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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/20/2007
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
February 20, 2007

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Gerry Cornett           Transfer Station

Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of projects at the Transfer Station:

·       Hazardous Waste Day-Clean Harbors cost is increasing 3-6% this year due to labor costs, insurance and fuel.  Gerry expects to get the actual price tomorrow.
·       A decrease in recycling participation has been noticed lately.
·       Market rates are holding steady.
·       6-wheeler:  The transfer station is having problems with their 6-wheeler tractor used to switch-out a trailer when it is full.  It has a cracked 5th wheel, trouble pulling out the trailers, smoking engine, trouble handling the weight, and brake problems.  Gerry has been researching options for a replacement.  Some people in town are against obtaining a military surplus vehicle because of parts availability and maintenance.  Gerry is worried about downtime if something does break down on these vehicles but otherwise thinks they are a good option.  If the town is interested in these they have to act quickly to get them.  Gerry has located 6 and 10 wheelers from the early 80’s, and local trucks that are not capable of handling the weight.  Willard Dodge has told Gerry the transfer station property can’t handle a 10-wheeler but Gerry disagrees.  A 10-wheeler is expected to cost $5-6,500 and a good 6-wheeler would cost $6,000.  Gerry will look for a civilian vehicle in decent condition at a good price.  Willard has provided Gerry with some contacts.  He expects his budget could absorb the cost this year.
·       Security system installation-Wayne Blassberg quoted the transfer station on a system similar to what the school has for $3,000.  Gerry has done research and feels that another type of system would be better for the transfer station.  He found a system with its own DVR with 4 cameras with outdoor housing to keep them from freezing, including wiring, can record for 3 months before rewriting, night vision, etc. for $1,895 plus $50 shipping and handling.  Gerry can install this type of system.  He wants this for the transfer station because people are dumping things they shouldn’t be when transfer station employees are not looking, especially at the swap shop area and metal pile.  Gerry also feels he needs more than 1 camera, which is what Wayne quoted.  Dummy cameras may also be needed.  The Selectmen are concerned about the reaction of the townspeople but Gerry plans to post the fact that cameras are installed and explain the reasoning behind the cameras.  He has also noticed problems with people coming into the Transfer Station after hours and taking stuff.  The transfer station should be posted as “No Trespassing.”
·       The landfill cap check was received from FEMA in the amount of $25,000.
·       A NRRA meeting will take place in Concord February 28.  NRRA is in danger of losing its non-profit status.
·       Gerry is interested in starting a maintenance and upkeep schedule for the town departments.  Eric Scoville is the current handyman, who took over from Don Chapman, and he has mostly been used for shoveling recently.  Gerry and Glenn are interested in taking over.  Gerry’s original plan was to go through each department if the department head feels it is necessary and wanted and come up with a maintenance and upkeep schedule for each.  He could also help research contractors for projects in departments to free up the department head’s time for other things.  Gerry distributed an outline of his and Glenn’s capabilities and qualifications for the maintenance duties.  Gerry has done this in the past for Henniker.  The shoveling schedule may require an additional person and Dave Jolicoeur may be available for that.  The Selectmen asked Gerry and Burton to work out the details of the job.  Gerry says there is a lot to be done but it is up to the town to determine what they want done.  He said nothing would be done without a work order approved by the department head.  Gerry expects to earn an increased rate for these duties.  Snow removal is a priority and Gerry will prepare some work orders for the Selectmen’s review.  The college students that help out at the Transfer Station in the spring and summer could do sweeping, raking, cleaning and mowing.  The duties will be researched this year to see if it will require additional equipment and hours.


        1.  Minutes of January 29, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  Dave abstained.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of January 29, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted.   Gordon seconded the motion.  David abstained.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       New Era CF Trust-This is a subdivision of Jay Marden’s house lot.  He plans to create a lot for sale of 2.53 acres and a lot for his daughter of 7.6 acres leaving a right of way down to state land.  He is leaving 20 acres for unspecified use.  Everyone agrees driveway access along the curved boundary of the 20 acre lot is problematic because of sight distance at the curved area of the road and driveways will probably need to be near Riverdale Road.
·       Conditional Approval to Heidi Ackerman for Horse Breeding Facility-There are questions about the delineation of the floodplain.  They have to be certain the foundation of the barn will not be in the flood plain.
·       Bussiere and LeBlanc Indian Falls extension subdivision-The deadline was extended to the March 23 meeting.  The application was accepted as complete but no one was happy with the commitment by the Bussiere and LeBlancs.  Bussiere is not yet ready to make a road to Klondike Corner, which will result in long cul-de-sacs.  The Recreation Commission will attend the next meeting to discuss land left for recreational use at the property.  The Selectmen feel the town needs to get a plan for transportation in this end of town before these subdivisions can be approved but the Planning Board is not sure about it at this time.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong will get an opinion from Town Attorney Bill Drescher.
·       Locust Fields-condexes.
·       Peter Hogan said he would try not to be as outspoken and will allow other members of the Planning Board to voice their opinions before he does.
·       Doug Hill-Submitted a complaint about the engineering firm Northpoint as he feels they submitted a grossly increased bill for supervision of his development.  He recommends a bond of $30,000 instead of the $60,000 they suggested.  Specific questions will be asked of Northpoint about how they estimated what is needed for his project.
·       The road committee wants to do an audit of Bedford Road from Klondike Corner to Wilson Hill Road.  The Planning Board is in favor but questions the cost and it will be determined how to pay for it.  Off-site improvement amounts are one possibility.


1.          Maple Street Parking-The Selectmen approved parking as presented on the non-residential site plan review submitted by Robert Dodge who recommends keeping the existing parking situation.  Burton will write to Nic saying the Selectmen don’t have any objection as presented.
2.          Schedule Meeting – Byam Road (Thibeault Lots)-Thibeault plans to build houses in lots near the pit.  The Selectmen want to meet with a representative from Thibeault and Road Agent John Riendeau at the location because Thibeault has asked permission to remove some guardrails.  This will be scheduled.
3.Avitar “view” letter-publish in paper?-The letter from Avitar was faxed to New Boston Bulletin editor Brandy Mitroff.  She thought it would be good for a basis of an article on the view tax and wants to interview Assessor George Hildum to get details on how a view is assessed and include that in an article to be published in the summer.
4.  Gravel Hearings-30 pits are due to be scheduled for hearings.  The Selectmen plan to send a letter to the pits saying that if they are not in compliance by April 1 their permits will not be renewed.  Burton will call Mary Pinkham-Langer and Anna Herrero from DES for advice on how to handle this.
4.Hiring of Police Department Prosecutor-Gordon moved to confirm a Police Department Prosecutor was hired on February 9.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The prosecutor is Richard Bailey who will work part time for $250 per week.  He will keep a timecard every week.  He no longer works as a part time officer in Lyndeborough but will continue as their prosecutor as well.


1.        A scenic photo taken by Gordon has been framed and will be hung in the Town Hall.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien