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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/22/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
March 22, 2004
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman
David Woodbury          Selectman    
Christine Quirk                 Selectman
Burton Reynolds        Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The current Chairman, Gordon Carlstrom, asked if Christine Quirk was interested in the position of Chairman, which she did accept. David Woodbury moved that Christine Quirk be Chairperson of the Board of Selectmen. Gordon seconded. All were in favor.


1. 7:OOPM       Gerry Cornett   Transfer Station Gerry was present to give an update to the Selectmen.
Scales - Gerry received more calls from vendors regarding the purchase of scales. They have asked to get approval as soon as possible as they are expecting a 10% increase. Gerry will fax tomorrow for quick response. In the interim Gerry has obtained current prices on the 5000 pound scale using the state contract purchasing agreement with Grainger. The Transfer Station can purchase the 5000 Toledo floor scale and have delivered to the facility for $1900.00. This scale would be used to weigh small quantities of fee items and some of our baled recyclables. Using Grainger, the Transfer Station will be saving over $600.00. Gerry asked for the Selectmen's permission to obtain the scale, which they gave. The scale should be here in about a week.
Swap Shop - Gerry has expressed an idea to have an empty box trailer utilized for the swap shop. The trailer area would be larger than the current swap shop. It would be placed by the steel pile, will have doors, windows and shelving. To have the swap shop moved to this location, it would provide more room for the recyclables within the building. It would also the Transfer Station better management as currently they are having a problem with illegal dumping around the building. Items being left are paint, stain, gas and chemicals unknown to any

one. The area of the trailer for the swap shop would provide parking for about 10 cars. This would also help the flow of traffic. This area has been graded, has been topped with crush bank run and provides a good flat surface. David questioned the stair situation and per Gerry, the trailer will be placed right on the ground. David also questioned how this trailer would be heated in which Gerry stated he does not placed right on the ground. David asked how does Gerry intends to heat the trailer and per Gerry, he does not plan on heating and feels this should not be an issue as no other swap shop has heat. Air venting will also be in place with the screens in the windows. Gerry asked to Selectmen to come view the area and provide input.
Staff Meeting - A staff meeting is scheduled for this coming Thursday, March 25, 2004 at 1:00 in which Burton is to attend. Positions and responsibilities have been created for the employees. Gerry would like to provide more resident assistance at the Transfer Station. David asked the status of Joe Thompson. Gerry stated he is will not be coming back as he has had a plastic vein inserted in his leg and does not feel comfortable continuing to work.
Recycle Effort/Solid Waste - The recycle effort is on the increase. In 8 weeks the Transfer Station received 5000 pounds of aluminum cans. This amount last year took 19 weeks. The Transfer Station received a check in the amount of $2700.00 from the aluminum cans. The volume of solid waste has decreased. Currently the Transfer Station is averaging 14 to 15 tons per week vs. the 20 tons estimated for the 2004 budget, which Gerry attributes partially to fewer haulers, but the town recycling effort has increased too in more paper, aluminum and plastics.  Both current haulers, B&A and Trash Pick up of NH, are doing a better job of recycling.
Tires - Tires from last year, 25 to 26 tons including rims and big tractors tires, were sent out. The rest will be containerized. The container has been ordered and will be in soon.
Demolition - Currently the Transfer Station has encountered a new problem with demolition. Individuals are now coming in with super heavy-duty black bags and throwing demolition into the hopper. This is considered illegal dumping and there is a $150.00 fine. These individuals are known and it will be addressed. Gerry will make the first effort to inform these individuals and garbage bags will be opened. Glenn has been instructed on Saturdays to approach these people and open bags. Extra coverage is needed at this time, as Saturdays are very busy. David asked if there was an ordinance to prohibit commercial use on Saturday and there is none. The Transfer Station would like to designate commercial days other than Saturday. The Transfer Station will post signage at the hopper of what can and cannot go in. At this time, some demolition is being placed in the hopper and should not be. It was agreed between the Selectmen and Gerry that the Transfer Station should have hours just for commercial use. Gerry will write up a proposal regarding these changes.
Metal containment - Currently the price for metal is at the all time high. The Transfer Station is getting $30.00 per ton and has been receiving calls from recycling companies to obtain steel. Gerry has been contacted by Robners, which is a

        company out of Newbury, MA. This division has made a non binding agreement to pay $80.00 per ton, will take out the $120.00 trucking fee for hauling and provide a 50 foot roll off on site for $100.00. The fees will be taken out and a check will be issued every load. It is estimated for the steel to remain high for the next 3 to 6 months. Gerry would like this opportunity to increase revenues. The Selectmen agreed.
New Boston Speaks - Gerry has spoken to a contractor who is not happy with the changes at the Transfer Station, wanted to know what is going on and demanded to know if Gerry was going to be at the New Boston Speaks. Gerry stated to this person he is not a resident, does not have to be there and that is not what this night is for. This individual will be in on Thursday to speak with Burton. Gordon recommended this individual could also speak directly with the Solid Waste Committee.

2. 7:35PM       John Bunting    Foxberry Drive/Compliance John Bunting was present to speak with the Selectmen.
Foxberry Drive - John had an incident on Friday with Joseph Foistner at Foxberry Drive and asked the Selectmen what was going to be done for traffic control devices on Foxberry Drive. John gave a scenario regarding signs being placed on public property and feels the continued use of these signs has made individuals feel empowered enough to cut of his car off, box him in and threaten him. John proposed what should be done rather than leave the signs there for the duration would be to take the signs down and ask why they should be put up. John asked the Selectmen what is their intention with these signs that contributed to his situation which did not have to occur and does not occur to another. David Woodbury stated there had been a meeting in January with the engineer for Mr. Foistner. After that meeting, the signs had increased. The Town contacted Mr. Foistner's attorney and gave until March 19 to remove these signs, which did not happen. The Town counsel was instructed to prepare a prospectus to go to court. One option noted was to ask for an immediate injunction to allow the Town to remove the signs. Currently the Town is waiting for counsel on the best way to proceed. The Selectmen agreed they take this matter seriously, it has gone way further then they have been led to believe and they will take immediate action. Gordon mentioned the construction trailer without a trailer permit. The counsel recommended holding the fine until the 19th. Gordon moved to fine and institute as of tonight.

        David stated John's incident of being detained is being taken seriously but stated, "we have to be sensible how we handle this". Gordon stated what will be addressed immediately is the trailer. He stated there is an ordinance. Gordon moved to institute the fine as of the 19th. David seconded. All were in favor.

Christine questioned that if no permit was given for the trailer, how did Joe Foistner
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get electricity to the trailer without Denis Sarette's approval. This will be researched.

        John did mention that should there be any illegal burning in the area of Foxberry Drive, it will be investigated with the accompaniment of a police officer. The Selectmen agreed this was a sensible precaution and also agreed this should not be the way it is done.

Per John's, his incident on Foxberry Drive is for public dissemination. He wants to pursue the incident as much as any citizen can in this position. The investigation is currently being handled by the State Police. David asked John if anything develops to keep the Selectmen informed, only if it is public knowledge.

        At this time Brandy spoke up regarding she has heard that people apparently intend to use the New Boston Speaks quite differently than intended. She asked if the facilitators would be notified, as this could be very serious. Burton stated he would discuss with Nic. It was noted that the Police Department would not be at this event due to the number of people. The count is at 110 attendees. It was recommended that Police coverage be considered at this event and Nic will be notified of this suggestion.
Indian Falls Road name was discussed in the presence of John Bunting at this time. Indian  Falls Road will be a road that will go through Bussiere's property to Klondike Corner. As no development will occur behind the road in which the fall is on, the name Indian Falls Road would be accepted pending Dan McDonald's response. The motion was made that Indian Falls Road be accepted with the revision that if Dan McDonald had a major objection, this would be revisited. Gordon moved the motion. David seconded. All were in favor.

1. Minutes of March 8, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. Gordon moved that they be as accepted as amended. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.
2. Minutes of Non Public of March 15, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the Non Public minutes. Corrections were noted. David moved they be accepted as amended. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1.      Planning - Christine attended the last Planning Board meeting. The Planning  
      Board and ZBA met to discuss how to communicate better.
Site walk - Salisbury/Hopkins Road - the site walk occurred and only one issue
    seen is at the pull out, you cannot see to the right. Suggestions were made to
     change from a cul-de-sac to a road.

•     Planning Board Meeting - The next scheduled Planning Board meeting will  
               be 3-23-04.
ZBA Meeting:
Rick Martin/Apartment Complex - was denied.
Friendly Beaver Campground - the interior road was approved.
Christine & Andre Pejik - Fales Lane - The dog kennel and
  grooming facility was approved but must address noise control
2.  Community Profile Reminder - Scheduled for April 2 & 3, 2004.
3.  Joshua's Graduation From Police Academy - Is scheduled for Friday night,
March 22. Gordon and David will attend. Christine will be out of town.
4.      Evaluation Process Assessment- was reviewed with the Selectmen. It was
                         agreed for any commendable ratings, it would be required to have a written
                         narrative just as required for an "outstanding" rating.

1.      Lorden Timber Tax - The Assessing Office received Lorden slips from the
    mill. As he was charged more than what the mill slips stated, he has been
      issued a  refund.
2.      Skateboard Park - David asked that the kids who worked so hard on the
      Skateboard Park be brought in to be recognized on their efforts.
3.      Telephones - The telephone bill had been quite high due to the monitoring
     system trying to dial 9 to get outside lines. Burton is currently working on
     having these bills reduced and having the phone system corrected.
4.      Applications for Appointments - have been received and were reviewed
     with the Selectmen.
5.    2004 Selectmen's Goals: Were agreed upon with the Selectmen, copy attached.

1.  Virtual Town Hall Website - Burton will be meeting with the Chamberlain's, Kim Burkhamer, Lee Brown and Tom Joseph regarding the Town's website.
2.      Farmer's Market - Melissa Harvey has requested to have a banner placed at    
     the common. As the sign requested is 4X6 - Burton will research size with
     Dennis Sarette.

Gordon made a motion at 9:30PM to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 II Section (c) in order to discuss police department issues. Christine seconded the motion. Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

At 9:35 PM Dave made a motion to exit the non-public session according to RSA93A: 3 II Section (c). Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

I. ADJOURNMENT: Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:36PM. Christine
seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton