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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/23/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
October 23, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


Jen Daler from Temple was in to introduce herself to the Selectmen and sit in on a meeting to learn more about New Boston as she is running for state representative for our district.


        1.  7:00 PM             FEMA Grants Acceptance Hearing

A public hearing was called to accept the FEMA grant money received as a result of the May 2006 rain event.  Money from the federal government usually goes to the general fund but in this instance there was damage to the landfill cap and roadways and state law allows (if the town approves it by vote) a hearing to be held to use the FEMA money toward the damage.  The amount to be received is to be determined pending receipt of all the bills from the landfill repair.  FEMA covers 75%.  $80,000 was received for the road damage.  The state’s responsibility is not yet determined, Burton has calls in to Tammy Vallaincourt at the state but she has not returned his calls.  Gordon moved to close the public portion of the hearing. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.  Gordon moved to accept the FEMA grant money as presented.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:05 PM              Pulpit Road Sectional Discontinuance Discussion


3.  7:20 PM             Lee Brown and Mike Sindoni      Recreation Dept.

Lee Brown and Mike Sindoni from the Recreation Department were in to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of projects they are working on.

Lee said the Recreation Commissioners have decided to pursue replacement of the department’s van, which is 10 years old with approximately 150,000 miles on it.  They have evaluated use and options and decided against leasing a vehicle or hiring a vehicle and driver per diem.  Quotes of $15-20,000 for a used van have been received from Merchants.  Some of the money for the van would come from the department’s revolving account but they would seek the rest of the cost through a Warrant Article.  The Selectmen said the Police Department might be asking for an additional vehicle this year as well but recommended the Recreation Department put their request forward to the Finance Committee for discussion.

Lee discussed the proposed Community Center/Multi-Use Building.  He recently met with Principal Rick Matthews to discuss the School Board’s position on the project.  Prior to the meeting the Recreation Department had planned to downsize the building and remove the gym component.  Now they feel they are facing a new building v. major renovation to the white buildings including an addition.  There are still asbestos issues, code violations and size limitations with the white buildings.  Rick told Lee that the School Board might have to add classrooms and office space to satisfy additional students in K-6 or even K-8 in the future and don’t want to give up land to the Recreation Department they might need for septic and addition needs.  The School Board might consider retaining ownership and having Recreation there as a tenant-at-will.  Lee requested a legal opinion on the matter.  He was told to prepare specific questions and the Selectmen will forward them to town counsel for an answer.  Lee is also meeting with the Library Trustees again soon to discuss options for working with them for a new building.  Karen Salerno and Beth Wood from the Library board were present.  Recreation wants to keep their proposed building location in the village area, as busing to after school programs is an issue.  Lee said he hopes the building committee will consist of Fred Hayes, Jim Davis and possibly another board member.  The Selectmen reminded him to bring members from outside of the Recreation Commission onto the committee as well.


2.              1.  Minutes of October 2, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       New Boston Tavern-The owners talked to the NH DES and got approval for their septic based on other similar establishments’ experience with water usage.  He brought in a signed document from DES but the Planning Board asked for something more specific to the Tavern.  The application was accepted and approved.    
·       Pumpkin Lane-The development is being accepted as a cluster because 2/3 of the land is being left for open space.  3 driveway entrances were allowed and it will no longer need to be a named road.
·       Off Middle Branch-The developer was told he had too many lots, but he reminded them that since it is in the R-1 district he could have planned more.  This could be 2 cul-de-sacs or 1 loop road.  There is no land planned for recreation of the residents but conservation land is included in the plan.
·       Consulting engineers-The Planning Department wants to switch engineers from Stantech (formerly Dufresne-Henry) to Northpoint and asked the Selectmen to consider their request.
·       Louis Rumore partial hearing with the ZBA 10/17-Rumore’s attorney said the lot came about in the 1980’s when the tax map began to show 2 lots instead of 1.  The meeting was adjourned to the November ZBA meeting.  Kim Burkhamer is researching it and says the 1974 tax map shows the 2 parcels of land as 1.
·       Rick Martin’s Beard Road Subdivision-Rick doesn’t yet own all the land contained in the planned subdivision but has a purchase and sales agreement contingent on approval that is now contested and being held in abeyance.  An attorney was present at the meeting to determine how Rick’s attorneys planned to proceed.
·       Friendly Beaver Campground-Christine said her 40-site expansion would probably be ready for a sitewalk and compliance hearing in the spring when Christine will be on the Planning Board.  She asked if it could be done while Gordon or Dave is on the Board but they said they don’t expect a problem if it happens while she is on the Board.
2.          Salary Ranges-Burton presented the salary plan draft to the department heads at their last meeting. Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett questioned why the Assistant to the Road Agent would be paid more than the Transfer Station Manager.  This will be looked into further and the Assistant to Road Agent will probably be reduced.  The Library Trustees were in to meet with Burton and gave him a list of what nearby towns are paying their Assistant Library Director.  They are already paying the Library Assistant close to the high end of the range.  Burton prepared a letter in response to Library Director Sarah Chapman.  Burton will get the Assistant Library Director job description and do more research on this before the Selectmen make a decision to change the range.


1.          2006 Regional Infrastructure Summit-A meeting is scheduled for October 25.  Burton thinks it is a good idea but is not sure how New Boston could contribute, as it is a residential town.  The Selectmen and Planning Department are not planning to attend the meeting but expect to review the minutes from the meeting.
2.          Approach to 2011 Revaluation-Assessor George Hildum proposes that New Boston do the whole revaluation at once in the future instead of doing a percentage of the properties each year.  The CIP is already set up to do it this way.
3.        Wheelabrator Contract-The contract provides that the cost will go up 3-5% each year until 2011.  Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett recommends the Selectmen sign the contract and is also looking at options with Cochran for the 2 weeks per year when Wheelabrator shuts down for maintenance.  The Selectmen approve and Burton will contact Wheelabrator for the final draft of the contract.
4.        Building Inspector Authority RE:  Setbacks-To be discussed next week.
5.         Tom Manson Appointment to Trustees of Trust Funds-Tom sent in his application.  He will be replacing Chris Levin who moved out of town and finish out Chris’ term to March 2007.  Gordon moved that Tom Manson be appointed as Trustee of the Trust Funds to March 2007.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
6.        Barbara Thompson As A Conservation Commission Alternate-Barbara is expected to meet with the Selectmen next week.
7.        Septage Agreement-Ray Gordon, the septage coordinator at NH DES contacted Burton as New Boston currently is contracted with All Clear in Weare to bring septage there when pumped.  Ray said All Clear is having some problems and recommended the town switch to Dana Clement in Allenstown.  Burton will call him for his contract terms.  All Clear is currently paid $541/month for this service.
8.        Municipal Conference-The Selectmen will review the session topics and let Burton know which sessions they feel he should attend.
9.        Town Consulting Engineer-The Planning Board has requested to change from Stantech Consulting (formerly Dufresne-Henry) to Northpoint.  The Selectmen approved the change.
10.       2006 Tax Rate Explanation Letter For Paper- The Selectmen reviewed a draft of the letter, suggested changes and will forward the letter to the department heads to notify them of the situation.    


1.        The Selectmen reviewed and approved a letter to John LaPointe of 45 Griffin Lane notifying him of the appropriate process to request tax abatement.
2.        NH DOT Context Sensitive Solutions meeting is scheduled for the evening of November 6.
3.        Kevin Collimore has resigned from the Finance Committee to take a position on the School Board.  The Selectmen would like to ask Fred Hayes if he would like to join the Finance Committee as a full member.  If not, alternates Kim DiPietro or John Bradfield will be considered.
4.        Leo Trudeau of Lyndeborough sent in an estimate of damage to his car he said is due to poor conditions on Cemetery Road the night the culvert was installed.  The Police Chief looked at the road and determined that if Leo was traveling at the proper speed he could have slowed down enough to avoid damaging his car as signs were up warning of a bump.  The Selectmen decided not to pay the repair bill and feel the law is on their side in this matter.  Burton will write to Leo informing him of the Selectmen’s decision.  New rotors and pads would not be from the incident, just the alignment.
5.        Burton attended a meeting for welfare directors at PSNH where speakers talked about the services available.
6.        The Selectmen reviewed the annual CPI figure, from the Department of Labor website and decided to use a 3% COLA for 2007 wage purposes.
7.        John Palmer mentioned to Dave that the brand new stonewall at the cemetery looks like it is frost heaved somewhat and maybe some stones were taken off the top.  The Selectmen will look at it and monitor the situation.
H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien