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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 11/15/04
Town of New Boston Selectmen's Meeting
 November 15, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
David Woodbury          Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comments were made at this time.


1. 7:00 PM                      Caitlin Widener         Remembering Clifford Nyquist

Caitlin Widener, Colleen Weir, Anna Waller, Kelsey Adams, Ryan Thumb and parents were present to request that the Selectmen consider approving naming of the ball field by the Transfer Station after the recently deceased Clifford Nyquist. Each of these classmates/friends individually wrote a speech that was read to the Selectmen. As Clifford was such a special teenager, they felt it would be an honor to name the ball field "Clifford Nyquist's Field of Dreams." Bob Waller at this time spoke stating he had heard through the kids this is what they wanted to do and as Clifford was a unique individual, it was a great idea.

Present at this time was Lee Brown of the Recreation Department. He also spoke highly of Clifford and concurred with the naming of the field but also shared with those present that he had researched the naming of the field and had reservations. Brought to his attention were three boys from New Boston, who played in the same ball fields, were now in Iraq. Should anything happen to these three boys; they would have to evaluate how they would respond. Lee recommended the Recreation Department assist in purchasing a flagpole and landscaping a particular area. The flag would be raised in his memory. The Selectmen agreed with all ideas but recommended prior to making a decision that the students and Recreation Department consult with Clifford's parents, Leslie Nixon and Dave Nyquist.

At this time, David moved that the Recreation Department, with the advice and assistance of    
the classmates and parents involved, be in charge of presenting a suitable memorial for
Clifford Nyquist. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.

At this time, Brandy Mitroff, who was present stated this should not be held off. She reiterated Clifford Nyquist was unique and that this situation was also unique. Lee Brown stated the memorial decision could be made within four weeks.

2. 8:00 PM              Marcy Morton    New Boston Speaks Group

Marcy was present to discuss with the Selectmen the use of a community board. The board would be for informational purposes only. Classifieds would not be allowed and would be monitored. The board would be 52 inches tall by 36 inches wide and would be made to match the gazebo. Jay Marden has donated pegboard and plexiglass and the paint to be used is stored in the Town Hall. Marcy met with the Historical Society for their input. The Historical Society questioned how it would be attached to the Historical Building and what would be used for lighting. Marcy stated a small light bulb would be used. Gerry Cornett who was present recommended the use of lexan which is UV rated, lasts longer than plexiglass, is shatter resistant and does not fog.

Marcy explained to the Selectmen the group felt this location would be best for the use of a community board. It was felt if it were put in the common, people would be stopping in the road to read the bulletin board.

Burton Reynolds stated he had received a call from Dick Moody who did mention the idea of the community board. He was not excited about it being attached to the Historical Building. David stated at this time the board was not a bad idea but that the group needs to be sure the location and design is acceptable to the Historical Society.

Gordon suggested using the area by the railing of the Town Hall. This area is eye level and provides plenty of parking and lighting.

At 7:45, the Selectmen, Burton and Marcy went outside to view the railing and the area of the Historical Society for the new suggestion. At 7:49 all parties returned. Marcy will provide information received from tonight's meeting to the New Boston Speaks Group for decisions and then report back.

3. 7:50 PM      John Riendeau Road Agent
John was present to give an update to the Selectmen:
Twin Bridge - Currently John is still waiting for the Wetlands Permit. Although the application and fees were sent some time ago, the DES representative is currently working part-time. It is expected the permit will be sent from the Portsmouth location this week. With the delay from DES, Bud Scott has moved onto another job site and will be back tomorrow. Boulders within the ditch line that needed to be moved were blasted, as they were too big to move. The catch basins are being delivered.
Doherty Lane Bridge- Bridge is installed, is now 1/2 back filled and the wall is built up. The mussels are better off staying where they were moved. The guardrail will be installed in a week or so.
Colburn Road - There was a change in post configuration. Dave questioned the request for wooden guardrails by resident Gorden Russell. John stated he has not

heard from Gorden Russell and that the metal has to be used because of the wood
Winter Season - Snow Plowing - Currently the Highway Department is short truck/drivers. They have approximately 11 to 12 routes, which are to be done by four town trucks and one grader. The hired part-time drivers are Bo Strong, Bob LaPointe and Jeff St. John. The Highway Department is down two drivers and trucks since Lee Murray moved out of town.. John explained that hiring trucks is difficult at this time as most trucking companies utilize 10 and 12 wheeler trucks, not 6 wheelers.

Gordon Carlstrom questioned how Foxberry Drive would be plowed since the turn around is gone. John stated they would plow up to the split and turn around there.

Gordon also questioned the area in the road by the church that needs repair. John stated he would look at it.

Burton explained to John that the Recreation Department will be using the 4-H Fairgrounds corral area for ice-skating and asked if the Highway Department would also plow this area. John explained they would plow this area but would wait until after the snowstorm and open up the area with the grader.

4. 8:15 PM      Gerry Cornett   Transfer Station Gerry was present to give an update to the Selectmen:
Scale Hours - At this time the Transfer Station is having an issue with scale users coming in to dump materials five minutes prior to closing for the night. This increases the operation costs to pay for overtime. With the use of the new scales, terry would like to adjust the hours for the scale use and shut down '/2 hour prior to the Transfer Station closing. This will allow the employees to close the plant down in ample time.
Brush Pits - The brush pit is open. Currently it is stacked and pushed back. It is
estimated the pit will be full and ready for chipping in mid summer.
Scale Area Pavement - John has worked on an estimate of pavement materials and
estimates 2600 cubic feet of pavement material.
Steel Roll-up Doors - terry explained to the Selectmen that the Transfer Station will have $100,000.00 left in the budget and would like to replace the steel roll up doors which are 4 roll up doors and two back doors. He has obtained quotes of new doors and/or to repair the doors. To repair these doors more than 12 years old, each door panel will cost $500.00. To have the new doors installed is $2200.00. Tombs Doors had the best price at $10,600.00 to have the doors installed. The Selectmen all agreed with safety concerns of these doors and agreed terry could obtain the new doors.
DES-Self Inspectors - Apparently the Town of New Boston had in the past become registered to handle hazardous materials and has an EPA number. DES is having a meeting tomorrow to discuss becoming self inspectors, which the State has deemed the Town of New Boston become self inspectors to handle hazardous

materials. At this time Gerry has the license to handle hazardous materials but  would not like to pursue this avenue.
Ballfield - Gerry informed the Selectmen the Recreation Department has shown an interest in using the area just before the closed landfill for a ballfield and parking. This area does not have a full fence around the transfer station and there are currently three active vents. The Selectmen questioned if the Recreation Department has discussed this with the Forest Committee which is unknown at this time. Burton will follow up with the Forest Committee.


1. Minutes of November 1, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1. Planning:
Vista Road - 14 lot Cluster - The applicants applied for a waiver through ZBA that was not granted. They will continue with the original plan with a cul-de-sac.
Aggregate Industries /New Boston Conservation - Parker Road - Aggregate Industries has donated a .34 acres of land which is an old right of way (part of the old train track) off Parker Road. Betsy Dodge will research with Bob Todd as there are questions as to the exact lot line adjustment.
John and Jessica Willard - Bedford Road - The applicants purchased a portion of the old 11 acre Foote Farm and have requested to have a lot line adjustment. The applicants also purchased the property of 20 River Road and would like to utilize this building for the Little People's Depot. They will speak to the school to utilize the school road to gain access. There was question regarding this site to support the septic of a day care. They will seek alternative use of composting toilets.
Mr. Gee's - The new plan submitted for an additional service bay was accepted.
Miscellaneous - Circular driveways and Storm Water Protection Plan were discussed.
2.  Taxing of Trailers - Letter to DRA - A letter from George Hildum, Assessor, to be
sent to DRA was reviewed with the Selectmen. David provided a revised closing paragraph. It was agreed the letter would be sent without Christine's signature seeing how she is an "interested party".


1.   Use of Town Forest -The Forest Committee held a public meeting regarding an ordinance for no motorized vehicles on Town land. They are now requesting the Selectmen put this ordinance into effect. Burton will follow up with the Forest Committee to determine the proper procedure to adopt.

2.      PWA Project - Margaret Watkins submitted a letter to the Selectmen explaining a project they would like to participate in. They will request federal money to assess all rivers and streams in New Boston to be sure the culverts are not preventing fish from migrating. The Selectmen wanted clarification on the financial consequences should the river/stream/culvert not pass their inspection. Burton will speak directly with Margaret for further clarification.
3.      2005 Holiday Schedule - The 2005 Holiday schedule was reviewed with the Selectmen approval.  
4.      2005 Selectmen's Meeting Schedule - The Selectmen's schedule was reviewed. There were changes and some meetings will occur on Wednesdays, rather than Monday as there were conflicts with Holidays and Planning Board meetings.
5.      Issues Raised at the November 11, 2004 Finance Committee Meeting - The Recreation Department, Police Department and Fire Department budget were reviewed. Concerns discussed regarding the Recreation Department were whether some maintenance costs of the white building and some groundskeeping expenses should be put into the operating budget or paid for out of the Revolving Fund. It was agreed that only department administrative expenses should be paid for with tax dollars. Concerns discussed regarding the Fire Department were with the equipment replacement schedule. It was suggested as for a possible new fire station the current equipment might be able to be reconfigured to suit the firehouse rather than building a new fire station.


1.     New part-time police officer, Joe Kelley, will have a "badge pinning" ceremony on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 at 4:00 for family and friends at the Police Department.

At 10:25, Burton requested to go into a non-public meeting to discuss commendable recommendations. At 10:25, David made the motion to enter into a non-public meeting.

At 10:40, David made the motion to end the non-public meeting. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT: No comments at this time.

I. ADJOURNMENT: David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:41 PM. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton