to get a monitored early detection fire alarm system installed in the store within thirty days of signing the contract.  The system has been quoted to cost approximately $2,600.  In exchange the town will agree to abate the interest on $2,600 of Mike’s real estate taxes.  The contract is a guideline from the Fire Department and it is up to the Selectmen to determine the wording of the fine details.  Dan suggested a meeting between the Selectmen, Fire Chief, Fire Inspector and Mike Danzinger to finalize the contract.  The Fire Inspector and fire Department are available to oversee installation and yearly inspection of the system.  The system includes an independent panel, multiple smoke detectors and can be added to as time goes on.  It will take 2-3 days to install and Russ has made arrangements with the installer to get it installed within thirty days of signing the contract.  Russ said Mike has made other small improvements at Dodge’s Store in the interest of fire prevention.  The building is not sprinkled and the cost of that would be approximately $250,000.  Currently the situation downtown is similar to what it was when there was a downtown fire in 1887, with lots of large buildings close together and low water available to the area.  The Fire Department projects one-third of the town could be lost if Dodge’s Store caught fire.
·       Russ also reviewed several documents he has prepared for the Selectmen including 2007 Fire Prevention Report, proposed Building Code Modifications, Fire Department Fire Prevention Responsibilities and Goals, and a cost savings to New Boston municipally and individually of $13,594 generated by fire prevention in 2007.
·       Dan expressed appreciation for Russ’ efforts.
·       Dan asked to be kept informed as the town moves forward with possible purchase of land for a new Fire Department.  The Selectmen asked for equal communication from the Fire Department.  The cement barns have been considered for purchase for town use but abutter Wayne Daniels has been against it for years.  Dan said the town should be more proactive in obtaining land for town use.

4.  7:45 PM             Transfer Station Advisory Committee

Jim Cavan Chairman of the Transfer Station Advisory Committee was present to discuss proposed fees at the Transfer Station with the Selectmen.

The Committee almost unanimously believes it would be appropriate to establish a fee structure for things other than the normal and customary things brought to the Transfer Station such as mattresses and microwaves.  The New Boston Transfer Station is unique in its low cost to taxpayers for things brought to the Transfer Station.  However, the industry is changing and in the future certain items may need special handling or could have outside disposal fees attached to them.  The committee believes these items should be itemized and a fee attached.  The Transfer Station wants to continue to charge residents a fee to match the actual disposal fee for the item.  They are considering $5 per microwave and $10 for each mattress and boxspring set.  The Transfer Station is researching barcode technology for use by residents at the Transfer Station.  This technology has many uses and the computer program already supports it.  A dissenting member of the Transfer Station Advisory Committee dissented because he is concerned that if the Transfer Station continues to add fees, when will it stop and how will they make the determination of what is a fee item and what is not.  The Transfer Station is also concerned about illegal dumping as surrounding towns have fees for these items and New Boston doesn’t.  If not caught, non-residents bring their fee items to New Boston and dispose of them for free with the taxpayers of New Boston paying for that.  Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett said the Transfer Station receives 3-4 mattresses and 1-2 couches/la-z-boys per week this time of year and in the summer the Transfer Station can’t keep up with the amount of mattresses it receives because the company that takes the waste allows only a certain amount of mattresses per week and when there are too many they have to wait to take them away another week.  Pull out couches need to be disassembled by Transfer Station staff and each piece needs to go to the appropriate area of the Transfer Station before it can be disposed of.  The committee is meeting again February 19 and hopes to prepare a list of fee items and items they are considering adding to the list and why.  The Selectmen were intrigued by the idea of a family coupon book for use at the Transfer Station to give a break to residents bringing a fee item to the Transfer Station for the first time but each subsequent time they would pay the fee.  They also recommend New Boston have fees similar to the fees of surrounding towns.  Committee member Joe Constance also wants to comprehensively consider items that take a lot of time to disassemble and hazardous materials.  The committee doesn’t believe a “pay as you throw” program is needed for the Transfer Station.  The Selectmen asked the committee to work it out and meet with the Selectmen again for discussion and implementation.  The Selectmen and committee feel fees implemented to prevent illegal dumping are appropriate.  Gerry is also in favor of fees for microwaves and TVs because they cannot be thrown in the general trash.  The volume coming in is becoming a problem and he wants the fee issue to be resolved now before the volume is a problem.  Fees and trucking costs to the Transfer Station are also increasing.  Rodney Towne researched fees in surrounding towns and found they are charging $0-5 for mattresses.  He is against fees because the Transfer Station advertises they are making revenues on mandatory recycling so that should cover the mattress, tire and construction fees and taxes should defer the costs.  He feels the current fees are too high and he cannot afford to bring his construction materials to the Transfer Station.  Gerry said the towns he surveyed belong to the original disposal consortium that is less structured than the agreement New Boston has but times are changing and their contracts are due to be renewed.  He has called New Boston’s disposal company to discuss it who said they cannot be more lenient.  Gerry will also survey surrounding towns for their fees.  Dave suggested a guideline on fees could be the greater the lifespan of an item the greater incentive to charge a fee, the lesser the lifespan of an item the lesser the incentive to charge a fee.  Willard Dodge is interested in a poll of the town for their feelings on the issue but that might not be accurate.  The committee will work on a solution and return to the Selectmen in a couple months.  The committee will discuss internal, external costs to the town and the environmental impact of the items.  A public hearing may need to be held.  

5.  8:00 PM             Louise Robie                    Church Parking

Louise Robie and Don Chapman were present to discuss plowing of the church parking lot with the Selectmen.  

The Selectmen have discussed it at previous meetings and came to the conclusion there is a public component to the church parking lot other than church activities.  The Selectmen do not feel it is a good idea to use town equipment to plow the area behind the church but are interested to learn what the church is doing and how the town can contribute.  The church is plowing the back parking lot, sidewalks and handicap spaces.  When town maintenance plows and shovels downtown they are instructed to do the church street parking area as well but there are always cars parked in the way so it cannot be done.  Don said the church has a budget line item for snow removal.  The library stopped sending funds to the church for snow removal when Skip Gomes stopped plowing it and the church went to a volunteer plowing system.  If the church will hire someone to plow regularly the back lot Selectmen would consider paying a portion of the plowing fee.  Don said Mike Danzinger owns part of a field behind the church parking for employee parking and he asked the Selectmen to contact him to ask his employees to park in alternate spots other than the church parking area in snowstorms because it cannot be plowed while cars are there.  The church holds many community events and needs parking.  The library doesn’t own any parking but also needs to park.  A 2-hour parking limit at the area was considered.  He also mentioned there are 2-3 stormdrains in the downtown area that must be kept clear and need to be brought to the Highway Department’s attention to make sure they get done.  The Highway Department will try to plow Mill Street across from the library, handicap spaces and will be notified of the storm drain problem.  


1.      Minutes of January 28, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


1.         Planning:  
·       There has been no meeting since the last Selectmen’s meeting.
·       There are cracks in the surface of Indian Falls Road.  The Planning Board has discussed it and has the option of having the developer fix it with town supervision or use the developer’s maintenance bond to hire an outside company to fix it.
·       The proposed Highway Department cell tower will not be on tomorrow’s Planning Board agenda as Verizon has decided not to go forward with it for now.  Should Verizon decide later on to go forward, town approval to sign the agreement (on March ballot) would allow the Selectmen to do so if Planning allows the tower.
2.    Survey-     
·       The Selectmen approved a note that was drafted to the employees asking to invite the Selectmen representatives assigned to a committee to each meeting.  The Department Heads will also be reminded at the Department Head meeting.
·       The evaluations committee had their first meeting today and listed the topics to be discussed.  Ann Charbonneau was asked to contact the Local Government Center to see if someone could come to town to give guidance on what other towns do.  Burton will contact Weare about the progress of their committee that was trying to get a merit pay system on their Warrant.
·       Burton will contact Michelle to see if the benefits committee has more to do.

1.          Town Report-For the cover, the Selectmen need to decide color or black and white.  Burton will get a price.  Instead of 750, 500 town reports will be ordered this year.  It will also be published on the town website.  Dave and Burton will proofread the report this week before it goes to the printer.
2.          School Buses-The Selectmen will write to the School Board asking them to ask the bus company to install hooks onto the bus frame to make it easier and safer for the Highway Department to hook onto them when helping them pull buses out of snowbanks and up hills.
3.      Document Shredding-Burton has been researching document shredding and will put the information in the Selectmen’s read folder.  New England Record Destruction does off-site shredding that comes every 4 weeks to pick up a box they provide full of stuff to be shredded and charges $25 per box.  Gordon suggested testing it by either building a similar box to see how much New Boston generates or do a trial run with the company for a month.  Burton will ask how they handle non-paper items such as paper clips and binders.


1.        Gordon appreciated seeing the backhoe clearing out drains on Meetinghouse Hill Road recently in anticipation of storms.
2.        A comment to be published in an article Brandy Mitroff is writing for the New Boston Bulletin was prepared for Selectmen’s review regarding the climate Warrant Article.  The Selectmen suggested changes.
3.          A memo on the building and grounds maintenance to be sent to the Department Heads is in the Selectmen’s read folder for Selectmen’s review.  It suggests a meeting to be scheduled after Christine returns from vacation.

Willard Dodge was present to discuss the research being done regarding the drainage problem at Heidi Palmer’s Real Estate office.  Betsy has been researching culverts and will probably find something in the 1890’s.  There is a pond between Old Coach Road and Clark Hill Road that used to have a dam approximately 1915.  The state built the road approximately 1929.  These will probably relate to the drainage issue.  Don Chapman, Billy Barss, Rosemary Gallagher or other people who have been in town a long time might also have more information on it.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:    David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 PM.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien