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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/16/2007
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 16, 2007

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


Susan Carr and Henry Mullaney were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the global warming petition Warrant Article in advance of the Deliberative Session.  Susan distributed a summary of the article to the Selectmen.  This article if passed would direct the Selectmen to consider forming a committee to study energy costs and efforts to take locally to benefit the economy and the environment (citizens’ health and economy).  Dave said the Selectmen will need guidance from people who know about the issue and asked Susan to start planning the committee now to get the process started in a timely fashion instead of after the March 13 vote.  Burton reminded her to meet with Moderator Lee Nyquist the night of the Deliberative Session to discuss the order of the motion of the article and second of the motion and who will speak to the issue and answer questions.  Henry said a main issue is educating the public.  He has a degree in atmospheric science and is alarmed about global warming.  He read aloud a portion of an article on page A5 of the Union Leader “VT Senators Back Global Warming Bill.”  Dave suggested Susan and Henry make the issue personal for New Boston residents to get them interested.  Susan feels this would be easy to do since it would affect taxes, which is a main concern to residents.


        1.  7:00 PM             John Riendeau           Road Agent

Road Agent John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of projects at the Highway Department.

·       The department has been able to catch up on ditch work in the warmer than normal weather.  They have been working on equipment maintenance on rainy days.
·       There was some trouble with beaver in a swamp above the Transfer Station before Butterfield Mill Road.  The beaver had plugged a pipe with their dam that the department worked on and got the pipe unplugged. Randy renewed his trapping license and they pulled 5 beaver out of there.
·       The department worked at the Transfer Station with the backhoe helping prepare the site for the new metal roll-off.
·       There is a drainage ditch on Peter Clark’s property at the corner of Bedford Road and Meetinghouse Hill Road.  A lot of water comes off of Meetinghouse Hill Road and goes on to his property.  Peter Clark spoke to John a couple weeks ago because he wants to hire D&S to dig out the area.  He has received a quote for $10,424 and wants the town to share the cost.  John distributed a copy of the quote to the Board and explained how he feels his budget can absorb the cost.  He hopes it is a high estimate and the work won’t actually cost that much.  The cost of this project won’t affect a planned Highway Department project for 2007.  Peter paid for Earl Sandford to get a roadway and railway wetlands permit but once it is cleaned out it won’t be a wetland anymore.  The project will be done in 2 phases-they will use the town’s and Bo Strong’s 1-tons to take the material and dump it at the fairgrounds and clean the area so water can drain and they pump water from up above and install rip rap and line it with fabric.  The work will be done exclusively on Peter’s property.  The abutters are aware of the situation and are in favor of the work.  A few years ago the Highway Department dug out a drainage ditch on Meetinghouse Hill Road when water was going into Peter’s abutter’s garage.  A swail used to go way up Meetinghouse Hill Road but they didn’t clean it that far at that time and the swail is now completely filled.  Road water drainage created this problem.  Erosion problems in the area were decreased when the ditchlines were paved.  After this work is done no maintenance should be needed for a long time.  If this work isn’t done and a catastrophe happens it would cost the town a lot more than it would cost to do the work now.  The Selectmen considered having the water situation surveyed to determine how much is town water but the cost of the survey is prohibitive.  Dave would like Peter Clark or his representative to meet with the Selectmen to discuss what to do about this.  The Selectmen asked John to ask Peter what he thinks is fair for cost sharing and the Selectmen will make the final decision.  They felt a 70% town, 30% landowner split was fair and asked John to propose this option.
·       John said that the people who are renting the Higby’s place on Bittersweet Lane have piled stuff on both sides of the road making it difficult to plow.  Burton will draft a letter asking him to clean it up or if he is willing to make the road a class 6 road and copy the owner of the property.
·       David Valez from Verizon stopped by the Highway Shed property today to see if a cell tower can be installed there.  He is interested in getting one installed in the woods to the left where John doesn’t have any plans to build.  The Selectmen are fine with the idea and will ask how it would coordinate with the radio repeaters and if there would be room on the tower for fire and police communication.  David Valez should meet with the Selectmen and other interested town officials about this.
·       John met with Brian Dorwart and Roch Larochelle of the Road Committee on Thornton Road recently after it rained to discuss how to improve the runoff situation.  There was not much runoff at that time.  They discuss paving a portion of the road but would rather spend money on drainage than on paving the road.  John planned to add another basin and bring the pipe down and dump the water in the same place avoiding road washout at the side.  Brian and Roch agree but thought 2-3 more basins would be better plus underdrain to get the groundwater out as well.  They also want to get onto Elizabeth Axton’s property behind the rock wall to form a berm leading to a basin to catch water before it goes out the opening in the stone wall and into the public road ditchline.  A level spreader at the lower end of the field to dissipate the water so all of the water is not dumping out into the same place is an option.  Brian and Roch will prepare a proposal detailing the plan.  John will price the materials.  John will talk to Elizabeth about the plans to see if she is agreeable.  The plan won’t affect the use of her field.  Block grant money might be able to cover this project instead of getting approval in a Warrant Article.  Most of the 2007 block grant money is earmarked for Bog Road but $70,000 of this year’s leftover block grant money could be used for Thornton Road.  The annual Road Warrant Article for $75,000 could be used to continue improvement of Bedford Road.  The Baudreau’s have installed some pipes next to Brandy Mitroff’s driveway to try to divert water off of the Baudreau’s property.  The town will write to the Baudreau’s asking them to remove or plug these pipes because it diverts water back into the town right of way.  
·       Amy Parrish has started working for John as a part time secretary.  She enjoys the job and has already helped John immensely with his paperwork and returning phone calls.
·       John also had some extra help from the Fire Department yesterday during the ice storm.  They helped trim trees out of the road.  Today he hired Bob LaPointe to help out and had 3 crews trimming back more trees.  There is more to do tomorrow but they are in good shape after the storm.  Fire Chief Dan MacDonald informed John that there were no car accidents in New Boston during the ice storm.  The Highway Department was able to keep up with the roads during the storm.

