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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/16/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
May 16, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:10PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.      Minutes of May 2, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.      Non-Public Minutes of May 2, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  


1.  7:00 PM             Irene Baudreau    Town Clerk

Irene Baudreau was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on issues in the Town Clerk’s office.

·       Dog licenses-Dog licenses were due April 30.  600 dogs are yet to be registered.  Owners have mentioned to Irene that they were expecting to get reminders in the mail.  Weare does mail-in dog licenses.  Irene will look into it to see if it can be done in New Boston.  The town clerk is using a new program for dog licenses this year (Avitar).  Irene showed the Selectmen several draft letters regarding the dog licenses.  The first is a postcard she will be sending out to the owners of the unregistered dogs reminding them to come in to register their dogs.  The second was a form letter from the Avitar program which is much harsher including stating fines and the RSA requiring dogs to be licensed.  In the past she had used a red postcard reminding people that their license was overdue.  She plans to revise the Avitar letter.  After the second notice, the police are notified.  There is also a new form for new dog owners to fill out with information about their dogs which needs to be entered into the new system.
·       Map program-The DMV will be using a new program.  Irene will be going to training for the new program on June 24, 27 and 28 and Kim will be at the training on June 29, 30 and July 1.  From 7/11-7/25 the whole system will be down (everything will be done manually) and there will be many things the Town Clerks will not be able to do when people come in to register vehicles during this time.  It may be helpful to get the word out to people who need to register in July by putting a notice in the paper.  Irene will check with the state to see if they are already planning to notify residents who will be registering in July of the inconvenience.
·       Changing hours-Irene requested changing the Town Clerk office hours.  Currently, they are open on Mondays from 4-7:00 PM.  They are averaging 6.5 customers during this time slot.  Irene requests to be closed during this time period and instead work with the doors closed to catch up on filing and other administrative tasks on Tuesday mornings.  The new hours will be notified in the New Boston Bulletin as well as be posted around town and will be effective July 1. The Selectmen asked if a drop box for the town clerk would be helpful, but Irene thinks that people would rather deal directly with the town clerk as they often have questions and they would like to leave with their registrations in hand.


1.          Approval of New Signage-Lee Brown was present to discuss the new signs planned for the ball field on Old Coach Road.  Everyone agrees parking will be allowed on the side of the road closest to the ball field until the work on the parking area is completed.  Both sides of the road will be posted for no parking next year after the parking lots and crosswalk are completed.  The new parking lots hold approximately 35 cars.  Tim Cady has proposed a separate exit for better traffic flow between games.  This may need to be approved by the Forestry Committee and go to town vote.  2 “No parking between signs” and 10 “No parking signs” are planned to be installed.  Lee plans to send e-mails to participants reminding them to use the new parking area at games and practices.  The new signs will be noticed in the paper.   The Selectmen reviewed the proposed notice for the paper noticing residents of sign changes on Old Coach Road.  David moved to approve the notice.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
1.   Planning:  
·       Franklin and Dorothy Fillmore-2 lot subdivision.  Mrs. Fillmore applied November 8 and at that time asked Michelle if she needed anything else and was told she didn’t.  On December 6 they were billed $703, then fell into the category of Steep slope posting on December 8.  The applicants are upset as they weren’t told about the Steep Slope issue before spending $700 and then their application wasn’t approved.  The Planning Board asked them if their engineer could move lot lines to the flatland and if not, can go to ZBA.
·       Jonathan and Jessica Willard-Use of private road granted by school board.  James came up with new issues where the applicant needs a permit from DOT because they are on a state road and DES needs to be contacted for sewage load and water capacity.  They are using the new type of toilet so that shouldn’t affect the application.  Peter is upset that new issues keep coming up when an applicant thinks they should be granted that night and he said these people should be granted at the next meeting as long as they show they have completed these things.
·       David and Janet Nixon-3 lot subdivision.  Needs inspection of the driveway.  Dufresne-Henry involvement would cost too much so the Planning Board decided Bob Todd, the applicant’s engineer, can inspect the driveway.   Dave asks if this violates the subdivision regulations.  Burton will ask Nic what happened in this case as the road agent or Dennis normally check this.  A conditional use permit was approved.
·       Hemlock Hills-The applicant wants to sell landscaping material to residential and commercial clients.  He plans to clean up his property and use the bottom half of the property to display materials and store his equipment on the top half of the property, erecting a berm in between the areas.  A sitewalk is scheduled.
·       Granite State Concrete-RSA 155-e(the gravel regulations) requirements were reviewed by the Planning Board.  Applicant met all requirements and requested 1 bond for both the existing area and the new area.  Approved by the Planning Board.
·       Seff Enterprises-Minor subdivision 2 lots on Foxberry Drive.  The applicant has applied for a subdivision to create a single lot and a backlot and the Selectmen are concerned about this as the property does not qualify as a backlot under the regulations.
·       David Craig law office-A sitewalk notice went out on this property before the application was received.  The sitewalk was cancelled.  A variance was approved by the ZBA.  The building has its own septic.  The old septic pipe was repaired.  The Fire Wards sent a letter requesting items to be completed on the property and the Planning Board has ordered the applicant to comply.  The applicant wants to open his new office before the July 4 celebration but this might not be possible.  The Selectmen suggest he erect a sign out front advertising to the public that the office will be relocated to this location.
·       Julie Dillon-The applicant wants to get a manure storage shed which can be picked up like a dumpster.  The Planning Board granted permission to let her change her plans to reflect this.  She needs to have a compliance hearing before starting her business.
·       Friendly Beaver Campground-The Beaver Hut Café was open to the public when the previous owner ran it.  Nic said it is not yet approved at this time.  The Planning Board all agreed that it could be grandfathered in but did not vote on it.  Christine is gathering information and has to bring in all the proof so the Planning Board can vote on it.  
2.           Snow Emergency Grant-Burton has completed the application which totals approximately $24,000.  He expects the town will receive about 75% of this.  The total is higher than usual due to the fact that the storm occurred on a weekend so all the hours were overtime.
3.          Multi-Town Purchasing-Burton attended the recent meeting in Bedford to discuss jointly purchasing commodities with other towns such as oil, gas and paving.  The towns are going to share the amounts they are currently paying with each other and go from there.  New Boston uses premium gasoline.  This should be looked into in the future to see if it is necessary.
4.        Status: Police Chief Hiring-The Municipal Association is on schedule.  The next step will be to ask the Selectmen what they will want to use for an essay question for the applicants.  The Selectmen would like to be present during the oral boards.  Bruce MacDougall obtained from Police Standards and Training the rules for hiring a police chief and sample contract for the Selectmen to review in case the new candidate wants a contract.  Dave suggested comparing it to the personnel manual.
5.        Steep Slopes Appeal-Nothing further has been received from Bill Drescher at this time.  The petitioners have complained that the Selectmen didn’t decide if their petition was legal before the town vote and have requested a rehearing.  Dave thinks the Selectmen may owe a decision to the applicants and it may be due within 30 days as their letter suggests.  However, he is not sure if the RSA they cited gives them the right to an appeal, but if it does, how would the Selectmen decide to grant them a hearing.  Dave proposes a motion to deny the petition for rehearing as the petitioners have not raised any new reasons to do so and to deny the motion for rehearing.  Christine and Gordon agree.  In view of the fact that the applicants have asked the Board of Selectmen to reconsider their own decision to adopt and forward Attorney Drescher’s opinion to moderator Nyquist stating that petitioners arguments              were invalid and in view of the fact that the applicants have advanced no further or other reasons since to persuade the Selectmen that their decision was incorrect, that therefore applicant’s motion for rehearing is denied.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Burton will ask Attorney Drescher to respond in writing on this issue.


2.    New Tax Collector-Ann Charbonneau will be starting as the new tax collector on June 1 as the auditors will reconcile the books on that day.  She may be in for some training before then from Karen.  Ann will take over the remainder of Karen’s term as tax collector.  Dave moves the appointment of Ann Charbonneau to the balance of Karen Heselton’s current term as tax collector.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
3.    New Federal Overtime Regulations-Burton will work on this for the next meeting to make sure New Boston is not in violation.
4.  Donation Requests-Requests for donations have come in from Goffstown Football, the Brain Tumor Society and the NH Help Line.   The Goffstown Football request will be forwarded to the Recreation Department.  In the past, New Boston has supported some large programs that benefit people in town.  These programs met certain criteria and the voters approved the donations.  Burton will prepare a form listing the necessary criteria to compare to the requests when they come in.  If it meets the criteria, one per year may be put before voters on a Warrant Article.
5.   Policy on Acceptance of Discounts-An issue has come up as an establishment in town has expressed a desire to honor certain town employees and volunteers by giving them a discount when they frequent the establishment.  There is concern that some of the employees/volunteers might be perceived as giving favors in return for this discount or that the discount might influencing decisions regarding that business.  The Selectmen suggested that other ways to show appreciation such as having a cookout for the employees or bringing food to an emergency call or a meeting.  Burton read the town policy on gifts.   The Selectmen don’t think a change should be made to the policy but it should be discussed at the next department head meeting.  The Selectmen suggest a letter be sent to the establishment including the personnel policy and suggesting he use another civic method to show appreciation.

1.        Taxation of Trailers-Burton and Dave did a sitewalk of the campground and Christine is gathering information on types of trailers the campground doesn’t allow to use for comparison.  Dave wants a universally applied standard on this issue which may require it to be brought up at the state level.  He also suggests that the Campground Association could bring a lawsuit against the state looking for guidance, but since most campgrounds are not being taxed, this probably won’t happen at this time.  The Selectmen may need to hold a meeting with George and the DRA.  George has said that he plans to assess a tax on trailers with over 320 square feet of year round livable space.  If the trailer meets those criteria, then the outbuildings and decks on the site of that trailer will also be taxed.  New Boston should find out what surrounding towns are doing on this issue.
2.         Sign placement on Foxberry Lane-The Selectmen have received 2 letters requesting that they change the minutes prepared approximately 1 year ago on this topic.  Gordon has looked at the minutes mentioned and wanted to clarify which signs the Selectmen were talking about in those minutes.  He was wondering if the Selectmen would want to change the minutes to reflect that the signs the Selectmen were talking about were the ones that said No Trespassing and not allowing people to use public way as opposed to the constitutional signs that they were objecting to.  The Selectmen objected to the signs because they were blocking a public way.  The Selectmen decided not to amend the old minutes but to instead let these minutes be the explanation.
3.        The new police Expedition is in town but is not yet equipped.
4.        The ambulance repair will cost $13-14,000 for a new engine.  It is not known when it will be back in service.
5.        Burton signed the renewal of the agreement to keep the pay phone downtown.  The phone company will be unable to continue paying commission to the town from the phone.
6.        A resident came to Burton with a complaint about the Transfer Station.  Apparently, there was an argument at the Transfer Station between the man and some employees about whether or not he recycles.  After he left the employees retrieved his bags from the hopper and did find many recyclables in the bags.  Gordon suggested mailing him form letter number 1 with a letter of explanation attached as to why he is getting the letter.
7.        Lucille Walker passed of liver cancer Saturday night.

I.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

J.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien