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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 11/29/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
November 29, 2004
PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
David Woodbury          Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance. Gordon Carlstrom was not present for this meeting.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comments were made at this time.

1. 7:00 PM      John Riendeau   Road Agent

John Riendeau, Road Agent was not present at this time. Burton Reynolds explained John has requested approval to obtain a full time Highway Department employee. The town road mileage was discussed. It is estimated the road mileage count is over the 100 mark and with the new subdivisions recently approved, could be up to 125. The roads are becoming more labor intensive, especially gravel roads. It was also noted there is always a shortage of men in the summer due to vacation time as the Highway Department cannot take their vacations in the winter season due to snow plowing demands.

At this time, Lou Lanzillotti who was present stated the Town has been having these discussions for approval to obtain another highway department employee for years but it gets put off. Both Christine Quirk and Dave Woodbury approved bringing the issue of hiring another Highway Department employee before Finance on December 2, 2004.
2. 7:15 PM      Roger Dignard   Town Hall Renovations

Roger was present to discuss ideas for the Town Hall renovations_ Provided to the Selectmen for review was an updated plan for the existing building, eliminating the elevator to access the second floor. The estimated cost for renovations is in the $275,000.00 range. Plans showed the meeting room would be utilized for office space and a different meeting room would be 12X12. David questioned the load bearing walls. Roger stated laminated beams could be utilized. Burton questioned how would the Town Hall employees work during construction. Roger explained it would be easier for everyone to be out of the area as it would be a 4 to 5 month period. The costs increase if you perform construction room by room_ Ideas mentioned were using the Historical Building possibly for the Town Clerk and Tax Collector. Another issue addressed was the need for storage. The basement cannot be used as it is in a floodplain.

Burton stated he would follow up with Joe Constance regarding copying and converting the current files for more storage but also noted the State likes to see documents in fire safe cabinets or fire safe rooms.

Lou Lanzilloti stated the Town of New Boston is growing like Bedford and we should consider an entire safety complex rather than renovations.

Daniel Teague who was present suggested an addition to the Historical Society building. David explained that they have spoken about this but stated these buildings are both unique and have a lot of character. A concern Roger expressed with an addition is the roof impact with snow. David stated as a town, we should consider not packing in more downtown. All present agreed an addition would create future parking issues and how it will interface with the historical building. In regards to a future addition, Roger will obtain the site plan records for further review.

Daniel Teague also suggested the Historical Society utilizing the upstairs space. The Selectmen stated this would have to be worked out with the Grange. Another suggestion made was to have the meeting room attached to the Police Department.

Lou Lanzilloti stated once again we are growing and are becoming like Bedford. He suggested the Fire Station proposing a Safety Complex (current fire station built in 1972), moving the Planning Board to the Police Station and the Town building would be a great location for the Library.

Ken Lombard asked in regards to the Town Hall renovations what about a chair lift. Roger explained the State's role involved with obtaining permits for public spaces and they expect full elevators.

It was also mentioned that should the Recreation Department obtain a building, it would not help the Town Hall space problem said so above.

At this point all that were present were undecided. David asked if Roger could address the building issues with the Finance Committee on December Stn


1. Minutes of November 15, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1. Planning:
·       Capital Improvements Plan - The Capital Improvements Plan submitted was reviewed by the Planning Board and accepted. Steep Slopes Ordinance - The Steeps Slopes Committee submitted the Steep Slopes Ordinance that was reviewed and accepted. It will now proceed to the Town Meeting.

·       Building Code on behalf of the Fire Department - Proposed amendments for sprinklers was reviewed. Builder Rick Martin had a different opinion than what was being proposed. The amendments were accepted.
·       Beard Road - Applicant Rick Martin submitted a plan for a single lot condo complex equivalent to 23 lots on Beard Road. A Class 5 road would be used to a 3800-foot cul-de-sac. The plan also showed a private road that would be available for emergency services to enter. Amy Alexander of Dufresne & Henry was present and stated she has not seen this allowed in other towns in a single lot development. Questions were raised how the Steep Slopes Ordinance would affect this plan. It was also mentioned this would be a 55 and older complex and questions were raised with children. The hearing was adjourned until December 14 to discuss further.

At this time, Ken Lombard stated Open Space would take an interest in the acreage remaining for open space.

·       Sizemore Truck & Auto - The application to construct lighting was accepted.
·       Tim Bumham- 49 Arrowwood Road - Driveway Application - Mr. Burnham has a steep driveway and would like to cut through wetlands for an alternative access. The application was given until June 1 to be approved. Curtis Hill - 4 lots - The application for a 5th house was required to have a cistern. The Planning Board agreed a cistern would not be required and that a sprinkler in the house could be utilized. Present at this hearing was Kevin St. John who feels he should be treated the same way. Vista Road - Hutchinson Road - addressed were the steepness issues at the intersection with Wilson Hill. The lots on the first curve to the left - discussions with the road committee hearing tonight. Another hearing will occur on December 21 at 7:30. The applicants feel the town owes them an approval.
·       Vista Road - 5-acre lot - The application for the separate 5-acre lot was accepted as complete.
·       Vista Road - 50 Lot Subdivision - (Byam Farm Property) - The applicants submitted plans for a major 50-lot subdivision. As they were not aware of the Steep Slopes Ordinance, they will apply to see how many lots will apply. The applicants wanted to enter on the Class 6 road and exit on Wilson Hill. It was agreed the subdivision would enter off Route 13, at or near Byam Farm.
·       Miscellaneous - Jane Carr of Christy Road submitted a site plan for a day care but it was noted she currently sells glass from her home. Dennis of the Building Department is to inform her to cease and desist. Amy Alexander of Dufresne & Henry recommended the Indian Falls bond be reduced by $150,000.00. The recommended balance is $279314.11 to be returned to the developer.

2. Police Coverage - Town Events - The question was raised should the Police
Department receive all detail rate vs. overtime pay for Town events. Burton

asked the Selectmen if town events (such as the Recreation Department) should be considered overtime. Both David and Christine agreed receiving a "detail" rate is how many of the Police Departments work throughout the state as these events are associated with their jobs. As the question relates to the Recreation Department dances, Christine explained that the Recreation Department earns money from the dances. Further explained was that Chief Greg Begin covers the dances but is on a salary so in effect he receives no pay. It was agreed by all the difference between the "detail" rate and the overtime rate was small and questioned if the change was worth arguing about.
1.      Aggregate Industries Request - Aggregate Industries has two pits that have been inactive. As they are coming to the two year mark and the pits will be considered abandoned, they have submitted a letter to the Selectmen requesting if the inactivity provision of RSA 155-E could be waived. Burton explained he spoke to Mary Pinkham Langer, State Gravel Expert, who advised per the RSA's, the Selectmen do not have the right to waive their request and that the town gravel ordinance is superceded by the State. Burton will advise Aggregate Industries that they must remove material from the pits or it will be considered abandoned and they will have to submit new applications should they desire to remove material in the future.
2.      Fire Department Truck Replacement Schedule - The Fire Department wants to place both U2 and pumper on the 2005 Warrant. Fire Wards, Daniel Teague and Cliff Plourde explained that U2 is an older truck they took from the Highway Department. It will not pass inspection this year and is estimated to cost $7000.00 in repairs. This truck is considered the air truck and does not fulfill the necessary jobs required by the Fire Department. The question was asked if replacement of U2 could be postponed for a year. Ken Lombard who was present supported the Fire Wards stating the truck would not make it. The Fire Wards also explained the truck does not meet the Fire Department's needs and is not reliable. Burton expressed his concerns with the Fire Department request and that the voters may reject other department requests or one of the three Warrant Articles for the Fire Department. It was agreed by all present that the Fire Department request was necessary and that the word needs to get out how the requests correspond to the CIP plan. The Fire wards could put an add in the New Boston Bulletin to explain. Lou recommended several articles be done.
3.      FD Benefit Request: Issues To Look At: Discussed at this time was Accidental Death and Disability. Christine had investigated what the military provides. Should they die, the benefit is $250,000.00; free health care for the wife and children and free college. There are no contributions required from military personnel. Both Lou and Ken spoke stating 4 members of the Finance Committee support this benefit. David asked Burton to inquire with members who have this particular insurance how their experience was.
4.      Preliminary 2005 Selectmen's Budget - The Selectmen were given the preliminary 2005 budget for review. As it was so late, both Christine and David stated they would review the material prior to the Finance Committee meeting

1.  Underground Tanks - David stated they have received the Sanitary Survey Deficiency Report regarding the underground tanks by the Church. A letter will be sent suggesting the Church, Parkers and Town prepare a concrete pad with lip to resolve the underground tank issue.
2.  Town Report Cover - Burton asked if anyone had suggestions for the Town Report Cover. It was suggested to follow up with Brandy to see if she had a special event at the school.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT: No comments at this time.

I. ADJOURNMENT: David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 PM. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton


scheduled for this Thursday, December 2, 2004.  
5.       Town Administrator Evaluation (non public) - This was postponed until Gordon could be present.