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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 05/02/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
May 2, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM             Mike Sindoni    Recreation Department

Mike Sindoni was present to meet with the Selectmen to update them on current projects and programs.

·       Cliff Nyquist Memorial at the ballfield on Old Coach Road.  There will be a dedication between games on Saturday, May 7, 2005 at 11:15 AM which will last approximately 45 minutes.   Friends will speak and many people are expected to be there.  The flagpole will be erected on Thursday May 5.  Fundraising is still going on for this project.  Approximately $4,000 has been raised so far.  The design has been scaled down to include less granite.  Alternatively, there will be etched concrete.
·       Skate Park-Tim Cady, an engineer, has staked out an area for the skate park near the White Buildings.  Leo Joy will look at it on May 3 to see how the equipment will fit into the space.  The area might need to be moved a little closer to the school.  The group should purchase the equipment soon as the money needs to be spent before June 30 for the reimbursement grant.  They have spent approximately $1,000 so far on site work and there is approximately $17,000 still available.  The equipment can probably be stored at the Highway shed until it is ready to be set up.  Burton will ask John Riendeau about this at the meeting on May 8.  The School Board is reviewing the draft Trespass Ordinance and it will probably be discussed at this month’s School Board meeting.  A security camera will be installed on top of the White Buildings and pointed at the skate park.
·       Community Center-This project is waiting on site work from Mike Dahlberg.  The School Board wants to see what it will look like.  Mike Sindoni wants to start promoting this soon as it will be a Warrant Article next year.  A CIP is being requested for $75,000 per year for the next 4 years.
·       Town playgrounds and ballfields will be inspected May 5.  Some equipment will be repaired and some new equipment may be obtained.  
·       Tennis Court needs some repairing.  Mike plans to talk to the Daniels family about resurfacing.  Tree roots are a problem at the tennis court.
·       The basketball program just ended in March.  A teen basketball night may be started for the summer and continue into the fall.  This program will be heavily supervised by recreation and hopefully the kids will help with cleanup.  Mike plans to talk to the library about their teen group.
·       The baseball program is now underway with a good amount of kids and great coaching volunteers.
·       Summer program signups are underway and Mike is expecting more to sign up.
·       Italian Conversation Club with Lisa DeMarco is going well with 6 people participating every month.  This may turn into a weekly class at the White Buildings.
·       A cake decorating class may start in June or July at the White Buildings.
·       The Farmers Market will begin in July and there will be no conflict with baseball as it will be completed by then.  
·       The grandstand is safe for this year as the bad section was blocked off.  It will also be inspected during the playground inspection.
·       Ballfield parking on Old Coach Road-There have been complaints about this area.  People should only park on the side of the road where the field is and parents need to supervise their children more carefully when they are exiting their vehicles.  Overflow parking will go to the gravel pit for the memorial Saturday.  At least two people will be needed to direct parking.  Brandy Mitroff suggests checking with Bob Todd for stakes to rope off the parking.  Burton says a loader or grader could move around some rocks if necessary.  Mike will go to the field to look at the gravel pit tomorrow.  No parking signs and a crosswalk need to be installed in the future.


        1.  Minutes of April 18, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       .  Harvey Dupuis Family Trust-Major subdivision 6 lots on Carriage Road.  The Planning Board questioned the applicant about the lack of 3% grade at the beginning of the road.  They are waiting for Dufresne Henry.  Lots of discussion on the cost of the road improvements which Nic Strong priced at $750.31.  The applicant didn’t want to pay because they had paid approximately $250 previously for improvements on McCurdy Road, but if the applicant doesn’t pay, the taxpayers do, so it was determined the applicant would pay it.
·       Vista Road-Major subdivision 14 lots.  Dufresne-Henry received bond estimate.  No comment yet.  Subdivision approved pending construction monitoring estimate,
·       James and Claire Dodge New Boston Storage Public Hearing-The Planning Board questioned the Dodges on the restoration plan on which the Dodges are following through.  The Planning Board will approve the application on the 3600 square foot building if they keep following through with the DES plan.
·       Michael and Jane Boyle-Application for lot line adjustment and major subdivision 4 lots where they are adding 3 lots to a one house lot on the corner of Joe English and Barss Roads.  Sitewalk done.
·       Informational Session with Vista Road-This is a potential subdivision on Swanson and Wilson Hill Roads of 58 single family homes on 124 net developable acres.  They had a question about the Steep Slopes.  The Planning Board said they could build with a conditional use permit.
·       Sitewalk done at Ridgeview Lane for driveway permit.
·       Janet and David Nixon sitewalk.  Christine had a question on whether a firetruck could get through here.  Gordon suggested they may need a sign notifying how far it is to the house because the house is very far from the road and a fire hose may run out.
·       Dave said the Susanna LeClair sitewalk was done.
2.           Use of Common-Farmers Market-Melissa Harvey dropped off the design plan today for use of the town common which looks like it should work.  The school has approved use of their parking lot and Melissa says she has approval from the church for their parking.  Fences will be suggested at entranceway on Route 13 and at the intersection of Meetinghouse Hill.  In previous years the Farmers Market usually had an activity for kids going on every week and this may be done in the gazebo this year.  Dave asked if a port-a-potty was needed.  One is usually provided at sports events next door.
3.           No Thru Trucking-Dave requested this topic be discussed as he expects it to become an issue and he wants to be prepared.  This has come up because of Lull Road Corp and the town of Weare has also forced the issue.  The residents on Hooper Hill Road want the trucks off their road.  The Selectmen reviewed ordinances from Goffstown and New Boston. Burton will consult Municipal Resources Association regarding the issues of loaded v. full trucks, portion of road use and will ask them for a sample template ordinance.


1.          New Pumper Contract-Dan MacDonald and Dan Teague of the Fire Department are present to discuss the new pumper contract to be signed by the Selectmen.  The pumper will cost $290,725 plus the cost of equipment to go on the pumper.  After the cab has been built, the fire wards will go to the factory in Pennsylvania to see it and make final decisions on placement of equipment.  The Selectmen signed the contract.  Dave is concerned about the cancellation fee language in the contract but the fire wards don’t expect a problem as they have used this company before and it is very good.  A discount incentive is available if the pumper is paid for in advance but it is not enticing enough as the town is making more money from interest accrued while the pumper is being built.  No money is due until the town takes delivery of the truck.  It should be completed in 300 days.
X1 has a bad injector and is being repaired at Grappone.  It should be completed tomorrow.
4.         Junkyards-The State DES has been working on a project to educate junkyard owners around the state and help them learn how to dispose of their junk properly.  Packets were prepared and mailed to the owners and Pam Sprague of NH Green Yards Program held seminars around the state.  New Boston gave the DES a list of property owners in New Boston who seem to have a lot of junk hoping DES would send them the information also.  They did send the packet to one person but they do have some extra packets left and will send them to interested people in town.  The next phase of this project is the compliance or certificate phase, which is a self-audit survey for junkyard owners to fill out.  The owners who don’t reply will probably be focused on.  The existing rules and regulations aren’t strong enough to deal with the problems in New Boston.  Dave read a statute today on this which says a town ordinance takes precedent over state law but an ordinance has to be prepared which is similar to state law and includes Municipal Association suggestions.  The review may not be completed this year.


2.      Recreation Commission Appointment-Dave moved for approval of the application of Kenny Hamel for a 1 year term as Recreation Commissioner.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  One more person is needed and someone is interested.
3.      Multi-Town Purchasing Opportunities-The town of Bedford has asked New Boston to partner with them and other local towns in purchasing fuel and other bulk items.  There will be an informational meeting on May 5 which Burton will attend.
4.      Property/Liability Insurance Renewal-A list of town buildings to be insured will be reviewed by the Selectmen for accuracy.  Burton has prepared lists of building contents values.  There is an issue as to how the fire trucks are listed and Dan MacDonald is looking into it.  The new police vehicles, scales and scale house will be added to the list.  Burton is still waiting for the results of the official appraisal done last year.
5.      FEMA Snowstorm grant Application-This is pending sand and salt amounts from John.


1.        New Selectmen’s office stationary-Second page stationary should be a plain sheet the same bond as the first page.
2.        Shooting range use-Someone came in and asked to use the shooting range.  Bruce MacDougall checked the policy which states only law enforcement can use it.  Burton will write to the person who requested to use it to inform him of the decision.
3.        House bill 90-This is regarding Tamworth and is coming up to vote.  New Boston has been asked by Local Government Center to write to Sheila Roberge, our representative, asking her to vote for it.  Selectmen decided Burton does not need to contact her.
4.        Intersection at Howe Bridge-Interim Police Chief Bruce MacDougall has sent a letter containing some recommendations to improve signage and lane designations in an effort to make the intersection safer.  The Highway Department can start working on the changes and it will be noticed in the paper in June.
5.        Police Chief Search-Municipal Association was hoping to complete review of the applications as of last week and should contact Burton this week.
6.        Lull Road Corp Gravel Request- The ZBA has written a letter to Town Counsel Bill Drescher asking for clarification on several points before making a ruling.  Nic Strong talked to Bill who will work on the ZBA letter describing ZBA powers.  
7.         Steep Slopes Petition- The petitioners have written the Selectmen asking that they revisit their decision to consider the majority vote to enact Steep Slopes as sufficient to pass it. An RSA was cited giving them the right to ask for the review. The Selectmen are unsure it gives such a right and have asked Bill for his opinion.
Bill recommended that Nic consider the Steep Slope Ordinance as passed and make planning decisions accordingly.

J.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Jeff Socher of Thornton Road attended as he was curious as to what takes place in the Selectmen’s meetings.    
K.  Move to Non-Public Session:   Christine made a motion to go into Non-Public session at 9:05 PM.  

L.  ADJOURNMENT:   Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien