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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/26/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
June 26, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Public Hearing          Helena Drive

A public hearing was called to discuss road specifications to be followed on Helena Drive a Class VI road as a result of a request to operate an agricultural business on the road.  Dave said he has looked at the road and saw some additional gravel on the road, delineators they put up for the steep drop off, and the road was extended to the right to keep cars away from the steep drop on the other side of the road.  Michael Pare was present and said the road was graded a week ago and there is still some material to be spread on the road.  Christine looked at the road last night and was pleased with the changes she saw but asked about a culvert that was showing.  Mike said that is a non-functioning culvert.  Dave recommended the Selectmen consider the road acceptable for the purposes of the Planning Board in its present condition and asked Michael Pare and Lin Pothier to continue maintaining the road from their driveway to where it turns from class 5 to class 6 with the understanding the non-residential site plan could be at risk if it falls below that standard.  They asked if they are responsible to bring road back to baseline after damage due to extreme snow or flood conditions and were told “yes” though they do not have to do the work themselves nor pay for it all – that can be a matter for all using the road to work out.  Tom Atkocaitis was present and asked if the emergency lane statute RSA 231:59-a applies to Helena Drive. It does not. He said he would be willing to participate in maintaining the road.    Mike and Lin will have to sign a new Class VI road waiver after Town Attorney Bill Drescher has reviewed and approved one, and file it at the Registry of Deeds at their expense.  The Selectmen decided not to make a requirement about turnoffs on the road.  Lin said, however,  there are 3 places on the road where it is wide enough for 2 cars.  Tom said he is not against the plan and is pleased with the baseline condition of the road.  The Planning Board gave conditional approval of the site plan.  The Selectmen will not give any further specifications on how to maintain the road.  Gordon moved to exit the public meeting.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Gordon moved pending receipt of waiver to consider the current condition of the road from the Class V portion to the Toad Hill Farm driveway is baseline and approve the application.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

        2.  7:15 PM             Chief Krajenka          Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to introduce Keeley Bergeron who was present with her stepfather.  Keeley graduated from NH Police Academy in 2000.  She has worked for the Nashua and UNH/Durham Police Departments.  She has a background that includes investigative skills.  She already has had her background check, polygraph and physical done.  Chris requested the Board to accept Keeley as the town’s new patrolman.  Keeley said she has lived in New Boston since May 2005. Gordon moved to accept Keeley Bergeron as a full time officer with the town of New Boston.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Town Clerk Irene Baudreau swore in Keeley.

Chris said he plans to start speed patrols in the areas residents have expressed concerns about. Chris asked if the department could use some of the money in the budget set aside for a prosecutor for some cosmetic improvements in the department building including paint, carpet and tile replacement since the prosecutor probably won’t be ready to join the department until later in the year.  $20,000 is in the budget for a prosecutor.  Selectmen approved use of some of those funds for these purposes. They would be spent later in the year once it is fairly certain they won’t be needed for some other more pressing purpose. Chris recommends Lt. Ranfos be used as the town prosecutor after he takes the MA bar exam.  Lt. Ranfos plans to take the NH bar exam after he gets the results of the MA bar.  Chris recommends Lt. Ranfos be hired as a part-time officer in New Boston after he takes the MA bar because an officer can prosecute under New Hampshire law without passing the NH bar.  Lt. Ranfos has expressed interest in the position.  He has been prosecuting since 1998 most recently in Manchester.  Judge Lawrence wants an experienced prosecutor in place.  New Boston and Francestown may come to an agreement of sharing a prosecutor.  An agreement between New Boston, Weare and Francestown to share Bedanza didn’t work out.

TD Banknorth donated some used furniture and partitions to the department.  The Selectmen suggested Chris contact Lee Brown about putting the partitions together.  Chris said the department has 4 workstations but he wants to consolidate it down to 2 workstations and have officers concentrate on being out on the road patrolling.

Car 3 had an oil change and rotor and brake replacement was recommended.

Chris requested permission to go to Minneapolis for a conference and tour of a charter school.  Goffstown has a Charter School and Chris is on the Board of Directors.  Chris feels this trip will help New Boston as he is bringing back knowledge to use in working with the youth of the community.  He will be gone for 5 days after Sgt. Frank Kochanek gets back from his honeymoon.  Chris has been gone before and things ran smoothly at the department with the Sgt. in charge.  The Selectmen approved the trip for this purpose with pay.

