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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/01/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
June 1, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
David Woodbury          Selectman    Gordon Carlstrom           Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator
A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: Brandy of the New Boston Bulletin mentioned the growth of weeds by the railing outside the town hall. Pat Jennings who was also present recommended the area have a stone surface with low growing bushes. Pat will contact the State of NH to attempt to obtain free plant materials.

Pat Jennings also questioned the Selectmen regarding a letter she submitted regarding the repair to the stonewalls on Ridgeview Lane that she feels were ruined by snowplows. She stated years ago, a group of people hired Graham Pendlebury to repair the walls that were now ruined on both sides. John. Riendeau, Road Agent, was present and stated he had seen the damage to the stonewalls and it was his feeling that the stonewalls were not damaged by the snowplows but may have been struck by a car. John questioned the fact if the Town were to specifically repair this stonewall, would they be obligated to start repairing other walls. The Selectmen agreed they would each look at the damage to the stonewalls and discuss further.

1. 7:OOPM       Jaws of Life Grant Hearing

A public hearing was held to accept a grant pursuant to RSA 31:95B for $10,000.00 to be applied to the Jaws of Life equipment. The remaining balance of $10,500.00 will be town funded. Gordon made a motion to end the public hearing. David seconded the motion. All were in favor. Gordon made a motion to accept the money from the grant. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.
2. 7:05 PM      Randy Byam       New Hire/ Highway Department
Randy Byam was present to meet with the Selectmen. They discussed his many qualifications and welcomed him to his position with the Highway Department.

Prior to start of employment, Randy must pass the necessary physical. David moved that Randy Byam be hired as a driver operator at $15.00 per hour. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

3. 7:30 PM                  John Riendeau          Highway Department
John Riendeau was present to give an update to the Selectmen.
·       Old Coach Road - John requested a letter be sent to a resident on Old Coach Road regarding a fence, which is approximately 5 feet high, at the edge of the pavement. Because of this particularly demanding congested area, the fencing will be subjected to damage with snowplowing and should not be the responsibility of the town. It was agreed by the Selectmen that a letter will be sent to this resident regarding the possibility of damage to the fence.
·       Lincoln Drive - John requested a letter be sent to a resident on Lincoln Drive regarding the planting of trees and shrubs within the 25 foot right of way. It was agreed by the Selectmen a letter would be sent asking the trees and shrubs be moved.
·       Bark mulch - Gordon raised the question regarding homeowners who bark mulch their property to the road. John stated this too is a problem, as the wings of the snowplow will destroy that area. It was agreed that these issues needed to be addressed as they are all becoming more common and form letters will be done.
·       River Road - Removal of Trees - John stated some of the trees that needed to be removed near the property of Harvey Surette had been removed but there are a few which cannot be removed by the Highway Department due to the wires running along the state road and Mr. Surette’s driveway. John will arrange a tree service for the removal of these trees when doing other work in town.
·       Walkers -The Walkers will be returning to their home on June 2, 2004. The house looks fantastic. The church knows of a service that provides cooking and cleaning once a week. The Selectmen would like to recognize Mrs. Johnson and other members of the Baptist Church to be recognized for their involvement. A letter will be sent expressing thanks.
·       Driveway Regulations - John is in receipt of driveway regulations that need to be reviewed. Other changes that john would like to see is the wearing course that should be increased to 1 and '/z inch rather than the standard I inch. Christine stated the Planning Board wants to know when the Road Committee is having their next meeting.
·       Vista Road - In a letter dated May 26, 2004, the Planning Board expressed the desire to have the Road Committee meet with Dufresne & Henry before Amy Alexander performed her review of the plan instead of afterward as had been suggested by the Selectmen. The Selectmen agreed to this change

 though it would not yield additional benefit of judging the degree to which Dufresne & Henry's review duplicated the review of the plan performed by the Road Committee.

4.   Gerry Cornett                Transfer Station

As Gerry was not present due to his father's hospitalization for open heart surgery, Burton relayed the necessary information. The transfer station has been taking in $700.00 to $800.00 consistently each week. More residents are getting used to the process of the weighing. The brush pit will be closed for a while. D&S will come in next week to assist in the building of a new pit.

Jesse Rackliff has given his resignation and the Selectmen voted to accept it.
1. Minutes of May 17, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1. Planning:
Nissitissit Development - The application was approved with 16 conditions precedent and 12 subsequent.
Wilson Hill - submitted were two different plans for a subdivision on a large parcel of 198 acres off Wilson Hill. Road. One plan had cluster homes with 50 house lots. This plan would provide a large parcel for open space. The second design showed less houses and less open space. Also, one of the plans showed a large bridge due to wetlands. This subdivision would utilize the same roads as Highland Hills. The Planning Board has recommended these designs be submitted to other departments for their input.
June Edwards - Doherty/ Tucker Mill Road – 6 1ot subdivision - conditional approval of the preliminary plan was granted.
Christine Pedzik - Dog Grooming/Kennel Business - approval was given for the dog grooming/kennel business which will hold 13 dogs. The applicant agreed that a barking dog could not be outside longer than 15 minutes. The roofing and wall materials are to be sound absorbing. The business will be open 7 days per week from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM for grooming. The site walk occurred tonight.
Indian Falls - Submission of application on the 13 lots was accepted. The applicant willing to contribute a portion of the cost for the culvert on Bedford Road towards Klondike Corner. The applicant is also willing to pay the negative difference per house lot according to the

number of certificates of occupancy by the end of the year for a one -year term. The Chairman advised the applicant in their next phase. The Planning Board would like to see more land donated to the town for open  space instead of seeing a difference in a negative.

·       Kristi Citak - The Planning Board approved the compliance on this application for the beauty salon.
·       Miscellaneous:
Clark Hill Realty - received letter back from Attorney Drescher regarding Clark Hill Road for the 12 unit multi-family. Attorney Drescher recommended the Planning Board require a subdivision prior to the development of the multi-family as should the applicant decide to change to condos at a later time, the Planning Board cannot make them subdivide at that time. The Planning Board also discussed the driveway should be to classified standards should later it become a town road.

A letter from Amy Alexander of Dufresne & Henry regarding the Road Committee was discussed.

2.      Consulting Contract - Municipal Resources Consulting Contract - The
Selectmen agreed to a Phase II contract to implement the recommendations outlined in Phase I up to $8000.00 which will come from the Police Department budget. Bruce McDougall's Phase I report is being reviewed by Municipal Resources and should be to the Selectmen shortly. Bruce plans to meet with the Selectmen on Friday the 11 r" at 9:00 AM to review his recommendations.
3.   Vista Road - See Road Agent section of minutes.
4.    Pre-CIP Review - was given to the Selectmen for review.
5.   Bowen Lot - The contact for DES is Cathy Right who is currently on
maternity leave. A report will be submitted for her review upon her  
 return to work.

1.      Review Audit - MS-5 - The Town Audit has been received. Burton is
preparing the Town Financial (MS-5) which needs to be signed by the Selectmen and submitted to DRA. There is a surplus of $400,000.00 which may be available to put towards the reduction in the tax rate.
2.      SHNP Appointment - Gordon moved that Brent Armstrong be appointed to the
SHNP Commission for a 4-year full term position. David seconded this motion.
All were in favor.
3.      Lightning Damage - The lightning damage is still being assessed on the
computers, phones, dialers, and fire alarms. The Highway Department was  struck by lightning on another incident and their damage is also being assessed. The estimated damage is between $8,000.00 to $10,000.00. Gordon also mentioned an open space in the equipment room which needs to be

repaired due to fire spread danger. Burton has addressed with Dennis Sarette who will arranged to have prepared.  
4.      PRIMEX Conference - Burton was in attendance at the Primex Conference.
The topics were discussed with the Selectmen.  
5.      State Salary Survey - Burton has completed the annual survey of salaries for
all town positions. All of the communities are encouraged to participate. Once the survey is completed, it must be signed by the Selectmen.
6.      Boston Post Cane - As Mr. Charlie Gould has passed away, the Boston Post Cane
is available to be awarded to the oldest New Boston resident. Burton will follow up with the Recreation Department to obtain that information. Discussion on the Boston Post Cane did occur regarding having a certificate or replica given rather than the original Boston Post Cane as there is the possibility in the future that the original may be lost. Research will be done on the cost of the replica.
7.      Merit Increase Review - Burton has researched the national productivity rates
that are used to determine the merit portion of the salary program. A 2% increase rather than 1.8% for competent looked to be justified. Burton is to review in further detail on the Department of Labor website.
8.      RSA 32:6-a Funding Full Time Positions - Burton discussed should another
full time town position become necessary if a warrant would be necessary. David would not be in favor of always having a warrant article for all new town employees.
9.  Vote Scanner - The Supervisor of the Checklist want the Selectmen to consider a Vote Scanner that will cost $6250.00. The request will need to be submitted on a warrant. The Selectmen will see the Supervisor on June 28, 2004 and a demonstration will be made.

1.      Barn Preservation - George Hildum, Assessor has reviewed the applicants. He
has submitted his information to the Selectmen who will now utilize this information while they visit the barns. They will inspect them on the afternoon of June 18, 2004.
2.      Abatement - A request for an abatement by Roger Noonan has been denied as
there was no information supplied.
3.      Copier - Currently the photocopier is being utilized two times more than
intended. As repairs have been persistent, a new digital copier, which is currently a demo, will be utilized. The Town will receive the first 90 days for free.  
4.  Floors - The floors are scheduled for stripping and waxing this weekend.
5.      Outside Landing - Gerry is currently working with Grainger to obtain material
for the outside landing (the entrance to the Town. Hall). Foot traffic is too heavy
for paint to be effective.
6.  Dog Bite - A camper at Friendly Beaver Campground had received a dog bite
violation on April 23. The camper came to the Town Hall to pay this same

violation of $100.00. On Memorial Day weekend - the Police Department came to the campground to arrest this same camper for non-payment of the dog bite violation. Christine questioned the process of this incident and would like resolution so this does not occur to anyone else if not necessary. Burton is to research the incident.


L ADJOURNMENT: Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15PM. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton