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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 08/09/04
Town of New Boston
Selectmen's Meeting
August 9, 2004

PRESENT:                Christine Quirk                 Chairman
                        David Woodbury          Selectman
                        Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator

A.  CALL TO ORDER:  A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Christine Quirk at 7:00PM beginning with the Pledge of Allegiance.   Gordon Carlstrom was not present for the meeting.  

B.  PUBLIC COMMENT:  No public comments were made.  


1.  7:00 PM                     John Riendeau                   Highway Department        
John was not present at this Selectmen’s meeting.  An update was to be given regarding the bids for Twin Bridge, but at this time, John is still awaiting bids from contractors.   

        2.  7:20 PM                     Mike Sindoni            Recreation Department
Mike was present to give an update to the Selectmen.  Also present was Lee Brown.  

1.      Skateboard Park – Mike expressed his strong concern regarding the lack of programs for teens.  He has been working with the Youth Department of Corrections and the Plus Group, groups who assist teenagers.   The Recreation Department applied for grants through these organizations to fund the skateboard park.  As 70 organizations applied for the available funds, there was a three day interview process allotting 15-minute intervals for each organization.  The Recreation Department requested $35,000.00 to fund the skateboard project and received $18,000.00 in grant money.  Mike would like to have town involvement in the construction of the park, purchase of the equipment and supplies.  Christine questioned the prior proposal for the site work and equipment as the quotes were for $25,000.00.  Currently the kids involved in the skateboard fund have raised $3,000.00.  There will be additional fund raising events such as Mapadot Apple Picking and the kids would also like to rent skate park equipment to perform a demonstration to raise public awareness.  

Christine asked if the skateboard rink could also be used for the ice skating rink.    The answer was “no” but they are considering use of the 4H grounds for an ice skating ring as was done last year.  Burton asked that the Recreation Department work with Chief Begin on a town ordinance that addresses hours when public facilities are open.    
1.      White Building Lease Agreement – Mike and Lee will be meeting with the school board as they too have concerns regarding the lease agreement that will make the town responsible for major repairs with the building.  
2.      Teen Programs – Mike is currently working on programs for teens.  He will test the interest in Karate classes this fall.  The Recreation Department would also like to arrange dances for both children and teens.  There is also adult basketball for men and women but no gym time for teens.  
3.      Virtual Town Hall – The Recreation Department is ready to go online with the Virtual Town Hall.  
4.      Picnic – Friday, August 13, 2004 will be the Senior picnic.

        3.  7:55 PM             Roger Noonan            Barn Preservation Easement  

Roger was present to provide in writing his intention and timelines as requested from Gordon for the Barn Preservation Easement.   Roger noted his concerns as to why he had to have specific repairs/improvements with timelines and the other applicants did not.  The lists were reviewed with the Selectmen but it was decided that since Gordon was not present, a decision would be deferred until the next Selectmen’s Meeting.   David and Christine both agreed that Roger might not want to have the timelines due to legality issues.  


1.  Minutes of July 26, 2004 - The Selectmen reviewed the minutes.  Corrections were noted.  David moved that they be accepted as amended.   Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  

1.      Planning:  No updates were given as Gordon was not present.    
2.      Retirement Plan Letter – A memo that will be given to employees regarding the Retirement Plan was reviewed by the Selectmen.  
3.      Boston Post Cane – A replica had been obtained from the Town of Peterborough.  This cane will be given to the oldest resident of New Boston and the original will be on display.   Whether the resident will get to keep the replica is to be decided at the next meeting.  


1.      Selectmen Rep to CIP -  Gordon has been recommended for Selectmen Rep to CIP.  
2.      Selectmen CIP Items – The Selectmen CIP items were reviewed with the Selectmen.   
3.      UNH/Municipal Assoc Survey – Burton received and will complete a survey from UNH/Municipal Association regarding use of the private sector to perform some municipal related functions.   
4.      Finance Schedule – A schedule has been sent to all departments.
5.      Defibrillator Placement – A request was received from Dan MacDonald regarding the purchase of a defibrillator which could be placed in the Library.   It was decided that the Town Hall, Police Department, ambulance and rescue truck currently have defibrillators and this would be sufficient at this time.   
6.      Library Budget/CIP Letter:  A letter to the Library regarding the Library Budget/CIP was reviewed with the Selectmen and approved.  


1.      Conservation Commission – Joe Nangle of the Conservation Committee would like approval for Kim Burkhamer to be appointed to the Conservation Committee.  Burton will discuss with Kim to be sure there is no conflict.   
2.      New Boston Tracking Station - A letter was received from the New Boston Tracking Station inviting a senior day-to-day staff member and one senior elected official to meet with them to explain their mission and to see the facility.  It was decided that Burton and Christine would attend.  

Personnel Issues – Non-Public:  At 9:00 PM, David made the motion to enter into a non-public session to discuss two situations.  Christine seconded this motion.  All were in favor.    

The Town Administrator discussed two situations and was instructed to seek guidance from town counsel on both.    

At 9:16 PM, David made the motion to exit the non-public session.  Christine seconded this motion.  All were in favor.  


I.  ADJOURNMENT:  David made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:17PM.  Christine seconded the motion.  All were in favor.
Prepared by Karen Heselton