2.  7:30 PM     Alexander Clark         Dwelling On Class VI Road

Ed Coburn was present representing Alexander Clark regarding his plan to improve Lewis Road on his property and construct a house on the Class VI road.  The ZBA has approved his plan.  There are wetland crossings.  The application for release was given to the Selectmen.  Improvements required include upgrading the old stone culverts and approximately 1200’ of road.  Road Agent John Riendeau has concerns about the area the Highway Department plows and if there is any other ownership at that area of the road before Alexander’s property begins that could have an issue with the plan.  The Selectmen request that Alexander work this out with them and also make accommodations for emergency vehicle travel on the road.

D.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:45 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

E.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:10 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3.  7:45 PM             Lee Nyquist                     Deliberative Session

Moderator Lee Nyquist was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss details of the Deliberative Session.  Lee was reminded to meet with Susan Carr before the Deliberative Session to discuss the global warming petition warrant article.  Lee will check with Recreation Director Mike Sindoni and Little People’s Depot about daycare and refreshments.  No additional audio and video needs are expected.  Lee reminded the Selectmen to revise their posted meeting schedule to note that the February meeting is the Deliberative Session.  Lee will work with Mike on an award to be presented to Don Chapman at the Deliberative Session.  Lee will try to get a minister from town to do the invocation.  There is no expected need for display tables.  The Warrant Articles will be in typical format.  Burton will give Lee the Warrant Articles and explanations for review before publication.  Lee requested copies of the DRA requirements and Warrant Article wording documents to ensure compliance.  Burton will ask Town Attorney Bill Drescher if the Pulpit Road discontinuance article can be worded conditionally.  Lee suggested the operating budget Warrant Article be ordered before the petition Warrant Article.  The Warrant Articles and budget have to be posted the last Monday of January.  The Supervisors of the Checklist will be notified of the date of the Deliberative Session.


        1.  Minutes of January 3, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of January 3, 2007 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Gordon moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       The second edition of the Wetlands Protection and Amendments were passed along to the voters and are ready to be on the ballot.    
·       Heidi Ackerman applied for a non-residential site plan for a horse boarding and breeding facility at Bunker Hill and Saunders Hill Road.  She plans for a large barn including an indoor arena.  The Planning Board is concerned that she won’t be able to comply with the setbacks.  Manure storage could be an issue.  A sitewalk is planned for Saturday.
·       Bill Matheson met with the Planning Board and promised to comply with their conditions.
·       Ray Shea was present to speak about the joint application for Indian Falls 1 and 2.  There was a long discussion about how the Planning Board is no longer willing to consider piecemeal developments at this end of town. The Planning Board accepted both applications as complete.  No recreational land is included in the plans.  Indian Falls Road is ready for the Selectmen to schedule a public hearing for approval of the road.
·       Stuart Clark Insurance is now operating without a non-residential site plan.  The Planning Board will request they get one or they will be shut down.
·       The Foxberry Road compliance hearing in November noted 2 deficiencies.  One was erosion at the driveway entrance, which has been fixed, and the other was a break in the guardrail where a driveway will go over a cliff.  Joe Foistner has dumped a pile of fill in the opening to act as a guardrail but Planning Coordinator Nic Strong noted there is an opening where cars could still go through and go down the cliff.  Foxberry Road will need review again and if the fixes are done at that time it will probably be accepted.
2.          Holiday Pay Clarification-2nd Reading-The Selectmen reviewed a memo prepared by Burton.  Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett agrees with it.  It will be discussed at the next Department Head meeting.  Burton suggested writing to Glenn personally to explain why the policy is this way.  The Selectmen said if a letter is sent, run it by Gerry first or just send Glenn a copy of the new policy.  An update to the Personnel Manual will be issued after the work on the employee survey results is done.
3.          Review Operating Budget and Warrant Articles- The Selectmen decided who would move and second each Warrant Article and decided they will do the same sections of the operating budget they did last year.  Burton will prepare the detail sheets.


1.          Default Budget-Not yet prepared for Selectmen’s review.
2.          Draft Warrant Articles and Explanations-Not yet prepared for Selectmen’s review.
3.  Banking Review-The Selectmen reviewed a listing of the town accounts and the types of bank accounts each is placed in.  Burton recently met with George Dow from TD Banknorth about the accounts.  Bookkeeper Paula Ciarla will research the accounts he had questions about with the Planning Department.
4.        Professional Development-The Selectmen reviewed a brochure from UNH 1-day Workshops and considered some of the programs for town department managers.

1.        David spoke to David Craig from the ZBA about the ZBA and Selectmen’s roles in applications for building on a Class 6 road.  David Craig feels the ZBA can’t plan for development of the town but has been routinely approving these and giving them to the Selectmen for the next step.  Dave discussed it with him and they feel this is the Planning Board’s responsibility.  David Craig will send a memo recommending the New Boston Zoning Ordinance be amended next year to place this responsibility in the hands of the Planning Board.
2.        Kim Burkhamer is applying for a rail to trail grant and the Selectmen signed the application.
3.        The Conservation Commission is in charge of the Saunders Pasture property.  They are now logging it and wonder if the Commission or the town will get the revenue generated from the logging.   Burton reviewed the powers of the Conservation Commission RSA with the Selectmen.  The Local Government Center will be consulted.  It is the Selectmen’s opinion that the town owns the property and the money should go to the general fund.
4.        Burton received an e-mail from Tax Collector Ann Charbonneau about the response she received from the Selectmen.   She feels she will average 18 hours of work per week this year and will be eligible for holiday and vacation time.  The Selectmen don’t agree and will respond.
5.        Barry Cox, Intermediary for Employee Opinion Surveys from the Local Government Center has agreed to help the town in their survey discussions and will meet with Burton, Christine and Dave.  He will be at the Department Head meeting next Thursday if his schedule allows and also wants to meet with the Department Heads and employees without Burton or the Selectmen present.

J.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien