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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/13/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
February 13, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   


Dona Fairbairn and Sandi VanScoyoc from the Foot Traffic and Road Committee were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss options for Warrant Article 26.  The Article requests voters to approve $30,000 from the town to build a footbridge from Mill Pond Conservation Area to the Post Office.  This is to supplement a $120,000 state grant the committee has applied for.  However, Dona has just learned that the state grant won’t be awarded until 2011 and it is premature to ask for funds from the town now.  The Article will have to be amended or the public will have to be notified that the Article is null and void.  Dona and Sandi will prepare a list of questions for Burton to ask Bob Anderson of the DRA about the legality of changing the wording of the Article and about how the timing issue can be explained to the public.  Jay Marden was present and stated that he attended the Deliberative Session and feels that the Article should stay on as additional funds may come in from another source allowing the footbridge to be constructed sooner.  Dan McDonald was present and stated that the Article should be withdrawn and the Committee should ask for the funds again at a later time.


1.  7:00 PM               Chief Krajenka                Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues he is having as he is trying to come to a working relationship between himself, the Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator.

Chris read aloud a three-page letter he wrote to the Selectmen detailing the issues he has had since becoming New Boston’s Police Chief.

As a department head, Chris feels left out of the loop in decision-making procedures and his work and knowledge on the subject is being disregarded.  Specifically, there was a disagreement between himself and the Selectmen on what an employee should be paid.  Chris stated that he spent a lot of time and effort researching the subject but was never consulted on it and the Selectmen came to a final decision and prepared a memo that went out without Chris’ knowledge.  Gordon explained this is normal procedure and Dave pointed out to Chris that it is the Selectmen’s final decision on what employees should be paid.  Chris felt that the Selectmen, Town Administrator and himself should have been in better communication during this process.  He went through the grievance process specifically with the employee and stated he felt undermined and not included in the process.  The Selectmen then explained why they acted in the manner they did, and they were not trying to undermine Chris’ authority

Chris states that his job was threatened during a conversation with Burton.  He addressed this issue in his monthly report to the Selectmen and it was ignored by the Selectmen.  Burton denied threatening Chris’ job, as it would be inappropriate.  The Selectmen weren’t aware Chris expected a response to his monthly report.  They feel that coming before the Board is more effective but do appreciate his report.

The process of creating the Police Chief’s article for the Annual Report is an issue. Chris had discussed changes to his original draft with the Selectmen at the meeting of January 23, 2006 and made the changes the Selectmen requested.  Later, he called Burton who suggested that he change a paragraph that was not discussed before and Chris stated Burton yelled at him during this conversation.  The Selectmen said they had made additional changes after the meeting and had asked Burton to tell Chris to make the changes but it was not clear to Chris that the changes were coming from the Selectmen.

The Selectmen and Police Chief have not yet reviewed the Police Department goals together.

The Selectmen and Town Administrator need to figure out the best way to communicate with Chris.  They plan to note the source of their directions to Chris as from the Selectmen; their communications will sometimes go through Burton.  Christine suggested having Chris meet with the Selectmen at their meetings monthly to discuss issues and make sure important issues in his monthly reports are addressed.  Dave suggested creating a liaison position on the Board of Selectmen to meet with Chris weekly.  The Selectmen will rotate monthly taking turns as the liaison.  The Selectmen considered starting a mentoring program for new department heads.

D.  Move to enter Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(a) at 8:20 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

E.  Move to exit Non-Public Session:   Christine made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 8:55 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


        1.  Minutes of January 23, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

2.      Article for March Bulletin-The Selectmen discussed the articles planned for the March New Boston Bulletin with Brandy Mitroff including an article about the tax rate that Burton will work on, the revaluation update, an explanation of the police revolving fund, a summary of the Deliberative Session discussions.
1.      Gravel Pit Permits-Adam Drew introduced himself to the Board as he is applying for a position as alternate on the Planning Board.
Mary Pinkham-Langer and Anna Herrero from DES came to town to visit some gravel pits relative to RSA 155e.  They went to Tingley’s pit and Wheeler’s pit before being called away.  Mary sent an 11-page letter to the Selectmen providing guidance on how to interpret RSA 155e.  The Selectmen plan to send out letters to the gravel pits reminding them of the need to come into compliance with RSA 155e and other relevant regulations from both EPA and NH DES.  In the future, permits may be extended to 3 or 5 years.  Gordon asked what power does the town have to preserve scenic areas?  The town may want a gravel ordinance.  Mary forwarded a sample ordinance and a website to refer to when drafting an ordinance.  It will have to be determined who will oversee the gravel pits.  Currently, the ZBA and Planning Board approve new pits and the Selectmen handle the permitting.

Willard Dodge was present and said that he will draw up the type of plans Anna requested for the drainage issues at the 4-H grounds, then contact her and she will return to look at it.

1.         Planning:  
·       A sitewalk at Linda Pothier’s took place where she wants a non-residential site plan to allow as many as 4 dogs in her house at a time for dogsitting.   Also applying for horseback riding and a horse stable on the property.  
·       Sitewalk for Doug Hill’s cluster development off Rte. 136.  The Conservation Commission attended.  Everyone seemed satisfied.
·       Sitewalk for Clark Hill Road McKenzie subdivision-The applicant wishes to subdivide on either side of the house but it is doubtful, as there is a lot of water on the property.
·       The McKenzie plan was discussed at the meeting.  It is a very wet lot.
·       Linda Pothier’s plan was discussed.
·       Doug Hill cluster development off Rte. 136-Sprinklers or cistern will be used.  The Conservation Commission might be interested in beaver flowage on some common property.  The current house and barn might be preserved.
·       Right Way Builders Ronnie Sizemore house-The applicant plans to split the house into a condo and transfer the back 1.6 acres to Paul Sizemore.  The neighbors are concerned.
·       The driveway regulations were reviewed which might be ready for acceptance.  A 200-foot sight distance will probably be used.
·       A meeting regarding Beard Road took place on February 9, 2006 so the Selectmen could have an official position on a safe entrance to the subdivision to take to the February 14, 2006 Planning Board meeting.  A short official meeting took place then it was adjourned to a work session including Rene and Amy from Dufresne-Henry, Roch Larochelle and Brian Dorwart from the Road Committee, and Earl Sandford and Rick Martin’s attorney.  It was concluded that there was no way to make a safe intersection.  Dave expects the application to be withdrawn or rejected at the February 14 meeting.  Rick Martin called Burton about making the entrance a one-way but this is unlikely as it has been discussed before.
2.          Vacation Rollover-Don Sims has sent in a request for vacation rollover.  Burton will revise last year’s letter to him on this subject and say the rollover is contingent on a plan to use it.
3.        Private Hauler Compliance Fees-The Selectmen reviewed a memo from Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett.  The haulers are paying the penalty for non-compliance, but Gerry’s position is he would rather have compliance than the money.  Gordon asked about the Solid Waste Committee’s position on this and Burton will ask them.  
        The Transfer Station is getting a supertransformer from PSNH.

3.Deputy Fire Warden Appointment-The Selectmen signed the appointment letter to make Scott Hunter a deputy fire warden.
4.      Pumpkin Lane Subdivision Road Name-A request came in to name the new road off Rte.77 Pumpkin Lane in honor of Charlie Houghton and the world record he established for the largest pumpkin.  The Selectmen approve.


1.        It was decided Gordon will be the liaison to the Police Chief for the first month.
2.        Dan MacDonald asked Burton about how to distribute information about cell phone deals from Nextel to town employees.  Burton suggested inserting it in with the paychecks.  The Selectmen don’t have a problem with that.
3.        The Selectmen reviewed and signed a letter to Maryann Flood responding to her about the drainage problem on Bedford Road.

Jay Marden requested the Building Inspector check Tingley’s gravel pit as they are digging too close to the creek and they have not done anything about the trees that fell into the creek.

L.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:38 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien