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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/04/2007
Board of Selectmen’s Minutes 6/4/07

Town of New Boston
Selectmen’s Meeting
June 4, 2007

Present:        Gordon Carlstrom        Selectman
                David Woodbury  Selectman
                Christine Quirk Selectman       
                Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A.      Call to Order:  A regular meeting of the board of selectman was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:08, beginning with the Pledge of allegiance.

B.      Public Comment:  No public comment.

C.      Appointments:  
7:00    Irene Baudreau  Thornton Road  
Irene Baudreau met with the selectman to discuss the drainage pipes that she put along the front of her property located on Thornton Road.  Irene placed the drainage pipes along the side of the road in the fall of 2006.  She put in these pipes because during certain rain storms, water would run onto her property, and damage her fencing.  Irene had asked the town to fix the drainage problem in the past and nothing was done.  Irene stated to the selectman that water damage caused to Thornton Road was not due to the drainage pipes that she put in.  The water from these drainage pipes stay in the drainage ditches.  She said that she placed these culverts along existing drainage ditches, and that the damage caused on Thornton Rd. is do partly from water coming from the Akston property.  The selectman are questioning whether or not these culverts that Irene put in are damaging Thornton Road in any way.  The selectman ask John Reindeau for his opinion of the situation.  John said that the road has many problems, and that he cannot say whether or not the pipes that Irene put in has made any more problems for the road.  John suggests that they give it some time to observe, and reevaluate the situation at a later date.  The selectman agree to check back on this issue in the fall.  They suggest to Irene that she take pictures of the road during the next rain storm so that they can see whether or not the drainage ditches are working properly.          
7:15    John Palmer             Hooper Hill Road Drainage
                John Palmer’s property was damaged after the last New Boston flood.  He has a sub-terranian stream that runs behind his office.  During the flood a stone wall was damaged and materials blocked a culvert.  The culvert is located on his neighbor’s property, and John questioned who is responsible for maintaining it.  John wants the culvert cleared so that his property won’t flood again.  The selectman stated that no one knows who even put in these culverts.  David Woodbury said that until it is found out who put these culverts in, it is each individual property owner’s responsibility to maintain them.  Palmer asked that if he removes the stones from the culvert, will the town then continue to maintain it.  David said that the system probably needs many repairs.  He feels that this could be a very large and costly responsibility for the town.  David said that the issue would need to be placed in front of the town for a vote if the town saw it fit to take over responsibility for the drainage system.  John Palmer suggested that the selectman view the opening of the culvert.  The selectman agree.  John Bunting stated that there are many cameras that could be sent down to view the inside of the culverts.  John Palmer also asked the selectman if the driveway to a routed property on Hooper Hill Rd. would be repaired.  John Reindeau, the road agent, did reassure John Palmer that the town would repave the area that was dug out to put in a culvert.  John Palmer stated a concern that due partially to truck traffic, the granite headers could damage these culverts.  John Reindeau said that there are talks about fixing the problem.  David Woodbury questioned if the weight of the trucks is what is causing damage to the tops of the culverts.  John Reindeau said that he would have to go and take a look.  John Palmer also said that there were no drainage ditches on the side of Hooper Hill Rd.  John Reindeau told John Palmer that he recently went up and cleared out the ditches.             
7:30    John Reindeau           Road Agent
John spoke with the selectman about being a little short handed, which is slowing work down a little.  John said that his crew was out finishing up wash outs.  Next week they will begin paving.  John also told the selectman that he will be ordering his pipes for Thornton Road before July 1st.  John said that he and Burton will be working together to get things organized for FEMA.  John will also be getting some bids in for fixing Tucker Mill Rd.  John was questioned on whether or not he could get the center of town swept before the 4th of July.  John said that he was not sure, but he would try.  John received a letter from Steve Kuchury of 272 Meadow Rd.  Steve is asking the town to clean up his yard of debris from the last major rain storm.  Steve believed that his yard flooded due to the drainage ditches not being maintained.  John Reindeau said that this was not the cause.  John stated that the road sits up high, and his lawn sits low, and water just happened to flow into his yard because the brook overflowed and water had no where else to go.  It has always been a wet area.  John says that Tom Dutton has a piece of equipment that he has used before that can clean the gravel off of Steve’s lawn.  John said that he will look into what the cost of this would be.  David Woodbury stated that this would be a one time cleanup.  John said that he would go and look at Steve’s property and will get a price for the cleanup.  He will then let the selectman know what the price is and they can make their decision from there.       
7:45    Sandy VanScoyoc Livable/Walkable Committee
Sandy wanted to talk to the selectman about the future of the footbridge.  Sandy stated that in the future they would need a letter from the selectman to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation given the vote on the warrant article.  The warrant article was defeated, 388 in favor, 502 opposed.  Sandy said that they are slated to receive funds for the bridge in 2010.  David Woodbury stated that he did not hear too much on why people were not in favor of the bridge.  He did state that he heard the comment, “a bridge to nowhere.”  The warrant article was for $4,000.00, for preliminary engineering.  David Woodbury said that it was probably not the money that caused people not to vote for the bridge.  $4,000.00 is not a lot of money.  People probably just thought it was a bad idea.  People may have also been against it because it would need public funds.  The selectman suggested trying to fundraise some of the money since the townspeople did not seem willing to spend public funds on the bridge.  Sandi said that they have three options from this point.  They can turn down the $120,000.00 funding from the Federal Government, which is given through the state.  They can go back to NH DOT with a letter from the selectman stating that the warrant article was defeated due to a lack of support.  They could fundraise the $30,000.00 match.  They could also reintroduce another warrant article in 2008.  If they were to do this they would also share more information about the bridge to try and gain more support.  The selectman also stated that some people may think that spending $150,000.00 on a bridge as too much.  David Woodbury suggested spending the money on something else for the town.  Sandy said that they would have to start the process over.  They can only use this money for certain things.  The selectman suggested trying to get the word out about the bridge so that people are familiar with it.  This bridge is part of a system of pathways, sidewalks, and crosswalks, so that people can get to key destinations in town.  The committee has time now to expose people to the bridge.  Sandi said that they will do this.  Sandi asked the selectman if they knew what was going on with the context sensitive solution.  The selectman said that they were waiting for nicer weather.  Burton said that he will discuss it with Nic.  Sandi also stated that the committee is working with the police chief to raise funds to purchase the speed monitor.               

D.      Approval of Minutes:  Christine Quirk entertained a motion to approve the selectman minutes from May 14, 2007 as amended.  David Woodbury moved to accept the motion.  Gordon Carlstrom seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

E.      Old Business:
1.      Planning
*On May 22, 2007 there was a discussion with Jack Munn, Senior Planner, SNHPC, regarding the next steps for future planning by the Planning Board.  The board will be starting to set up two committees studying the residential, agricultural, open space, and small scale commercial, which was recommended by the town’s master plan.  
*There was a discussion about back lots.  The planning board does not want to get rid of back lots; they just want to re-look at the frontage of the back lots.    
*There was a site walk taken for Lisa Jeck’s Spiritual Growth and Development Workshop Home Business, located at 110 River Road.  The site met all requirements and was approved.
*There was a site plan review for Tracy and Timothy Crowell for their Auto Restoration Home Business located at 456 Chestnut Hill Road.  The site met all requirements and was approved.
*Craig Heafield, Stump/Wood Recycling and Log Yard, located on River Road.  There was a proposal to operate a stump removal business.  All the requirements were met and were approved.  There will be a sign put up for the business.  
*Kenneth R. Barss Jr. and Lori A. Barss, Submission of Application to erect a structure within the wetlands and stream corridor conservation district located of 501 Mont Vernon Road.  The application was complete and the Conservation Committee approved.  The Barss will be putting up a stone wall as well.  The application was approved.
*Raymond Barss, Linda and Ronald Bernier, Submission of Application for minor subdivision/lot line adjustment on Joe English Road.  The Planning Board members walked the site and there seemed to be no issues.  The Barss’ will be taking one lot and making another lot where the asparagus field is located.
*Chad and Katie Napierkoski, Submission of application for a dog grooming home business, located at 66 Parker Road.  The site walk went well.  The Napierkoski’s will not be kenneling dogs as part of their business.  The application was approved.
*Misc. Planning.  Hutchinson Road Driveway Permits.  The driveways being put in on Hutchinson Road are not being put in correctly.  They are maintaining the correct slope for the first 14 feet, but fail to meet the correct slope after the first 14 feet.  If the foundations for the houses being built are not put in at the right level, there is no way that the driveways will be able to meet code.  John Bunting suggests that certificates of occupancy be denied for any house that’s driveway does not meet code.  Gordon Carlstrom moved to make a motion to deny certificates of occupancy for driveways that do not meet required specifications.  David Woodbury seconds the motion.  All were in favor.
*Site walk at Damion’s Restaurant located on River Road.  A site walk was taken at the property and not everything was completed as required.  
*Doris Leedham’s lot was discussed.  The selectmen are waiting for an opinion from the council to see if the lot was pre-existing.                  

F.      New Business:
1.      Herget/Hayse-Compliance Process.     Mary Pinkham-Langer sent a letter that stated under 155-E5B, under other exceptions, no permits shall be required for the following types of excavations; excavation that is incidental to agricultural or sylvacultural activities, normal landscaping, or minor topographical adjustment.  The selectman agree that this does apply.  The selectman can say that no permit is required if it is minor topographical adjustments.  The selectman stated that they do not have the power to take them out from under the ZBA.  They received approval for hours of operation, and approval for non-family member employees from the ZBA, and they will need to continue to do so.  Mary Pinkham-Langer also stated in her letter that the there should to be an expiration date and that the property should be inspected.  Gordon Carlstrom moved to make a motion to inspect the property in a year.  David Woodbury seconded the motion.  All were in favor.          
2.      PRIMEX Multi-Year Extension.  Burton Reynolds stated that the town typically signs a multi-year extension routinely.  This year Burton wants to consider other options.  Burton spoke with the selectman about getting a quote for the town’s workman’s compensation from a local government center.  When Burton received a quote from a local government center last year he found that it would have saved the town $2,000.  Since both companies offer the same coverage, Burton feels that it may be nice to have the flexibility to change to another company in the future.  If the town does not sign PRIMEX’s multi-year extension, they will lose a $2,000 discount.  The extension needs to be signed by June 15th.  David Woodbury questioned if it would be worthwhile to speak with Mr. Webber, from PRIMEX, and ask him if he can meet or beat the local government centers price.  Gordon Carlstrom also asked if the multi-year extension is not signed this year, can the town sign it next year.  Burton will look into the selectman’s questions and will also get a price from the local government center this fall when the coverage renews.    
3.      Credit/Debit Card Acceptance.     Burton Reynolds met with Nation Wide Payment Solutions and discussed the use of credit/debit cards.  The selectman agreed not to go with the use of credit cards due to fees.  Burton will look into the use of debit cards.
4.      Tom Miller      Road Committee Appointment.
Gordon Carlstrom moved that Thomas Miller be appointed to the road committee.  David Woodbury seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

G.      Other:
*There was a question of who is responsible for the playground equipment located behind the town hall.  The selectman stated that the playground association is the one who deals with the maintenance.  There is a problem with one of the chains on the playground that needs to be dealt with.  
*There was a question on whether or not the town should respond to all of the e-mails from Sally Delevan of Capitol Trash.  Burton Reynolds stated that he or Joe Constance do respond to all of her e-mails, and that they have no problem with answering what questions she may have.  Sally has many concerns about the town’s transfer station.  Joe told Sally that she needs to be patient and that there will be another informational meeting to discuss these issues.  Some of the important issues that will be discussed include the solid waste to recycle ratio, and also the need for some type of sensitivity training for the staff of the transfer station.  Joe Constance is also working on the ordinance, so that it is in compliance with the flyer that the town sends out.  
*There will be a changing of the guard at the NB Air Force Station on Monday July 2nd, at 9:00am.  Burton asked if anyone was available to attend.  Christine Quirk stated that she was planning on attending.  Christine will coordinate with someone from the NB Police Department.  Dan McDonald will also probably attend.    
*The NB Police Chief requested a meeting with the selectman to discuss an officer.  The Chief cannot wait two weeks and wants to have a non-public meeting.  The selectman agreed to meet with him on Thursday June 7, at 6:00pm, at the police station.    

H.      Public Comment:  
John Bunting stated that he is not an advocate for anyone, but the town in general has heard both sides of the Capital Trash issue.  There is a rumor that the Solid Waste Committee has refused to allow Sally to be on their agenda because she is not a resident of the town.  John says that he feels this is not a good enough reason for her not to be heard.  Burton told John that he has already spoken with Joe Constance, the Solid Waste Committee chairman, about this issue, and that hr now understands she may attend.   John Bunting also stated that if Plodzidt Sauderson is to do an audit on the transfer station, don’t they need records to do this?  John says that if money coming in is as important as money going out, shouldn’t there be two or three quotes for recyclable:trash?  This would then give them something to audit.  Gordon said that this may be difficult to accomplish.  

At 9:50 the board voted to enter non-public under RSA 91-A;3 II (a) to discuss an employee review with the employee.  The session ended at 10:49pm.  

At 10:50 the board voted to enter non-public under RSA 91-A;B II (a) to discuss responding to a letter relative to a department head.  The session ended at 11:55pm.  

I.      Adjournment:  David Woodbury made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:56pm.  Gordon Carlstrom seconded the motion.  All were in favor.