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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/18/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
December 18, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT: The Selectmen asked Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett about secondary containment options for oil tanks.  Welded steel containments are Gerry’s plan for the Transfer Station.  Bob LaPointe has been consulted for this and proposed using angle iron to build a steel frame holding vessel with the capacity for slightly over ½ the contents of the oil tank.


        1.  7:00 PM             Library Trustee Appointments

Karen Salerno, Candy Woodbury and Dana Haley were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss their applications to become Library Trustees.

Karen said she has lived in town for 10 years and now that her two children and older she has more time and would like to use some of her time to help the library and help get a new library built.  She worked in the library in New Hartford, CT that was in a similar situation and they were successful in getting a new library that has been very successful since it was built.  She said that library was privately owned but town supported.  In that situation the library started planning for a new library years ahead of time.  Good committees were formed and the Selectmen were very involved in the process.  That community realized the need. Having 2 children, Karen has noticed that there is a need for a new library in New Boston and feels that literacy needs to be more solidly laid in New Boston.  She is applying for a fill-in trustee position replacing Stephanie Silverman and will have to run for election in March.  Christine moved to accept Karen Salerno as a library trustee until March 2007.  Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Dave recused himself from the Board and Christine took over as chair while Candy’s application was considered.  Candy is applying as an alternate library trustee for 3 years.  She is interested in helping to get a new building and feels she owes the library a debt because she loves to read and is always borrowing books.  She also appreciates the library as a place new people in town can go to meet people and make friends.  She was involved with the library in the past when she first moved to town.  She was there the other day and noticed the library still seems like and active and vital part of the community.  Gordon moved to accept Candy Woodbury as an alternate for 3 years.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Dana Haley said he has lived in town for 7 years and wanted to become involved with the town.  He has attended a couple of the library meetings and noted they had a need for someone to help in facilities.  He has a residential construction background and felt it would be a good match for him.  He is applying for a fill-in trustee position replacing Deanna Powell and will have to run for election in March.  Christine moved to accept Dana Haley as a library trustee until March 2007.  Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

2.  7:15 PM             Gerry Cornett           Transfer Station

Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues at the Transfer Station.

·       Capital Trash Trip Tipping-Gerry caught Capital Trash illegally dumping trash from other towns.  He noticed some Weare addresses in the paper recycling about 5 weeks ago.  Gerry was able to contact the people from Weare who said they use a private hauler, Capital Trash.  To be fair Gerry asked both BNA Waste and Capital Trash if they were bringing in trash from other towns and both said no.  One day when Gerry knew Capital Trash would be dumping he had the paper bin totally cleared out and when Capital Trash dumped their paper Gerry raked through it and found paper from Hillsboro and Deering.  Tim from Capital Trash finally admitted that he had been bringing in trash from other towns.  Tim then came to Burton to discuss it.  Gerry asked the Selectmen to fine Capital Trash $150 and restrict them from dumping at the Transfer Station for 1 month if Capital Trash is not sold to BNA Waste, which is a possibility.  The policy will be researched and the Selectmen agreed to do what the policy says in this situation.  
·       Stecco trailer was painted and the third axle installed and it will be picked up on Thursday.  The trailer has passed all state inspections and Gerry has to go to Concord once more for an overweight permit.  The front plates are not done yet on the legs and they will be put on blocks for now to stabilize them.
·       Annual tonnage this year is projected to be 110 tons less than last year.
·       DES came in for a surprise inspection last week and found the Transfer Station to be non-compliant with federal ratings for oil spill response as there is no secondary containment for the above ground container.   Gerry will respond to their letter showing New Boston is working toward compliance.  Also when a tank is moved they need to reapply for a permit, which Gerry was not aware of.  The tanks need to be relabeled and engineer stamps from the GZA are needed for the spill plan.  A spill kit can be very expensive.  Nancy from DES will contact Gerry this week to let him know what he needs for to do for the spill kit.  The Selectmen suggested Gerry talk to Fire Chief Dan MacDonald for an inventory of the Fire Department’s spill kit.  Gerry plans to get two smaller oil tanks and line them with boom in the future.
·       Holiday/OT/Bank time-Gerry has had a major problem with this issue with one of his employees.  All have the same amount of holiday time-8 hours per day.  However, both Glen and Gerry were hired as 10-hour day employees.  Glen feels he should get 10 hours of holiday pay.  Another problem is most holidays fall on Mondays or Fridays when the Transfer Station is closed.  Glen wants to bank the holidays and use them whenever he wants.  One year he saved them and rolled them over into the next year.  Then the policy was established that the days had to be used within 30 days of the holiday.  Now when there is a holiday on Friday and Glen works on Saturday he considers Saturday to be the holiday and asks to be paid time and a half holiday pay in that situation.  If this were the case, Gerry would have to pay holiday pay to all of his Saturday employees, which is not in his budget.  Glen has spoken to Burton about the situation and feels he should be grandfathered under the 4 10-hour day system although there is no policy to be grandfathered to except 8 hours each for 11 holidays.  Glen could be changed to an 8-hour per day employee if necessary.  The Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays this year will be rolled over.  The Selectmen decided the policy will show that holidays are based on 8-hour days, totaling 11.5 designated holiday 8-hour days for all full time employees to be pooled and used on the designated holiday or within 30 days of the holiday at the discretion of the manager if an employee doesn’t work on the holiday normally.  10-hour day employees will get the same amount of holiday hours as an 8-hour day employee. Holiday pay will only apply when an employee works on the designated holiday, not the day after.  A policy will be prepared and reviewed at the next meeting.  The policy will be effective January 1, 2007.  Comp time allowed upon approval of the manager and should not build up too much.
·       Gerry will start working some Saturdays next year for recycling enforcement.
·       The Highway Department has been working on projects at the Transfer Station and they are almost done.
·       700-800 tons of recyclables were processed this year.  

3.  8:00 PM             Stuart Lewin                    Planning Board Alternate

Stuart Lewin was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss his application for Planning Board Alternate.

Stuart said he moved to a new development in New Boston from Goffstown in February 2005.  He began reading the planning section in the New Boston Bulletin and became interested in what the Planning Department does through that and reading ordinances and also wanted to become involved with the town somehow.  The Selectmen said a lot of learning of rules and regulations, reading in preparation for the meetings and attendance at seminars as well as meetings twice monthly and sitewalks are necessary for the position.  As an alternate Stuart would attend the meetings and vote on procedural matters and could be chosen as a voting alternate if a regular Board member was not in attendance at a particular meeting.  Gordon moved to accept Stuart Lewin’s application as an alternate to the Planning Board.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Stuart will be sworn in soon.


1.      Minutes of December 4, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as presented.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.      Minutes of December 11, 2006- The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
3.      Non-Public Minutes of December 11, 2006 #1 and #2- The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Gordon moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       Locust Fields, LLC-A condex needed approval of subdivision of building. There was also discussion of protection of a kettlehole on the property.
·       Gregory Comeau Davis Lane-Subdivision to three lots from 1 lot.
·       Shaky Pond Development beyond Susan Road-Preliminary hearing.  Cyndie Wilson was present urging protection for turtles and snakes in the area.  There are some open ledges that are not planned for development.  Lots might be reduced and common land could be added to the plan.  27 lots are planned.  Sitewalk January 6, reconvene January 23.
·       Albert and Carol LaChance Lull Road-The plan was presented to the Planning Board as discussed at the last Selectmen’s meeting.  The turnaround should be beyond the last driveway and the developer agreed and will come back with a new plan.
·       SHB Properties-The developer has given up on the drainage easement way off the road and will make the maintenance the responsibility of the property owner.  Everything is worked out with the Browns’ ownership of the triangle.  The road discontinuance will be put on the March Warrant.
·       Harvey Dupuis Family Trust Susan Road-compliance confirmed.
·       Doug Hill Construction-He was not ready and his meeting was moved to January 23.
·       Wetlands Conservation District-A shortened version will be presented tomorrow night but by agreement the Planning Board will either put back what was taken out by Ken Lombard and Burr Tupper with shorter setbacks than before or they will petition to get it on the Warrant.
·       Christine will attend tomorrow night’s meeting in Dave’s place.


1.          Saunders Hill Road Cemetery-The Cemetery Trustees have decided to cut some trees in this old abandoned cememtary.  The property owners have requested some documentation proving the trustees have the authority to do this work.  The Selectmen reviewed a response prepared to Nancy Loddenguard the landowner.  Burton had no luck getting a hold of Terry Knowles about the matter.  The Selectmen suggested inviting the Cemetery Trustees and interested parties to a meeting in January should it be necessary.
2.          2007 Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule-The Selectmen reviewed the revised schedule and approved one that has the Board meeting on alternate weeks from Planning Board meetings.
3.        Fire Dept. Budget Overage-The Fire Department was over budget this year for fleet maintenance, and stipends due to an increased volume of calls.  There is not enough in the rest of the Fire Department budget to make up for these overages but there is savings in the building inspector and legal budget that could cover it.  The overages are expected to be in the $3,500-10,000 range.  Christine moved that the minutes reflect the Selectmen approve the overspending of the Fire Department budge.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
4.        Public Water Supply-Nan’s House-Dave said that in the fall of 2004 DES inspected the water system that serves the library, church and restaurant.  The inspector was satisfied at the time except for the 2 oil tanks over the dirt floor of the cellar at the water supply.  He was not sure how DES would want this remedied.  The cost of the water system has always been split in thirds. Bob LaPointe has been consulted and suggested steel containment tanks, the same as what he suggested to Gerry recently.  The tanks might be replaced at a cost of $500 per tank plus installation costs.  The idea has been presented to the church and the Parkers, who own the restaurant, without much response but a December 9, 2006 letter was received from the church suggesting new tanks, which probably doesn’t satisfy the state if they reinspect.  Burton will prepare a response to Dick Joyle, chair of trustees of expenditures for the church for the Selectmen’s review and mention the Selectmen will research a solution in 2007 since there is now a similar situation at the Transfer station. Randy Parker might know how old the tanks are.  The Selectmen want the tanks replaced with UL certified tanks.  DES is focusing on containment, not new tanks.  A quote of $3,500 was received for new tanks plus installation and including removal of the old tanks.  They will be asked to add containment to the quote.  The cost will be split in thirds as always.  
5.        Vacation Roll-Over Requests- Rollover requests have been received from Frank Kochanek for 15.5 unused vacation hours and from Burton for 66 unused vacation hours.  The Selectmen approve of the requests.

1.        Officer Keely Bergeron is out with appendicitis.
2.        The Selectmen reviewed and approved a letter to the employees regarding the employee survey to be sent in this week’s paychecks.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to enter Non-Public Session:   Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 9:30 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 9:40 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien