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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 11/01/2005
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
November 1, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.      7:00 PM                 Chris Krajenka  Police Chief Swearing-In

Sgt. Frank Kochenak presented a plaque to Bruce MacDougall in appreciation for his service to the town during the search for a Police Chief.  Irene Baudreau swore in Chris Krajenka as New Boston’s Police Chief.  Gordon presented the badge, patches and key to the police station to Chris.   Chris spoke and said that he will focus on community policing and he is excited about starting and working with the officers.  Dave Woodbury thanked previous Police Chief Greg Begin and interim Chief Bruce MacDougall for working with the New Boston Police Department.  The Selectmen signed the Employment Agreement hiring Chris Krajenka.

1.      Minutes of October 17, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       A sitewalk is planned on November 5 for the Rick Martin/Beard Road subdivision.   Gordon will be unable to attend but Dave and Christine will attend.
·       Right Way Builders Beard Road subdivision-Gordon feels this needs discussion as it is planned to be too densely built.  The plan is for condexes targeted for elderly housing.  The application was accepted as complete.  This development was said to bring revenue to the town but in the long run there is expected to be offsetting costs to the town.  There is also a bump in the road that the developer wanted to leave there but the Planning Board has told them they need to bring it up to town standards if they are going to add that much traffic to the road.
·       Compliance hearing Northern Sky Holdings/David Craig.
·       Compliance hearing Roger Dignard.
·       Dick Wetters and Janet White from the Piscataquog River Association met with the Planning Board to discuss the river management plan and to discuss ways the town can classify a district in town to prevent development within 125 feet of the shoreline.
·       Scott and Robin Elliot-Minor subdivision lot line adjustment to put a new garage in.  Submission of application was considered complete and it was approved.
·       Susan LeClair Revocable Trust-Postponed as the agent, Mark Dahlberg was unable to attend this meeting.
·       NH Landscape Supply-William Lambert presented.  A building without a septic system was proposed for his property on Hemlock Drive.
·       Driveway permits for Vista Road, LLC/Hutchinson Road-8 are approved, 6 more pending as the engineers are waiting to see how the house foundations are done before completing the driveway permits.
·       Doug Hill subdivision-The Fire Wards have requested a cistern for the subdivision and each home to have sprinklers installed.  Doug agrees to do one or the other and would prefer a cistern.
·       Frank and Susan Woodward Greenfield Road-A lot of construction has been completed that was not expected to be done so soon.  A lot of trees were approved to be cut which has really changed the landscape and views.  Brandy Mitroff began a long discussion about putting up some sort of safeguard to plan to preserve the rural character of the town and prevent this from happening.  Dave thinks there is no way to reconcile the growth of the town and preserve the rural neighborhoods that have been present in town. Brandy said that different governing boards in town are not all on the same page regarding protecting the environment in town.


        2.  7:40 PM             Dan MacDonald   Fire Wards  

The Fire Wards were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Cistern Master Plan and CIP.  28 locations for cisterns in town have been proposed, including a large cistern for the center of town, which would be the first to be installed.  The whole project would cost approximately $2.4 million and take years to complete.  George St. John suggested that the Selectmen put it before the town under their CIP with the strong backing of the Fire Wards and the Planning Board.  The Fire Wards would rather have apparatus CRF requests under their CIP.  The Fire Department originally introduced the cistern idea to New Boston to remain a volunteer department to help keep taxes low.  The Fire Department agreed to do the front work of getting designs and plans for the cisterns but stated from the beginning they would not be the ones to present this project to the town on the ballot.  Cisterns are not a direct benefit to the Fire Department, equipment is.  The designs and plans for the cisterns date back to the year 2000 and need to be updated.  The Selectmen agree to put the cistern project before the town under their CIP.

Burton then updated the Capital Plan with the Fire Wards.

2.           Education Reimbursement Policy-Final Reading-The Selectmen reviewed the proposed Education Reimbursement Policy.  Dave moved to adopt the Education Reimbursement Policy.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
3.          2005 Goals Update-The Selectmen reviewed the list of Selectmen Goals for 2005.  All major goals have been or will be completed by year-end.


1.          CIP Discussion-Burton will be unable to attend the meeting tomorrow.
·       The Selectmen agreed to support the road to the site of the new library but feel it may be better to call it a road providing access to town owned property.  The Selectmen will also be asking for $50,000 to repair the library roof.
·       Recreation has not decided if they will be beginning the Recreation Center CRF this year.  Two school classrooms will also be built into this building.  The building will cost $1.2 million.  The Selectmen feel the CRF should be started now.
·       Last year a four year lease for new police cars was approved.  However, replacement vehicles will be needed in a few years.  CIP strongly recommends the lease payments should not be put on as Warrant Articles for the next three years.  A CRF needs to be started for the replacement vehicles or the vehicles must be paid for in the year purchased.

I.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Brandy asked if the Selectmen have chosen the scene they wish her to photograph for the cover of next year’s Town Report.   They expect to use a photo of the Town Hall roof once it is completed.
2.          NHMA Conference-The conference will take place November 16-18.  Burton will attend sessions on November 16 and 17.  The Selectmen may attend if they feel it is necessary.    


1.        Burton prepared a letter to Bruce MacDougall thanking him for his services to the town during the search for a Police Chief, which the Selectmen reviewed and approved.  

K.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

L.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien