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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/30/2007
Town of New Boston
Selectmen’s Meeting
April 30, 2007

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom        Selectman
                        Christine Quirk Selectman
                        David Woodbury  Selectman

A.      CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectman was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance in the upstairs Grange Hall. Gordon Carlstrom was then called upon to chair the meeting.

B.      PUBLIC COMMENT: none


1.      Capitol Trash

Gordon began this session stating it was the desire of the Board to work with Capitol Trash in meeting the requirements of the Transfer Station for commercial customers with the goal of keeping them as an alternative for those who for whatever reason wish to use a trash pick-up service to handle their trash needs. He then presented an overview of the operating authority and the rules – see outline attached.

Sally Delevan made the presentation on behalf of Capitol Trash – see attached documents that were made available to everyone at the meeting.

Once Sally was finished, Willard Dodge spoke. He said he had received many phone calls about issues at the Transfer Station. He felt it was important they be addressed. He did not have the feeling the Selectmen wished to hear these complaints. His comments focused on: questions related to Capitol Trash manipulating loads, the 60%/40% split required of commercial haulers, ability of people to be able to go through the scrap metal pile, taking of used plastic oil containers, idea of requiring the use of clear plastic bags, and the fact the operations now were not in concert with the Ordinance. He asked that these topics and others the Delevans had raised be reviewed and answers provided to the public.

Gerry Cornett was asked by the Board to explain why the town recycling formula was different from what the state uses.

Gordon addressed several of the issues raised earlier in the meeting. Ms. Delevan had complained that she was not allowed to discuss her concerns at an earlier Selectmen’s meeting. Gordon noted that under “public comment” she was allowed to read her statement but she had no appointment for that meeting, the Transfer Station manager was not present, and a meeting with the Planning Board and Road Committee was scheduled next that evening plus many other items. She needed to come back and this is that meeting. He clarified that individuals can be banned from the facility just as commercial haulers can and there is a process for doing so. In reference to statements by Ms. Delevan that all their customers recycle, Christine said that on 4/26/07 she was present when bags were randomly pulled off a Capitol Trash truck and five out of twelve had considerable recyclables in them.

At this point the Capitol Trash portion of the meeting was concluded. The meeting was adjourned to the first floor conference room at around 9PM.

The minutes of 4/19/07 were reviewed and amended then approved.

The Planning Board is working with the new engineering firm, North Point, relative to their billing estimates. Are looking at 3 lots on Laurel Lane off Mason Drive. New Boston Physical Therapy is looking to move to 18 High Street . Does the driveway for the Hill’s meet spec for grade? Ability to build on a small lot owned by Doris Leedham.

1.      Gravel Pit Permits. Abutters and owners were notified of a permit hearing schedule. The Board reviewed the hearing schedule. Francestown Sand and Gravel needs to be added – left off in error.

1.      Planning Board Appointment. Selectmen approved a request from the Planning Board to appoint Jeff St. John as an alternate to the Planning Board.

H.      OTHER
1.      This past week saw a developer use a CO for a previously built house for another one to accommodate a closing. People have moved into the house and there are outstanding issues. Town counsel is being contacted. The Police Dept. is proceeding with an investigation relative to fraud.
2.      John looking to purchase a trailer to hold barricades, cones, signs, etc. Then they could be locked instead of being stored in the first bay of the garage that has no doors.
3.      Flood damage estimate varies depending on whether damage to several bridges is minor or major.
4.      There is an issue with the cell tower at the Highway Shed site. In order for the Selectmen to approve a lease, because it is long-term, it must be approved by voters at next March ballot. Burton to review with Local Government Center counsel to see if there is any way around this.
5.      Chief Krajenka announced a gift of a 37” tv with mount from Wal-Mart. Can be used for training and in emergencies.
6.      Chief also commented on complaints about the Transfer Station and alleged no one spoke with Gerry after he had made statements saying he wanted Linda Sizemore fired.
7.      Rhoda Shaw Clark is 96 and will be awarded the Boston Post Cane as the older town resident. Dave will check with the family and arrange the presentation time and place.
8.      Gordon noted that Hooper Hill road was badly washed out by the floods. Reminded administrator that the road behind the grandstand is supposed to be graded. Requested the Solid Waste Committee begin work on the concerns brought forth by Capitol Trash.
9.      Dave said John Palmer had written to the Board and wanted to meet to discuss the Hooper Hill road washout as well as problems with an old drainage system that comes out from the hill in back of the real estate office.
10.     Need to prepare proclamation for framing for Don Sims retirement from the PD.
11.     Board agreed to continue an abatement of the gravel tax for the 4-H.
12.     Lee Brown wanted to request that in the near future the Board meet with the Recreation Commissioners about land preservation for recreation purposes. Concern is the cost of upkeep. Their focus is on a building rather than more land right now. A meeting will be scheduled.
13.     Linda Sizemore, who works in the Selectmen’s office, felt she was owed an apology due to a call she got Thursday from Gordon questioning whether someone was taking info from personnel files. She felt it called into question her integrity. Gordon apologized but felt he had done the right thing by calling the office to inquire. Several people in the audience spoke on behalf of Linda and criticized the Board for not seeing to it Gerry apologized to Linda sooner relative to his remarks that she should be fired.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:14 PM. Motion by Gordon, 2nd by David. All in favor.

Minutes prepared by Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator