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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 04/28/04
PRESENT:                Gordon Carlstrom                Chairman

                                   David Woodbury                 Selectman

                                   Christine Quirk                    Selectman

                                   Burton Reynolds                  Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  Burton and the Selectmen commented that the party for retired road agent, Lee Murray, went well and thanked Willard Dodge for his contribution to the event.


           7:00PM                       Bonnie Koch                        Transfer Station

Bonnie Koch was present to give the Selectmen an update on the transfer station and Willard Dodge explained the mechanical differences regarding the trailers.

   * Transfer Trailer – Bonnie has received two separate bids for the trailer, one from Steco and the other from Donovan, both with and without the trade-in of the old trailer.  Steco will allow $4800.00 for the old trailer, whereas Donovan offered $1500.00.  Bonnie has recommended purchasing the trailer from Steco.  Discussion involved the floors, sides, roof, rib spacing and also the weight of the trailer.  The new trailer will have added bracing on the sides for additional strength.  The total cost of the new trailer is $38,275, minus the trade-in value of $4800.00 for the old trailer.  The Selectmen authorized the purchase of the trailer.  Dave made a motion to allow Bonnie to spend $33,475, the net cost, for the purchase of the new transfer trailer.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
   * CIP – Bonnie also suggested reducing the life of the trailers in the future from fifteen years to ten years, based upon growth of the town resulting in an increase in hauling.
   * Trailer Maintenance Schedule – Based upon recent inspections of the trailers, Bonnie and Willard also suggested that each trailer be inspected every other month for maintenance.  Willard suggested using Bill Matheson of New Boston Trucking & Equipment due to his knowledge of heavy equipment.
   * Hopper – Bonnie is going to try and cover twelve to fourteen feet from the hopper, extending over the trailer, to reduce the amount of moisture that gets into the materials.  This will help to reduce rust and corrosion to the trailer as well.

7:20PM           Al Bell                        Wilson Hill Road

Al Bell, developer, and Nic Strong, planning coordinator, were present to discuss concerns regarding the use of a portion of the Wilson Hill Road extension as an entrance to his development.  The details of the intersection were talked about with regard to design and public access to the remaining portion of Wilson Hill Road.  The remaining portion of the Class VI road will remain open to the public, but drivers will be warned that the road is not suitable for passage by vehicle.  Dave made a motion to support Al Bell’s upgrade of a portion of Wilson Hill Road from Class VI to Class V specifications as required by the planning board, from

Station 0-Station 1250 on the plan and profile of the Wilson Hill Road Extension, dated February 24, 2003 by Sanford Surveying & Engineering.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Mr. Bell’s engineers will make suggestions regarding the intersection and Burton will send notices to the abutting property owners for an early June public hearing.


           1.  Minutes of April 14, 2003 – The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of April 14th and made minor changes.  Dave made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.  Planning – The following items were addressed at the April 22nd meeting:

·        AT&T Wireless/Wilson Hill Road – The planning board is reviewing the zoning ordinance under the personal wire service and it has revealed that in order to maintain and service the wireless tower, the access portion of Wilson Hill Road would have to be upgraded to a Class V road.  AT&T has stated that the increase in traffic on that portion of the road would be one maintenance truck per month.  Adjourned until 5/27/03 at 7PM.

·        Timothy White & Cheryl Chrisner/4 Lot-Line Adjustments – Lull and Beard Roads – The adjustment is being done to create two buildable lots.  The property abuts Beard Pond, which has shore line protection according to the State’s Great Ponds.  Bob Todd is checking into the matter and will report back.  Adjourned until 5/13/03.

·        Indian Falls Subdivision/Campbell Pond – This compliance hearing was denied due to Campbell Pond Road not being in compliance.  A second site walk will be scheduled when requirements have been met.

·        Nissitissit Development/McCurdy Road – 15 Lots – Conservation was in attendance on the site walk on Saturday.  There are questionable wetland issues on the property.  The planning board instructed the engineer to reconfigure the lots to reduce the impact to the wetlands.

·        Al Bell/Wilson Hill Development – An application for a 32 lot subdivision was submitted.  Approval of the preliminary plan was granted with two conditions; the Selectmen’s approval to upgrade part of Wilson Hill Road to Class V, and further investigation of the wetlands on the property.

2.  Court Leave Policy – Burton got the Selectmen’s approval of the Court

Leave Policy as written.

3.  Mont Vernon Perambulation – The Selectmen will meet with Mont Vernon Selectmen to locate town markers on Saturday, August 23, 2003 at 8:00AM.

4.  Farmer’s Market Signs – The Selectmen authorized the placement of a breadboard sign on the town common for the day of the market only.  The sign should not exceed four feet in height.

5.  Adelphia Activations – Burton informed the Selectmen that he is being notified by Adelphia regarding cable installation locations and that he has a contact person to call with questions.  Christine reported that the men installing the cable are using foul language over the radio, and that anybody could be listening.  Burton will give Bob Nelson a call regarding the language on the radios.

6.  Numbering on Leach Hill Road – There are only two homes, not three homes on Leach Hill Road, therefore, numbering will continue to be off Roby Road.


1.  Primex Conference – Burton will be attending a conference in Concord on May 28th.  He will be attending a morning seminar on planning/presenting approvable projects, with the new library in mind, and an afternoon seminar on hiring.  In the evening there will be a session on using legal counsel.

2.  Car Wash/Town Parking Lot – There has been a request by the Masiello Group for permission to hold a car wash in the town parking lot as a fund raiser for the Playground Association.  The Selectmen have no objection to the car wash, but Dave questioned the Masielllo Group’s interest in the Playground Association.  Burton will see what he can find out.

3.  Recreation Revolving Fund – Burton and Patti Oakes, recreation directior, met with Steve Plodzik, the town’s auditor to go over setting up the budgetary categories.  Items will be assigned either to the Town or the

revolving fund.  There will be an offset for revolving fund expenses with income for the exact amount.  The extra funds will go into the revolving fund account.  The operating budget will show those expense categories to be funded by taxpayer money.  The Selectmen reviewed the categories and discussed the revolving fund along with CRF’s.

4.  Town Audit – The Selectmen signed a letter stating that all records were shown to the auditors.  Burton reported that the audit went well and everything balanced.  Tim Lamy requested that the DARE account be audited.  The auditors had no knowledge of the account from the past.  Steve Plodzik gave the bookkeeper instruction on how to prepare the data for this account and he will then audit the account.  This account will be handled by the bank manager at Bank of NH in the future.  Burton also reported that the unreserved fund balance gained $390,000, bringing the total up to $1,262,000.  A percentage of these funds will again be used toward reducing the tax rate set in the fall.

5.  Supplement to Workers Compensation Payments – Tim Lamy is now receiving workmen’s compensation and would like to add the value of his accrued sick days as a supplement.  Tim would like to continue to send money to his retirement fund.  The Selectmen authorized the use of sick days as a supplement to workers compensation.  Tim should be able to resume “light duty” work four weeks after surgery, but the need for light work needs to be determined by the police department.


6.  Grant Acceptance Process – Burton discussed the process with Steve Plodzik, town auditor.  Steve explained that grants are off-budget, and that there has to be public notice and a public meeting, along with the

Selectmen’s minutes granting approval for application of grant money.  If the grant is for one hundred percent, then the department can apply for the grant.  If it is a 75/25% grant, then the twenty-five percent must be found within the budget.  A department cannot over-expend the town budget in order to take advantage of a grant opportunity of this kind.


1.  Property Deeding – Burton reviewed the list of properties in town with the Selectmen that are up for deeding.  St. John property on Old Coach Road has sold.  The first issue of tax bills will go out on Friday, May 23, 2003.

2.  Ordinance Reviews – Speed limits will be reviewed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

3.  Clark Hill Road Deeding – The deed for that portion of Clark Hill Road in front of David & Patti Smith is ready for signing and the Smiths have been asked to select a Monday evening to meet with the Selectmen for signing of the deed.

F.  NEW BUSINESS(cont’d.):

           7.  Personnel Issue (Non-Public)

A motion was made at 9:30PM by Dave to enter into a non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (c) in order to discuss a personnel issue.

Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.

Dave made a motion at 9:40PM to exit the non-public session according to RSA 91-A: 3 Section II (c).  Christine seconded the motion.  Each member of the board was polled individually and all were in favor.


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  A motion was made by Dave to adjourn the meeting at 9:41PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano