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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/30/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
October 30, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Barbara Thompson                Conservation Committee Alternate

Barbara Thompson was present to introduce herself to the Selectmen as she has applied to be an alternate on the Conservation Commission.  The Selectmen reviewed her application.  Barbara said she has lived in town for 20 years and is now retired and was helping Cyndie Wilson from the Conservation Commission in the field and was encouraged to become an alternate on the Commission.  Barbara has also volunteered with the Piscataquog Watershed Association for 10 years and had some concerns about conflicts between the two groups but none are expected.  Christine moved that Barbara be accepted as a Conservation Commission Alternate.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

        2.  7:05 PM             Chief Krajenka          Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on projects at the Police Department.

·       Officer Matt Crowe resigned and tomorrow is his last day.  Chris is now seeking a certified full-time officer and has 2 potential candidates at this time.
·       Chris is pursuing another grant from Homeland Security to supplement the Communications Grant received this year to place a signal repeater (enhancer) on a tower at the Tracking Station.  Chris was approached about the location of the antenna and R&R Communications suggested the tower at Dodge’s Farm so he is pursuing a Communication and Operability grant to get this installed.  This tower would supplement the one on Kennedy Lane and better cover the town.  Phone line maintenance will be the town’s responsibility; the rest would be covered by the grant.
·       Chris was contacted by Project 54 and the town was awarded a voice command hands free system for all the police cars including sirens, radar lights and computers valued at approximately $48,000 for the three vehicles at no cost to the town but upkeep and replacement of the equipment is the responsibility of the town.  Chris expects it to come in in April or May.
·       Accreditation is back on track, Chris has decided not to use NEPAC and will do CALEA instead.  Chris expects they will be ready for the mock on-site and on-site late summer of next year.  Sgt. Kochanek has been doing a lot of work on this.
·       The department recently received a donation of a computer from Wal-Mart to help them in a computer on-line investigation.  The equipment will now be dedicated to computer crimes only.  Chris plans to recognize the Wal-Mart manager who decided to make the donation on such short notice by inviting him to the annual Christmas dinner and presenting him with a plaque.  The Selectmen will also send a thank-you letter.  Chris asked the Board to accept the computer under RSA 3195b allowing acceptance of grants and donations valued under $5,000 without a public hearing.  Gordon moved to accept the computer from Wal-Mart valued at $656 with thanks.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
·       Gordon asked that the police travel at a reasonable speed through the village area when responding to non-emergent calls.

        3.  7:20 PM             John Riendeau           Highway Department

Road Agent John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on projects the Highway Department is working on.

·       A culvert collapsed on Tucker Mill Road on Friday and part of the road was closed for the weekend.  It was fixed today.
·       There is wash on Joe English Road from the end of the pavement to the Barss’ house that John needs to look at.
·       John received a call that the cable guardrail on Dennison Road at pole 14/14 is messed up.  He will look at it tomorrow.
·       The highway Department started work at the sandpit-it was stumped and topsoil removed with the dozer.  An access road was built from the previous excavation area and that area was reclaimed.
·       John hopes the crushed bank run will be in next week.  He is also getting ledge to make rip rap from Yogi and Yogi has agreed to help the department crush rocks occasionally.
·       The Department did line striping this week and John asked the Selectmen about adding some lines across Howe Bridge down Parker Road to Route 114.  Parker Road will be paved this week and underdrain put in.  Thibeault supplied the material needed and John asked him for crushed bank run.  The road was built up considerably and John is not expecting problems with water in the road again.  John noticed flaws in the tack when the asphalt and membrane were removed from the bridge and was able to fix it properly.  The bridge was repaired and John asked the Selectmen if they want to put a stop sign before the bridge on Parker Road.  The Selectmen agreed to look into the idea and suggested John consult the Police Chief about it.  There is some concern that gravel trucks wouldn’t be able to stop in winter conditions.  Parker Road will be paved from bridge to bridge.
·       Meadow Road was overlaid.  1 section was heaving badly and underdrain was installed there.
·       Highland and Houghton Roads were overlaid and some rocks were removed.
·       There were some sections of McCurdy Road that were sagging so John used some of the leftover developer money to shore up the sides and do some paving along it.
·       There is a patch of land on Houghton Road that could be made available to the town. Selectmen will look at it to decide if they are interested in it.
·       Bob Fessinger requested a stop sign on Tucker Mill Road at the intersection of Doherty.  John and the Police Chief met with him and they decided that a sign warning of an intersection there would be sufficient. The Highway Department has installed it.
·       John noticed a parking area has been created on Doherty Lane without a permit.  He will inform Planning Coordinator Nic Strong of the situation.
·       John plans to do the culvert on the Gerry Hill section of Bedford Road tomorrow.
·       John is trying to get the rest of the paving done within the next two weeks.
·       Some of the winter sand was hauled.
·       Gordon asked if John was aware of some holes on Meetinghouse Hill Road.  They will meet on Friday to look at them.

        4.  7:45 PM             Anthony Bausha

Anthony Bausha was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss a situation where he removed some stones from a stonewall on his property on Bog Brook Road to widen his driveway.  A neighbor was complaining to him about this and Anthony just wanted some reassurance that what he did wasn’t illegal.  The Selectmen said Bog Brook isn’t a scenic road and it is believed property owners can remove a stonewall if they wish and the Selectmen don’t see this as a violation because boundary marks weren’t removed and excess water is not going into the road as a result of it.  Anthony brought in some pictures and a summary of the situation, which will be added to the map and lot file with a copy of the minutes of this meeting for documentation.


1.  Minutes of October 23, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  None
2.          Building Inspector Authority RE:  Setbacks-The Selectmen reviewed a memo from Building Inspector Ed Hunter where he requested authority to waive the requirement for a surveyor in certain situations involving setbacks per section 701.2.D of the Zoning Ordinance.  The Selectmen feel he should have the discretion to do what he requests.  Christine moved as to article and section 701.2.D to grant a waiver to the Building Inspector of the need for a certified plot plan at his discretion.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
3.           Gravel Ordinance-Not yet ready for review.


1.          PWA Tax Exemption-The Selectmen reviewed a note from Linda regarding a property on Francestown Road that became the property of the PWA in the middle of the year.  This is 11 acres of land with no buildings not in current use worth approximately $49,000.  The total tax was $763 for the year.  The Selectmen decided to abate the $439 taxes as requested.  Christine moved to waive the tax bill for PWA land map 5 lot 17 on Francestown Road in the amount of $439.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
4.          Exemptions- Gail Stout, the tax collector in Amherst who lives in New Boston, has been working with New Boston’s tax collector Ann Charbonneau to come up with a calculation for the elderly exemption.  Due to the revaluation, the exemption threshold needs to be adjuster or these property owners will see large tax bill increases.  The desire is that they just feel the effect of the tax rate increase of 15%.


1.        The health insurance rates are out and increased by 13% this year.  Benefit Strategies prepares a letter to employees every year at a cost of $1,750 about the plans the town offers for day care and health related costs.  The Local Government Center is now offering this service to its members.  Burton has an appointment to talk to them about the details of this service.
2.        The CIP meeting is Wednesday.
3.        Burton signed Skip Gomes’ contract for plowing and sanding of the post office entrance.
4.        The septage agreement from Allenstown was received and Burton will continue to pursue it.
5.        Town Attorney Bill Drescher is meeting with Bob Todd tomorrow morning to discuss the area at Lull Road as the judge in the case wants to come to town Wednesday morning to view the area with both attorneys and Burton before making the final decision.
6.        The NH DOT Context Sensitive Solutions meeting is scheduled for next Monday night.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien