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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/14/2008
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 14, 2008

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.      PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


4.      EPA Energy Contract-Susan Carr from the Climate and Energy Committee was present to meet with the Selectmen and discuss the status of the contract with the EPA Energy Challenge.  Burton has spoken with David Preece of Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission who said he has used the EPA Energy Challenge with other NH towns and felt it was a good program.  Approximately 60 surrounding towns are involved with the program.  The town will need to form a committee to work on the energy challenge and the Climate and Energy Committee has people who are willing to work on it.  Members of the Planning Board or Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett would also be resourceful for the committee as they will need town employee members as well to gather some of the information needed.  The Selectmen agreed to join the energy challenge and will sign the letter of commitment to join the program.  A copy of the signed letter will be mailed to Susan at the same time it is mailed to the EPA.


        1.  Minutes of January 2, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  David moved that they be accepted as presented.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Budget Hearing Minutes of January 10, 2008 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  David moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.      Planning-
·       The Planning Board discussed their goals for 2008 to include stormwater management issues, road standards, continue working on commercial district and subdivision regulations.  The Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission is handling water resources management plan and groundwater.  Affordable multi-family housing and energy efficient development goals were postponed.
·       Doug Hill brought in a proposal for a lot line adjustment between lots 21 and 22 to allow for a driveway.  The lots are planned to have a partial common driveway and the Planning Board plans to enforce the 100’ common driveway rule.  There was a sitewalk Saturday and the Planning Board felt lot 22 was a strange shape and might need to become part of lot 23.
·       Roger Gagnon’s gunshop was approved for conversion to a physical therapy facility run by Kim Messa and Anthony Eberhardt.
·       A sitewalk took place Saturday for the John and Rita Young subdivision on Beard Road where the sight distance was determined to be adequate.
·       A sitewalk took place Saturday at Steve LaBranche’s subdivision on Byam Road.  The Planning Board noted it was not staked well and there was what looked like steep slopes in two directions.
·       Town Attorney Bill Drescher replied and found that as long as it is documented that the improvements to Twin Bridge Road were caused by Clifton Wilson’s subdivision the off-site improvement formula should be applied.


1.  7:00 PM             Employee Survey Discussion

Town employees were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of the committees’ progress as a result of the employee survey.

Dan MacDonald spoke on behalf of the benefits committee and noted the committee was disappointed about the way the Selectmen’s conclusion was conveyed back to the committee as the Selectmen made a decision and moved forward on it before notifying the committee for their input.  Also, committee meetings were hard to schedule at the end of the year.  The Selectmen said in that situation they discussed all the alternatives and Gordon apologized for not notifying the committee earlier.  Burton also said the deadline for signing up for insurance benefits was approaching quickly and the Selectmen made the decision in time for the deadline.  In the future the committees will meet with the Selectmen as the final decision stage nears.

Mary Barone, appointed chairman of the Mission Statement committee, spoke and said the committee revised the purpose and policies portion of the employee manual and added a mission statement that is not currently part of the manual.  Changes to the purpose and polices portion begin at “We value a workplace where….” and the former bullet points were summarized.  Police Chief Chris Krajenka said the committee would like to see the mission statement posted on a plaque or framed in the town hall with the acrostic “SERVICE” noticeable.  It could also be included in the town report and on the town website.  The Selectmen thanked the committee for taking this on.

Chris spoke on behalf of the policy manual committee saying the committee reviewed manuals from other towns and changed the format of New Boston’s manual and added things from the Local Government Center sample manual.  The changes made are listed.  Copies will be supplied to the Selectmen and made available to the employees for review and comment by the end of February.  The final draft will be sent to legal counsel for review.  Christine and Burton were involved with this committee.

Mary Barone spoke on behalf of the newsletter committee and said they plan for a simple 4 page monthly newsletter with articles highlighting a different department each month, noticing employee birthdays and unique facts about employees and departments.  The Selectmen will also provide articles on topics of information they feel will be interesting to the employees.

Dan MacDonald summarized saying the committees are making headway although they are concerned at times the Selectmen aren’t into the process.  The Selectmen said they are into the process and feel both the employees and the Selectmen are working hard on this project.  The committees planned for this year include the retirement committee, part time benefits committee and evaluations committee.  Copies of the applicable legislative information will be provided to the retirement committee.

2.  7:30 PM             Dan MacDonald   Fire Department

Fire Chief Dan MacDonald was present to meet with the Selectmen and discuss Fire Department budget issues.  Burton asked if he has a preference on the approach to upgrading the breathing apparatus he wants to include in the 2008 budget.  Dan deferred that to the Finance Committee to decide saying there is no cost advantage to either approach.  This will be $18,000 per year for 4 years to be included in the protective equipment budget line.  He was asked how the proposed cell tower on Highway Department land could improve communication for the Police, Fire and other Departments.  He said the tower itself might not improve department communication but in exchange for the tower he recommends the town ask Verizon to cover fees for cancellation of the Nextel service the departments currently use and provide cell phone service to the town plus 20 phones and to reserve space on the tower for a repeater for town use.  Currently the town pays approximately $8,000 per year for cell phone service from Nextel.  Verizon has a better cell phone service.  Dan was asked to attend the next Selectmen’s meeting, as Verizon will be present to discuss how the proposed tower will improve cell phone coverage.  


2.  Approval of Library, Highway and Fire Department ’07 Operating Budget Overages-Gordon moved the Board approve budget overages from the Library Department of approximately $2,300 and the Fire Department of approximately $7,400 for the fiscal year 2007.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


3.       Budget Topics-the operating budget was recently modified to include the Fire Department breathing apparatus, an additional item for the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission watershed study, and increased revenues.  Principal Rick Matthews was asked to discuss keeping the town more informed about the school revenues in future years with Superintendent Darrell Lockwood.


1.          Plowing of Community Church Lot-The parking spaces alongside the Community Church are used for general public use and a lot of residents use the spaces to attend library and recreation activities downtown.  Police Chief Chris Krajenka also feels if these were cleared promptly after snowstorms it would improve traffic flow through town.  The rear church parking lot is also used for library and recreation activities.  The Selectmen discussed the possibility of providing funds to the church to help pay for parking lot plowing costs.  The Recreation Department also pays rent to the church for use of the churches time, space and heat during recreation activities held there.  The Friends of the Library also contribute to the church in exchange for use of the church space for some of their activities.  The Selectmen will send a letter to the church asking for costs associated with parking lot plowing before making a final decision.  3.Vacation Hold Over Requests-Vacation holdover requests from Road Agent John Riendeau, Burton, and Transfer Station employee David Jolicoeur and several library employees will be put in the Selectmen’s sign folder then given to Accountant Paula Ciarla for input into the computer.
4. Review of Warrant Articles-Approximately 30 Warrant Articles are expected for this year’s Warrant.  Burton reviewed the Warrant Articles and their order on the Warrant with the Selectmen and expects to complete the form tomorrow and send it to the NH DRA for review.


1.        Gordon saw John Ryan at the Transfer Station and complimented him on the work he has been doing on the retaining wall at Jim Ryan’s property next door to the town hall.
2.        The Selectmen decided to send $100 to Bushie’s widow (Thelma Bouchard) in lieu of flowers for his recent passing.
3.        The bill for the appraisal of the Grosso property is in the read folder for Selectmen review.  Assessor George Hildum reviewed it and felt it was reasonable.
4.        Little People’s Depot asked for an exception to the sign ordinance to place a sign advertising kindergarten openings on the triangle from January 28 through February 4.  The Selectmen approved this as long as it doesn’t block drivers’ view of the road.
5.        Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett’s role in town maintenance will be discussed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

K.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

L.  Move to enter Non-Public Session:  Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 9:01PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

M.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:50PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

N.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:51PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien