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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/27/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
June 27, 2005

6PM Met at Cyndie Wilson’s-Review of Pond

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

(Abutters will be identified and a public hearing held to discuss naming the pond.)

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM             Bradford Johnson                Temporary Trailer Permit

This public hearing was noticed in the paper as Bradford Johnson wishes to erect a temporary trailer on his property at Map 11 Lot 123 to live in during construction of a permanent residence.  Abutters Winfield Clark, Catherine Shaw Clark and Rhoda Shaw Clark were present and their questions were answered.  The permit for temporary trailer will be effective for one year and construction must begin within 6 months of the issuance of the permit.  Dave moved that the board accept Bradford Johnson’s application for a temporary trailer with an effective date of September 1, 2005.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
        2.  7:10 PM              Homeland Security Grant Hearing        P.D. Radios

A check has been received from the state from a fully funded grant to purchase digital radios and equipment for the police department for the purpose of improved communication.  Dave moved that the board accept the homeland security grant in the amount of  $10,386.50 for police radios and related equipment.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


1.      Minutes of June 13, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Christine moved that they be accepted as amended.   Dave seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       Thibeault Corp-A sitewalk took place at Byam Road where they observed driveways with 20-30 foot drops that are planned to be filled.  The original plan was to put a road behind the gully instead of doing crossover driveways but at this time the engineer doesn’t want to budge.
·       Bill Weston, Chairman of the Steep Slopes Committee, met with the Planning Board and requested that the steep slopes be regulated by the Planning Board instead of the ZBA.   The Planning Board noted that town departments including the Selectmen and Dennis Sarette follow up and enforce rules when they are broken.
·       Roger Dignard requested to move his office from Joe English Road to South Hill Road.  He also requested a waiver for 2 non-family employees and to keep it minor and a waiver of the requirement for a 2 hour firewall between his home and business.  This was denied.  The Planning Board approved his application.
·       Michael and Jane Boyle-4 lot subdivision application approved.
·       Franklin and Dorothy Fillmore-The applicant readjusted the lot lines, got the two lots in and met all the criteria.  The application was accepted and approved.
·        Jonathan and Jessica Willard-Postponed to July 12.
·       Seff Enterprises-The Planning Board questioned if the planned backlot met the criteria.  He wishes to put a bridge over the wetlands but can’t disturb the wetlands.
·       David Craig law office-The Planning Board had concerns about the size of the parking lot and where snow would be stored after plowing in the winter and if a UPS truck would have enough room to turn around in the parking lot.  2 parking spots were removed in order to solve these problems giving him a total of 7 parking spaces.  The Planning Board was also concerned about headlights shining into the neighbors yard.  A fence or shrubs will be installed to prevent this problem.  The Planning Board approved the application.
·       Michael Gagnon-Garage Expansion Compliance Hearing-The application was approved.


        3.  7:30 PM     Willard Dodge and Karin Cannon          Prouty Lot  Map 2 Lot 98

Willard Dodge was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss issues regarding the Donald Prouty lot (at the intersection of Tucker Mill Road and Middle Branch Road) which Donald has put on the market.  John and Kirsten Montgomery were present for the discussion as they are interested in buying the property.  Willard states that the problem is there is no clear cut answer on the status of the original Middle Branch Road.  He has reviewed minutes of the pertinent meetings and other documents regarding the swap of acreage between the town and Prouty back in 1991 to allow for a re-alignment of the bridge at this intersection and at Middle Branch Road and he feels that the road was not clearly defined.  The Selectmen may need to reaffirm that a portion of the road was not relinquished and the road is still a class 5 road although it has not been maintained for many years.  Because of this, the Selectmen may be required to change the road status to Class 6.  The only potential use for the Prouty land is a 1 house lot.  The coordinates on the plan need to be checked to clearly identify what portion of the original Middle Branch Road is private and what portion is public.

2.         Archival Storage Alternatives-The State legislature has a committee working on deciding the preferred method of how towns should store electronic data.   Microfiche may be the best way to go.  Minutes and legal documents need to be stored forever.  Burton suggests waiting 1 year before we begin to convert documents from paper to some other medium to see what the state committee decides is the preferred storage medium.
3.           Taxation of Trailers-Christine stepped down from the board in order to speak to the issue.  She handed out brochures of park model trailers, which are not used at the Friendly Beaver Campground, for the Selectmen to review.  She has obtained information from the NH Campground Association that shows that 5 out of 140 campgrounds are being taxed this way.  DRA is not enforcing this law uniformly and that is a concern.  Assessor, George Hildum has sent a letter to the town explaining the criteria he will consider for taxing the trailers.  The next step will be to find out how many trailers will be affected.
4.          Rick Martin’s Beard Road Subdivision Road Names-The names considered are “Old Cart,” “Pinball,” “Whipple,” and “Pasture.”  The Selectmen approved “Pasture Road” and “Pinball Lane” or “Pinball Drive.”


1.        Sale of Adelphia-Comcast is buying Adelphia and New Boston has been asked if they want to join the consortium of towns to share a price.  The Selectmen would like some examples of why New Boston should do this before agreeing to it.
2.          Police Vehicles Lease-The lease was signed by Gordon as chairman of the board.  The vehicles should be delivered in July.    


1.        The guaranteed price protection form has been turned in to Putnam Fuels for $1.75 per gallon of oil.  Burton got quotes from other places before deciding that Putnam had the best price.
2.        Burton will check with department heads to see if they can change from super unleaded or unleaded plus gasoline to regular unleaded gas for town vehicles.
3.        A letter has been prepared to Leslie Nixon with the trespass ordinance for her review.  Hopefully the ordinance will be ready before the skateboard park opens in August.
4.  Nancy Nichols at GZA replied regarding landfill closure costs saying it will be $8-10,000 for the new stuff that needs to be done.  Transfer Station Manager, Gerry Cornett had asked if it would be possible to keep costs down by putting a monitoring system in the one house where gas could possibly migrate to and install fewer wells.  She will check with DES and get back to Burton.
5.  Charlie Bauer e-mailed saying the Foistner case possibly will be dismissed.
6.  Burton will be taking part in the dunking booth at the Fourth of July celebration.  This is a fundraiser for the Nyquist Foundation.

J.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  
K.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien