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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 07/16/2007
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
July 16, 2007

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Survey Discussion

Town employees were present to discuss how to proceed with solutions to issues raised by the employee survey.  The employees have organized their notes about the survey and the Selectmen have reviewed it.  Dave suggested working on one topic at each Selectmen’s meeting until complete.  Police Department Secretary Kathy Widener said the employees want to see at least some changes for 2008.  Police Chief Chris Krajenka suggested holding a separate meeting to organize, assign and prioritize topics.  Some topics can be worked on by subgroups.  Fire Chief Dan MacDonald said that it seems evident from the organization of the topics that the employees and department heads are concerned about the same things. Some topics won’t cost anything to fix.  He thinks the town needs to keep the momentum going.  Burton said some topics just need some research and information could then be provided to employees.  Kathy also said a lot of employees are willing to put time into coming to a solution.  Gordon suggested a matrix approach to establish high and low priority along with short v. long term timeline.  Gordon reminded the employees that not all of their suggestions are going to happen.  A meeting was scheduled for August 6 at 7:00 to come up with a schedule to organize, assign and prioritize topics.  The base document will be the one prepared by the employees.  They will meet again before the meeting to organize the document further.

Chris mentioned the hiring process is going well, 9 candidates are going to the oral boards.  1 is certified and there may be another certified candidate coming from South Dakota.  He is working on getting a new sign for the Police Department and has received some quotes.  Officer Keeley Bergeron will return to work on light duty July 23.


1.  Minutes of July 2, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.      Leedham Lot-Dwight Sowerby from Attorney Drescher’s office wrote back and said based on the research Attorney Jed Callen had done he agrees this is a lot of record.  This has been shared with Elliot Konner, the ZBA and assessor George Hildum.
2.      Planning:
·       The Fire Wards met with the Planning Board to discuss cisterns and sprinklers and the issues the Planning Board and Fire Department have regarding requiring both.  Planning Board Chairman Peter Hogan asked the Fire Department to put their specifications in writing so the Planning Board can enforce it.  The Fire Department tried to explain the benefits of a cistern to the audience by saying that if there is a cistern in the area insurance rates go down.  The follow up meeting scheduled for tomorrow night has been postponed.  
·       There was a discussion between the Fire Wards, Police Department and Road Agent about cul-de-sacs.  Al Bell’s Shaky Pond Development has offered 50 acres to the town in exchange for a 2200’ cul-de-sac instead of the desired 1,000 feet.  He will bury the utilities and offered to install a cistern in the middle of the cul-de-sac.  One Planning Board member was not in favor but the rest were in favor.  Shaky Pond is waiting to hear from the Planning Board and the meeting was adjourned to July 24.
·       Non-residential site plan review for cordwood sales on Joe English Road approved.
·       Chestnut Hill development major subdivision 8 lots on Susan Road needed a drainage system for each house because they were not meeting the runoff requirements.  A drywell for each house was approved.  The application was approved as complete.
·       Jon Willard from Little People’s Depot wants to turn the house into condex units and sell them separately from the barn.
3.      Fuel Oil Contract-The $150 additional fee discussed at the last meeting turns out to be per location.  The town has 8 locations.  The Selectmen decided not to take that option and will take the contract price per gallon.

1.      Use of Town Hall-The Baptist Church has requested to use the town hall for a men’s prayer meeting Wednesday mornings at 7:00 AM.  Burton called the Local Government Center who said the Selectmen should use the same standards for this request they would use for a request from any party to use the town hall.  They would need a key to get in.  The meetings would take place early in the morning before business hours.  Kim Burkhamer said Assessor George Hildum comes in on different days, sometimes Wednesdays at 7 AM and uses the conference room table.  Brandy Mitroff suggested offering them the use of the White Buildings.  The Selectmen were concerned about security because they really don’t know who will be attending the meetings.  The Selectmen will reply and suggest they contact the Recreation Department for use of the White Buildings.


        2.  8:00 PM             Tris Construction               Wilson Gravel Pit

Steve Boyd from Wadleigh, Starr and Peters and Kim Burkhamer were present to discuss the Wilson Gravel Pit.  Kim said she and Assessor George Hildum went to the gravel pit Thursday morning.  She said you come to a locked gate and once you get in you can see a flat pit area.  There is a fairly well reclaimed area and a stockpile area that is not reclaimed.  There is an excavation area of straight sand that appears to be in the original area close to the tree line.  The tree line trees appear to be 30 years old and Kim and George feel it clearly delineates the area.  They did not measure the exact size of the area but will go back to do so if the Selectmen wish.  GPS was done on another area measuring approximately a little more than 1.5 acres.  They also took pictures.  Reclamation has begun.  Trees were cut in the area now identified as being on another lot and no timber intent was filed.  Kim and George agree that where they are digging sand is part of the defined area.  10 acres are permitted for and it looks like it is within the 10 acres.  The Selectmen want the area measured by GPS to make sure they are in compliance and the cease and desist will be lifted.  Tris Construction was reminded they will probably need a site specific when they expand.  Mr. Wilson’s checks have been returned.  A new intent will have to be filed and new checks need to be filed with town and state.  The Selectmen will send a letter detailing the plan and granting the permit.

2.      FEMA Meeting-Burton and Road Agent John Riendeau met with the FEMA representative last Thursday.   The information was prepared by road and the meeting went well.  The representative will come back next Thursday (July 26) when things should be finalized.  Unfortunately the pictures taken by Sergeant Frank Kochanek have since been lost.
3.      Road Agent Re-Appointment-Gordon moved to re-appoint John Riendeau as the Road Agent.  Dave seconded the motion.   All were in favor.

        3.  8:15 PM             Kendal Bush                     Cell Tower

Kendal Bush and Steve Resitek were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the plans and process for cell tower approval for the cell tower being considered for the Highway Department site.  They asked how the Selectmen could decide to put a cell tower in a residential area.  The Selectmen explained Verizon will have to go through a site plan review process with the Planning Board, residents and abutters and then the plan will go to a town vote on a Warrant Article asking the residents if the town should enter into a long term lease for the cell tower at that location.   Steve said he has asked for documentation on what the benefits to the public would be and for blackout data in the town and was told there is no such documentation at this time.  The Selectmen said benefits of the cell tower to the town would include income to the town and it would address communication needs of the town.  The problems, advantages and permits will be determined further in the Planning Board process.  No hearings with Verizon are scheduled at the Planning Board yet.  John Stout asked about the status of the temporary tower and was told nothing has come up on that yet.  He also asked about how it would benefit communication in town because police and fire use dispatch in Goffstown and was told it will help them communicate in the downtown area and along the river.  Brandy Mitroff said she has experienced 3 cell tower site plans and they are rigorous.  She has seen 2 approved and one denied.  A balloon test will also be done before it is approved.  Kendal also expressed her concerns that tax money is being wasted on this.  Gordon said the location cannot be pre-judged.  Kendal said she was told that the area for the tower was cleared in January.  The Selectmen responded that no land has been cleared for a tower.  She also asked if the town government is subject to its own zoning laws.  The technical answer is “no” but the Selectmen intend to do so.    Gail Stout asked if it is certain this would go to the Planning Board process before town vote and the Selectmen said that is not certain but Verizon is not expected to go to town vote first.  The status of the cell tower is Town Counsel Leslie Nixon is reviewing the agreement.  The special town meeting suggested by Verizon will be denied and unlikely to go forward but if it did go forward it would be noticed.  The Selectmen referred Kendal and Steve to the section of Planning Board regulations dealing with cell towers that can be obtained on the town website.  Kendal and Steve asked if there were other ways fire and police could communicate without relying on Verizon and they were referred to Dan MacDonald and Chris Krajenka.

4.      Agenda for Transfer Station Discussion on 7/30-The Selectmen reviewed an agenda consisting of 10 topics.  Burton will work on it with Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett.  Gerry, Burton and the Selectmen will present the topics.  The person who gave the software to the Transfer Station said he is willing to attend the meeting to explain how collection fees are tracked.  Joe Constance will attend.
5.      Wichman Lot-Current Use-Mr. Wichman is asking for an abatement of this year’s taxes.  George Hildum has approved his application to change the assessment and abate the 2006 taxes because they are too high due to the fact it is all land but 2 acres is being taxed as a house lot when it is not.  Dave moved the New Boston Board of Selectmen invoke the provisions of RSA 79:5II and authorize the assessing officials to accept the Wichman application submitted July 2, 2007 as if it were submitted prior to April 15, 2007 for Map 14 Lot 64.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.    
6.      Town Hall Cellar-The sprinkler system tanks are getting low.  Both tanks are now down 1/3.  Gerry and a boy who needed some community service hours filled the tanks and cleaned up the cellar last week.  Ventilation with screens will be considered.  Concrete blocks may be used to build up in front of the boiler room steps to protect it in the event of flooding
7.      Gazebo Repairs-The handrail going into the gazebo on the left hand side was rotting.  Mark Ciarla took it out and noticed the granite steps have heaved because of the weather.  John Riendeau came with the backhoe and Gerry used a crowbar to get them back into place.  Gerry suggested using a sealant to prevent water from going under there.  The railings are now repaired and will be painted.  There is a maintenance fund consisting of money that was leftover from when the gazebo was built.

1.      The question was brought up as to whether or not Mr. Wilson on Old Coach Road needs a site plan review for wood processing due to the increased scale.  The second driveway still looks like a driveway and is being used as a driveway.
2.      Part time Highway Department help in the summer should be considered next year.  They are shorthanded in the summer because the workers are required to take their vacations in the summer and John is not really a “working” road agent because of all the paperwork he has to do.
3.      A woman approached Dave about the large fir tree on the town common and asked if there were any alternatives to cutting it down.  Dave asked the Selectmen to ask the Garden Club for alternative ideas for that tree.  Kim Britton from the St. Anselm landscaping department lives in town and will look at the common and talk to Mike and Burton with suggestions.
4.      Dave spoke to a former Selectmen from Deering who said Deering is getting its first town administrator and asked about what New Boston does with the Gatsby accounting rules 34.  Auditing firm Plodzick and Sanderson turned them down as a client because Deering didn’t want to do Gatsby 34.  Dave asked if Plodzick and Sanderson are getting stricter about the Gatsby rules.  They are and an example is completion of the town financial report (MS-5).  The auditors have always done this but now they require us to review their work product and confirm it is correct.  Also, he said there are new requirements for auditors when they have a management letter type of issue that ought to be attended to. They might need to comment in more situations not that the rules are tighter.  An issue has come up recently with government bonds.  Burton said if /when the time comes when the municipal bond bank won’t supply the bonds and sell them because the town hasn’t complied with the Gatsby 34 rule the town will then have to do it.  It could be very expensive.
5.      Chris Krajenka is meeting with Chris Anderson from PSNH to discuss situations where flag people are needed when PSNH does work.  Recently a tree was down on Lull Road that brought down some wires.  Chris Krajenka felt police presence was needed but PSNH felt they were unfairly charged for a police “detail” when the tree in question was in the town right of way.  Burton will talk to Chris Anderson about it tomorrow.  The town is not trying to build up detail hours because the staff is not large enough to cover these additional shifts.  Chris Krajenka gave Burton a copy of RSA 105:9 that says a Chief can demand police presence at any event and Chris will require 2 officers at an upcoming Tavern event.  This RSA doesn’t seem to resolve the issue with PSNH but the Selectmen expect PSNH has regulations they are required to follow about flaggers, not necessarily police officers, directing traffic.  A meeting to discuss this has been scheduled for Monday July 23 at the Police Department.
6.      Burton will talk to County Sheriff Jim Hardy tomorrow about the quality of the sheriff coverage of police shifts in town.  They have not been getting their paperwork in on time, are not bringing incidents to closure and not doing some traffic enforcement.

L.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

M.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien