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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/17/2006
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
April 17, 2006

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman-Absent
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


        1.  7:00 PM             Chief Krajenka          Police Department

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on changes at the Police Department.

Chris said that the New Boston Police Department has been awarded a $23,000 Homeland Security grant for communications infrastructure improvements.  He has sent in the required paperwork.  Chris has talked to the Air Force and will be using the tower at the New Boston Air Station for the new repeater being obtained with the grant.  It is Chris’ understanding that the New Boston Fire and Highway departments can also use the repeater.  A hearing to accept the grant will be scheduled to take place during the May 1, 2006 Selectmen’s meeting.

Chris said that Officer Kelly came to him on Friday evening and announced that he has been given a conditional offer hire at Weare Police Department.  Sgt. Kochanek was in touch with Officer Cox who is doing background check and said they anticipated him starting sometime next week.  It is awfully quick turnaround.  Christine asked if he gave a notice and said she didn’t think anything was final yet.  Chris said that according to Officer Cox they anticipated having him in place next week and he is the guy doing the background.  Chris said that Officer Kelly hasn’t given him a notice yet; he just came to him and said they had given him a conditional offer hire and he has accepted it.  Dave said it is notice but it isn’t two weeks notice.  

Chris said that a letter of interest from Keleigh Bergeron was received in the past so he is going to contact her to see if she is still interested in working part-time for the New Boston Police Department.  She was formerly a police officer in Nashua and Durham.

The Selectmen reviewed a memo dated April 3, 2006 regarding the proposed salary for the Animal Control Officer.  The job consists of catching the animal and transporting it to where it will be housed while waiting for the owners.  The town has several cages and a catchpole and Chris will obtain bite gloves.  The Police Department is using a highway vehicle for animal transport.  The proposed $14.00 per hour with a 2-hour minimum seems reasonable to the Selectmen.  Chris is working on retrieving data about the number of animal calls expected.  Passage of a leash law was discussed.  Chris said that a leash law would help New Boston to become a more livable walkable community and would improve safety.  Chris mentioned 4 complaint calls have come in asking the police to remove neighbor’s dogs from resident’s lawns.

Chris said that Brian Harding, the non-sworn auxiliary police department member has a job but is doing well coordinating his duties at the Police Department.  Chris is seeking additional training for the animal control aspects of Brian’s job.  

Chris said there are no new issues with the cruiser that was giving them some trouble.  The bumper repair cost less than expected.

The Selectmen asked about the hiring of a prosecutor. One option, working with Goffstown, is a problem because as it turns out, he is too busy with prosecuting for Goffstown and Francestown.  Chris is now trying to fill the position.  There are several interested candidates who are graduating law school this spring but Chris would rather hire someone with more experience.  Continue to explore the sharing of a person in Weare.

Chris said that a Goffstown High School student who is considering policing as a career has expressed interest in interning in the office at the New Boston Police Department.  Chris knows her from the Goffstown Explorers program and will get the paperwork signed to start her internship to continue through the end of the school year.  


        1.  Minutes of April 3, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.       Non-Public Minutes of April 3, 2006 - The Selectmen reviewed both sets of non-public minutes.  Christine moved that they be accepted.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       Moody Submission of application public hearing of minor subdivision 3 lots on Clark Hill Road-Peter Hogan didn’t like the 3 lots but Mr. Moody had his attorney and engineer present at the hearing and said that all requirements of the subdivision are met and they proved that the sight distance on lot number 1 was met. For lot number 2 there was a question if there was enough room for a house and a septic.  Peter was concerned if there was a duplex on the lot, they decided to go back and redesign it and say only a single family house can go on the lot and will come back with the changes the Planning Board wanted on May 9.    
·       McCurdy Development 37 lots-Discussed stacking issue with lots 28 and 29.  The Planning Board recommended a driveway between lots 25 and 26 it would eliminate any question about stacking and that will probably be done.  Lot 29 is a backlot.  Sprinklers will be installed instead of cisterns.  There is a conservation easement from lot 6-1.  Kim Burkhamer was present from the Conservation Committee.  Cindy Wilson was present as an abutter and requested an easement for all the wetlands to keep the wildlife corridor available and the owner agreed.  She also requested box culverts because of a rare turtle that is breeding in the area and the owner will install them. The owner agreed to put building restrictions on the larger lots saying they cannot be subdivided further.  The driveway for lot 1 will be on McCurdy Road so as not to disturb the wetlands.  The application was accepted as preliminary.
·       Lot line adjustment on Byam Road-Middle of lot is partly commercial and the rest of the lot is residential.  The lot should not be used as both residential and commercial.
·       Duplexes on Hopkins/Salisbury Road-The developer requested condex type buildings.  The paperwork is in order and they are well planned out.  The units will be approximately $285,000 each with separate wells and septics for each unit.
·       Condex at 88 Colburn Road-This condex has a shared septic and well.  The Planning Board requested 2 more parking spaces and a driveway.
·       New owners of Shipwreck Restaurant-The new owners were present to meet with the Planning Board to discuss their plans for the restaurant.  The new owner was a chef for politicians in Washington but is from New Hampshire and wanted to return to the area.  He plans to square off the building, which will require some expansion.  He plans to install windows in the back of the restaurant to allow a view of the river while dining.  The septic is small so he wants to concentrate on take-out value meals.  The Planning Board requested a site plan of what is currently there before starting the process.
2.          2006 Committee Appointments-The Selectmen reviewed a list of Committee Appointments.  Christine moved to accept the appointments as listed.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
3.          4-H Taxation-The Selectmen reviewed minutes of the March 6, 2006 meeting with Brent Armstrong and Willard Dodge of the 4-H Foundation and decided to defer consideration on this topic until the questions brought up at that meeting are answered.


1.          DRA Assessment Review Process-Burton said that he attended a meeting on this topic and he shared a packet of information from the meeting with the Selectmen.  This will be an audit process.  Assessor George Hildum and computer technical support (Turbo Tech) will be in tomorrow to upgrade George’s computer for the assessing “update” and allow George to access data from home.
2.          Gregg Mill Road Bridge:  Bridge Aid Application-David and Christine signed the application prepared by Burton.  Burton will mail it out once Gordon signs it.

3.                      Overview for Salary Review-Burton distributed information for the Selectmen’s review.  The Department Heads said at their last Department Head meeting that they are interested in being involved with this.  The information will also be given to them and time will be set aside to discuss it with them.   This will be discussed at other Selectmen’s meetings.


1.         Dave brought up some correspondence received from Mr. Lazott who recently had a run in with Glenn at the Transfer Station.  Dave feels some peacemaking effort should be initiated possibly by Transfer Station Manager Gerry Cornett, if he feels it is appropriate, or by the Selectmen as the carpet was treated differently on different trips to the Transfer Station.  Dave would like more background information on this situation.  Burton explained that the person in question has been the subject of a number of “consultations” with the staff over many months about recycling.  They have allowed some items that should be “demo” to go in the hopper, just as they have others, in an attempt to show some flexibility while asking for compliance.  A letter was prepared by Burton and Gerry Cornett and sent to Mr. Lazott.
2.        A meeting is scheduled with the Base Commander at the New Boston Air Force Tracking Station on April 20, 2006 at 1:00.  The Selectmen must bring proof of insurance on their vehicles if they plan to drive their own vehicles on the Tracking Station property.
3.        The furniture salesman was in today to meet with the Tax Collector and bookkeeper about replacement of their office furniture.  He will prepare a revised proposal for the furniture ordered.  The old furniture will be removed on May 18, 2006 and new furniture will be set up on May 19.
4.        Highway update:  The new backhoe is expected to arrive this week.  Road Agent John Riendeau obtained an attachment for the grader to put gravel down.  He also purchased some saws for cutting pavement at state surplus.  The sweeper is still problematic.  
5.        Doug Hill from the Planning Board met with Burton regarding the preference for the Christian Hill road name.
6.        Jay Marden sent a letter requesting to meet with the Selectmen for an update on the gravel pits.  Burton brought him up to date so he no longer needs to come in at this time.
7.        Peter Clarke sent in a resignation letter for his position as Trustee of the Trust Funds and asked about the status of junkyards in town.  Burton has prepared a letter to him in response.

J.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
K.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien