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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 01/05/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
January 5, 2004
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman
David Woodbury          Selectman Christine Quirk               Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.


1. 7:OOPM       John Riendeau   Road Agent John was present to give an update to the Selectmen.
·       Plowing Equipment - John informed the Selectmen currently the equipment the Highway Department utilizes has been breaking down. They have been short trucks and D&S will no longer be plowing for the Highway Department. Recently the main chain in the sander broke. Although the chain is approximately a year old, the company who supplied the chain no longer handles these. Currently John is working with Atlantic Broom, a supplier of cutters and chains. This dealer states there will be a minimum of two weeks to repair and the cost will be $500.00 to $600.00. John will pursue the issue of warranty, as this chain is fairly new. Bob Lapointe recently purchased a sander for his own truck and helped the Highway Department sand during the last snowstorm.  John also requested that the left over block grant money be utilized for a plow for the Dodge or to buy another truck with a plow for additional plowing coverage.
·       Drivers - The Highway Department has been short of snowplow drivers. John
has hired a new part-time driver with experience.
·       Middle Branch Road - An old stone culvert was blocked. D&S dug through the frost to assist in the repair of this culvert.
·       Sherburne Lot - This area used by the town for its winter sand supply needed to be addressed and could not be left the way it was with a 15 foot straight drop off as kids were playing in this area. D&S sloped off one section with dozer and the clay slope was knocked down with little erosion.

·       Emergency Access Road - The emergency access road to the school was not plowed. John is to meet with Principle Matthews to discuss access, as there are gates and concrete bumpers at one end.
·       Vacation Time - John submitted a memo for approval requesting left over vacation time. Approval was given, as well as Irene Baudreau's written request.
·       Backhoe - The finance committee felt the backhoe should be bought next year instead of this year. A CRF for '/2the cost will be on the warrant for this March. Although the Highway Department cannot show a cost savings obtaining a new backhoe, the ultimate cost savings would be saving money by doing more work such as ditch and culvert cleaning.
2. 7:50 Library Trustees
The Library Trustees were present to continue the meeting of December 15, 2003.
·       Library Budget - The Library Budget was reviewed with the Finance Committee on Saturday.  Special Inventory Project - Kim DiPietro volunteered to help the Library with the special inventory project, which will be recording the inventory in the vault.
·          Turbo Tec - Due to the increase of $95.00 last year to $115.00 dollars per hour, Burton is currently working on a decrease in cost.
·          Offsite Storage - A request was made for offsite self-storage. David Woodbury asked the Library Trustees why the storage issue must be dealt with now instead of waiting for the new Library. The trustees stated they have talked about storage for a few years and they are running out of room at this point in time. They felt it was important to put it in the budget, as they need to consolidate all of the items such as public books, historical records and artifacts, currently stored in five different locations. Dave Woodbury asked the current value of these books, which was unknown but may not be replaceable. The Library Trustees recommended a self-storage unit but it was felt by the Selectmen that self-storage was not designed for a long-term solution and that the items are not in a climate controlled environment. It
was recommended to contact the Grange members for storage upstairs in the Town .,~,?
Hall (perhaps in the stage area), as this is a secured environment with easy access if necessary. Pat Jennings will bring up the request for storage at the next scheduled Grange meeting on Tuesday, January 13, 2004. It was also suggested that the $1200.00 request towards self-storage be put towards shelving for the stored items at the Grange if approved.
·       Building Maintenance & Repair - $5000.00 has been budgeted for outside repairs and maintenance. The inside will be done cautiously as the next tenant may want something else.
·       Salary Range Adjustments - Discussion at length occurred regarding the request for salary increases for four employees. As requested in the last Selectmen's meeting the Library Trustees were asked to submit the documentation to justify the significant increases for 4 people. At this meeting, no documentation was given to the Selectmen as the Library Trustees felt no other staff should see the reviews except the Library Trustees themselves. The Selectmen reiterated the need to see the

documentation for the salary increases and agreed no other employees would have access to these reviews. Various job descriptions and salary range information from the NHMA Wage Guide for 2003 was given to the Library Trustees from Burton. It was also reiterated that the same salary methodology must be utilized for all town employees, including the Library. There was much discussion over the position of Library Technology Assistant. This clerk vs. technical position was a created position and meets no guidelines in the salary range description. After lengthy review of job descriptions, it was agreed the current position of Library Technology Assistant would have a salary increase from $10.38 to $11.50 which does include the COLA. Gordon asked the Library Trustees to revisit this issue in the fall, prior to the budget review. The current position of Page had a COLA increase but no merit had been given. It was agreed by the Selectmen that the merit would be added to raise the salary of this position. It was also mentioned by Burton that in his opinion, the Library Trustees have all of their positions rated one level higher than it should be. Burton is to write a letter to the Library Trustees recapping the meeting so there are no further misunderstandings in the future.

1. Minutes of December 15, 2003 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. Dave moved that they be accepted as amended. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1. Planning:
Clark Hill Realty - A design review was submitted for a 12-unit apartment complex although the owners are attempting to have these become condos. It was pointed out by the planning board that the current driveway would have to become a Class 5 road. Also mentioned by Clark Hill Realty was a survey done in 1971 by Robert Todd which showed frontage on Old Coach Road. As the owners have frontage, they would like having the lot line conformed and donate this other portion to the Town.
AT& T Wireless - The application for the AT & T cell tower was granted. Gordon reiterated there will be emissions testing performed prior to and after the installation.
Barss/Matheson - Tractor Sales and Service Business - Route 13 - The
application was present to request his auto repair business be consolidated with the newly approved site for lawn and tractor sales and service. Currently his auto repair location is permitted as a home business and could not be relocated to the new site.
Daniel Donovan - Bedford Road - Mr. Donavan was present along with abutters regarding a three-lot subdivision on Bedford Road. Abutters were concerned with the cutting and clearing of the land and also heard there would be a head trauma facility going into this location. With the need of various studies and the wetlands crossing, the application was denied as incomplete.

·           St. John and Steven Riley - were present for lot line adjustment request.
Vista Road LLC/Thompson - were present for a lot line adjustment which was approved.
        2.     Miscellaneous Budget Items - reviewed with the Selectmen.

1.      Building Department/Planning Department Secretary - Shannon Silver of  Weare will start on January 6, 2004.  
2.      2004 Revenue Estimates - reviewed with the Selectmen.
3.      Warrant Articles for 2004 - discussed with the Selectmen.
4.      Encumbered Accounts - Reviewed with the Selectmen and approved.
5.      Lorden Subdivision - Road Name - A request has been made to have the road named Warren Road (off McCurdy Road). As this is not a thru road, Warren Drive was approved.

Dave Woodbury moved that the road be named Warren Drive. Chris seconded the motion. All were in favor.
6.      Thibeault Subdivision Road Name - A request has been made for a new Road to be named Hutchinson Road (off Inkberry Road).

Dave Woodbury moved that the road be named Hutchinson Road. Chris seconded the motion. All were in favor.
7.      Wireless Internet Access Plan - The fire department and other departments (Recreation and the Historical Society) will have access to the Wireless Internet Access Plan.

1.      Jean McCreery - Contacted the Selectmen regarding the school access road in front of her house. Burton is to contact Rick Matthews and discuss with John Reindeau regarding keeping the gate open and the access plowed.  
2.      Emergency Grants - Gordon requested any grants available due to the Hazard
Mitigation Plan being approved be utilized towards replacing the generator at the School.
3.      Foxberry Drive - The Selectmen viewed pictures of signs recently posted by the
developer. The signs were placed in the town right-of-way and, in part, restricted access toward the end of Foxberry Drive. It was decided that either a letter or a meeting were needed to address the location and effect of the signage.

I. ADJOURNMENT: Christine made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:00PM. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton