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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 02/23/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
February 23, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM     Fraser Drive Acceptance Hearing

On January 25, 2005 the Planning Board acted and Fraser Drive is ready for acceptance by the Board of Selectmen.  John Riendeau of the highway department mentioned to David Woodbury that there was a problem when the paving company put down the binder coat.  Part of the paving may have to be taken out.  He is not sure if the problem has been rectified or if the landowner is concerned.  Michelle will notify if this is still an issue.  David Woodbury suggests accepting it, the residents want it plowed and the Planning Board is ok with it.  David Woodbury moved that the hearing be closed.  Gordon Carlstrom seconded it.  All were in favor.  David Woodbury moved that Fraser Drive be accepted.  Gordon Carlstrom seconded it.  All were in favor.

        2.   7:05 PM            Greg Begin              Police Department

Police Chief Greg Begin was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss Police Department Personnel Manual changes.  

He noted that the overtime rate was changed to reflect a lower rate.  Since 2001 patrolmen made $27 and lieutenant and chief made $34.  Chief Begin recommends changing it to $34 for everybody as they are all doing the same work.  Also add cost of living for each year after that.  Kathy called surrounding towns whose number is higher than ours.  Chief Begin wants the manual to reflect $36.44 flat rate for 2005 plus 25% to cover taxes and administrative cost plus $10 per hour if a cruiser is used.  The manual won’t need to be changed every time rate changes.  July 4 and voting events are not considered detail in New Boston and are already included in the overtime budget.

Chief Begin doesn’t feel the organizational chart is correct as it lists the town administrator as his boss.  The police chief doesn’t answer to the town administrator but does report to him.  This is not clear on the organizational chart.  Dave Woodbury noted that the Selectmen have delegated day-to-day responsibility for department oversight to the Town Administrator.

Cruiser leasing bids.  Chief Begin has 2 calls in to private sale companies for trade-in prices on 2 new Crown Victorias and 1 Expedition.  Bid opening on 2 Crown Victorias and 1 Expedition at 2:30 PM on February 24.  Ford Motor Credit Financing quote looks better than Cal First.  

There will be a meeting at 9:00 AM February 24 at the police station regarding the possibility of additional parking and a practice field across from the ball field on Old Coach Road.  Selectmen Woodbury and Quirk and Town Administrator Burton Reynolds, Recreation Commission Brown, Transfer Station Manager Cornett and Chief Begin will be at the meeting.  Gordon Carlstrom reminded everyone that it was never intended to be a ballfield but Forestry Committee Chair Kim DiPietro has confirmed that the land in question is not part of the Town Forest land.  Issues with the shooting range will be discussed.  A fence across from the ballfield next to the landfill cap has been discussed.

Parker Road/Howe Bridge intersection.  Chief Begin doesn’t see the issue that Mr. Lavallee does with the intersection but the intersection can be made safer.  There have been no accidents at this intersection since Chief Begin has worked for New Boston.  There are several things that can be done.  It can be changed to a T intersection, a stop sign could be placed on Parker Road, or an island or rotary could be added.  Gordon Carlstrom suggests taking this to the road committee.  Burton Reynolds says nothing major will be done on this this year due to potential cost.

Chief Begin asked what will be done if the voters in Weare approve him as their new Police Chief.  The town administrator of Weare thinks a two week notice is proper.  Begin does want to stay involved with the New Boston DARE program this year.  He offered to work approximately 10 hours per week in New Boston doing administrative work for police department until a replacement is found.  Municipal Resources has been consulted for an interim replacement.  If Chief Begin does not get the job in Weare, he assumes he will still have a job as police chief of New Boston.

The police department has had 130 more items of activity this year than at the same time last year with about 100 of those being additional motor vehicle stops.  This increase is due to increased population and officers out there doing their jobs.  Going to four day 10 hour shifts has allowed earlier coverage in the morning and is working out well and keeping New Boston safer.  An extra hour will be added on Friday and Saturday nights as well if the operating budget is approved in March that has the additional hours built into it.

        3.  7:45 PM             Dan MacDonald           Fire Chief

Dan MacDonald met with the Selectmen to discuss the interview process for the new Fire Inspector.  A form listing interview questions and a job description was handed out to the Selectmen.  This was based on questions asked by the department in the past and on questions asked for this type of position from around the country.  The questions are wide in scope but specific in qualifications and expectations.  Medical skills are wanted but not necessary.  The person will work approximately 16 hours per week and is required to go to medical calls.  Will probably be given extra time if there are a lot of calls but hours will probably even out as most fire inspections are done in the spring and fall.  There were 9 responses to the inquiry which have been narrowed down to 5 interviews.  The finalists are all working in full time emergency service with an average of 20 years in the industry.  The interviews are expected to be completed in approximately 1 week if schedules allow.  They should take an hour for questions and a half hour for a practical which will take place in the first floor of the town hall.  The hiring panel will consist of 2 fire wards, 1 other fire department person and selectmen.  David Woodbury will be on the panel and Christine Quirk will sit in as time allows.

        4.  8:00 PM             Mike Sindoni            Recreation Department

Recreation Commissioner Lee Brown, architect Dave Ely and a group representing the students met with the Selectmen to discuss a memorial in Cliff Nyquist’s name to be erected at the ball field next to the playground on Old Coach Road.  It will have a 30 foot flagpole in the center surrounded by a semi-circular granite monument with a cut surface for bronze monuments.  There will be vegetation in the back and benches inside.  Bricks will be available for donors to purchase and have inscribed which will be placed in a baseball diamond arrangement on the ground. Bollards will be in place to keep parking away from the monument.  A hiking trail is also planned but not yet designed.  The recreation commission is heading this project and hopes to have the flagpole up and grading done for an opening ceremony the first week of May.  The Selectmen were impressed and think the town will be proud of this project.  There will be a budget group meeting February 24 and a meeting with New England Forestry Foundation to work on the trail.  The Nyquist family is aware of this project and are pleased with it.  The project will be announced in the April New Boston Bulletin and the group will display the plans at the voting in March.  The group looks forward to completion later in the year.

        1.  Minutes of January 31, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the public and non-public sessions.  Corrections were noted.  David Woodbury moved for acceptance of the public session minutes as amended.  Gordon Carlstrom seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Gordon moved for acceptance of the non-public minutes as amended.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

1.   Planning:  
Right Way Builders- Rick Martin requests a lot at the entrance of Beard Road for a house lot.  This has been adjourned to April 12.
Harvey/Dupuis Trust-McCurdy Road-They are resistant to the idea of lateral road networks because they don't know what the neighbors will do but want a right of way which they plan to do by extending the Susan Road cul-d-sac.  The planning board accepted the application as complete expecting a final plan this week to not hold the developers up 6 additional weeks.
Vista Road-Postponed to April 26.  The Road Committee suggested advisory suggestions, however, Dufresne Henry acted on it.  David Woodbury, for the Selectmen, agreed to have a meeting to resolve differences between Road Committee and Planning Board.
Inkberry Road-Postponed to April 12.
Burton Reynolds suggested that the Road Committee shouldn't interface directly to developers.  Amy should be the public spokesperson.
February 15 ZBA hearing on gravel pit was inconclusive and will reconvene March 15.
February 8 Planning Board hearing with ZBA meeting on gravel pit non-residential site plan adjourned to March 22.
Burton Reynolds mentioned Rick Martin gave proposal to John to widen Beard Road as he has traded land with another landowner.
2.     Taxation of Trailers-Burton Reynolds mentioned that the Department of Revenue has not responded to his November 2004 letter.  He has prepared a follow up letter which David Woodbury and Gordon Carlstrom have signed.  State Representative Linda Foster is on the appropriations committee and has agreed to get an answer if the Commissioner does not reply.
3.    Riley Lot-There have been inconclusive results from all Department of Environmental Services tests.  Gordon Carlstrom suggests selling the lot at a tax sale.  David Woodbury suggests not deeding the property.  Burton Reynolds suggests writing a letter to Riley's daughter to inform her the property has not been taken by the town.  After 30 days, if there are no other heirs, the town can sell it.  There are several interested buyers who all need full disclosure of the wetlands and oil pollution problems on the property.  These problems may be exempt as they predate rules and regulations.  Another option is Riley's daughter can sell it and pay the $48,000 in taxes owed and keep the rest.


1.    Benefits Coverage Definitions-It will cost the town to add domestic partners to the insurance as the town pays 1/2 when a person is added.  NH law doesn't currently acknowledge domestic partners but the insurance company allows it.  Gordon Carlstrom wants a definition but doesn't see a problem.  The Board voted to add a rider covering domestic partners and same sex union situations.
2.    Cyndie Wilson's Pond Name Request-Burton Reynolds has discussed this with Jed Callen who said if a pond is over 10 acres it is state business.  This pond is not over 10 acres.  If the pond is totally on her property she can name it, if not the town does.  This is probably more than just a beaver pond as it has been there for 30-40 years.  Hold this until April.
3.     Associations or Private Businesses on Town Web Site-People have asked Kim if they can advertise on the web site.  It is agreed that the web site is municipal and if a business is not related to government it cannot be on the web site.  
4.    Master Plan Update Scope of Work Proposal-Auditors will be here in a couple weeks.  The Planning Board and the town want to keep the money previously voted in ’98 and ’99.  Burton Reynolds will talk to Cheryl to try to do this.  Regional Planning has provided an outline of what they can accomplish in 2005.  That would be supplemented with local input.  Hold the bill and put on 2006 ballot if the previously voted funds can’t be encumbered.


1.    United Way correspondence-United Way has asked for contact people to assist in assessing local social services needs.  Gordon wants to participate to determine needs and gaps such as heat assistance and job training.  Dave and Gordon want to nominate Burton as the town representative.  Local churches will be contacted to see if they would like to participate.
2.    NH Federal Surplus Program correspondence-The state of NH has not been getting as much Federal Surplus as in the past.  They want to start an association/lobby to ask for more surplus.  There is a $35 fee to join.  The Selectmen are not too interested in joining.
3.    GZA tests-Nancy Nichols has written that extra tests should be done this year at the town landfill.  The town was not aware that these tests would be required this year and did not budget for them.  Burton will request by letter that they postpone the extra tests until the extra $3,000 is raised.  He also will ask that future quotes for service be sent in December, not February.
4.    Dana Jackson of New Green Landscaping-Has approached Burton about his desire to do a hydroseeding business involving taking water from public waterways and was wondering who oversees that.  David suggests contacting the PWA.  Mussels in the river are a concern.  Gordon suggests designating a loading zone.

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Maralyn Segien