D.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:00 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

E.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 8:15 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


        1.  Minutes of June 12, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of June 12, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       Rising Generation Daycare 643 Mast Road-All pending items were done and it was approved.
·       Debra Downing in home daycare 266 Saunders Hill Road-Site plan approved.
·       Twin Bridge Management Twin Bridge Road-Informational session.  This is 106 acres where they want to put 39 lots in.  A couple of roads in the plan were connected.  Conservation doesn’t want a third road to be connected because of wetlands and a wildlife corridor.  The road is shaped like a horseshoe with a tail totaling 3900’ of road.  They were told to redesign the road.  They plan underground utilities.  A cistern exists in the area.  The developer will put sprinklers in the houses out of range of the cistern.
·       Linda Pothier-Approved.  It was determined there won’t be as many trips per day as they thought.
·       Right Way Builders-Application postponed.
·       Locus Fields-Converting an existing dwelling to a 2-unit condo.  Accepted as complete and approved.
·       Right Way Builders Beard Road-Compliance hearing.  Approved.
·       Miscellaneous-Susan Road/Carriage Road will be paved 5 additional feet and have it plowed in the winter to improve the sight line.  The consulting firm recommended adding 1” overlay on Carriage Road but the Planning Board did not approve this.
·       Pulpit Road-Will need a public hearing regarding the class 5 upgrade.  The new road will be called Pulpit.  The town is interested in abandoning where Pulpit begins now up to the new part and this will have to go on the town warrant in March 2007.  The triangle area will probably be turned over to the Browns or whoever has requested it.  The Browns will have to come to an agreement with the Ciarlas on use of the easement.  Burton will ask Paula Ciarla to ask Mark Ciarla to come in and see Burton again to discuss the details.
2.          Building Inspector Interview Questions-Selectmen interviews of the two final candidates will take place Thursday afternoon.  The Selectmen, Building Dept. Secretary Shannon Silver and Planning Coordinator Nic Strong are reviewing the questions and will get back to Burton with comments.
3.           Assessing Info On-Line-A contract with Avitar our assessing software provider for $1,700 to make the assessing information available on-line to better serve the public and save time in the assessing office was signed by the Selectmen.


1.          Opinion Survey Cover Letter-Burton distributed some topics for the Selectmen to review for the cover letter of the opinion survey to go out to town employees.  The department heads requested and drafted the survey and the Selectmen decided not to make any changes. Dave and Burton will work on the cover letter more later in the week.
2.          Fuel Contract-A quote has come in from Putnam for $2.45 per gallon.  The SAU received a quote from Fred Fuller for $2.39 per gallon.  Last year New Boston paid $1.75 per gallon.  A final decision was made to accept the Putnam price.
3.  Approval of Letters-Letters to Dodge’s Store and Adelphia were approved and will be signed.
4.        Rumore Request (Map 8 Lot 77)-The Selectmen cannot agree with Morgan Hollis that the lot is a lot of record and will send him a letter to that effect.
5.        Local Government Center Seminar-Burton recently attended a Local Government Center seminar on what is new in employment law.  Town employee military leave and new discrimination laws were discussed.  A sample personnel policy and procedures manual was distributed at the seminar, which Burton will compare with New Boston’s personnel manual.

1.        Dave asked if Bill Drescher should be asked about his workload.
2.        Bog Brook Road should be posted.
3.        Shannon called about the lack of a fence and was told the pool at Joe Foistner’s property on Bedford Road would be removed, as it is defective. A date by which the pool is expected to be removed was given.
4.        The incentive payments to haulers at the Transfer Station have been very successful with one hauler.  The other hauler might be restricted from using the Transfer Station.
5.        The modular home near the entrance to the campground on Old Coach Road has been collecting additional large items in the yard and is offering camp firewood for sale.  The sand in the driveway looks like it might have come from the town supply.  The firewood is positioned very close to the traveled way.  Interim Building Inspector Ed Hunter looked at it.  
6.        The old Phil Duke lot has been cleaned out and filled in.
7.        The renewal for the property liability coverage from the Local Government Center was received.
8.        Burton spoke to Bill Drescher Friday about the current waiver which he will review for the Michael Pare and Linda Pothier site plan.  They also discussed drainage and water issues.  Bill said the law (RSA 236:19) involves getting engineers involved and going to court – both costly.

J.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien