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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/03/2005
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
October 3, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM             John Riendeau           Road Agent  

John Riendeau was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of current projects that the Highway Department is working on.

·       John mentioned that he will be requesting funding for a replacement salt storage shed around 2011.  John will research the different options to help plan for the CIP.  A tarp over a concrete slab could be used, or some towns are erecting a greenhouse frame and putting plastic over it, which lasts about 15 years.  The back wall on the current shed has been replaced a couple times.  The wood sides hold up well because the Highway Department has been treating it.
·       John wants doors installed on the outside garage at some point.  The garage will still be used for cold storage but the doors will help with security of the items inside and kept ice out in winter.  The maintenance budget or a warrant article may cover the cost of the doors.
·       Roadside mowing is done.
·       Crushed bank run for the year has been processed and is ready for use.
·       The drainage work is done on Thornton Road.  The will pave some around the catch basins.
·       The new Mack truck will be picked up Tuesday or Wednesday.
·       Howe Bridge repair-The paving company is planning to come back and crush a couple of inches down, put the membrane back, apply a tack coat and pave two inches back over it.  The original project was done only two years ago but it was done incorrectly.  Dave suggests the town now put the problem and the expected plan to fix it in writing by letters to the engineering and paving companies.   John would also like another inch of paving to be added to the surface of the entire bridge but they have not agreed to do that yet.
·       Lull Road, Gregg Mill Road, Lyndeborough Road, Lower McCollum and Styles Road will be paved the third week of October.
·       Bog Road project is in progress.  Trees have been cut and stumped.  The Highway Department will cut a few more trees.  John marked the 26 foot wide roadway all the way through, they will dig out and add gravel where the road is not currently wide enough, and put the finish coat of gravel down.  The culverts will be replaced.  John has the permits in hand.
·       John is overseeing the work on Greenfield Road.
·       John wanted to discuss the widening of Salisbury Road tonight but he is still working on this with Dave Elliot to get the dimensions and is trying to make an agreement with the builder.

        2.  7:15 PM              Nancy Biederman                Playground Committee

Nancy Biederman met with the Selectmen to discuss the plans for the proposed playground behind the Town Hall and to discuss erecting a fence along Town Hall property.

Nancy passed out brochures depicting the proposed playground to the Selectmen.  The estimated cost of the playground is $42,000, but Nancy plans to raise $50,000 because she expects costs of materials to rise and additional equipment may be added to the final design.  She plans to keep the merry-go-round.  She plans to sell pickets for a picket fence to be erected around the playground.  There will be 260-270 pickets costing $50 each.  The pickets will be stained with white letters stating an appropriate message the buyer chooses to display on their picket.  The letters will be covered with acrylic and will last at least 10 years.  $45 from the sale of every picket will go toward the playground.  Fence posts can also be purchased for $100.  There will also be a sign at the playground.  Twelve inches of wood carpeting will be the underlay of the playground.  Drainage will be discussed later.  The playground is guaranteed to last at least 30 years.  Nancy hopes to have the playground installed in 2006.

Nancy belongs to a subcommittee of the Playground Association but is not part of the Playground Association.   It was recommended that she become a member of the Playground Association for legal security and that she work closely with the Recreation Commission on this project.  She states she is in almost daily contact with the Recreation Department.  Lee Brown stated that the Playground Association is a legitimate entity at the Secretary of State’s office and is in good standing.

        3.  7:30 PM             Mike Sindoni                    Recreation Department

Lee Brown and Mike Sindoni were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues involving the Recreation Department.

·       The Recreation Department has reviewed the proposed Trespass Ordinance and is concerned as it conflicts with the policies of the Recreation Department at some of their venues and events.  Properties such as the ball fields and the skateboard park don’t have the adult supervision required in the ordinance.  The ordinance may be changed to reflect that the skateboard park and other areas specifically mentioned such as ballfields follow rules posted by the Recreation Commission.  
·       Recreation CIP-Lee stated that the Commissioners have discussed their plan for a new recreation building and have decided not to request a CRF for 2006 because this project is not completely planned and the building may conflict with the library plan.  A 2 year CRF will probably be needed when they are ready.
·       A practice field and additional parking is needed at the ball field on Old Coach Road.  Forestry doesn’t want to approve cutting down trees until a definite plan is done.  A practice field 100 X 200 and parking for 30-40 cars with in and out access is planned.  This will cost $15-20,000.  They will have to meet with the Finance Committee and the Selectmen to determine where the funds for this project will come from.
·       The Recreation Commission has created a mini CIP form to use within the department to help them prioritize projects and present them to the town.
·       It was suggested that the Recreation Department add a section to the Town Report disclosing the status of their revolving funds and to keep the town informed of the status of their different projects.

        4.  8:00 PM             Tim Cady                        Library

Tim Cady was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the library’s CIP.

Tim stated that the library is too small to serve the size of this community.  The trustees are still planning for a larger facility.  They want to construct a gravel access road to their property behind the post office and install underground utilities for the future building there next year.  The library has requested estimates from Sandford Survey for an engineering survey and from Dave Elliot for construction of the gravel access road with culverts.  They expect it will cost about $50,000 for the roadway.  The library has $86,000 in CRF, which they are saving for the new library building.  The library trustees request that lines for the roadway construction and engineering be added to their CIP and they request a CRF of $80,000 per year for the new building.


        1.  Minutes of September 19, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
        2.  Non-public Minutes of September 19, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  David moved that they be accepted.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.         Planning:  
·       Boussiere and Indian Falls-Emile Boussiere was present at the Planning Board meeting and stated he wasn’t opposed to using some land for conservation as long as others did the same.    13 lots on 80 acres are planned, as there is a lot of water on this property.  The Road would come out by Klondike Corner.  6 lots are planned for the Indian Falls project because of steep slopes.
·       David Craig Northern Sky Holdings-David Craig was supposed to have his paperwork in to the Planning Board 3 weeks before the meeting to schedule a sitewalk, which wasn’t done.  A sitewalk is planned for Saturday and the compliance hearing was rescheduled.
·       Roger Dignard-Compliance hearing cancelled.
·       Bradley Educational Centers, LLC-Has been expanded to 2 sides, it was felt that with the changes in construction it was ok and was passed.
·       Julie Dillon-Site plan for barn and manure pit passed.
·       Right Way Builders-Rick Martin is still requesting 40 condexes/houses/lots.  There was a lot of discussion because his plans are not finalized.  The application was not deemed to be final because the paperwork was not in on time.
·       Douglas Hill subdivision-A letter from the Fire Wards requiring sprinklers in the houses and a large cistern for the cul-de-sac was discussed.
·       Wellness Facility-The sewer water use for the facility will be monitored for 6 months to make sure they are not using more than they should be.
·       341 Twin Bridge Road-There has been clearcutting on the property and they put in a gravel driveway which doesn’t follow regulations.
2.          Tuition Reimbursement Benefit-Selectmen reviewed and revised New Boston’s proposed policy which is modeled after Milford’s policy with the changes discussed at the last meeting.
3.          Community Water System-Bob LaPointe can make containment pieces for each tank for the overflow at $500 per tank.  A letter has been prepared which Dave modified to send to the owners. The 2 oil tanks are in the basement of Nan’s house. Should they leak, they might compromise the water system that serves the library, the church and the bakery on Mill Street.


1.          Fuel and Electric Budget Rates For ’06 Projections-The Selectmen plan to budget $2.25 per gallon on Diesel fuel, $2.50 per gallon of gas and planned a 6% increase for electric for the town for 2006.
2.          Master Plan-Goals and Objectives Section-The Selectmen discussed the memo from Nic and decided to work on this at home when they have more time to consider their answers.


1.        Town counsel, Leslie Nixon recommends that the Selectmen respond to Bud Scott with a letter she prepared which the Selectmen reviewed and revised.
2.        Recommital of the Warrant Property Taxes signed by the Selectmen.
3.        Prouty lot-This went to the ZBA and passed.  The Selectmen received the minutes from the ZBA meeting and signed the approval for the use of the Class 6 road to access the land but with a waiver of liability.
4.        The Health Trust asked if the Selectmen were willing to enter into an agreement where Burton could sign for the Selectmen on their behalf to make things easier.  The Selectmen were not willing to do this.
5.        The Hopper has been delivered to the Transfer Station.  The demolition process started on Sunday.  Today they maneuvered the hopper in with a crane.
6.        The front chimney of the Town hall was completed today.  The roof project will begin Wednesday.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  Move to Non-Public Session: Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II(b) at 9:40 PM.   David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

J.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:51 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien