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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/20/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
March 20, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Trespass Ordinance Hearing

A public hearing was held for comments on the Trespass Ordinance.  The Selectmen noted that Police Chief Chris Krajenka is researching what he thinks Conservation and Forestry need to post on signs at their properties so he can enforce the ordinance there and will get in touch with them before they have the signs made up.  Recreation, Police, School Board, Selectmen and legal departments have reviewed the ordinance.  The public hearing was closed at 7:03 PM.  Dave moved to accept the trespass ordinance.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

2.  7:20 PM               Fire Wards

The Fire Wards cancelled but will be present at a future meeting.


        1.  Minutes of March 6, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
 Non-Public Minutes of March 6, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the non-public minutes.  David moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
1.         Planning:  
·       A sitewalk took place at Bill Matheson’s barn for compliance.    
·       McCurdy Road project sitewalk-Conservation Commission and Planning Board went separate ways at this sitewalk.  Not too much wetlands were noted along the road where Dave and Christine walked with the Planning Board.  A knob may be an issue.
·       Joe Foistner was planning to build a bridge, which has not yet been built although he has pulled a building permit.
2.          Police Detail Rate and Process-A charge for Social Security and Medicare will be added to the rate.  Burton asked if the Selectmen would like to add an amount to cover workers compensation or administrative fees.  The Selectmen decided to add 25 cents per hour for administrative and workers comp.  With the passage of Article 25 on the March 2006 Warrant, Police Detail expenses will not be handled via a Revolving Fund.
3.           Taxing of Campground Trailers-Christine excused herself from the Board.  She attended a campground conference this week and learned that VT is having the same problem and distributed information to the Selectmen showing that campgrounds in VT that are taxing are hurting.  George Hildum has provided figures that suggest the net income from taxing trailers is minimal.  Dave said he would not be in favor of taxing trailers until the law is changed or the DRA enforces taxing in all towns.  Gordon agrees.  Dave moved that the Selectmen use their statutory privilege to abate taxes as they see fit to avoid assessing the travel trailers within the town of New Boston.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Christine rejoined the board.


1.          Selectman Chairman-Gordon nominated Dave as chairman. Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
2.          Garden Club Use of the Common-The Garden Club has sent a request to use the common again as they did last year for the annual free plant swap.  This is ok with the Selectmen.
3.  Municipal Building Projects-Dave agrees with Burton that more people are required than just one particular focus group to get building project articles approved.  Christine said she talked to George St. John who said the Fire Wards are doing a study on what the Fire Department and Rescue needs will be and are planning to hire Roger Dignard to do the study.  If the Fire Department vacates their current building it may be available for the library or other town functions.  The Selectmen discussed getting a core group of people to form a committee to work on public relations for building projects in town.
4.        MS-2 (Voted Budget)-The voted budget was signed by the Selectmen.
5.        Meeting with DRA- The DRA is meeting here regarding mini-reval April 4 at 10:00 AM with Linda and Kim.  Dave might rearrange his work schedule to attend the meeting.   
6.        Town Report Options-The Selectmen reviewed samples of Town Reports from other towns for ideas to improve New Boston’s Town Report.  Others use pictures more than New Boston does and photos of the people in the various departments may help.  Fire Chief Dan MacDonald suggested including key statistics when pertinent.  Some information could be shown by graph.  The MS5 financial statement should probably be included.  Brandy Mitroff suggested putting the explanations of the articles with the Warrant Articles instead of after the Warrant Articles.  Goffstown included a paragraph about the background of the town.  The Selectmen probably do not want to change the size to 8.5x11.  The typeface should probably be changed.
7.        Appointment Process-The Selectmen decided to check with the people currently on boards to see if they are interested in continuing and if so, have them fill out the form to get things started.
8.        Farmers Market-No complaints about last year’s setup were received.  Melissa Harvey has requested to do the Farmer’s Market the same way this year.  The Farmers Market will begin in July.  The sign may conflict with the Playground sign if the Farmers Market sign is changed.  Otherwise the Selectmen have no problem with having the Farmers Market the same way this year.

1.        Gordon visited the Police Department.  They requested some partitions to put between the desks to cut down on noise and distraction.  They discussed the accreditation process.  Dunbarton did very well and Police Chief Chris Krajenka is using them as a model.  No accreditation class is being offered in NH this year so he will probably have to go to MA for the class.  Chris said the meeting he had with the Selectmen regarding his letter helped.
2.        Dave asked about the Almus Chancey sewage situation.  A certified letter was sent to him telling him to cease and desist but if he doesn’t pick up his mail he may need to be served.
3.        An appointment has been scheduled to meet with the Reeds to look at the Wilson Hill/Bedford Road intersection March 24 at 5:00 PM.  Planning Coordinator Nic Strong wants Burton to call Attorney Bill Drescher about this to determine what to do if the Reeds want things done that are not necessary to fix the sight line problem.
4.        The people building the subdivision off Pulpit Road want to upgrade Pulpit Road to a class 5 road and relocate Pulpit Road.  This can be done by either a town vote or by “betterment assessment” per RSA.  Road Agent John Riendeau is scheduled to come to the Selectmen’s meeting April 3 to discuss this.  Burton is checking with Attorney Bill Drescher for his recommendation on how to change the road.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien