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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/19/2007

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2007

Present:        Gordon Carlstrom, Christine Quirk, David Woodbury

Call to order by Chairman Quirk and pledge of allegiance at 4PM.

No public comment.

Gerry Cornett — Transfer Station Manager
In preparation for 4/30 meeting with Capitol Trash the following was discussed:
Memo from Capitol Trash outlining concerns, steps the Transfer Station has taken to assist commercial haulers, what have been some of the problems with Capitol Trash, town recycle rates since 2005, where the 60% solid waste/40% recycle materials ratio comes from, how scales allow for a more precise accounting, what the Town ordinance says and what the 1993 rules and regulations say about the running of the facility. The police chief expressed concern over fair treatment for all users and noted recent complaints the PD had fielded. The facility sees around 900-1,000 residents a week and commercial haulers serve close to 400 customers, Selectmen want to set some Capitol Trash meeting ground rules to keep it focused and moving along.

Two bids were received for the new solid waste trailer approved by voters in March. One, J&J met the specs and was within the amount approved on the warrant while Atlantic Leasing was over the $65,000 warrant article amount and did not meet all bid specs.
Gordon made a motion to accept the $64,640 bid of J&J, second by David, all voted in favor. A June delivery is expected. The current trailer will be sold to the Town of Hopkinton for $5,000.

Chris Krajenka — Police Chief
The Chief was in to get approval to apply for a DWI grant for $621. This pays for a one-weekend high profile patrol focused on DWI enforcement. It is scheduled for August.
The Board approved the grant and signed the proposal form.

The operating budget has money to provide a new sign for the police station. It would be free standing and be out in front of the building where it would be more visible than the current one on the building. The sign is coming in $600 over budget. The Selectmen suggested contacting other vendors and getting additional quotes.

JoIm Riendeau — Road Agent
John shared with the Board where some of the worst road damage is from the heavy rainstorm of 4/15 & 16. Gregg Mill Bridge is still closed until the abutment damage can be assessed and remedial steps taken. Most roads are now open thanks to the assistance of local contractors D&S, Scott Elliott, Tom Dutton, and Skip Gomes. Will be taking a look at the Hooper Hill area as well as some others with an eye toward dispersing water before it gets to the public way. Will have a debriefing to go over emergency process and review and update the emergency plan.

Minutes of 4/2/07 were amended as necessary and then approved. The non-public minutes had no amendments and were approved.

Recreation Dept. (Lee Brown and Mike Sindoni) shared with Planning Board that their focus was on new building facilities more than more fields. They were also concerned about maintenance of any new fields. Selectmen want to meet with Recreation to better refine the Town position about the desire for land for recreation. Concerned Planning Board may have gotten message that there is no interest in setting aside land for recreation purposes.

Jack Munn from SNHP: clean water grant (assistance with sewers) and affordable housing grants.

Tim Crowley: mostly antique auto restoration up on Chestnut Hill

Craig Heafield: conversion of gravel pit to log yard. Site walk on Saturday.

Friendly Beaver Campground: compliance hearing for 40 more campsites

Seff Enterprises: extended section of Foxberry now ready for approval as a public way after better barriers were in place to block the not yet completed driveway

Robert Moreau: 2 lot subdivision off route 77

Ken Barss: old store location on Mount Vernon road — wants to replace present trailer with a new one but a stream in the area is causing setback problems

Leedham Lot: Elloit Konnor wants to know if this is a buildable lot and the Selectmen are not sure and want the matter referred to Bill Drescher.

Gravel Permits
Discussed options if a pit owner does not have everything in order for pit permit approval. The Board would like a checklist to use for this process. Feel sending letters to the abutters is OK by regular mail after reviewing requirement of RSA 1 55-E. Set the hearing schedule and approved the hearing notice letter to abutters. Owners will be called and advised of their date and time plus any outstanding items we need.

Leedham Lot
See last item under Planning.
Summer Concert Sign
Town departments are allowed to place signs on the common without Selectmen approval but this is a banner and not in compliance with the sign ordinance dimensions. The Selectmen approved use of the sign advertising the summer concert series.

Draft of 2007 Selectmen Office Goals
Each board member will review keeping in mind this only touches upon the larger items plus the specific warrant items approved by voters.

The Board moved the list as presented. Almost all appointments were people already in the positions. A letter will to sent to each advising their term, thanking them for serving, and reminding them to see the Town Clerk to be sworn-in.

Selectmen want to prepare a letter of thanks to all who helped during the rain event. The Big Read letter of support to this library program was read and signed.
They signed a contract extension for SNHP to continue work on updating regulations as approved by the Planning Board using funds already approved last year by voters.

Non- Public
There was no non-public session.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM. Motion David with 2nd by Gordon. All voted in favor.

Minutes prepared by Burton Reynolds, Town Administrator