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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 09/20/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
September 20, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        Gordon Carlstrom                Selectmen
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made.  


1.  7:00 PM                     Lee Brown               Recreation Department          

Lee Brown of the Recreation Department was present to give an update to the Selectmen:  

·       Rebuilding of the Grandstand – Lee had provided to the Selectmen draft copies of the grandstand done by Dave Haley.  Different set up scenarios where displayed showing the grandstand that would provide 206 seats, would comply with handicapped accessibility, have a dugout, press box and community bathrooms.  Zoning issues were discussed and the plans were given to Dennis Sarette of the Building Department who had concerns on the property line.  As there is no property line information, the perimeter of the property will be surveyed by Mike Dahlberg of Dahlberg Land Surveying.  

·       Playground Association – Lee questioned the Selectmen as to the authority the Recreation Department has in making long-term agreements with the Daniels/Playground Association.  The Recreation Department has undertaken a lot more responsibility in the care of the property, mowing of the grass, removal of the garbage, electricity, etc.  The Commissioners feel the Recreation Department should work out a long-term agreement with the Playground Association.  Per the RSA’s, the statute offers the Recreation Department the abilities to go into contract for use of recreation facilities and programs.  The Playground Association has concerns of what the Town would like to do with the property.   The Selectmen discussed their concerns about having taxpayers pay for the services and the rebuilding of the grandstand without any long term lease agreement or ownership.  Dave suggested prior to the Recreation Department making any agreements that they get current information on the Playground Association.  It was also recommended that should negotiations begin to also include the other property across the river in the best interest of the Town.  Any leases should be recordable leases with longtime extension. Christine Quirk mentioned that at the meeting with the Playground Association, there was talk about signing over the property to the Town but as long as it remained a ball field.  
·       Multi-use Building – The Recreation Department will be meeting with the School Board tomorrow evening to discuss the skateboard park and the multi-use building.  As the Recreation Department is currently working on various ideas, Lee questioned the use of revolving funds vs. capital fund for old building repairs or a new building.  
·       Ice Skating – The Recreation Department will be utilizing the 4-H Fairgrounds for the winter carnival and ice skating.  The Recreation Department would like to obtain approval from the Selectmen to utilize a security remote camera in case of vandalism or any other security issue.  The Selectmen all agreed and approved the use of the remote camera.  

        2.  7:30 PM       Karen Heselton        Temporary Trailer Permit Extension  

Karen Heselton was present to request a three-year temporary trailer permit extension while in the process of building their home.  As it was agreed that three years may not be necessary, because of the one time extension process, the request was granted.  

Gordon moved that the three-year extension be granted to Karen Heselton.  David seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  


1.      Minutes of September 7, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

        1.   Planning:
Vista Road, LLC – The applicant has submitted a revised plan for 15 lots with a cul-de-sac and will try to get the variance overturned regarding the driveways.
Dan & Carol Townes – So. Hill Road – As there was a question if this application would be a major or minor subdivision as there would be remaining land that could be subdivided again, it was agreed that night by the applicant it would be a minor subdivision.   
RJ Moreau – Wetland Crossings – was approved.  
New Era Trust – The applicants were present to subdivide a 5-acre parcel off the original 102-acre parcel.  
Bill Matheson – Route 13  - Gordon was not present for this discussion.
Peter Beers – Laurel Lane - The applicant was present for major subdivision.
Debra Downing – Saunders Hill – The applicant was present for a subdivision to split the property with a new portion to be a pasture.    
Lull Road, LLC  – West Lull Road -  The applicants were present with plans for a 19-lot cluster home subdivision.  They showed another version with many 2 acre lots.   Due to the wetlands, river and the grade in excess of 25% , they were advised to submit a new plan with fewer lots.
Site Walk – Dodge Self Storage – There was a site walk for the expansion of the self storage.   The Conservation Department and DES will be reviewing as there was a concerned party.     
2.      Personnel Manual Revisions – Burton Reynolds provided to the Selectmen copies of the Personnel Manual Revisions for review and comments.  

1.      Bank Account Proposal – Burton is researching bank account charges for insured deposits.  
2.      Assessment of Trailers – George Hildum, Assessor, has provided information from the Supreme Court regarding the taxation of trailers over 320 square feet.  He asked the Selectmen to review the material and inform him if the Town of New Boston is to tax trailers.  

Christine Quirk stepped down at this time to discuss her concerns of taxing trailers/campers.   She stated the decision to tax trailers/campers is decided by the Selectmen.  She noted if the town were to tax trailers/campers, these owners are entitled to the same services as any other New Boston resident.  Should an owner of a trailer/camper not pay their tax bill, how do you place liens?  George will be asked to follow up with DRA for their recommendations.       


1.      Voting Registration - Christine was present in the Town Hall to see a stranger who stated he was currently residing at the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Friendly Beaver Campground trying to register to vote.  After obtaining the stranger’s information, it was found this person was not a registered camper at the campground.  The Town Clerk has been notified.
2.      Parker Road - Bill Brendle of Parker Road informed the selectmen that
trucks currently hauling gravel and stone may not be covered, as they appear to be losing some of their gravel and rocks at the intersection of Howe Bridge and Parker Road.
3.      Bedford Road – The request for the blind driveway sign by Mica Stark of 680 Bedford Road was investigated by Chief Begin and John Riendeau of the Highway Department.  It was their feeling because of this particular area, that a sign would not be beneficial.  John plans on reclaiming the ditch area next year and at that point they may be able to improve the visibility.
4.      Badges – Burton questioned the need for employee badges.  It was agreed at this time that the only departments in need would be the Police Department and George Hildum, Assessor.  
5.      Foot Traffic- A draft of foot traffic and crosswalks needed was provided by Randall Parker.  The copies will be forwarded to various departments for review.
6.      Other - David Woodbury has received a complaint on the burn pits.  He also received a call regarding a resident receiving a speeding ticket in which she felt was not correct and would like to contest.
7.      Employee Reviews – The Department Head reviews will be scheduled for non-public in the next Selectmen’s meeting.  


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  Gordon made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:39PM.  David seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton