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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 11/14/2005
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
November 14, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM               Public Hearing-Low Salt Use, Chestnut Hill Road

        Hiram Merrill from the New Hampshire Department of Transportation was present to meet with the Selectmen and townspeople to discuss the state’s plans to change an area of Chestnut Hill Road just before the Amherst town line to a low salt zone.  This will mean that there will be an initial application of salt when the storm begins, the intermediate application of salt will be skipped, and a final application of salt will be applied.  The state has decided to change this to a low salt zone because of the area is traveled at low speeds and the road is relatively flat.  This should have a minor impact as there are only 3-4 houses and a daycare on the portion of road that is being changed to a low salt zone.  Signs notifying drivers they are in a low salt zone will be posted and the next storm after that low salt application will begin.  During an ice storm or freezing rain saltings would probably not be skipped, they would just put less salt on than on other roads.  The Selectmen, Fire Department and Police Department have all signed off on this as they don’t expect a problem. This change was initiated by residents in the area who were concerned with salt affecting their drinking water.

        2.  7:10 PM               Chris Krajenka                Police Chief

Police Chief Chris Krajenka was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the status of projects at the Police Department.

·       Chris has been addressing administrative matters since being hired.  An ad for a full time office will be going out soon.  He will probably not use Jacques Personnel Services for hiring.  He is already getting calls from interested candidates.  However, good candidates are scarce.  Even soldiers returning from Iraq are already police officers and have jobs to return to.  Chris hopes to hire officers who are already certified.
·       Chris has been working on the folders for department accreditation.  The Dunbarton Police Department has provided their SOP’s, which Chris has been using as a guide and is finding them very helpful, but he expects this process to take time.
·       Today Chris taught suicide prevention at the High School, which took most of the day.
·       Chris needs to get his signature on the town employee ID cards.
·       Chris has no plans to replace the department’s badges and patches.  He may wish to redesign the patches in the future.
·       Some information on the car came in today. This vehicle will be a used car and replace the old Explorer as the department back-up vehicle. Chris will get it to the Selectmen by Thursday.
·       Christine asked about the types of crimes Chris and the Department prosecute.  Felonies are prosecuted by the state.  The New Boston Police would do some investigating and arrests of felonies.  The New Boston Police Department would handle prosecuting motor vehicle, misdemeanors and vandalism cases.  Most of the cases out of New Boston would be juvenile cases.  Chris has looked at the numbers of juvenile cases in New Boston and noted there were fewer than he expected.

D.      Move to Non-Public Session: Gordon made a motion to go into Non-Public session per RSA 91-A:3II() at 7:40 PM.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

E.  Move to exit Non-Public Session: David made a motion to exit Non-Public Session at 7:55.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


        3.  7:30 PM                Nancy Biederman              Playground Fundraiser Sign

Nancy Biederman was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss erection of a sign on the town common indicating the progress of her fundraising efforts.

She requested an 8’x4’ sign.  However, the sign ordinance only allows for 6’x4’.  She will plan for this.  $5,000 has been raised to date and she has 90 people helping her on her committee.  She plans to put the sign up in January.  She hopes that the goal of $20,000 will be reached in spring or early summer, and then the sign would come down.  The Selectmen are concerned that the sign might interfere with weddings and concerts at the gazebo.  Gordon also suggested that the sign only be up on weekends or on certain days of the week to keep people interested in the progress when they see the sign out.  When the sign comes in it will have to be sighted to make sure it is not blocking traffic visibility at the corner of the town common.  The Selectmen approve the sign to be on the town common from January to June.  Nancy will speak to Building Inspector Dennis Sarette about a sign permit form.  Nancy is meeting with the Playground Association on Thursday.  She is not currently a member of the Playground Association, she is using their non-profit number to raise money and the Playground Association has a separate account for the playground called “Playground Association Equipment” where all of her fundraising money is deposited.  Nancy’s committee is now looking at other playground proposals.  They are hoping to build the playground in September.

        4.  7:45 PM                LWC                  Footbridge Funding

Donna Fairburn from the Foot Traffic and Road Safety Committee was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss putting a request for footbridge funding on a Warrant Article.  Also present were Sandy VanScoyoc, Pat Jennings and Jerry Fairburn.

Donna stated that the Committee has submitted a request to the state for available Traffic Enhancement Funds.  The Committee proposes a footbridge from the Post Office area to the Mill Pond Conservation area.  The total cost will be approximately $150,000.  $120,000 is available from the state and in order to get the funds the state requires that $30,000 be raised from taxation.  Tim White from the state has indicated that it is very likely that New Boston will be approved for the funds but it will not happen until July 2006.  The Selectmen decided to put this request forward on a Warrant Article.  If the voters approve the $30,000 but the state funds are not received, the Committee will not be able to use the $30,000 for other projects, it will then go into the general funds.  The Committee also plans to request money from the state for projects in 2007 and 2009.  They want to start planning projects and working with the CIP Committee to schedule funding of the town portion.  The Committee plans to request approximately $1 million of Federal Traffic Enhancement Funds in the future.  Burton will contact the Committee in early January about their Warrant Article.

        5.  8:00 PM                Veteran’s Exemption  

Ron Craypo and Gary Fisher were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Veteran Tax Exemption.

Ron and Gary feel that the town Veteran Tax Exemption is too low as the maximum allowed is $500 but the town has decided to allow $200 and give the bulk of tax exemptions to qualifying elderly taxpayers.  Other taxpayers cover the exemptions for the Veterans and elderly.  This would affect taxpayers by 17 cents per thousand.  Voters would have to approve Ron and Gary’s request.  The Selectmen decided not to put this before the voters on a Warrant Article.  There are 158 eligible veterans in town.  Ron and Gary plan to do a petition to get it on a Warrant Article.  The petition has to be in by the first week of January.

        6.  8:10 PM                Jim Dodge                    Timber Tax         

Jim and Claire Dodge were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Timber Tax assessed to them.

Jim stated he has been paying various Timber Tax for over 30 years and this is the first time he has had an issue as it is being formulated differently now than in the past.  Jim has spoken with Linda Sizemore and Kim DiPietro about this problem and he feels the formula doesn’t fit the situation.  Jim provided copies of the tally sheets from his forester.  He got a contradicting letter from the Selectmen saying those aren’t the mill slips, he checked with the mill and those are the only slips they have.  Jim also provided copies of the checks from the logger.  Jim believes he owes $120 per thousand.  The town has charged $175 per thousand based on the formula.  Jim has spoken to Dennis Therrell from the state about an appeal but did not know about the requirement to notice the Selectmen of a problem in writing within six months and so is unable to get the state involved.  Jim feels the town forester should walk the property so the town can see that the lot consisted of poor lumber.  This can be seen as some similar trees are still standing, the trees were growing on a ledge and a forest fire damaged some trees.  Jim admits he underestimated the acreage on his permit which, when put in the formula, made the numbers high.  Gordon suggests the Selectmen contact Dennis Therrell and get the statutory definition of stumpage and have the town forester go out and look at the lot where Jim cut.  Kim should redo the worksheet.

Jim has also noticed some problems of someone dumping trash on his property and burning trash at night.


        1.  Minutes of November 1, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  No motion was made for acceptance.  

1.         Planning:  
·       There was a work session on the final draft of the driveway regulations but they are not yet completed.   Instead of 14.5’ back it is 10’ back on site distance, the feeling was that 300’ on a major road needs to be applied but a lesser distance on a lesser classified road might be in order.  
·       Dave Nixon compliance hearing major subdivision-conditional use permits steep slopes Lyndeborough Road.  Issues have been dealt with and it is now in compliance.
·       New Boston Self Storage-Compliance hearing held and deemed to be in compliance.
·       Jane and John Workman-Submission of application for major subdivision 2 lots on Pine and Thornton Road to carve off two acres plus from an existing lot.
·       Clark Hill Realty LLC-In R-1 district which allows a single family building on 1 acre and they divided the lot to get 28 condominiums.  They have bought a second property next door, which they feel entitles them to negate the easement that was placed on the original property per their legal advisors.  They will have a class 5 road instead of a driveway.
·       RJ Moreau-Compliance hearing conditional use in compliance.
·       Lambert Equipment Storage and Repair on Hemlock Drive-Came in with a septic in the plans and application was accepted as complete.
·       Susan and Frank Woodard on Greenfield Road-Amy Alexander stated they wanted to keep the road as far south as they could to not impact the Morgans who sold the property to them.  Susan feels they should have affected the Morgans because they sold the property to them.  Before the water sheeted across the driveway to a pond across the road, now it will be flowing through a ditch.  There was a lot of discussion about ditchlines and riprap.  The road was paved and is raised significantly.  The second developer did not carry out promises made by the first developer.  A lot of trees were removed which has disappointed the Woodards greatly.
·       The Planning Board denied 6 permits for driveways on Hutchinson so the developer has decided to build the houses right where the hill starts so the driveways will not be too steep.
·       Dave is taking over Planning Board duties effective November 14.
2.          Trespass Ordinance-The Selectmen reviewed and discussed the proposed Trespass Ordinance.  Burton will forward it to other departments for input.


1.          Town Hall Entrance-Burton mentioned there is a new handicap at the town hall in Lyndeborough.  The deck is made out of a plastic resin material.  Burton is wondering if New Boston’s ramp should be changed to something more durable as the current ramp needs to be repainted every year.  Structurally there is no problem with it.  He has asked Mark Ciarla and Dennis Sarette to look into other options for the ramp and deck.
Town Hall roof renovations are progressing.  The peak of the cupola has been redone.  There is some wire inside the cupola, which will either be replaced or fixed so birds can’t get in.  There are some openings in the roof where bats were probably going in and out, they are going to force most the bats out and cover those areas up.  The windows are being stored in the attic now.  They have been reglazed and are waiting to be primed.  The weathervane has been redone with gold leaf.  Properly grounded lightning arresters are installed.  The 2 peaks will be power washed next year along with the police station.


1.         The “No through trucking” signs on Bedford Road near McCurdy Road have been taken down.
2.         Burton’s review is due from the Selectmen.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:18 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien