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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/28/2008
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 28, 2008

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


Susan Carr was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of the EPA Energy Challenge.  She has formed a committee to work on the project and distributed a list of the committee members to the Selectmen to consider.  She also spoke to David Preece from Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission for guidance regarding the committee members.  Rachel Kelly from Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission is assigned to New Boston.  The committee will consist of a core group of 6 members and the other members will have minor roles.  The Selectmen will sign the letter of commitment to join the program and send a copy of the signed letter to Susan at the same time it is mailed to the EPA.


        1.  7:00 PM             Tom Miller                      Sawmill

Tom Miller was present to meet with the Selectmen to obtain permission to run a portable sawmill for up to 2 years.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong researched the town procedure for sawmills and found no role of Selectmen in the process for a portable sawmill, as the procedure was never completed.  Glenn Dodge has a sawmill with a building and his is not portable.  This is the first time someone has asked to do this type of sawmill.  She recommended a site plan review is needed in this instance and there is no procedure to expedite it.  Tom has received a permit from the state Department of Agriculture that has to be renewed every year.  They are concerned about fire and the amount of timber sawed each year.  He showed a photo of his sawmill to the Selectmen.  He plans to bring his mill to a site for the purpose of sawing and selling timber.  Once the job is completed the mill will be taken out of the location.  The Selectmen recommend the timber sales be defined for the site plan at the Planning Board and the mill will be an ancillary use on the plan.  David moved to grant Tom Miller a two-year license to run a bandsaw.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Tom will meet with the Planning Board next.

2.  7:10 PM             Building Maintenance Discussion

The Department Heads were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the procedure for building maintenance of town buildings.  It was discussed at the last Department Dead meeting where the Department Heads expressed their confusion over the procedure as they were told in March the Selectmen decided they could use Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett for building maintenance if they wished, and then in October they were told the Selectmen decided they had to use him.  Brandy Mitroff from the Finance Committee said the Committee was concerned if the stipend covered hours he was already being paid as Transfer Station Manager or if he was doing his building maintenance duties during off hours.  They also wondered if he had begun these duties because there was not enough to do at the Transfer Station.  Gerry said he has been working on a few small building maintenance jobs approximately 2-3 hours per week if time at the Transfer Station allows.  Sometimes it is during his scheduled time at the Transfer Station and sometimes it is not and he has also been working on creating a maintenance program for the town at home.  Everyone agreed the building maintenance duties should not be added to the job description of Transfer Station Manager.  The town has used stipends before, not without problems.  The position might become full time in the future, right now the Selectmen are seeing how a town maintenance program would work.  The Department Heads are concerned that this was an unadvertised new position in town and the person doing it is overqualified and overpaid for some of the duties being performed and they felt they were not allowed to talk about it at the Department Head meeting, they had to bring it to a Selectmen’s meeting.  They stated they don’t feel respected or trusted.  Police Department secretary Cathy Widener suggested the Department Heads meet again with the Selectmen soon to discuss the communication issues.  A meeting to discuss communication will be scheduled within the next two weeks and a facilitator will be present.  Another meeting will be scheduled to discuss if a full time person is needed for building and grounds maintenance.  Other towns will be asked how they handle maintenance.  The Department Heads will be surveyed about what their building and grounds maintenance are.

3.  7:30 PM             Verizon – Cell Tower

Linda Connell from Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon and David Belez a real estate consultant for Verizon were present to discuss the lease for the cell tower proposed for the Highway Department land.  Town Attorney Leslie Nixon has approved the lease.  Verizon wants the Selectmen to sign the lease.  Coverage plans provided by the facility were distributed to the Selectmen.  David Belez said Verizon provides PCS and cellular coverage.  Cell phone users other than Verizon customers are expected to also experience improved cell phone coverage because of roaming agreements between the carriers.  The lease provides for co-location for the town radios on the tower 10 feet below the Verizon antenna and land rental of approximately $1200 per month, both of which are more extensive provisions than Verizon normally contracts for.  Verizon is proposing a 100-foot tower, the minimum height they need.  A waiver might be needed for tree canopy condition.  Verizon asked the Selectmen to sign the lease then they will begin the Planning Board and permitting process to get the tower accepted.  They said this is purely a real estate transaction accepting the contract not the tower.  The lease includes contingencies and caveats to get out of it if necessary.  Verizon representatives may attend the Deliberative Session February 5 to answer questions about the contract from the public.  The Warrant can be amended at the Deliberative Session but not the lease.  The lease can be made available to someone who comes to the town hall and asks for it but copies will not be distributed at the Deliberative Session.  Verizon will prepare a draft of bullet point topics contained in the lease for Selectmen review to be distributed at the Deliberative Session.  They are meeting with the Planning Board February 12.  The Selectmen will not sign the lease before voting in March but will sign it once the voters approve it.  Verizon cannot provide cell phones and service to the town because the sales and networking performance portions of Verizon are separate and they cannot combine for that purpose.


        1.  Minutes of January 14, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of January 14, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  David moved that they be accepted.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.         Planning:  
·       The Board considered the detention pond aspect of the stormwater management goal they have set for 2008.
·       The driveway issue at Doug Hill’s subdivision is not yet resolved, as the Planning Board wanted a design for a driveway on the old lot.  Doug did not provide that but will at the next meeting.
·       Vista Road/Wilson Hill Road and Inkberry Road compliance hearing deferred until May 2008 due to snow on the ground.
·       John and Rita Young driveway approved.
·       LaBranche driveway on Byam Road deferred pending more information.
2.      Survey-
·       Employees met last week to form committees for the topics to be worked on this year.
·       The Selectmen will review the personnel manual and compare copies of the old manual to the new.
·       The Selectmen and Burton have not yet reviewed the Mission Statement closely for comment.

1.          Plowing of Conservation/Forestry Properties-Bill Regan left a note asking the town to plow the entrance to a conservation area just pas the Police Station.  The town is not sure which area he meant but think it may be Jan Nixon’s yard, which is not town property.  Road Agent John Riendeau said the only conservation/forestry property the town plows is the one at Gregg Mill Road on a time available basis.  Otherwise the town does not plow conservation/forestry areas and will not plow private property as in this case.
2.          Review and Approval of 2008 Warrant and Budget-The Selectmen reviewed and signed the warrant and budget.
3.      Preparation For Deliberative Session-The details sheet for each department have been copied and 2007 are also available for comparison. The Selectmen are assigned to the same department budgets they usually cover.  Research will be done on if a quorum is necessary at the Deliberative Session.  Christine will not be able to attend the Deliberative Session if it is postponed to the snowdate.
4.      Selectmen’s Report For The Town Report-The Selectmen will review and comment on it by the end of the week.
5.      Contribution To LGC Suit-The Local Government Center sent a letter regarding the retirement fund and their concern about keeping the medical subsidy going and the necessity to add it to the employer expense.  The Selectmen decided to contribute from the town legal fund.


1.        Suggestions for milestones to be included in the town report were reviewed.
2.        Fire Chief Dan MacDonald wrote a letter to the Weare Fire Chief to pass along to the Weare Selectmen.  Dave felt this should have been more collaborative between the New Boston Selectmen and Fire Chief and will let Dan know the Selectmen are available in this type of situation.
3.        The Selectmen signed the Tax Collectors Deed for the Riley lot.
4.        Dick Moody has expressed interest in becoming a cemetery trustee.  Clete Pierce is up for re-election as a cemetery trustee this year.  Dick will contact Clete about his interest in continuing as a cemetery trustee.  Lee Nyquist has filed to run for re-election as the town moderator.  Karen Johnson has filed to run for re-election as the town treasurer.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  ADJOURNMENT:    David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 PM.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien