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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 10/18/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
October 18, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
David Woodbury          Selectman
Burton Reynolds Town Administrator

A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comments were made at this time. C. APPOINTMENTS:

1. 7:00 PM      Greg Begin      Police Department
Greg was present to give an update to the Selectmen:
Police Car Lights - Chief Begin has recently purchased a new personal vehicle in which he would like to have the lights transferred from his old vehicle to the new vehicle. As Chief Begin does use his own personal vehicle at times for the Police Department, permission was granted to have the lights transferred to the new vehicle.
Vacation Time Request - Chief Begin stated to the Selectmen he has only used 8 hours of vacation for this year and has requested to take his unused vacation time of 100 hours in pay. Burton Reynolds and the Selectmen explained that it is not a Town policy to provide pay in lieu of taking vacation time. Chief Begin explained due to work related circumstances, he could not take vacation time but does intend to use vacation time next year on a trip to San Antonio. It was decided by the Selectmen that the Chief would have to carry over one week of vacation time to the next year and would be paid for the remainder of the unused vacation time given the circumstances.
Over-time - Chief Begin explained to the Selectmen that prior to Officer Joshua Woehl taking vacation, he received a phone call which he was mandated to handle prior to his vacation leave. The Chief felt that this should have been paid as overtime. The overtime policy is to pay for "hours worked" over 40. Vacation time does not qualify as "hours worked". The Selectmen were not ready to make a decision to approve or deny the overtime. Chief Begin will provide documentation for the

Selectmen to review in their determination of this request.
Firearm Qualifications - The firearms were sent out to be armored. Three out of the five had problems. The Police Department is currently looking to trade in these firearms to get new firearms. The Chief stated that it costs approximately $50.00 per gun to be armored and they just recently bought new clips for improvement of the firearms. The cost to purchase new firearms is only a few to $100.00 more than fixing the old firearms due to the trade-in allowance. It is estimated the current guns are 10 to 12 years old. The Chief will provide paperwork to the Selectmen and ask to use left over funds from this year to purchase new firearms.
Sidewalks - Burton provided a recommended plan for crosswalks downtown and asked that the Chief and John Riendeau review to give their opinions. The plan was provided by the committee formed at the Community Profile.
Firemen's Breakfast - The Selectmen discussed with Chief Begin the
safety issues of crossing from the Town Hall lot to the firehouse during the Firemen's Breakfast. It was previously decided that the lime green crosswalk signs would be ordered. Chief Begin also recommended having a parked cruiser down in the area during the breakfasts as a possibility.
Police Department Car Lease - Discussion occurred regarding the option for the March 2005 warrant to lease 3 new cars. Burton has spoken to DRA who stated there must be an escape clause in the lease in order for a simple majority vote to be sufficient.

1. Minutes of October 4, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were noted. David moved that they be accepted as amended. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

E. OLD BUSINESS: Planning:
Steep Slopes Ordinance - This was a public input session with minor
clarifications. There were no major issues. It was noted by Brandy at this time that the committee had held 6 meetings to create this ordinance and that Kim Burkhamer and Bill Weston did an outstanding job with the completion of this project.
New Era Trust - Lull Road - The applicant was present for a subdivision of 5.7 acres from the original of 120 acres. As this was the fifth subdivision from the original lot, it was agreed that the use of a sprinkler or cistern would be needed.

1.      2004 Tax Rate - The new tax rate is $28.90. The increase is .95 cents which is a 3.4% increase from last year.
2.      Use of Surplus - Documentation explaining surplus, how we come to have surplus and how to use surplus was given to the Selectmen to review.
•    Peter Beers - Mason Drive - This application was for a major subdivision.  There was discussion regarding a private road which had been granted previously by ZBA.
Debra Downing - Approval was granted for a major subdivision of two lots.
Dodges New Boston Self-Storage - This was to be a compliance hearing which was postponed.
Miscellaneous - Driveways - Discussion occurred regarding driveway permits and enforcements.
Site Walk - scheduled for C&G Ledges - George Merrill - Whipplewill Road.
Bog Road - Robert Vaughn - As the driveway will be at a 12% pitch, there is concern regarding safety issues should emergency services be needed. A letter from the Fire Department and Planning Board will be sent explaining such concerns.
Lull Road Corporation - The driveway application received for the prior subdivision was approved. A new plan done by Bedford Design for the cluster home was submitted which will now have 16 lots with a cul-de-sac. The applicant will go to ZBA for a special exception for the steep slopes. There are many concerns with this area as there are steep slopes, 2 large aquifers and is close to the Piscataquog River.
Highland Hill - The bond reduction has been done.
AT & T Singular - As AT & T will be merging, they have requested an extension for 6 months.
Caggiano - Bunker Hill Road - As this property is next to conservation land, there was apparently a misunderstanding regarding an easement. As the owner's driveway is on the conservation easement, PWA may require another driveway.
Mr. Gee's - The applicant submitted plans for expansion. As the plan was non conforming, the applicant was asked to submit a detailed site plan review.
New Boston Community Church - The applicants requested a temporary occupancy permit for their dedication ceremony on November 7, 2004.
2.      CIP Committee Recommendations - Recommendations from the committee were discussed with the Selectmen.

3.      Document Charges - The current fee schedule was reviewed with the Selectmen. As the Town has been receiving requests for copies of tapes for ZBA, Planning Board meetings and the Selectmen meetings, it was decided at this time that published charges should be established for these requests. The costs for the tapes will be $5.00 and it will be noted in the fee schedule that for labor intensive requests, additional costs may apply.

Gordon moved the charge of $5.00 be added to the fee schedule. David seconded this motion. All were in favor.

4.       Municipal Conference - Documentation was provided to the Selectmen
for the Municipal Conference in which Burton would like to attend.  
     5.  Steep Slopes Ordinance - This was discussed in the Planning Board
6.     Health Benefits Increase for 2005 - Information has been provided from Benefits Strategy. There has been a 15% increase.

1.      A letter to be sent to the Library Trustees was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen.
2.      Hauling Bid - A bid from Denning was received and reviewed. Due to the cost of fuel and insurance, there was an increase from $165.00 to $225 per haul with a provision for the costs to go down if fuel prices go under a certain threshold. There was also an hourly charge of $65.00 for time spent waiting at the delivery location if he has to wait more than 30 minutes to unload.

H. PUBLIC COMMENT: No comments at this time.

I. ADJOURNMENT: David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:OOPM. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton