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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 06/28/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
June 28, 2004
PRESENT:                Christine Quirk         Chairman
David Woodbury         Selectman
 Gordon Carlstrom       Selectman
Burton Reynolds      Town Administrator
A. CALL TO ORDER: A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:OOPM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comments were made.

1. 7:00 PM      Pearson Lane    Acceptance Hearing

The road acceptance public hearing was held at 7:00 PM for the acceptance of Pearson Lane (Rick Martin of Right Way Builders off McCullom Road). The documentation provided from the Planning Board was reviewed. Gordon made the motion to exit the public hearing. David seconded this motion. All were in favor.

David moved that the Pearson Lane application for public road status be accepted as proposed. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.
The Supervisors of the Checklist were present along with Ken Hajjar of LHS Associates to demonstrate the proposed scanner to assist with the counting of ballots. The machine has been in existence for 12 years in Massachusetts and 10 to 11 in New Hampshire. Many surrounding towns such as Concord, Nashua, Goffstown, Amherst, Weare and Bedford currently utilize this machine. The machine, certified by the Secretary of State, is designed for easy use. The paper ballot is provided to the voter, the selections are marked by the voter and inserted for scanning by the voting machine. The votes are then tallied at the closing of the polls by the machines. For any write in ballots, the scanning machine senses and these are dropped into a different slot within the machine which are hand tallied. The cost for the voting machine is $6250.00 with a two-year warranty. Delivering and training is included. Ongoing cost estimates for election programming and ballot printing were provided. Due to the cost, it was suggested by the Selectmen that this vote counting machine be put on a warrant. The Supervisors of the Checklist and Moderator strongly endorsed obtaining this machine
2. 7:05PM
Supervisors of the Checklist    Voting Machine

as the current process has unpaid volunteers counting ballots which could possibly end after 1:00 AM. It was also mentioned that hand counting errors can occur due to the late and long hours involved in the hand counting process. The growing population will only further exacerbate an already strained situation.

Ken Hajjar has agreed to allow the Supervisors of the Checklist to utilize the machine for just the programming and ballot printing costs (with no obligation) for the upcoming March 2005 election.
A Public Hearing was held for the Barn Preservation Easements. The Selectmen each performed site walks and had documentation provided to them by George Hildum, Assessor. The applicants present were Roger Noonan, Rhoda and Winfred Clark, Janet Nixon, Richard and Elizabeth Moody and Geoff Katz. Each applicant provided a brief history of their barns and explanation for their request for the Barn Preservation Easement.

At this time, Gordon Carlstrom excused himself for the hearing of Roger Noonan.

Roger Noonan of Colburn Road provided the history of the old Colburn barn in which at one time the property was a "farmers mansion". The barn had been utilized as a dairy barn then later used for apples and cider. Roger currently utilizes this barn for his farming business which raises livestock and grows vegetables. The barn is in need of repairs that Roger would like to have done to utilize more space for the livestock. David questioned the eligibility of the ell portion of this barn. Per the assessor, the upstairs appears to be finished with heating ducts. Roger noted that George Hildum did not go inside and would like to have him enter this portion of the barn. The Selectmen agreed upon 50% of the barn value of $38,400.00 for the qualifying abatement. The Selectmen asked that Roger submit a plan of action for repairs along with a time frame. Roger agreed the easement would be for a 10-year commitment.

David moved to grant the applicant, Roger Noonan, a 50% abatement with the stipulation of written plans and time frame per the discussion of tonight. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.

Winfield Clark and Rhoda Clark of Bradford Lane provided the history of their barn built in the 1920's. The property at one time was a horse farm. The family has tried to preserve the estate of open fields. The barn has 6 stalls and a tack room and was referred to as "gentlemen's stable". It also stored farm equipment. The Clarks would like to preserve this barn for as long as they can.

The selectmen agreed the barn was in no immediate need of repairs at this time and granted a 50% abatement with a 10 year easement.
3. 8:00 PM
Barn Preservation Hearings

David moved to grant the applicant, Rhoda Clark, a 50% abatement with a 10 year easement. Christine seconded this motion. All were in favor.

Janet Nixon of Old Coach Road provided a brief history of this property and included photos from the early 1900's. The barn had housed cows and horses. The back side needs repairs and as Ms. Nixon is the primary caretaker would like to have the abatement for assistance. Ms. Nixon explained that she has provided a portion of the property of 72 acres to conservation so that it may never be built upon, and will soon have the NH Preservation Alliance look at the barn for preservation also. The Selectmen agreed a 50% abatement would be provided along with Ms. Nixon's request of a 30 year easement so that the barn will remain the same way into the future.

David moved Ms. Janet Nixon be granted a 50% abatement with a 30 year easement. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.

At this time, Gordon Carlstrom excused himself for the hearing of Richard and Elizabeth Moody.

Richard and Elizabeth Moody of Baker Lane provided the history of their home and barn which was originally owned by Abraham Cochran and built in 1756. The Moody's are the third family to reside at this residence. The barn is an original barn in need of repairs and to date is still being utilized to house many horses and equipment for a horse riding facility. The Moody's are also currently working with the State Historical Society for recognition of this property. The Selectmen agreed on a 75% abatement with the 10-year easement given that it is a working agricultural barn.

David made the motion to grant a 75% abatement for 10 years. Christine seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Geoff Katz of the Apple Barn provided the history of the Apple Barn which was a barn/creamery dating back to 1877 as part of the buildings owned by JR Whipple. This particular building was unique as it was classified as part of the farm but not attached to acreage. The barn was later utilized for apple storage. At a later time, this building became zoned commercial and Jeff has tried desperately to preserve its agriculture history. He noted it currently needs a new roof and he is trying to save the building. Rather than demolishing the building, he is currently transforming this building to office space.

The Selectmen concurred that this building had significant history but could not at this time arrive at a decision for abatement due to the current use to be office space.

The Moody's, Mr. Noonan, Ms. Nixon, the Clarks and Brandy Mitroff all concurred that this building should be preserved. Mr. Moody stated that this building is also

being referred to the State Historical Society, as it to should be preserved due to the history.

The Selectmen explained the reason for this abatement was to preserve the current state of the building today and felt it was conflicting because the building was being renovated for office space. They agreed they would adjourn this hearing for another two weeks until they can see the plans for the upcoming renovation of the building to office space. Burton will obtain the building plans from the Building Inspector.

David moved to adjourn the hearing for the Apple Barn. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.


1.      Minutes of June 14, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes. Corrections were
noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended. Gordon seconded the motion. All were in favor.

1. Planning:
Christine Pedzik - The application for the dog kennel site plan was approved.
Indian Falls - Approval was given for a 14 lot subdivision with
conditional use permit for shared driveways.
Julie Dillon - Horse Riding Facility - A site walk is scheduled for
 July 6, 2004 for a horse riding facility.
Friendly Beaver Campground - Approval was given for the toilet
Vista Road - The applicant was present with new plans for subdivision of 36 homes vs. the 50 that were presented at prior hearing. The property has 111 acres of open space, 20 wet, 20 steep slopes and 20 house lots. The applicant presented a plan to donate 111 acres to the town utilizing cluster home use. If the submitted application was not approved, the applicant presented to the board to utilize all of the area for 72 homes.
2.   Evaluation Primer Revision - The Selectmen reviewed the documentation   provided by Burton Reynolds regarding raises being tied to performances.


1.      Heating Oil Bids - Bids from Putnam's, Fuller and Irving for heating oil were reviewed. It was agreed to receive oil from Putnam's at $1.17 per  gallon.

2.      Town Common - Due to complaints received about cars parking on the Town Common, consideration will be given to a sign noting additional parking is available at the school.  
3.      Planning Board Appointment - As the Planning Board has recently received the resignation of Christopher  Johnson, Bob Furey will replace this position.

David moved that Bob Furey be appointed as full member of the Planning Board. Gordon seconded this motion. All were in favor.

4.      Vacation Request - A vacation request was received from Mike Sindoni, reviewed and approved.
5.      Preserving Old Town Documents - Joe Constance, a Library Trustee and Ann Ames, the librariann at St. Anselm's who is an expert in preserving documents, will be working on cataloging and preserving the old town records now in the large walk-in safe at the library. Approval was given to obtain Mike Spaniol who is an intern at St. Anselm's at $12.00 an hour to assist in the process.
6.      Rotation Change - Selectmen Replacement to the Planning Board - Christine Quirk will be attending the July 13, 2004 Planning Board hearing. As it is time for the rotation change, Gordon Carlstrom will now attend. A site walk scheduled for July 15, 2004 for Daniel Donovan of Rosemeadow will occur in which both Christine and Gordon will attend.
7.       Six Month Financials - The six month financials were given to the Selectmen by Burton for review. Due to the late hours, the Selectmen agreed to postpone the review of these financials to another scheduled Selectmen's meeting.
1. Lightning Damage - Currently the Town has received over $13,000.00 in bills for
lightning damage, excluding the highway department. Burton is currently awaiting     receipt of more bills. Once the money is received from the insurance carrier, it will be applied to the line item established for all these expenses and offset the costs except for a $1,000.00 deductible.
2.    Resident Request - A letter was received and reviewed by the Selectmen from Donna
Mombourquette requesting the Selectmen's signature for the Local River Advisory Committee through the NH DES. Because she is an abutter to a proposal about to go before the Committee, the Selectmen decided not to appoint her at this time.
3.   Recreation Department - Christine attended a rescue call for the Recreation Department
in which a child was hurt from an empty portable basketball hoop. Christine noted the forms provided do not have a waiver to treat anyone injured.  It was agreed by the Selectmen to have the waivers submitted to Attorney Leslie Nixon for review and updates.

4.     Dog Licenses - Christine questioned the process of the dog licenses in which the
Town Clerk is to obtain charges in fines if resident dogs are not licensed. Burton is to research with Irene.
5.     No Camping Ordinance - Betsy Dodge has requested an ordinance be set in place by
the Selectmen for no camping on town conservation land. Betsy does not want to post signs. Paperwork was provided by Burton in which Mark Hewitt had worked on an ordinance for the town dated August 27, 2003. David questioned if the Conservation Committee has the power to make their own rules and Burton is to research the statute.
6.      Barking Dogs - A letter received from a resident regarding barking dogs at a licensed
       kennel on High Street was reviewed by the Selectmen.
7.        NH Retirement System - Information on using the system was shared with the
8.         Transfer Station - Kevin Dimmitt has resigned from his position at the Transfer   
        Station. His replacement is Kruse Burkhamer.

I. ADJOURNMENT: Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:20PM. David seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton