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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/04/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
October 4, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectmen David Woodbury                 Selectmen
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator
A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: Present at the meeting were the candidates for the State Representative District 4; Andy Roeper of Lyndeborough and Linda Foster of Mont Vernon, who introduced themselves to the board.


1. 7:00 PM      Gerry Cornett   Transfer Station Gerry was present to give an update to the Selectmen:
Scales - The scale company will set, wire and test the scale shortly. By the end of October, the Transfer Station will be able to use the scale and will have completed construction of the scale house. The Highway Department has done 80% of the grading on this project.
Brush Pits - D & S will soon excavate the current brush pit area. When the pit reopens, brush will be chipped instead of burned. This will take 3 to 4 days to complete. Discussion occurred regarding the size of the brush to be brought in by residents. Gerry stated vendors have said they can process brush up to 24 inches. Currently the Transfer Station takes in residential brush under 5 inches. Gerry questioned setting limitations on the volume and size as vendors will come in 1 to 2 times per year which will cost $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 per time. As there was concern larger brush up to 24 inches may possibly be brought in by commercial users with larger volumes, it was agreed by all, the five inch policy would be utilized at this time. The stump processing has not been pursued. The volume of stumps will have to be assessed. Storage for the stumps can be set in the gun range/lower ball field. D&S will take the grindings of the stumps and the shake will be kept, as it now becomes loam. The charge for stump processing is $18.00 per stump.

Christine questioned what happens to the chipping from the brush. Gerry stated the  chips are not left behind, as they become ant attractants. The vendor sells the drippings to Public Service for their energy plant.
Recycle Effort - Gerry informed the Selectmen that at this point, the Transfer Station continues having difficulty with some residents and stated other towns are having the same troubles. He stated there are those who refuse to recycle and utilize "black bags" and just throw into the hopper. As recycling is a mandatory regulation at the Transfer Station, Gordon questioned the use of tickets that would restrict use of the facility. Gerry will work on preparing something for the Selectmen to consider. Should the resident not want to recycle, they have the option to hire a trash pickup service.
Solid Waste Committee - Joe Constance has volunteered for the Solid Waste Committee.
Solid Waste - The tonnage has been less than last year, 286 tons as of September 1, 2004, part due to increased recycling efforts and part improved control of commercial haulers use of the facility.
Hopper - Gerry has advised the Selectmen there is a hopper safety issue with the safety bar. Ken Ward of the Property Liability Trust has suggested the use of a central stanchion with the bars. Gerry will make the changes to address the safety issue.
Loading Dock - Gerry stated the dock has a 6-inch drop off. When the scale house foundation was poured, Gerry had some concrete added to reduce the drop off but there is a 12" gap between the dock and the trailer. Gerry has called Grainger who has an Osha approved loading dock plate that costs $600.00. The Selectmen agreed with safety issues and stated Gerry should order the dock plate.
Access by Friendly Beaver Campground - Currently the Friendly Beaver supplies dumpsters at their campground and has low volume into the Transfer Station but Gerry has concerns of out of state trash. He noted while staying at campgrounds, this does in fact happen. Gerry asked if the Town could come up with a protocol. David stated he would like this protocol to apply across the board. At this time, Christine explained the Friendly Beaver Campground's use of passes. She provided a list explaining who is given a pass to the Transfer Station and the reason for the use. Most listed were to utilize the "swap shop".

2. 7:35 PM      Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bourgeois      Police Station

Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois were present to meet with the Police Department and the Selectmen.

They explained they are new residents and had a trespassing incident occur. As they were so grateful to the promptness and response of the New Boston Police Department and Chief Begin, they donated to the New Boston Police Department a Schwinn

        Mountain bike. Chief Begin and the Selectmen all thanked the Bourgeois' for their kind words and donation.

3. 8:00 PM      Roger Digneault Town Hall Renovations

Roger was present to meet with the Selectmen regarding the Town Hall renovations. He provided the cost of the recommended shaft elevator for the second floor that costs $100,000.00. Gordon questioned the cost for bathrooms on the second floor. This was estimated to be approximately $10,000.00 per bathroom. Gordon asked if stair lifts could be utilized rather than the elevator but Roger stated the stair lifts are non ADA compliant. Both Gordon and Burton have heard comments from CIP members that would like to know if cosmetic renovations done on the first floor would be sufficient rather than second floor renovations. He will provide quotes to be considered once he inspects the building more closely.

1. Minutes of September 20, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Steep Slopes Committee - This committee provided information to the Planning Board regarding steep slopes.
Julie Dillon - Riverdale Road - Riding Stables/Horse Boarding - The applicant was present for the proposal of horse boarding and riding stable. Due to concerns of manure management in this particular area, a deadline of December was given to get the plan done.
Curtis Hill, LLC - Old Coach Road - A letter was received from the Fire Wards regarding issues of 41ots going into 51ots. Discussion occurred regarding three options that were provided; cistern, sprinkler or retro fittings. The Planning Board will review with Bill Drescher as the concerns are with the 4 houses that need to be protected as in the original agreement. There is no more land to build a cistern.
Friendly Beaver Campground - The 40 site plan was approved.
Dodges New Boston Self-Storage - This hearing did not occur as the applicants will obtain a better mapping as 5 to 10 feet of the proposed plan is in designated wetlands. At this time, Lou Maynard questioned the board regarding site walks. As he asked various questions from the Planning Board not related to the above topic, he was told he needed to be placed on a future agenda.
Vista Road, LLC - This hearing was cancelled and will be rescheduled. The applicants are still pursing a variance for their proposed plan with ZBA.

·       Bog Road - Robert Vaughn - The applicant was present regarding the driveway
application presented with a driveway pitch of 12% .
Cell Towers - Wilson Hill - There has been no update if these will be done.
Fraser Drive - Eric Ferris will be working with Chris Bolton in getting the payer
        for Fraser Drive.  
·       Circular Drives - The issue of circular drives was discussed. The circular drives can be done 100 feet between the entrances of a non-feeder road. David brought to the attention that Carriage Road would eventually become a very busy road.

1.      CIP - The CIP's were reviewed with the Selectmen.
2.      Recreation Department - Burton had drafted a letter to the Recreation Department regarding the meeting prior with Lee Brown. It was reviewed and accepted by the Selectmen.  
3.      Equipment Use Policy - An equipment use policy form has been drafted for the employee's manual. Burton will discuss with the department heads at the next meeting.
4.      Walkable Community Grant - Sandy Van Scoyoz, representing a committee formed after the Community Profile has proposed applying for a Walkable Community Grant. The proposal was due by October 15. Background material was provided. It was agreed that Burton would have her submit a letter for the Selectmen to sign in support of the grant. A copy of the application will be provided once completed.

1.      Firemen's Breakfast - David spoke with Betsy Moore Whitman regarding safety issues walking across the parking lot to the Firemen's Breakfast. The Selectmen felt this area does have poor visibility for the vehicles coming down the hill. They all agreed that the first attempt would be to place pedestrian crossing signs that are the lime green signs and go in the middle of the road during the breakfasts.
2.      Trustees of the Trust Funds - Fred Hayes will continue as the bookkeeper for the Trustees of the Trust Funds. Chris Levin will be the minutes taker. Peter Clark will be the chairperson.
3.      Doherty Lane - Hanson has completed the footings. The bridge will arrive in
                a couple of weeks. George Whipple will backfill.
4.      Greg Mill Bridge and Lyndeborough Road Bridges - These bridges are next
                 to be done in 2012 and 2009 respectively.   
5.             River Road Spring -Dennis Sarrette, Willard Dodge, Jim Dodge, and the Highway
     Department will be working together to fix the spring. The plan has been  approved  
     and coordinated by DES.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT: The State Representative Candidates for District 4 at this time thanked the Selectmen for letting them sit in on the meeting and voiced how they heard the same issues as other towns.

At 8:40 PM - David made the motion to enter into a non-public meeting to discuss personnel issues. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.  

At 9:10 David made the motion to the exit non-public meeting. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.  

I. ADJOURNMENT: Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:11PM. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.

EpPrepared by Karen Heselton