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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/18/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
April 18, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Brandy Mitroff was present and mentioned that she had attended the Steep Slope Committee meeting on April 14, 2005 and noted that only approximately 3 of the Steep Slope Ordinance opponents also attended that meeting.  They were Paula LeBaron, Patti Poole and Russ Gomes and they seemed to not necessarily agree with the parameters but came away from the meeting with a better understanding of how the parameters were determined.  The opponents have been meeting weekly and seem to be split between a group of mostly non-residents that are completely against the Steep Slopes Ordinance and another group that are willing to work with the town.


1.  7:00 PM             Police Vehicles Lease Signing     

The Selectmen reviewed the leases from Ford Motor Credit for the new police vehicles and they were signed.  The lease is for a total of $73,705 over 4 years. The first installment will be $19,625. The approved warrant article was for $20,500.  The Expedition is ready to be delivered anytime and the Crown Victorias will be ready approximately the end of May.

        2.  7:05 PM               David Preece  Southern NH Planning Commission

David Preece, the Director of Southern NH Planning Commission, was present to meet with the Selectmen to have the contract signed for the Master Plan and to discuss the goals of the Master Plan.  The Master Plan will cost $22,700 of which $15,000 was appropriated last year and $9-10,000 was appropriated approximately in 1997.  The major issues they will be exploring are public services, traffic, transportation, future land use, economic growth and development and housing.  David Preece met with Nic Strong, and Burton previously to discuss what is needed in New Boston.  The Master Plan is needed to base zoning, subdivision and site plan reviews on to control growth and preserve our way of life.  David will be back in about a month and a half to try to come up with a community assessment of what the region will be like in 15 years and what services will be needed then.  He hopes to have the Master Plan done within a year.  He is working with Burton to get funding for a pathway which may be constructed in the future in the downtown area.


1.      Minutes of April 4, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  
2.      Non-Public Minutes of April 4, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.      Steep Slopes Ordinance – Moderator’s Decision- The Selectmen read a letter dated April 18, 2005 from the Town Moderator, Lee Nyquist, to Irene wherein he stated Warrants 2 and 3 both passed with a majority on recount and the ballot is now being closed out.  He recommends the letter be posted which it will be.
2.      Appointments-The Selectmen reviewed a list of appointments.  David moved for the appointment of the person whose names appear on the document entitled “2005 Appointments for Various Boards and Commission” be approved.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  The list will be signed by the Selectmen and attached to these minutes.  Everyone appointed will get a packet regarding the right to know law and their liability exposure from being volunteers to the town.

3.  7:30 PM             Forestry Committee              Yield Tax Consultant Proposal     

Karl Heafield and Bob Todd were present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss an issue regarding requests for cuts on properties in town.  A Tax Consultant proposal from Kim DiPietro on behalf of the Forestry Committee has been reviewed by the Selectmen.  The Forestry Committee met with Kim Burkhamer to discuss ways to provide additional oversight on intents to cut being filed with the town as there might be some sensitive area cuts happening that may need additional oversight to make sure her assessments are correct and that the proper process is being followed and that they are actually cutting as they stated in their intent to cut.   Some towns hire yield tax consultants (YTC) to determine the timber value of what is being cut and to raise any other issues that may come up.  This person would not be needed on all intents to cut, parameters for circumstances under which this person would be retained will be drafted including such things as volume of timber, location of the cut or if it is intended to be a clearcut.  Some towns, such as Henniker, have a very involved process for filing an intent to cut including a questionnaire.  The statutory guidelines should be looked up.  Forestry doesn’t think the town is being shortchanged in taxes as the algorithm used is fair and came straight from the DRA.  The purpose of this consultant is not to make money for the town, but instead to enforce permits before it is too late.  The consultant will cost the town approximately $2,000.  Carl will get some names of people who would be available for this job.  Parameters for when to hire this consultant and the questionnaire need to be drafted.  It may need to be budgeted in next year or could start this year if not too costly.

3.      Planning:
·       Karen Morin subdivision application for 5 lots off Greenfield Road-There is an issue with the Daylilies but the applicant has agreed to move the Daylilies from one side of the road to the other and if they die, they will be replaced.  A culvert up there overflows.  The Planning Board will work with the applicant to repair it.  A question was brought up as to whether Greenfield Road will be partially paved and the Selectmen are wondering what the decision is.  There is a request for the Selectmen to approve the road name “Daylily Lane.”  The Selectmen have no problem with it.  The Planning Board accepted the application as complete.
·       Susana LeClair-Application for a 5 lot subdivision at the corner of Bedford and Wilson Hill Roads.  3 lots currently exist and 2 will be added.  The Planning Board had a question about wetlands.  A site walk is scheduled for April 20, 2005 at 6:30 PM.
·       Thibeault Corp-Compliance hearing on Inkberry Road.  Lot 45 still has no driveway permit.  The Planning Board added a condition that driveway guardrails will be necessary on the application for a driveway when it comes in.  They appear to be compliant on other issues as seen after the storm which occurred the first weekend of this month.
·       Jane Carr-The site plan review for her gift shop was approved to operate as a home business.
·       Susan and David Lyons-This application for a 2 lot subdivision on Laurel Lane was approved by the Planning Board as a major subdivision.
·       John and Heidi Palmer-This application for a two lot subdivision on Hooper Hill Road was approved by the Planning Board as a minor subdivision.
·       Right Way Builders-Application for minor subdivision lot line adjustment on Beard Road approved by the Planning Board.
·       Sweet Comfort Farm-Request for a sign for their web-based home business selling homemade food items at 225 McCurdy Road.  The Planning Board approved a sign indicating the farm name with their address.
·       Steep Slopes Committee-The first meeting took place April 14, 2005.
·       Carol Hayes and Richard Herget-Request for a waiver to amend site plan for harvesting rocks where they want to hire 4 people as opposed to one but the Planning Board referred this back to the ZBA who limited them to 1 person and said they need to start following the rules before changes will be made to the rules.
·       Friendly Beaver Campground-Request to open the Beaver Hut Café to the public on weekends since the Good Neighbor Café plans to close.  The rules and regulations were consulted which stated they can’t run a restaurant without approval from the ZBA.  They are trying to find out if there is a way to be approved without going to the ZBA.
3.  Transfer Station Letters-A second draft of the first offense letter and a first draft of the second offense letter were reviewed by the Selectmen.  Gerry brought in a list of items from the incinerator company that cannot be accepted by the facility.  This list may possibly be attached to the first offense letter.  Dave suggests considering sending these letters by Certified Mail.  The Selectmen are not sure at this time what the third offense letter should say.
4.      Town Hall Boilers-2 Ultimate brand boilers have been delivered.  Installation is expected to be completed either Wednesday or Thursday.  Gordon suggests treating the office staff to lunch one day as a thank you for tolerating the situation of working without heat for the past couple weeks.


1.        First Quarter Financials- A list will be reviewed by the Selectmen.  A major item is the damage from the rain storm.  The Road Crew has been fixing the problems but they are not sure yet what to do on Thornton Road.  Underdrain will be necessary in a couple spots and new culvert covers will be needed.
2.         Remuneration For Emergency Management Situations-Dan MacDonald e-mailed Burton regarding compensation for his mileage and vehicle wear and tear while he was out working in the town during the night of the storm.  David suggests compensating him $100 as a stipend from the Emergency Management Budget.  The Selectmen feel a policy for compensation of volunteers during more serious emergency situations should be discussed in the future.    


1.        Howard Towne of the Grange will be asked about who paints the Welcome to New Boston signs as one needs painting.  
2.        Dave inquired about the status of the Tom and Diane Manson complaint relative to boats and cars being sold at the corner of Bedford and Christie Roads.  Christine says this was looked into in the past and it was determined that once there are over 5 unregistered cars in the yard it is considered a business.  Dennis will be asked to look into this to find out what is going on.
3.        A revised letter to Fire Chief Dan MacDonald and the Fire Wards was signed by the Selectmen.
4.        A visit to Cyndie Wilson’s beaver pond will be scheduled for June or July.
5.        The New Boston Bulletin’s Ask the Town article for May regarding the recent water problems is ready for review by the Selectmen.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.   

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien