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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 09/05/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
September 5, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Chief Krajenka          Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on things at the Police Department.

·       Sgt. Frank Kochanek is on light duty.
·       Chris received some quotes on the flooring project from Lamonte’s for $3,082, Beaulieu's for $2,700 and Dean’s for $2,301 including a new subfloor plus $200 to move furniture.  All the quotes included removing and replacing the tile and carpet.  All recommended proper maintenance after the new flooring is installed.  The tile should last forever and the carpet should last 10 years.  The Selectmen decided to use Dean’s.
·       Prisoners will be in to paint the station.  Chris will repair the wall where switches were moved.
·       Budget-Chris inquired about requesting 2 additional officers and a car for the additional staff in March 2007 and asked the Selectmen for guidance on how to pursue this.  Chris feels he needs 2 additional officers for shift coverage and wants to add coverage before 7:00 am as there are a lot of calls about speeding and accidents before 7:00 am.  The Selectmen suggested Chris alert members of the finance committee about these requests before sessions start and to consider planning how he can accomplish goals with the staff and vehicles the department already has just in case the request is denied.  He could also create sample schedules to show the finance committee incorporating 1 additional officer and another with 2 additional officers.  The Selectmen suggested going back to a CRF for cars.  Chris said some other departments prefer leasing.  Alternatively cars could be included in the operating budget because if the department had 4 cars 1 would need to be replaced every year.  Chris said the life span of a cruiser is 90,000 miles.  This would take a car 1 year beyond a 3-year lease.  Chris also recommends the department go back to smaller 4 wheel drive vehicles in the future.  Police departments also use other brands with cruiser packages.  The CIP information is due mid-month.  Chris mentioned the cost of radar trailers has gone down to $4,800.
·       Chris spoke about CAC, the charity that recently requested a donation of $1,000 from the town.  Chris is involved with this charity and the town has used their services twice this year.  The charity is a 501c non-profit.  They coordinate child sexual assault investigations as well as deal with witnesses to felonies, elderly services and people with somewhat decreased mental capacity.  They bring in all the needed professionals for a case to meet before forensics interviews begin, then they listen to the interviews as they happen and speak to the interviewer through an earpiece if necessary making sure all questions are asked.  This saves the victim from having to go through multiple interviews and saves the municipalities money.  They also provide video and audio equipment and give the tapes to the investigating department, which is very helpful to the municipalities who often have faulty equipment.  CAC will have 3 offices in Hillsborough County.  1 in Nashua, Manchester and another in a small town for the smaller towns to use.  Chris says there is a savings of $1,300 per case and it is a direct benefit to the town.  The town has used their services twice this year and there are usually more than 2 cases per year.  The Selectmen will consider putting this before the voters in a Warrant Article for March or include the $1,000 in the operating budget.
·       The Selectmen reviewed Chris’ monthly report.  They noted there have been some issues with the Police Academy not accepting officers from small towns and this happened to Matt Crowe recently who Chris feels is clearly where he should be and should have been accepted to the Academy.  The Selectmen offered to prepare a letter to the appropriate board as this has also happened to Josh, another New Boston officer.  Chris recommended the Selectmen work with the council.  Chris noted there has been a lot of instructor turnover in the last 2 years and this might be part of the problem.  Chris has been sending Frank as an adjunct instructor to try to help out.  Chris also noted that the Police Academy has lost paperwork he sent them.
·       The employee survey letter was discussed.  The Selectmen and Chris approve of the letter.  


1.  Minutes of August 21, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       The Master Plan was presented at the meeting and a hearing is scheduled.    
·       Stewart Clark Insurance Office-The owner of the business was told by police he had to stripe parallel parking in front of his business.  The owner would rather stripe head-in parking to accommodate more cars.  The police may have felt head-in parking would obstruct Maple Street.  They were recommended to determine where the Maple Street public way is.
·       Locust Field, LLC, Salisbury Road-The developer seemed to be objecting to a sitewalk as another project was approved without a sitewalk.  The application was accepted as complete and approved.  The developer has discussed paving the road with Road Agent John Riendeau but it is not planned.  If the developer wishes to pave the road he will have to pay for it.
·       Little People’s Depot-The Willards came in for compliance on their non-residential site plan review, which included a 6-foot fence.  Jonathan reused an old 6-foot fence that was rotted on the bottom so he cut off the rotten part and the fence became a 4.5-foot fence.  The neighbor Burton Young stated he agreed to a 6-foot fence with the Willards.  The Planning Board researched the details.  The site plan says just a fence but there is a signed agreement between the neighbors specifying a 6-foot fence.  The Willards stated they could not afford a new 6-foot fence.  Approval was granted upon installation of a 6-foot fence, which has since been installed.
·       Steven Curtis-Application for a permit for an extra driveway within 200 feet of his other driveway.  Denied.  The Selectmen discussed his belongings being stored on the public right of way.  The Selectmen will write to him asking him to move the wood and vehicle parts onto his property.
·       Steve Elliott-Application for a permit for an extra driveway within 200 feet of his other driveway was approved.
2.          Salary Ranges-The Selectmen reviewed a list of town position salaries planned for review and decided to review some of the job descriptions and discuss them at the Selectmen’s meetings until all have been reviewed.  3 sessions are expected.
3.           Dam/Retention Pond Letter-The Selectmen reviewed a second draft of the letter and suggested changes.  They understand that if the dam/retention pond has a drain in the middle John doesn’t have the equipment to maintain it.  They plan to talk to Road Committee Chairman Brian Dorwart about this as well.


1.          Capital Improvement Plan-The Selectmen reviewed the list of expected CIPs for 2007.
2.          2007 Budget Guidance-The Selectmen decided the only guidance they will give to department heads to work out their 2007 budget is a worksheet to complete.
3.   Landfill Repair Contract-The GZA contract for engineering was signed by Dave as Chairman of the Board.  All the Selectmen signed the contract for Leighton White, the contractor.
4.        Open Space Committee Alternate- Karl Heafield applied for an alternate position on the Open Space Committee.  Gordon moved that Karl Heafield be accepted as an alternate on the Open Space Committee.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.        Christine said Frank Woodard has been calling her saying he can and will legally close Cochran Hill Road to off road vehicles.  Burton said Frank has been in to the town hall researching it and it was found that ATV’s are not allowed on class 6 roads.  However, snowmobiles are allowed on class 6 roads.  Burton will provide the applicable RSA to the Selectmen.  Town Attorney Bill Drescher and the police chief may also be consulted on this.  Christine will return Frank’s call.  The Selectmen will research it further.
2.        Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett wants to add a third axle to the existing trailer.
3.        The pavement on Cemetery Hill Road is crumbling on the shoulders and needs attention from the Highway Department.
4.        Roadside signs-Does the political law apply to town rights of way as well as state rights of way? There is a large sign for sheriff on the island at the intersection of Hooper Hill Road and Route 13 that blocks the view of vehicles on Route 13.  The sheriff’s office will be called to move the sign back approximately 4 feet.  If it is not moved, it will be taken to the highway shed.  The Selectmen may decide to discuss the real estate signs with the realtors at a meeting.  The sign ordinance may need revision.
5.        Landfill contract-White will begin work Thursday and has agreed to continue until the job is completed.
6.        Attorney Bill Drescher called about the Lull Road Corp. trial today.  The trial is over and he felt it went well.  A decision is expected in a couple months.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien