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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/10/05
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 10, 2005

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Kim DiPietro of Clark Hill Road delivered a letter from the Piscataquog Area Trailways that relates to the reclass or discontinuance of roads to be discussed tonight.  


1.  7:00 PM              Linda Scott            Regarding the Transfer Station

Linda Scott, along with her husband Budd Scott, were present to discuss a recent situation at the Transfer Station.  Although not on the scheduled agenda, the Selectmen let Mrs. Scott speak at this time as she had made an appointment through Linda Sizemore of the Selectmen’s Office.  

Mrs. Scott informed the Selectmen that she would like to make a complaint against the Manager of the Transfer Station because of a harassment incident that occurred there on Tuesday morning and she read the following:  

On Tuesday, January 4, 2005 I went to the Transfer Station in New Boston to unload my recycled trash.  I had my two German Shepherds and Rotweiler with me along with bags of trash.  I unloaded the bags from the back seat and began to throw some in the bin.  At this time a woman also unloading trash came up to my vehicle and was admiring my dogs.  I completely unloaded the remaining few bags out of the jeep so the dogs would not get loose while my attention was on disposing of the items at the Transfer Station.  I noticed a man milling around paying close attention to me.  After a short period of time, he approached me.  He said he was the Transfer Station Manager, handed me a pamphlet on recycling.  I looked at it quickly, explained I had been a New Boston resident for over 20 years and respected as well as followed the recycling rules.  I took the pamphlet and quickly pushed it into my coat pocket. At that time, the Manager said just don’t crinkle up that paper.   I responded by saying you’ve done your job now please leave me alone.  He was apparently agitated that I didn’t stop everything and read through his pamphlet and he said he was calling the police.  I replied by saying do what you have to do.  

As I finished loading my trash in the appropriate area, he continued to follow very closely behind me, watch every move and verbally harass me.  He stated that he knew exactly what was in every green trash bag insinuating that I didn’t recycle.  I asked him to leave me alone several times.  I was extremely uncomfortable as this overbearing closeness became threatening.

I had 8 grandchildren at my house over the holidays; perhaps a coke can may have gone into the wrong container.  Regardless of the recycling issues, this man was out of control and acted highly unprofessional.  I find it somewhat alarming that the Town allows this disturbing behavior from any employee.  I left the Transfer Station to pick up my husband.  I didn’t feel comfortable carrying on further conversation with this man and left the premises.  I contacted the New Boston Police Department, informed them that I would like to file a harassment complaint.  On Saturday, due to the weather, I was unable to get to the station.  I will however make a formal complaint on Tuesday, as this is the earliest time I have available.  Thank you.  

After Mrs. Scott read her statement, Budd Scott asked if there had been any other complaints on the Transfer Station Manager.  David stated no.  Budd stated he has heard there have been quite a few.  Mrs. Scott then asked the Selectmen if they felt it was inappropriate for the Transfer Station Manager to call the police.  Gordon explained he felt it was very appropriate to call the police to prevent workers from being harassed as they have to just walk away and complainants have a procedure outlined for them if they want to pursue.  He further explained that employee abuse should not be allowed and/or tolerated and noted this was not in reference to the particular incident of Mrs. Scott’s but some other incidents.  Budd questioned what happens when it is the other way around.  Gordon explained if it is the other way around, it is up to the complainant to pursue through the police as the do the investigation as the Selectmen do not get involved.  Gordon stated he wants to reinforce that Gerry does not set the policies; the Town does, so if there are issues with the recycling or with the way things are done, the issues are with the Town, not with the workers up at the Transfer Station.  Budd asked why was the pamphlet not signed by the Selectmen.  Gordon felt they did not see the need to have the pamphlet signed by the Selectmen.  Budd Scott then asked then how do they know where it came from.  Gordon stated if he wished to have it signed by the Selectmen, he did not think that would be an issue.  

Mrs. Scott stated “she did not think that was the issue as she has been recycling for over 20 years, but for a gentlemen to come up to her and give her a pamphlet and does not like the way I put it in my pocket and decides to call the police is out of control, rude and all of above”.  Again Gordon stated they are not in the position to address unless they get feedback from other agencies that state they need to.  The Scotts thanked the Selectmen for their time.  

Gordon further explained there are other issues they have had with people that do not want to recycle.  He suggested that with the Solid Waste Committee meeting coming up, they need to put together warning letters for people who are refusing to recycle and he would recommend that two warnings be issued, then a suspension.  Also needed to be outlined are other alternatives  such as hiring someone to pick up the household trash and haul it out of town, why we are recycling, and that it is a Town policy.  Gordon stated it is very important to show support to the people at the Transfer Station.  We have had other issues where employees have been abused by citizens and the instructions are to just walk away.  It is not something that town employees need to or should deal with.  By doing a couple of these things, the onus comes off of Gerry and the workers and transfer station and they should not be taking the blame for enforcing the policies that are coming from the Town.  At this time David stated publicly “that we as a board have great confidence in Mr. Cornett, his staff and the entire operation of the Transfer Station and to be perfectly frank, he finds it difficult that these comments should be taken literally and he does not believe that she has the right slant on the facts”.  Gordon wanted to reinforce that and stated this is the first complaint they have had since Mr. Cornett took the position and he thinks that in itself says something and he has gotten only positive reactions.  The Selectmen agreed the Solid Waste Committee should put together a policy working in conjunction with the Selectmen.  

        2.  7:30 PM             Dan MacDonald   Fire Department
Dan MacDonald and many New Boston Fire Department Volunteers were present to discuss the request for a supplemental insurance policy that would cover any additional loss above the workers’ compensation policy (three day waiting period).  At this time, Christine Quirk stepped down from the board and turned over the chairperson to David Woodbury who has no involvement with the Fire Department.  She did state she was in favor of  the additional insurance request. At this time, Gordon stated that as there were two fire fighter volunteers as Selectmen, this was a conflict of interest and he too stepped down from the board.   

Dan asked the Selectmen if the Petition (attached to the minutes) for this insurance coverage would be required or if the Selectmen would be in favor of the warrant article.  Gordon explained the past experience has been that the petition was a back up should the selectmen not approve the warrant article.  David and Burton explained that the rules have been changed and the wording for the warrant article must be per the RSA’s.  

The Fire Wards present explained that the cost of this additional coverage would be split 80/20.  The 20 percent is earned through the Firemen’s Breakfast and also commented the money raised by the breakfasts goes back to the town.  It was also noted the auxiliary members would also be covered as they are just as much at risk.  

The Selectmen did ask to receive a copy of the insurance policy to see what is and what is not covered.  

At this time David asked the input of the Finance Committee members who were present.  Brandy Mitroff explained at the start of the request for the additional insurance, she was troubled as they were asking for something additional that other town departments did not have.  She then went on to explain the difference is the Fire Department goes in harms way where any other department do not have to in the same way.  They are not on any set schedule and are on call 365 days per year.  She felt this needs to be made a town issue and to focus on our votes and support.  

Karen Johnson who was present stated she was in support as they volunteer and go in harms way.  Ken Lombard agreed.

Lou Lanzillotti spoke as a citizen stating this is the right thing to do as we call on our fire fighters.

Gordon made the motion that they will put the insurance coverage on a warrant article.  

Brandy asked the Selectmen if they would submit it with the 80/20 and questioned the intent to keep it at 80/20.  The Selectmen did agree but David did ask all those present what would happen if a better policy came along and asked Dan if the naming had to specifically name The Provident.  Dan stated it would remain Provident as they have already searched around.  The Selectmen agreed the Warrant Article would be submitted as presented.  

Dan also at this time expressed his concerns that currently they have two vehicles that need to be replaced on the warrant.  He and the Fire Wards again explained the poor condition of the U2 that is the vehicle that provides air for firefighter air pacs.  The Selectmen expressed their concerns that the other departments have necessary requests such as the Highway Department requesting a loader and the Police Department requesting cruisers.  Dan explained to the Selectmen last year they did not put a needed vehicle on the warrant that was approximately $100,000.00.  Next year there will be three replacement vehicles.  Dick Moody also informed the Selectmen the U2 is 26 years old and Dan stated it would cost approximately $10,000.00 to $12,000.00 to get it into safe operation.   

Brandy at this time explained to rely on and stick with the CRF’s and support what is right.  

Dave and Gordon explained they were in favor but want the Fire Department to have a contingency plan in place in case one or both vehicles did not get voted in.     

        1.  Minutes of December 27, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.         Planning:  
·       Curtis Hill – Old Coach Road – 7-lot Subdivision – An application was submitted for a 7-lot subdivision that does have steep slopes at the west end of the property.  An abutter from Massachusetts was present who questioned the lot line and stonewall.  This meeting has been rescheduled to January.  
·       Vista Road – The application was for a major subdivision of 2 lots.  Waivers were granted.  
·       Miscellaneous – Driveways regulations were discussed and changes were made which will be submitted soon.  There was also discussion on circular driveways.  

John Bunting who was present at this time questioned if there was a policy going back to deal with the issues of the circular/double entrance issue. Brandy also mentioned she thought there was a rule that no driveways could be within 200 feet of each other and questioned that these driveways were built illegally.  Dave stated they should contact Nicola Strong of the Planning Board as she has the knowledge of these issues.  
2.         Road Discontinuances or Classification Changes (list of abutters) - This was
      rescheduled to the next Selectmen’s meeting.   


1.         Default Budget  –   The default budget was reviewed with the Selectmen.  It was noted
the default budget is close to the same area as the 2005 suggested operational budget.  Gordon asked that Burton budget in another $10,000.00 to use for steeple repairs.                                                                                                                                          
2.         Preparation for Public Budget Hearing – Information for the public budget hearing
        was reviewed as the meeting is scheduled for this coming Thursday, January 13, 2005.                     
3.         Preliminary Work on Warrant – Burton advised the Selectmen he would start working
        on the warrants and explanations.  


1.          Selectmen - Christine confirmed she would again run for Selectman.  
2.          Nan’s House Water System – David stated he has spoken with Cliff Plourde regarding the construction of a concrete pad or absorbent bins for the underground tank that would hold a small leak should one occur.  The Town is waiting for a proposal to be submitted.    
3.          Snow Plow – Jerry Cornett – Christine spoke with Jerry who stated he has been using his own truck for the snow plowing at the Transfer Station.  Burton will touch base with him regarding the usage of his own fuel.   
4.         Vacation Time Carry Over Request - A request has been received from John Riendeau requesting to carry over vacation time to next year.  Approval was given by the Selectmen.  

H.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No comments at this time.  

I.  ADJOURNMENT:   Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton