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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/03/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
April 3, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Recreation Department

Lee Brown, Mike Sindoni and David Hulick were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues the Recreation Department is facing.

Lee said that the Department has put forward to legal counsel for comment regarding background checks for volunteers.  The insurance company for the Babe Ruth League, which New Boston belongs to for its baseball and softball programs, has been mentioning background checks in their correspondence but is not yet requiring it.  However, several of the 9 towns that are involved along with New Boston do background checks.  The Recreation Commission has discussed this issue and wants to implement background checks.  They have discussed it with the volunteer coaches.  The background check would consist of a criminal record check from the New Hampshire State Police.  Dave suggested they should probably get motor vehicle records too.  The Recreation Department should find out from the Police Chief what type of information would be received from these checks.  There was discussion on how to contain and limit access to any negative information once it is received from the State Police and Motor Vehicle Department.  The Recreation Commission has looked into different options and has decided that the best way to do this is to have the information sent directly to Town Counsel Leslie Nixon.  Leslie has concurred.  She will advise on how to proceed.  The Selectmen suggested that maybe Mike should be the keeper of these records but Lee stated that the Commission has considered this option and is not comfortable with it.  It was suggested that the negative information could be turned over to the town and kept in a locked cabinet.  There was discussion on how the person would be judged once the information from the checks is received.  Dave suggested that if the person wouldn’t qualify to be a police officer then they shouldn’t qualify to be a volunteer for the Recreation Department.

Recreation sent an inquiry to the Local Government Center to see if registrations could be done on the website allowing the use of credit cards without getting a town vote.  The Local Government Center said no so the Recreation Commission plans to draft a warrant.  Fees associated with credit card use would be absorbed by the Revolving Fund.

Recreation was disappointed with the lack of support from the School Board for the proposed Community Center.  Recreation has not yet surveyed the town to find out if this position affected votes.  Recreation plans to evaluate other options and wants to schedule a joint meeting with the School Board, Finance Committee, Selectmen and Recreation to discuss it.  Lee stated the Recreation Committee has expended a lot of money for this project.  They are not sure now if it should become just a Recreation building or a combined use building (allowing for use by the school for overflow classroom space) as was originally planned.  Gordon suggested getting representatives from cross-sections of town on the committee to help get this building project article approved.   Dave thought one reason it might not have passed was because there is not a fixed plan for the building yet.

The practice field approved in the March voting and located next to the Transfer Station is expected to be completed this summer.  Mike Dahlberg will do a site plan within 60 days.

The Recreation Commission has voted to change some things around on the Cliff Nyquist Memorial.  They plan to soften it up by adding some vegetation, picnic tables and a play area.  The ballfields will get new dugouts.  Forestry has given permission to cut some trees.  The wood will hopefully be recycled for grandstands.  A meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday at 5:30 about the forestry issue.

Kenny Hamel is in discussion with the Playground Association.

The trespass ordinance was passed.  Burton is waiting for guidelines from the Police Chief for signage at the open areas.  The sign at the skateboard park was stolen.  The security camera will be installed there soon.  

Dave asked about how the New Boston baseball and softball teams are related to the Babe Ruth program.  Lee said that the town program for baseball and softball belongs to a group called Kearsarge Mountain South with 9 other area towns.  They need to be chartered by a program so the group joined the Babe Ruth Program.  Babe Ruth provides insurance at a charge of approximately $5 per head.  The rules and regulations of the Babe Ruth program are followed.

Some recreation programs may be underinsured through coverage with the Local Government Center.  This will be discussed at another meeting.  How does the LGC coverage compare with that provided by the Babe Ruth League.

D.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 7:50 PM.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

E.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:  David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 8:20 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:20 PM               SHB Properties-Pulpit Road To Class V

Jeff Hudson and Tom Souser were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss their plan for upgrading a portion off Pulpit Road to Class V and discontinuing part of the road.  They have purchased some property of Pulpit Road, had it surveyed and have a tentative subdivision planned.  There may be an issue with discontinuing a short portion of the original road; they will discuss it with the affected landowners to work out a solution.  They agreed to send letters to the affected landowners by certified mail and ask for a response in writing copying the Selectmen on the response.  The Selectmen prefer to discontinue that portion of Pulpit Road to make road maintenance easier.  The Selectmen will not ask SHB Properties to postpone their project until voting in March when voters would be asked to approve discontinuing that portion of the road.  Burton has contacted Town Attorney Bill Drescher for the process to follow to upgrade the road to Class V from Class VI.  


        1.  Minutes of March 20, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       Carriage Road-This was already approved but Dufresne-Henry found other issues they wanted fixed up as TF Moran made some surveying mistakes that were not noticed until after this was approved.    The developer will come back in two weeks with a red line plan showing how the new recommendations will not work.  The developer was concerned this would hold up his CO’s but the Planning Board OK’d the CO’s for April and May.
·       Informational Session with Lisa Jeck-She wants to put in a private school for yoga classes and spiritual growth and wellness at 110 River Road.  Classes will be limited to 10 people per class.  Parking and septic were discussed.  A private school would be allowed as it is in the R-A district.  She plans to live there as well.
·       Brooks Minor Subdivision Lot Line Adjustment Pine Road-There is a road running through the property that was discontinued in 1998 which he wants to add to a piece of property, hence the lot line adjustment.  The road will be kept open for emergency use and horse traffic.  One house will be sold with a stipulation that the land cannot be subdivided.
·       Right Way Builders Beard Road Subdivision-The Conservation Commission was concerned as the wetlands were not marked correctly and they want another sitewalk to be scheduled when it is remarked.  The Planning Board does not know what type of residences he plans to build; therefore the Planning Board cannot consider the type of road improvement required.  The Road Committee needs more information before making recommendations.  It is not yet known what type of residences he plans to build in this subdivision.  The Road Committee is looking for another cost estimate on Beard Road and a traffic study.  The Road Committee warned about the build-out study and road improvement cost sharing.
·       Norman Gagnon Subdivision McCurdy/Laurel Lane-Application was accepted as complete and approved.  They plan to cut a 5-acre lot in half.
·       Duke 4 lot Subdivision McCurdy/Joe English Road-An erosion and sediment control plan is needed.  A sitewalk was scheduled.
·       Bill Matheson-Compliance hearing took place and he submitted an application to allow truck and auto repair, which was accepted as complete and approved.
·       The Planning Board received a letter dated February 28 about the circular driveways on Carriage Road.  There were two properties with circular driveways, which were asked to discontinue the circular driveway. One did discontinue the circular driveway and one did not.  The Planning Board will send this to Dennis Sarette for enforcement.
2.          Gravel Pit Owners Meeting of 3/27-This meeting was well attended by the pit owners.  Mary Pinkham-Langer and Anna Herrero from NH DES were there along with the engineer from Continental Placer.  Burton has prepared a follow up letter to send to the pit owners with information on how to get into compliance with the new regulations, which will be sent within the next few days.
3.           Bedford Rd/Wilson Hill Rd Intersection-Burton, the Selectmen and Road Agent John Riendeau went out to look at the area and meet the homeowner at the corner of Bedford Road and Wilson Hill Road.  A light pole may need to be moved and the stonewall needs to be moved back.  Burton has not talked to Attorney Bill Drescher about this yet but asked for guidance from the Selectmen on what to ask when he does.  


1.          1st Quarter Financials-The Selectmen discussed the final 1st quarter financials.
2.          Selectmen Goals For 2006-The Selectmen reviewed a list of goals planned for 2006.
3.              Backhoe Extended Warranty-The Selectmen reviewed the backhoe extended warranty.  Road Agent John Riendeau is in favor of purchasing the warranty at a cost of $2,380 for 5 years.


1.        The Police Department’s Ford Explorer is for sale and bids are due this week.
2.        Bedford Road drainage issue will be worked on this summer.
3.        Cemetery Hill Road is starting to undermine on the cemetery side and will need some fill soon.
4.        A meeting with the DRA is scheduled for Tuesday at 10:00 to discuss doing the re-val.
5.        Planning Coordinator Nic Strong asked if the Selectmen are planning to attend the Master Planning session on April 15.
6.        Kim Merron is resigning from her position as Deputy Town Clerk.  The position will be advertised.
7.        Laura Robbins was present to discuss her letter to the Selectmen regarding their meeting with Lynn Pothier.  Laura was upset because she was not notified about the meeting and read about it in the New Boston Bulletin.  She disagreed with a lot of what was reported in the article. Laura stated that the road often washes out from water coming from Lynn’s property.  She stated there is already a lot of traffic on their road from 4-wheelers and horses using the road.  Laura stated that there haven’t been any upgrades to the road and the bottom half of the road is sand.  Only one of Lynn’s abutters live on the road and Laura feels that all people who live on the road should be notified in advance of the meetings about this matter.  Laura is concerned about the safety of people on the road as there has already been one near-fatality from raking the road.  The Selectmen said that the Planning Board will make the final decision on whether to allow Lynn’s proposed business or not.  They are waiting for a response from Attorney Bill Drescher.  The Selectmen will have to approve the plan for the road once it is finalized.  Laura stated that she and her husband have never signed the release waiver that was mentioned in the New Boston Bulletin article.  She wants to make sure the road can withstand the traffic generated by the business.

J.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
K.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 10:20 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

L.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Gordon made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at    10:35 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K.  ADJOURNMENT:    Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:36 PM.            Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien