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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/26/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 26, 2004
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman
David Woodbury          Selectman Christine Quirk               Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: As Gordon Carlstrom was scheduled to arrive at a later time, a regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by David Woodbury at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

1. 7:OOPM       Lee Nyquist Town Moderator (Deliberative Session)
Lee Nyquist was present to discuss the Town Moderator's roll in the upcoming Deliberative Session, scheduled for February 2, 2004. Burton has provided Lee with the budget and the 2004 Warrant Articles, including the "explanations". To be discussed are the warrant items excluding the zoning articles. The library bond must be discussed first, then priority motions can be used to move articles as needed. Lee requested that Gordon make a list of 10 important items to cover from the Operating Budget.

Lee stated that information tables could be allowed (interested parties should check with him) and that handouts could be given from the far side of the parking lot by the building. These handouts could also be given at presentations. Lee also stated special equipment for presentations would be allowed but the presenter must provide their own equipment and should show up early for set up. The Town will utilize Dan Jamrog for the audio equipment as they have had great success with his services in the past.

Lee asked if there would be any vendors to provide refreshments. Burton stated Little People's Depot has been the vendor in the past and they will be contacted regarding providing refreshments.

Due to Gordon not being present at this time, David Woodbury proposed to go to the 7:30 appointment and to hold the 7:20 PM Hazard Mitigation Adoption Hearing upon Gordon's arrival. All were in favor.

2. 7:30PM       Melissa Philippy Conservation Alternate Candidate
Melissa Philippy was present to meet the Selectmen. She has applied as a Conservation Alternate Candidate which is currently a one year position. Melissa expressed her concerns with the Town's growth and her interest with the Conservation Committee. David mentioned Betsy Dodge was a leading force that will be an excellent resource in Melissa's role. The Selectmen welcomed Melissa aboard.

Christine made the motion to accept Melissa Philippy as Conservation Alternate Candidate for one year. David seconded the motion.

3. 8:30PM       Hazard Mitigation Plan Adoption Hearing
The Hazard Mitigation Plan hearing occurred. No public was in attendance. The Town of New Boston was chosen to have the Hazard Mitigation Plan put in place with no charge to the town. The Selectmen reviewed the book supplied by FEMA and it was noted that a few pictures and captions needed corrections. The Selectmen will vote to have the Hazard Mitigation approved at their next meeting.

1. Minutes of January 12, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.
Corrections were noted. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Christine
seconded the motion. All were in favor.
2. Minutes of the Library Bond Hearing - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.
No changes were noted. Christine moved that the minutes be accepted. David
seconded the motion. All were in favor.
3. Minutes of the January 16, 2004 Public Budget Hearing - The Selectmen
reviewed the minutes. David noted no changes. Christine moved that the minutes be
accepted. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1. Planning:
Tim O'Brien - Fraser Drive - The Planning Board approved the lot line adjustment that was owed to Mr. O'Brien from the developer of Fraser Drive.
Herbert and Sharon Todd Elliot - The Planning Board approved a lot line adjustment.
McCurdy Road - Nissitissit Development (Lorden Lumber) was present for their 14-lot subdivision. They submitted a request for a waiver for a traffic study. The Planning Board denied the waiver and is requiring a traffic study due to the demand of the projected houses. The Planning Board demanded the use of individual sprinklers in the homes rather than the water supply cistern. The hearing was adjourned to February 10, 2004.

•  Public Hearing for Building and Zoning Codes - There was a public hearing for
   changes in the zoning and building codes. No public was in attendance.
    2.   Veterans Exemption - The Veterans Exemption was reviewed with the Selectmen.
The Selectmen agreed that the Veterans Exemption should be raised from $100.00 to $200.00.
3.      Finalized and Approve Town Warrant and Budget - The budget on the MS-6  
was reviewed with the Selectmen. It has been signed and will be posted after   
tonight's meeting.
4.      Approve Letters to Library Trustees - The letters to the Library Trustees
regarding the reviews and the other about general areas of cooperation were reviewed and signed by the Selectmen.

1.      Sign Request - Little People's Depot - The Selectmen are in receipt of a request
for the Little People's Depot to place a sign in town for one week. Burton is to obtain this request in writing. The Selectmen gave approval for the Little People's Depot sign request.  
2.      Grange Response - Book Storage Request - The Grange's response to the
request for Library storage was they did not have enough room. Burton is going to ask Dennis to view the space, as the Library books are heavy. The Library will be asked to speak directly with the Grange regarding their storage needs. At the moment, due to the continued need for offsite storage, the Selectmen must know what exactly is required for storage space. Burton will also obtain prior paperwork arrangements that had been agreed upon with the Grange.
3.      Review Warrant Article Explanations - All of the Warrant Article
explanations were reviewed with the Selectmen.

1. F    1. Forestry Committee - The Selectmen have been advised that a letter had been sent
from Kim DiPietro of the Forestry Committee to the St. Johns giving them permission to use their snowmobiles on the town property of the Lydia Dodge lot. It was agreed that a set policy must be put in place regarding the utilization of this property so that residents know the policies which will apply to all. This is to be addressed with Kim DiPietro.  
2.      Parker Road - The Selectmen have received a concern from Dwight Lovejoy, of
Parker Road, via the Planning Board, regarding neighborhood conditions. Mr. Lovejoy will be asked to attend the next Selectmen's meeting to discuss these concerns further.
3.      Sign Discrepancy - A sign discrepancy remains for Frazer Lane. The builder has
been given ample time to correct the discrepancy and to date, has not done so. It was agreed by the Selectmen the Town will have the correct sign made and will bill the contractor.

4.      FEMA - Snow Emergency - FEMA has declared that December 6 and 711, was a
snow emergency date and the Town will be eligible for FEMA reimbursement.
5.      Vista LLC /Thibeault Construction - The proposed roadway which will be
utilized for the new development by Vista, LLC was discussed. There are
concerns regarding the steepness and the curve radius for the proposed roadway
which will be a major feeder road from Route 13 to Wilson Hill. It has been
recommended that these plans be submitted for review by Dufresne-Henry.

At 9:25 PM Gordon made a motion to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 93A: 3 Section II (a) for the purpose of discussing a welfare issue. Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

At 10:14 PM Gordon made a motion to exit the non public session according to RSA 93A 3 Section II (a). Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.


I. ADJOURNMENT: David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 PM. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Prepared by Karen Heselton