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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/24/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 24, 2005

PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   Christine Quirk was not present at this meeting.  

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made at this time.    


1.  7:00 PM              Lee Nyquist            Moderator

Lee Nyquist was present to meet with the Selectmen to discuss and review warrant articles for the Deliberative Session.  Each Selectmen has agreed on a department to discuss and what to say relative to each Warrant Article.  Dan Jamrog will be present for the audiovisual.

A suggestion has been made that the town’s oldest resident, Ms. Charlotte Smith, be presented with the Boston Post Cane replica at the Deliberative Session.  Burton will follow up to be sure the engraving can be finished for this upcoming event.    

Lee stated the scanner for the counting of the votes would be used for voting.  Training will occur February 25 through the 27th.  

Also discussed was the recent flyer sent to all of the households in New Boston encouraging attendance at the Deliberative Session and the hopeful outcome from this flyer.    

Lee informed the Selectmen that he has been asked and gave instruction for people who would like to explain the Steep Slopes Ordinance outside of the Deliberate Session.  He has also given permission to a local day care that is attempting to raise money for breast cancer.  

        2.  7:40 PM             John Riendeau           Road Agent  

John Riendeau was present to give an update to the Selectmen:  
·       Loader – John discussed with the Selectmen the recent breakdown of the loader.  He has received a quote of $137,000 from Nortrax for a new loader.  Although another loader could possibly be purchased a little lower, John explained the outstanding service they have been provided through Nortrax, including the recent repair of the loader.  The Highway Department could also receive a trade in value of  $23,000 for their current loader which is in need of repairs.  John explained the transmission will need to be replaced, the bucket will have to be replaced as the bottom is worn out and the tires will have to be replaced.  The cost for all this is approximately $50,000.  

In the recent quote from Nortrax, the Highway Department would take out of the operating budget/block grant money, the lease cost of a new loader for $4350 from  February 10, 2005 to the March Town Meeting.    Discussed was the capital reserve fund of $83,000.00 and the difference needed with the trade in value.  John explained the loader also comes with a one-year warranty and there is an additional extended warranty that covers many major items for 7 years.  John will receive clarification on the cost of this extended warranty.  John did obtain a quote from Dennis Gagnon of Mack Trucks for the 6 wheeler dump truck and has been awaiting information from EW Sleeper for body and plow but has not received information to date.  

The Selectmen agreed with John the necessity of having a working loader and agreed that John could order it for lease.  Should the Warrant Article not pass, the loader would be returned.    

·       Bog Road – The issues of the graveling and paving to occur on Bog Brook Road were discussed.  As there are approximately 5 different sections of this road that change in the type of problem they present, John discussed the use of GeoTech Fabrics which may be utilized in the wet areas.  Some culverts will have to be replaced.  The culvert at Christy Road will also have to be repaired as the bottom corners have rotten and folded in.  John will research a company that uses a plastic liner and sprays foam that hardens to make a new culvert.  This project is a very involved project and DES permits will have to be obtained.  


        1.  Minutes of January 10, 2005 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       Granite State Concrete  – Hopkins/Lyndeborough Road – A site walk has been scheduled for January 29, 2005.  A hearing will be held with the ZBA and Planning Board for a special exception on February 8, 2005 at 7:30.  
·       Sue Martin – South Hill Road - The application was for a subdivision of the current home property of one lot and guest home that would become a two-acre lot.  The remainder of the property would be a large parcel.  The application was accepted as complete and adjourned to February 8, 2005.  There was a concern that there were restrictive covenants placed by George Olmstead for any further subdivision of this land.      
·       Andy Phillipy  – Andy was present to obtain permission to have a sign located on his current property for his profession of plumbing.  Approval was granted.  
·       Inkberry Road – the applicants for compliance hearing were not present at this time.
·       Harvey Dupuis Family Trust – This hearing, which was rescheduled for February 8, 2005, is a continuance hearing regarding a major subdivision of 8 lots.
·       Curtis Hill – This hearing was for a 7-lot subdivision in which they may loose a lot to steep slopes.  This has been adjourned to February 8, 2005.  
·       Miscellaneous – Circular Driveways – there will be a public hearing regarding  driveway regulations.  It was determined that circular driveways must be 200 feet apart.    
2.         Milestones for 2004- The milestones were reviewed with the Selectmen.  A picture of
        the scales will be used for the Town Report.  
3.         Road Discontinuances or Classification Changes (list of abutters) The list of abutters
for the road discontinuation request was reviewed by Bill Drescher.  It was determined  that there could possibly be damages with the discontinuances of these roads.  The only road that there did not appear to be any problem with discontinuing would be Shedd Road.  


1.         Olde Colony Road – A request from Mitch Construction has been received regarding the
naming of two roads;  Susan’s Way and Harvey Lane.  Burton will review the plans with Nicola Strong of the Planning Department to be sure these two roads will not be a thruway.  It was determined that the standard rule of naming of the roads and use of a suffix needed to be applied.  There was agreement that “Susan” could be used but  “Harvey” would not.  Further discussion will occur at the next Selectmen’s meeting.
2.         Preparation For Deliberative Session – Information for the public budget hearing
        was reviewed.  Burton will send to DRA for further review.                     
3.         Work on Warrant and Warrant Article Explanations – These were given to the
Selectmen to review further.  Discussed were the placement of the Warrant articles.  Also discussed was a letter drafted by Burton to be given to the Fire Wards regarding the Pumper and U-2 (requesting bids and specs) outlining the risks of placing both on the warrant this year.    
4.         Insurance Agreement with P/L Trust – The Selectmen agreed to maintain insurance
with P/L Trust as they are offering a 3-year deal that offers a rate increase of 2% effective July 1 but with rate holding steady after that for 3 years. Burton is to sign the three year contract.  
5.         Sign Request – Little People – A request has been received from Little People’s Depot
        to have a sign placed for “Open House” for the period of January 31 to February 2, 2005.

David moved to approve the location of the sign for the period of January 31 to February 7, 2005 as of their January 10 letter.  Gordon seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  

6.         Pond Name Request – A request was received from Cyndie Wilson regarding
the naming of a pond.  Burton will research further with Nicola Strong of the Planning Board regarding this request.  


1.          Holiday Pay  - Burton discussed with the Selectmen the need for clarification regarding Holiday pay.  Currently the Police Department and Transfer Station work 10-hour days.  The Highway Department works 10-hour days during the summer months.  The question arose should the town employee be paid the 8-hour holiday pay or 10-hour holiday pay.  Gordon asked that Burton check with NHMA and other towns to find out their procedure regarding Holiday pay.  
2.          Complaint Form – Gerry submitted a draft complaint form that would be given to towns people when they have an issue with a Transfer Station policy.  The Selectmen offered some additional wording to make it clear the employees “enforce” the rules but the Selectmen “make” them.    

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 PM.  David   seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton