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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 09/07/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
September 7, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        Gordon Carlstrom                Selectmen
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance did not occur at this time as the meeting took place in the Building Department.     

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made.  


1.  7:15 PM                     John Riendeau                   Highway Department         

John Riendeau was present to give an update to the Selectmen:  
1.      Doherty Lane Bridge and Colburn Road – Guardrails – The guardrails on Doherty Lane Bridge and Colburn Road are scheduled to be replaced.  John has obtained quotes for a wooden and metal guardrail.  The “Core-10” metal guardrail is made to rust and have the rustic appearance.  The guardrail is made to meet federal standards and is used in areas that are traveled 35 miles an hour or above.  These rails are used when federal monies are involved.   For Doherty Lane, the cost of the “Core-10” which is 184 linear feet is $8,435.00.  The timber guardrail which is measured to be 196 linear feet (using 6x8 or two 4X6 wood) is $8,975.00.  For Colburn Road, the cost for the wooden guardrails is $9,970.00 and the “Core-10” is $9575.00.  The Selectmen discussed the need for maintenance on the wooden guardrail that must be maintained every few years by spraying a preservative on the rails.  John has received comments from a resident that he would like the wood used on Coburn bridge and would assist if needed.  It was agreed by all present that the “Core-10” would be used on both the Doherty Lane Bridge and Colburn Road.  If the resident would like to assist in the balance for the wooden rail, the wooden guardrail would be used on Colburn Road.  John was going to present the decision to the resident to see if he would prefer to assist in obtaining the wooden guardrail.  Wood guardrail can be used if the speed limit is under 35 miles per hour and no federal funds are involved.   

1.      Doherty Lane Bridge Repair – Currently John is awaiting the footings to be poured by Hanson that should be accomplished next week.  These must “set” for two weeks.  It is estimated it will be three weeks before the span is ready for delivery.  The power lines have been moved.  
2.      Twin Bridge Road – The road work will begin within the next few weeks.
3.      Bedford Road – The road work for the shoulders was done this week.
4.      Equipment  - John has obtained a price for a new loader of $141,000.00 from John Deere.  With the trade in value of $23,000.00 for the old loader, the total for the new loader will be  $118,500.00.  John is currently working on prices for new trucks, which will cost higher due to the rise of cost in steel, which has risen 35% within the last two weeks.  John is also waiting for prices from Mack and Peterbuilt for trucks with 6 and 10 wheels.  The CIP schedule has a dump truck being purchased in 2005.
5.      Thorton Road – Tree Removal – John has spoken to a resident on Thorton Road who would like to have the town remove approximately 8 dead trees.  John will go out to look at these trees to be sure they are on town property.  Gordon also asked if John would look at dead trees that are on Lull Road.    John would like to have money entered into the budget each year for tree removal.   
6.      Blind Driveway Sign – Burton has received a request from Mica Stark of 680 Bedford Road for a blind driveway sign.  It was agreed that the cost of this sign would be the responsibility of the resident.  John will visit the location to see if the vegetation in the corner by the stonewall could be trimmed to help the visibility.  
7.      Letter of Appreciation – Corrections Department – Burton asked John if he had reviewed the letter to be sent to the Corrections Department thanking them for their assistance with the Walker and Thorton Road projects as well as the staining of the highway shed and preparation of sand bags.  All agreed on the letter.  John stated they did a good.  
8.      Department Head Meeting – Burton confirmed with John that there would be a Department Head meeting tomorrow at 9:00 AM.  

2.  7:40 PM                     Roger Dignard                   Town Hall Floor Plan
Roger Dignard was present to give an update to the Selectmen:  

Roger explained the building is 42X80 which is 3360 square feet.  Of this, 2000 square feet is usable office space.  His objective was for the town offices to be reorganized.  He provided sketches to the selectmen and stated there are “too many pieces and not enough space”.   His thoughts were to either utilize the current meeting room as office space or add an elevator to use the upper floor as office space.  He spoke of a recent renovation done in New London utilizing three floors and the basement.  The basement in this location could not be used because of the low ceilings and being located in the flood plain.  It was discussed about the restraints of space on all sides of the building.  A centrally and protected storage area was also discussed.  Burton also mentioned looking  seriously at offsite storage or microfiche as currently the Town is using fireproof cabinets, which are much heavier, and impinge on the floor.  

Christine mentioned concerns of the town growth and Gordon stated that the town needs to provide a meeting place for the residents and also noted the upstairs is not ADA compliant.  Christine asked Roger what he recommended for space needed and asked what would be the estimated costs for a new building.  If going with new construction, Roger recommended a 4000 square foot building, estimated costs of $150.00 square foot exclusive of site purchase.  If renovating the current building, he estimated the interior costs to be $75.00 square foot on the conservative side.  Roger also recommended building into the budget some funds to properly furnish the various town offices.    

David stated he would like to get more use of the second floor.  Christine questioned if the Grange has a lease, which it does not, but does have an agreement.  

Roger will now provide a detailed memo with the costs for a new building and costs to renovate the town hall with an elevator.  Because the Town Hall is in a flood plain, the elevator room could not be put in the basement.  There is also a new elevator on the market that provides the “machine in a shaft” which eliminates the elevator machine room.  

Lou Maynard who was present at this time asked that the flood plain issue be reassessed, as it was his understanding when the dam came out, the flood plain changed.   Roger explained that through FEMA, it is now at a higher elevation and stated the flood plain is now 3 feet above the floor church.  

Roger will get back to the selectmen with figures to present for CIP.  


1.    Minutes of August 23, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections  were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1. Planning:  
        August 10,  2004
9.      Julie Dillon – Riverdale Road - Riding Stables/Horse Boarding – The applicant was present with a proposal for a horse boarding and riding stable.   She is to present another plan.   
10.     Curtis Hill – Old Coach Road – 7 Lots – Research is to occur, as there is a note in the previous subdivision plan that a cistern would be required for future development.  Information has been sent to Bill Drescher to see if the regulations have changed as there are already 4 lots.
11.     Jeffrey & Jacqueline Fillmore – Hopkins Road – 4-Lot Subdivision – There were concerns that some land for this subdivision was in Mont Vernon and the plans have been sent to Mont Vernon for review.       
12.     Friendly Beaver Campground – Christine and Thomas Quirk – Subdivision for 40 sites – a site walk was scheduled.  
13.     13-15 Hopkins Road/Joseph Swiezynski – 9-Lot Subdivision – Salisbury & Hopkins Roads – Approval was given.
14.     Middlebranch Produce – An extension for 2002 to 2003 – Amendment to site plan was reviewed and approved.
15.     Carriage Lane – A resident on Carriage Lane wanted a circular driveway and installed one.  A neighbor also wanted a circular driveway, applied for a driveway permit and was denied.  They started construction on this driveway.  As this is a code enforcement, Michelle Brown of the Planning Department is to follow up with the Building Department.  
16.     Seff Enterprises – The driveway applications were submitted with incorrect documentation.   They need to be resubmitted with the correct addresses.   
17.     Steep Slopes Conservation Committee – A meeting at 6:30 prior to the Planning Board is to occur regarding Steep Slopes on September 14, 2004.  
18.     Old Town Records Project – The old town records at the library are being    inventoried and begun to be stored in acid free folders.  Burton is to follow up next week on the project.  
19.     Selectmen CIP Items – Reviewed was $28,000 for the library roof repair, $50,000.00 for eventual improvements to the original Wason portion of the library, the Town Hall roof, the re-evaluation of 2006 and 2011, the near term fire truck replacement schedule that involves M1, M2, U-2 and the forestry truck which is a 1965.  
20.     Bog Road – Bog Road is the next road scheduled for an upgrade.  John is currently waiting pricing from D&S.    
21.     Road Improvements - The Planning Department has put together a list of monies that were collected at the time a subdivision was approved and set aside for road improvements.   John uses these funds when an improvement project is done on the road.  
22.     White Buildings Lease – The lease has been revised and reviewed.  It now looks okay.  
23.     Town Hall Border Project - Pat Jennings is currently working on the borders of the Town Hall.  She has encountered an area where there is electrical running into the building.  She will not do much with the area.   The Selectmen felt using stone would be fine instead of flowers.  


1.      Blind Driveway Sign Request – Addressed above with John Riendeau.  
2.      Letter of Appreciation – Corrections Department – Addressed above with John Riendeau.  

1.      Hand Tub  – Bea Pierce has signed off the old insurance policy and given the remaining money in the old account ($3,796.78) to Karen Johnson, Treasurer, for a special revenue fund to be used for repairs, etc., until the funds are gone.  The hand tub is now under the Town of New Boston insurance policy.  
2.      Terry Knowles – Terry Knowles who gives seminars to Library Trustees has contacted Burton regarding a letter she received from the Library Trustees.  
3.      CIP – Meetings will begin on Thursday, September 23, 2004.   
4.      So. NH Planning Board – Moni Sharma of So. NH Planning will be retiring.  Bo Strong and Brent Armstrong will attend the retirement party.  
5.      Spelling of Christy Road – Burton has received a letter from Walter Leach Sr., explaining the name Christy with “Y” was a memorial of a girl riding her horse who fell off and died.  The Selectmen all agreed that this was substantial and to trace the old town records prior to any changing of the spelling of the road name.  
6.      Transfer Station – Barbara Walker has been back to the Transfer Station.  The Johnsons have spoken to both Barbara and her parents.  
7.      Seminar – There will be a seminar on Thursday, October 7, 2004 for High Performance Town Buildings covering  CIP, build or renovate and needs assessment.  
8.      Recreation Department – Burton has received a letter from the Lee Brown of the Recreation Department.  They are currently working with the Playground Association to have the grandstand rebuilt.  The Recreation Department will have the property surveyed. They would like town assistance in the warrant article.  It was discussed this may be problematic as the Town does not own the land or grandstand and Burton is to check with DRA.  


Brandy Mitroff was present and asked the Selectmen the status of the AT & T cell tower planned for the Town Hall and at Wilson Hill.   It was explained by Burton and the Selectmen it is unknown if they will continue further with the towers as they are merging with another company and may not continue providing personal phone service.   

Lou Maynard was present and asked the Selectmen the status of the Planning Board’s Minutes of their last meeting of August 24.  He questioned if they were done and what happened to the 72 hours limit by law.   Burton was unsure of the status of the Planning Board’s minutes but did explain the process for corrections and revisions.    

Brandy explained he could ask for a draft copy or handwritten notes and could obtain these under the “Right to Know” law.  

Lou then asked the Selectmen if there has been any discussion or if anybody has brought up the topic on the lawsuit against the town?  He further asked if the people in question, are they going to be asking the town for the town to pay the lawyers fees.  He then asked the Selectmen how big was the town’s policy.  The Selectmen stated they could not answer his questions.  Given that a suit has been brought and he is a party to it, communication at this point must be between the lawyers of the two sides.   
I.  ADJOURNMENT:  David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20PM.  Gordon seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Karen Heselton