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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 11/01/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
November 1, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman David Woodbury                Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comments were made at this time. C. APPOINTMENTS:

1. 7:00 PM      Greg Begin      Police Department Chief Greg Begin was present to meet with the Selectmen regarding the following:
Part-time Police Officer - Chief Begin introduced Joseph Kelley, a full time certified police officer that will be working part-time, 34 hours per week. Mr. Kelley resides in the Town of Deering. He has an interest in a family car sales business in Massachusetts. The Selectmen reviewed Mr. Kelley's resume and asked if they could discuss his right shoulder injury he had in the past. Mr. Kelley explained to the Selectmen that this injury occurred off duty and he treated with Concord Orthopedics who released him from treatment with no issues to his shoulder.

Chief Begin explained his request for a full time police officer for the upcoming Warrant, which he hopes will be approved in March. Officer Kelley understands the Warrant process. He would be available to work full time if the extra hours are approved.

David moved that Joseph Kelley be appointed as a part-time patrolman for New Boston. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.

At this time, Mr. Joseph Kelley was sworn into his new position by Irene Baudreau.

•    Kids Dance - The Chief explained to the Selectmen the Police Department incurred the expenses for the detail rate for the recent "Kids Dance". The Chief requested since this dance was done by the Recreational Department and they charged $5.00 per person at the door, that the Recreational Department incur the added expense of the detail rate. Burton will research which budget this is to be paid under.

Burton also informed Chief Begin the lease for vehicles must contain a "non appropriation clause" in order for a simple majority vote to be sufficient for passage on the March 2005 Warrant.

At this time, Chief Begin asked if a non-public session could be held to discuss personnel issues.
At 7:20, Gordon made the motion to enter into a non-public hearing to discuss personnel issues. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.

At 7:30 David made the motion to enter into public meeting. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.

1. Minutes of October 18, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1.   Planning:
New Boston Community Church - The approval for the addition was given. The dedication will be held on November 7, 2004.
Mr. Gees - The applicant is trying to add an additional bay but as there are no real records of a site review plan, Mike Dahlberg of Dahlberg Surveying will supply a more detailed plan including parking, access and floor plan of the building.
C&G Ledges - Storage Buildings - Whipplewill Road - Approval was given for the first phase/first building.
Bedford Road - Donovan - The lot closest to the road was approved as a buildable lot. There was no action on the back lot at this time.
Beard Road - Right Way Builders - The applicant provided a preliminary conceptual 4 page outline of 23 lots being condexes equaling 46 units which will be for people 55 years or older. There will be open space of 40 acres and does have 38 acres greater than 25% slope. The plan showed a new road of 3800 feet and 1178 foot cul-de-sac.

•     RJ Moreau - This was a compliance hearing as there appears to be
         problematic driveways that slope down.
Carriage Drive - Circular Driveway - The driveway application was
discussed. Road Agent, John Riendeau, requested the driveway be 100
feet.  There is only 69 feet. Discussions will be held with John.
Indian Falls - The driveway applications were approved.
Vista Road, LLC - The applicant requested a variance through ZBA that
 was denied.
Richard Herget/Carol Hayes - A complaint was received regarding the rock picking business. A question arose as to who enforces the regulations on the rock picking business as Dennis Sarette, Building Inspector stated he would not enforce as he does not do gravel. Burton will get clarification as this business was granted under gravel by the ZBA, Planning Board and Selectmen.
Mason Drive/Laurel Lane - Cindy Wilson notified the Planning Board that for the record, she would like to be notified regarding the Mason Drive/Laurel Lane subdivision. Ms. Wilson owns the private road on this subdivision and was not notified of the last meeting.
Wetlands Violation - A letter sent to Dennis Sarette regarding a wetland violation for self-storage was given to the Planning Board.

2. Taxing of Trailers - The Selectmen reviewed a response from George Hildum,  Assessor, regarding the taxing of trailers. There was no clear explanation if it was mandatory or not to tax trailers and that the decision is up to the Town Selectmen. David at this time stated the statute demands all trailers be taxed and that we need to obey the law. David suggested formally asking DRA and copying the Attorney General for clarification.

As next year George will be busy with the assessing "updates", the assessing of trailers will take a lot of work and clarification will need to be soon so the extra work of assessing trailers would not interfere with the "update" project.

At this time Christine questioned if sheds and screen rooms would be added as the 324 sf livable space. The Selectmen agreed that more specifics need to be obtained at this time.

3.  Thanking Volunteers - Burton reviewed with the Selectmen a thank you card that could be used for sending thank you cards to Volunteers for the Town of New Boston. The cost per card is $1.58. The Selectmen agreed that with each card should be hand written documentation. Burton will research other options.

1.      Solid Waste Committee Appointment - The Selectmen reviewed and accepted Steven Burkhamer's application for the Solid Waste Committee.

David moved that Steven Burkhamer be appointed to the Solid Waste Committee replacing Bruce Tostevin whose term expires March 2005. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.

2.      Benefits to Surviving Spouse - The Selectmen reviewed information for the renewal of health insurance. The question arose if an employee or retired employee who is carrying the town's insurance dies, does the Town allow the spouse to continue to purchase the insurance. The Selectmen all agreed the surviving spouse could continue to purchase the insurance.
3.      Planning Board Rotation - David Woodbury will be rotating to the Planning Board as of November 15, 2005.  
4.      Selectmen Coverage at Polls - The Selectmen all agreed upon the time schedules for the coverage at the polls.
5.      2005 Salary Range Adjustments - Burton supplied documentation to the Selectmen regarding the consumer price index. The 2.7% cola will be used.

1.      Emergency Evacuation - The Building Department office was recently utilized during an emergency evacuation. This was an apparent issue as the Building Inspector, Dennis Sarette, was not notified and he came in to begin work.  
2.      Rock Picking - Complaints have been received regarding excessive trucks coming and going to the property of Carol Hayes and Richard Herget on Summit Drive. It has been noted that Carol and Richard have begun the process of building their home and it was not the rock picking business that caused the traffic.
3.      DES - 5 Year Inspection - The property of the Church (Library water supply) recently had their five-year inspection. There was concern about the tanks with fuel lines in the basement that you could walk on that might leak near the water source. Proper containment needs to be designed and installed. A letter will be drafted to the Church and the Parker's suggesting that each participate in 1/3 of the costs.  
4.      Church Street - Gordon noted that it is becoming a walking hazard on the
street outside of the church as it is sinking. Water sits in this particular

 area all the time. Burton will speak to John Riendeau regarding repairing this
5.    Doherty Lane - The bridge should arrive next Tuesday.
6.     Twin Bridge - DES has received the application but as they raised their cost
        from $50 to $100 without notifying the Town, the additional $50 was sent. John   
        is hoping to have the gravel, paving, base coat and binder done, as long as the    
        ground has not begun to freeze.
7.  Transfer Station - The Highway Department brought up crushed gravel last week and the paving will be done by Continental Paving for the scale area in a couple of weeks. Gerry is leaving for Rochester tomorrow as his mother is dying of cancer.
8.   Finance Committee - Thursday there will be a meeting with the Planning and Recreation Departments.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT: No comments at this time.

I. ADJOURNMENT: David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45PM. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton