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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/31/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 31, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Christine Quirk         Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM  Gerry Cornet, Transfer Station Manager

Reviewed draft of “complaint” form. This is the form to be given to people who do not like any particular rule at the Transfer Station. It instructs them to complete the form and bring it to the Selectmen’s office. It was decided to bold or underline the words “enforce” and “not”. The form states that the Transfer Station employees are charged with enforcing policy, not making it; the Selectmen make the policies. The title of the form will be changed to “comment” form rather than “complaint” form.

Selectmen approved the purchase of a used 6-wheel tractor for $2,000 to be used to move a trailer once it is full and to place an empty one in its place. Currently the trailer is moved by the hauler on a regular schedule. This often means moving out a trailer that is less than totally full. We also now pay for any idle time at Wheelabrator the trucker may encounter – and there is additional idle time on occasion as PSNH presses Wheelabrator to process more trash to produce more energy for PSNH to buy. It is estimated that by being able to move our trailers ourselves from the compactor area to the yard, we might save 12-13 trips/year thus recouping the cost for the tractor. The hauler would also now bring the trailer straight back after emptying it. By being on premises while the other trailer is loaded, we can do more of our own maintenance thus reducing those costs.

2.      7:40 PM  Fire Wards     

        Replacement of U2 estimated at $100,000. Quotes for the chassis and the body were reviewed. Looked at offerings from three sources. Did not like aluminum body option. Will have a plastic body with compartments and perform basically the same functions it does now which is to bring extra oxygen bottles and the air replacement system to a fire to refill firefighter air pack bottles. Discussion of use of air packs, how many bottles are needed at one time, when additional bottles would be needed, ability of mutual aid to assist. Options in case it is not funded: do nothing, repair U2, buy a 2nd hand truck, rely on mutual aid.

        By placing U2 on the warrant for 2005 the CRF will not be able to remain at $90,000 because some of that $90,000 will be needed to fund U2 because there is not enough in the fund to pay for both the new pumper and all of U2. Nobody expressed concern over this situation. It was pointed out that with a schedule of purchases in each of the next four years, the CRF would change annually. The chief felt that they may need to revisit the schedule and make changes depending on how the funding of $90,000/year works out and what voters support.

        The quote for the pumper did not generate much discussion except for what manufacturers were interviewed.


        1.  Minutes of January 24, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  Gordon moved that they be accepted as amended. David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       Rightway Builders project off Beard Road: talking about upgrading Beard Road and building the access road to the development to a higher standard than originally proposed
·       Kathleen Houghton: approval to make a large lot into 2 lots
·       Fillmore: withdrawn application for now.
·       CVI Development: compliance hearing found Fraiser Drive ready to be approved as a town road. Selectmen to hold a hearing.
·       Morin Trust project off Greenfield Road: trying to determine if town road should be widened to 18ft or 22 ft as is the standard.
·       Vista Road: talk of trying to improve the sight line at the Wilson Hill Rd/Bedford Rd intersection due to the increased traffic from this and other planned developments of either Wilson Hill or Byam Roads. Letter to be sent to Selectmen asking that they contact owner of property at the intersection to see if he would work with the town to improve the sight line. Thibeault is willing to do the work.
·       Some contractors came to the meeting to complain about the effects of the proposed Steep Slopes Ordinance that is on the March ballot.
·       Sat site walk for Granite State gravel pit expansion, Sue Martin’s proposal, and Inkberry Road.
2.           Warrant Review:  Checked wording of both the warrant articles and the explanations. Will work with Nic on the wording of the Planning/Zoning articles for the ballot. Not room on the ballot for each to be detailed as in the warrant. May have a bulletin board up at the polls on voting day with the complete wording to help voters.
3.           Deliberative Session: Confirmed who would move and second each article and what would be said.


1.       none


1.        Signed a revised “encumbered” accounts sheet detailing what amounts from which accounts would be held over and used in 2005.
2.        Concern was expressed about being able to reach those who work in the town office when their phone is on DND (do not disturb). Is this used often? Getting through to the Town Clerk is a problem.
3.        After public comment, the Selectmen entered non-public session. See separate minutes.

             Brandy asked for comment on Chief Begin deciding to run for the job in Weare. People who she spoke with were not happy and wondered if the chief could be fired. What would happen if he lost – what kind of support would he have? The Selectmen agreed continued support may be a concern but firing could take place only if there were reasons as outlined in the Personnel Manual.

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:06 PM. Gordon   seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Burton Reynolds