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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 12/13/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
December 13, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                 Selectman David Woodbury               Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: Keith O'Halloran of 589 Lyndeborough Road was present to discuss with the Selectmen his concerns of a newly reopened gravel pit by his home. He stated he moved to this area 11 years ago knowing that there were local gravel pits but pointed out a lightly used gravel pit for many years managed by Brian Towne was just reopened. Mr.
O' Halloran felt he not only has the regular truck traffic from other pits such as Granite State, but now has many 18 wheeler trucks from the newly reopened gravel pit coming the other way, an area where he drops his three young children off, at the corner of Hopkins and Lyndeborough. Mr. O'Halloran asked the Selectmen how long does it take before a gravel pit runs out of sand. David explained it was unknown if anybody would know how much sand or gravel is left in a pit. David also explained this is a grandfathered pit and he can continue to operate without regulations as long as he remains in the same area. Christine confirmed that if the pit is still on the same map and lot, he is still grandfathered. Burton stated he would speak with Kim and Linda of the Assessing office, review the permit and call Mr. Towne to obtain information. He will then contact Mr. O'Halloran with the status.

C. APPOINTMENTS: There were no scheduled appointments.
1. Minutes of November 29, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1.      Planning: As there was no scheduled Planning Board meeting, there were no updates to be given.
2.      Police Coverage - Town Events - Christine questioned how much did the Recreation Department earn at their sponsored dances. Burton stated it was approximately $500.00. It was felt by the Selectmen that the Recreation Department should pay the detail rate out of the revolving fund as they are earning money at these events. The Selectmen also agreed that other towns provide these services at detail rate and if our Police Department could not cover these events, the same detail rate would have to be paid by outside Police coverage. Burton will provide written documentation to the Police Department and Recreation Department confirming this.

3.      FD Benefit Request - A letter to be sent to the Fire Wards regarding their benefit request
 was reviewed by the Selectmen. At this time, Dan MacDonald who was present
 stated they were supposed to get a set of 20 questions approximately 3 weeks ago regarding  
 this insurance issue and they have not seen it. Burton explained they reviewed the list
 of 20 questions and it was agreed to focus on the Workers' Comp law and what the benefits
 are under Workers' Compensation. Burton further explained a letter is to be sent to the Fire
 Wards explaining how they feel this works, providing sources they can refer to, to obtain
 information and an analysis. Once the Fire Wards obtain their information and analysis, they
 can come back to speak with the Selectmen.

Dan questioned the Selectmen if the volunteers go out on a call, are they considered Town employees. The Selectmen agreed yes. Dan stated the other Town employees have full time coverage and what the Fire Department is looking for is a policy that will fill the gaps like the 3 day waiting period if they were to get hurt. He further explained they were not asking for much, a policy that cost $3600.00 per year, which would be something to help retain volunteers, a group of 50 people, which will help keep the volunteer Fire Department. He further stated every town around us has this policy and other towns are going to this policy.

David questioned the policy of $3600.00 and what the value was. He questioned if the policy has paid any claims and stated they could get better value by simply cutting checks to the volunteer Fire Department. David further explained to Dan that this was above Workers' Compensation.

Dan explained the insurance was for the probability should someone get injured. The Fire Department pays 20% of the policy and the town pays $3600.00. Dan requested the stability and support from this office and asked the Selectmen to tell the Town they are putting $3600.00 into supplemental coverage in case something bad were to happen so that volunteers felt okay coming to a call.

At this time Burton explained the workers' compensation covers all of the medical bills and lost wages. George St. John who was also present stated it covers a percentage of the lost wages. He further explained per the NH set rate for volunteer fire fighters, which is around $650.00, if any volunteers make more than $650.00 per week, they would receive the higher rate.
Gordon read from the workers' compensation law and it provides 100% of the state average weekly wage (currently $713) or 60% of their actual gross weekly wage whichever is more, and is tax exempt. Dan stated none of the people should lose $1.00, no-one should take a risk and questioned the three day waiting period. Gordon felt the three day waiting period could be covered if we became self-insured. Gordon also questioned what the $3600.00 policy provided. He felt he was not informed enough and would need this information for the deliberative session. He further expressed to Dan the money was not the issue; it was what did the $3600.00   policy provide.

  It was agreed by all present that a meeting would be held with all of the parties at the same
   time; Burton, Dan, Pete Scheffer of Primax and a representative from the Insurance

Department so that all of the necessary information for clarification of what is or what is not covered could be obtained.

At this time, Gordon asked Dan prior to any meetings, "what are the things you are looking to cover." Dan stated, "he does not want the firefighter or his family to lose $1.00 as a result of volunteering their services to the town. He wants them fully protected as best possible. We are not looking for a million dollar policy. They should not have a risk to them, their family, their children or their financial responsibility. That statement covers it all."

4.      FD CIP - Letter Requesting Info - A letter to be sent to the Fire Wards regarding the Fire Department's CIP request was reviewed with the Selectmen. At this time, Dan MacDonald stated as he could not attend the last Selectmen's meeting, he understood the Finance Committee made recommendations to go forward with the two vehicles; they originally had three but one will hold until next year. He further explained it was his understanding that the Selectmen want him to take a second vehicle out which would leave one vehicle.

Burton stated they are trying to decide if both the pumper and U2 need to be on the warrant next year. The letter explains there are issues that need to be discussed and to come back at the December 27, 2004 or January 10, 2005 meeting to talk about them.

Both Dave and Gordon explained the two issues that needed to be considered, what are the failure modes of this with two items on the warrant and what happens if U2 fails.
Dan explained there is money in the CRF that is ready to go. Dave stated as time goes on and more people move into town they do not understand the money is already there. Gordon also stated they do not have the opportunity to explain like they used to when they had Town meetings.
1.       Conservation Easement - Dupuis Trust
Gordon moved to ratify the acceptance as of December 7, 2004, the Conservation Easement Deed of Richard Dupuis and Jacqueline Smith, Trustees of the Harvey J. Dupuis Family Trust, portion of lot 12-93, 93-19, 93-21 and 93-22, recorded at the Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds, plan #33591. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor.
2.   Carriage Road Acceptance - The public hearing notice was posted in the paper per RSA674: ROA - Christine opened the public hearing. No public was in attendance. The checklists were reviewed and found acceptable. The public hearing was closed at this time.
Gordon moved that we accept the remaining portion of Carriage road as referenced in the Warranty Deed, Station 38-50 and continuing station 0 plus 53, 47 shown on plan 29404. Dave seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1.      Vacation Request - The Selectmen reviewed documentation requesting Don Sims from the
Police Department carry over 94 1/2 hours of vacation time from this year to next year. As he has   used very little time because of his own preference, the Selectmen agreed to allow him to carry over 40 hours for next year but 34.5 hours will be lost. Christine suggested a letter be sent explaining that should he choose not to use vacation time next year, he will not be allowed to carry it over.
2.      Timber Sale Agreement - Christine asked where the landing would be for the Lydia Dodge lot off Cochran Hill Road as the Town is supposed to maintain the access road to the campground when they (the town) use the road for hauling purposes. Burton will get in touch with Kim DiPietro.  
3.      Irwin Family - A letter will be sent to the Irwin family whose son was wounded in Iraq.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT: No comments at this time.

At 9:40 PM, Gordon made a motion to enter into non-public session to discuss an employee evaluation. David seconded this motion. All were in favor.

At 10:44 PM, Gordon made a motion to end the non-public session and enter back into the public session. David seconded this motion. All were in favor.

I. ADJOURNMENT: Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 PM. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton

3.  Downtown Crosswalk Options - The proposed downtown crosswalks were reviewed with the Selectmen. These have to be sent to the state for approval. Burton will contact the Representative from District 5, as a few will have to be approved through the State.
4. 2004 Encumbrances - The encumbrances were reviewed. The Planning Board has
           funds left over from 1988. Gordon asked for a status report on the Master Plan.
5.   Deliberative Session Postcard - A flyer, which is folded paper, will be mailed for the Deliberative Session. Also noted is the Town Reports will not be mailed this year. They will be available March 1 and can be picked up at the post office or bank.
6.  Town Administrator Evaluation (non public).